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Research Grant Application

Student Information

Last Name Fanelle Gonzalez Rodriguez Myslinski

First Name Danielle Adriana Thomas

N-Number N00906232 N01236371 N01052844

Major Nutrition and Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Dietetics


GPA 3.84 3.90 3.45

Expected April 27, 2017 April 27, 2017 April 27, 2017

E-mail Danielle.Fanelle@g acgr89@gmail.com myslinskitj@gmail.co

address mail.com m

Literature Review & Project Proposal

Title of project: Using Bioelectrical Impedance and a Blood Lipid Panel to evaluate the risk of metabolic
syndrome in college aged participants taking sports supplements

1. Write a grant proposal consisting of your hypothesis or research question, significance of

the research, a brief literature review, methodology, and expected outcome. Write your
proposal for a general audience. (750 word maximum)

Research Questions:
1) How does bioelectrical impedance compare with air displacement plethysmography in
assessing body composition? 2) Is there any association between body composition and lipid levels in
individuals who intake supplements and exercise frequently? This is part of a larger project in which the
overarching goal is to understand factors associated with supplement intake in order to provide more
nutrition education.
Significance of the research
The findings from the proposed research will be an important step toward the development of
better guidelines for the use of dietary supplements. Considering the growth of dietary supplement
industry and the lack of rigorous testing that is required by federal agencies before dietary supplements
enter the market, it is of utmost importance to understand and influence factors related to dietary
supplement use.

Literature review
Dietary supplements are marketed as improving overall health status and cognitive function.1
Since 1994-2014, dietary supplement sales have increased from 4 billion to 27 million dollars.1 Not only
is the average population emerging itself in this usage, but also 25-30% of both military personnel and
athletes regularly consume supplements for ergogenic aids.1 This causes an area for concern due to
reports of adverse effects resulting in supplement intake.1 This is alarming because in a survey conducted
on 462 physically active collegiate students, about 397 of these individuals reported supplement usage
through energy drinks, dietary supplements or prescribed medication for ergogenic aid purposes.2 This is
alarming because in a survey conducted on 462 physically active collegiate students, about 397 of these
individuals reported supplement usage through energy drinks, dietary supplements or prescribed
medication for ergogenic aid purposes.2
As the popularity of dietary supplements use grows, its important to understand its effects on
lipid markers including total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides (TG) and overall health markers amongst active
individuals. Due to the limited studies targeting ergogenic supplementation, this study is largely
exploratory. To understand the effects of supplementation on active individuals, measurements of body
composition is essential. Using BIA is a very efficient way to best measure body fat as it is fast, simple
and noninvasive. BIA is based on different electric current that will pass at different rates based on the
subjects tissue composition and hydration status.3 One tool that can accurately measure body
composition is the air displacement plethysmography known as the Bod Pod. This chamber is considered
a gold standard that can provide valid estimates of fat body percentage.3 After collecting data from the
BIA, body composition results will be compared between both anthropometric measurements.
This project is innovative because the research will help us understand the effects of
supplementation amongst active individuals by assessing their body composition and lipid panels.
Ultimately, this will help to better understand the health effects of dietary supplement intake and, more
importantly, to achieve our ultimate goal of designing better educational tools to educate our community
about dietary supplement uses and contraindications.

We will recruit 150 participants from the RISE study, which is a cross-sectional study examining
the relationship between dietary supplement intake and biological markers of inflammation and oxidative
stress. Participants from the RISE study will be approached to participate in this study, and upon
signature of the consent a finger prick will be done to obtain blood for the lipid panel, which includes
analysis of total cholesterol, LDL, TGs and HDL-cholesterol. In this procedure, a drop of blood is
collected into a 40-microliter capillary tube and transferred into the Cholestec LDX Analyzer. In this
study, we will use a multi-frequency 8-point bioelectrical impedance machine known as seca mBCA 514
to measure body composition, which requires that participants stand on a platform while holding handles
for 17 seconds. To answer question 1, we will compare the body composition data from bioelectrical
impedance with air displacement plethysmography, and to answer question 2, we will compare data from
the lipid panel with the body composition data.

Expected Outcome
This grant will allow us to understand the relationship between the use of dietary supplements
and its effect on body composition and lipid markers.

Write a 250 word abstract for your proposal. (This abstract will be used for the OUR
There are several publications on dietary supplements and its effect on ergogenic performance.
However, there is limited research of dietary supplement intake and its effect on clinical lipid markers and
body composition in active individuals. This study sets to measure the effects of dietary supplementation
in active individuals and to measure its effects lipid markers and body composition.
The first test utilized in this study is a finger-prick cholesterol test. This test provides immediate
results on blood HDL, LDL and TGs. The second test will be using a multi-frequency bioelectrical
impedance test to calculate body composition, particularly fat mass, fat free mass and visceral fat.
Having these data, we hope to provide education to the community about the effects of these dietary
supplements. With the optimism of discovering significant findings,we hope that our community will be
up-to-date with science based-research before taking any kind of supplementation.

1. Knapik JJ, Trone DW, Austin KG, Steelman RA, Farina EK, Liberman HR. Prevalence, adverse
events, and factors associated with dietary supplement and nutritional supplement use by US navy
and marine corps personnel. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016; 116(9): 1423-1442.
2. Hoyte CO, Albert D, Heard KJ. The use of energy drinks, dietary supplements, and prescription
medications by United States College students to enhance athletic performance. J Community
Health. 2013; 38(3): 575-580.
3. Ricciardi R, Talbot LA. Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis in the evaluation, treatment, and
prevention of overweight and obesity. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2007; 19(5): 235-241.

Time Schedule

4. Create a timeline for implementing the various steps of your project. The more
detailed and specific your timeline, the better able reviewers will be to determine if the
project is feasible. (400 word maximum)

1. Fill in the budget table below. Adjust the table below as necessary (e.g., add/subtract
row(s)). Please note that this budget is for student spending only.
Project materials Cost Comments

Cholesterol Cassettes $935 $11 per participant (11 x 85 = 935)

Capillary Tubes $40.50 $13.5 per 50 participants (40.5)

Lancet $15 $15 per 100 participants

TOTAL $990.5

Travel Cost Comments

N/A 0

Approvals and Funding

6. Does your research/scholarship project involve human subjects? Highlight your
Yes - I have applied for and received IRB approval and will provide the Office of
Undergraduate Research with a copy of this approval.
Yes - I will apply for IRB approval and will provide the Office of Undergraduate Research
with a copy of this approval.

1. Does your research/scholarship project involve animal subjects? Highlight your

Yes - I have applied for and received IACUC approval and will provide the Office of
Undergraduate Research with a copy of this approval.
Yes - I will apply for IACUC approval and will provide the Office of Undergraduate
Research with a copy of this approval.

1. Does your research/scholarship project involve the use of recombinant DNA or

biohazardous materials? Highlight your response.
Yes - I have applied for and received IBC approval and will provide the Office of
Undergraduate Research with a copy of this approval.
Yes - I will apply for IBC approval and will provide the Office of Undergraduate
Research with a copy of this approval.

1. Have you applied for and received funding from other sources? If so, where from?
What amount are you receiving?
1. Have you been awarded a grant from OUR before? Highlight your response.
1. Is this a group proposal?
Student's Preparation & Relevance to Future
1. Convince the committee of your interest and ability to carry out the proposed
project. Explain why this project is important to you and what role it plays in your
development--personal, academic, and/or professional. Explain how engaging in this
project will impact your future. (450 word maximum)

Danielle Fanelle (150)

This project has been of great interest to me since its introduction. I was immediately
drawn to this project because, having spent 12 years as a competitive figure skater the field of
sports nutrition always enthused me. In this field, I was always particularly drawn to the study of
supplements, and I am very interested in this study of supplements is not universally understood
or defined.
This project is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, after completing my
undergraduate, graduate and the three required years of work experience, I intend on applying to
a Doctorate of Clinical Nutrition program. A large component of this program includes research
and completing a doctoral project. By assisting my other peers write this grant, conducting the
study, and analyzing data and subsequently writing the final paper, this will provide a surplus of
knowledge and experience that will prove to be very valuable.

Adriana Gonzalez (150)

This research study is important to me as it will allow me to better understand
supplements and its effects on metabolism. In 2014, I graduated from Nova Southeastern
University with a bachelors degree in Exercise Science. During this time, I emerged myself in
undergraduate research in the field of sports nutrition. While working with athletes and active
individuals, I noticed many of these individuals were taking supplements. It was evident that
many of these individuals were not aware of their supplement ingredients or its metabolic
effects. This concerned me and as a result, I became a certified sports nutritionist to further
expand my knowledge in nutrition and supplement use.
As a future dietitian, I always put my best efforts forward in not only my academia, but
towards everything I do. With the experience I gather from this study, I will be able to better
assist athletes/active clients in the future.

Thomas Myslinski (118)

This study brings an intrinsic value to all modalities of my academics, personal and
professional growth. I grew up in the weight room, son of former professional athlete and now
professional strength coach in the NFL. Through playing Division I football and now being an
intern strength coach at UNF, I understand firsthand the importance of nutrition on the elite
athlete as well as the common person. As a future strength coach and sports dietitian the research
applied in this study helps move me towards the knowledge and application to become a more
well-rounded and knowledgeable dietitian. I hope to be the best I can be at all aspects of my life
and this advances that initiative.

1. Discuss your course work and other experiences that will enable you to accomplish
this project. (200 word maximum)
The University of North Florida has provided a great foundation of knowledge that can
be utilized to complete this project. Our classes Advanced Nutrition Metabolism I and II,
Medical Nutrition Therapy I, and Anatomy and Physiology I & II have helped develop an in-
depth knowledge of the metabolism of all micronutrients and macronutrients, several chronic
disease states, proficiency of the organ system, musculoskeletal, lymphatic, cardiovascular and
endocrine systems.
In our research team, Adriana was part of two different exercise sport science research
studies. Throughout her experiences she was able to diligently gather data, professionally interact
with subjects and expand her critical thinking abilities. In addition, Thomass experience of
being the son of professional strength coach gave him unlimited access to learning opportunities
from the strength coaches as well as the sports dietitian. Having played college football and now
interning he gets to apply his experience in the sports performance realm all while continuing

Faculty Mentor's Information

Faculty Contact Information:
Last Name: ____________________
First Name: ____________________
Department: ____________________
Position: ____________________
Email Address: ____________________
University Extension: ____________________

1. Write a letter of support for the student applying for this grant. This letter should
include information such as feasibility of the project, students ability to complete
the project in accordance with the timeline, and any other information that might
help the committee make their decision. (500 word maximum)

1. Describe the steps you will take to ensure that the student completes the project in
an ethical and timely manner. How will you help the student complete this project?
(250 word maximum)

1. Fill in the budget table below. Adjust the table below as necessary (e.g., add/subtract
row(s)). Please note that this budget table is for faculty spending only.

Project materials Cost Comments

Cholesterol Cassettes $715 $11 per participant (11 x 65 = 935)

Lancet $15 $15 per 100 participants

Travel Cost Comments

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