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Program Studi : 1. Perbandingan Agama 2. Tafsir Hadits
3. Ilmu Sosial
Jl. Sunan Ampel no: 07 Ngronggo Kediri telp. (0354) 689282



Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2 Hari / Tanggal :

Semester/Kelas : Genap / PA/ Khusus Dosen Penguji : Nur Akhlis, M.Pd.
Program Studi : Perbandingan Agama Waktu : 100 menit
Jumlah Mhs : 29 Sifat : Closed Book


Traditions tell us that the Black Stone was originally white. The Black Stone is a sacred
stone of Heaven, which God gave to Adam. During the great flood when Noah built the Ark, the
stone was lost and was cast up on the top of Mount Qubais.
When Abraham visited his son, Ismail, who lived near the Kaaba, the Angel Gabriel
appeared and told Abraham where the Black Stone could be found. Abraham carried out the
Angel’s instruction, found the stone incorporated in the Kaaba.
Before the advent of Prophet Mohammad the Black Stone was again lost and great
confusion swept over the people. When it was found it became the subject of great conflict
between the tribes. The problem was to which tribe the Black Stone belonged and who was
responsible for the replacement in its proper place. A solution was finally decided between the
tribes. The person who entered the holy place at dawn on a certain day would be the final judge
of the fate of the Black Stone. The decision was not made public to the people. It happened that
Mohammad himself, before he achieved his prophethood, entered the sacred shrine first.
Mohammad gave the judgment. A great sheet should be brought and the Black Stone
should be put on the middle of it. Representative of each of the conflicting tribes should take up
the sheet and carry it to the Kaaba. Mohammad himself should take the Black Stone and place it
in its position in the wall of Kaaba. So, the Black Stone originated from the Stones of Heaven, is
now part of the Kaaba.
One day Omar ibn el Khattab, the second khaliph, stood before the stone said: “I know
that you are from Heaven. I am kissing you only because the holy Prophet kissed you and advised
all his followers to do so”.

Please write (T) if it is true and (F) if it is false.

………. 1. The Black Stone was white before.

………. 2. Abraham knew precicesly where the stone could be found.
………. 3. Omar Ibn el Khattab did not want to kiss the Black Stone.
………. 4. Abraham found the Black Stone at Mount Qubais by accident.
………. 5. Mohammad was the first person to enter the holy place.

Please Answer these questions!

1. What happened to the Black Stone during the Great Flood of Noah?
2. Who lived near Kaaba, when Abraham visited his son?
3. How did Abraham find the Black Stone after the great Floods?
4. When was the Black Stone lost for the second time?
5. Why did the tribe quarrel, although the Black Stone was found?
6. Who entered the Holy Place first?
7. Where did Mohammad place the Black Stone?
8. Who gave instruction to kiss the Black Stone?
9. Who bears witness when pilgrims kiss the stone?
10. What is the Arabic word of Black Stone?

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