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G E T T I N G S TA R T E D + 8 W E E K C H A L L E N G E

Secrets for developing
the Unbeatable Mind
and Mental Toughness!
By Mark Divine
G E T T I N G S TA R T E D + 8 W E E K C H A L L E N G E

Secrets for developing
the Unbeatable Mind
and Mental Toughness!
By Mark Divine
Unbeatable Mind Copyright 2013-2014
by Mark Divine

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage
and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Mark Divine,
except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.


WELCOME! I APPLAUD your bold decision to join the Unbeatable Mind community,
and am excited to mentor you on your path to self-mastery! Together we will cultivate
your mental toughness, hone your confidence, enhance your focus, and forge your
leadership character. You are embarking on a path which will change the way you
see yourself and the world around you. This program is comprehensive and requires
a level of commitment uncommon in todays society. Beginning with the 12 monthly
Foundation Course lessons you will build a powerful new models for thinking, act-
ing, feeling and making decisions. Over time, you will develop the skills of a master.
The foundation lessons will accelerate you toward your goals, but is just the begin-
ning. After the foundation lessons you will move into Advanced Training where you
will refine and deepen your skills in the 5 Mountains. Enjoy the journey and heres
to your success!

The Unbeatable Mind training framework integrates and translates best practices
in the human performance development in the following areas: physical skill, mental
acuity and toughness, emotional control, awareness, intuition, leadership, teamwork
and forging a indomitable warrior spirit. I draw from several traditions, most notably
the Navy SEALs, other less modern martial arts, and the ancient human development
system of Yoga. The unique value of UMA is in the integration, translation, testing
and molding of these various best practices into the first truly integral human per-
formance training system. It is a model that I have personally followed through trial
and error for 25 years with great success. I started teaching a form of the UM model
and philosophy in 2006 and have now taught thousands of Special Ops and other
professionals through the SEALFIT Academy, Kokoro Camp and the Unbeatable Mind
Academy. Our Spec Ops candidates have a 95% success rate at their respective train-
ing regimens and testimonials of breakthrough success from all professionals abound.
This program works, if you work it!

Journey of a Thousand Miles

Yes a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, but many people step
in the wrong direction, wander all over the place or quit somewhere along the way.
Lets discuss how you can stay committed, focused and motivated. I would like you to
commit for the long haul with UMA. It takes sustained behavior for months to develop
new habits and it takes many more months until those habits forge a new character
and define your destiny. So for optimal results commit now to UMA as a long term
lifestyle, beginning with the Foundation Course content and practices.
This is a richly experiential program with the deepest learning coming through
training and practice - not simply by reading the documents and watching the videos.
Daily training will be in the form of training the skills of UM introduced in each les-
son. Take it one lesson, one month and day at a time.

Getting Started
The Unbeatable Mind member site is your primary access point for this program.
You will gain immediate access to the Welcome Center, Resources and Lesson One.

Then monthly you will be alerted by email that your next lesson is available. Simply
log-in to view the new content. Subject Matter Expert calls are held monthly (noti-
fication is via an email alert or the Facebook Group page). Unless you came in on
a free trial, you will have immediate access to the Unbeatable Mind Training Guide
and Workbook, archived podcasts, a Knowledge Exchange to kick start your training.
I highly encourage you to become an active participant in the community via the
Facebook Group and Knowledge Exchange right away. The peer to peer learning is a
powerful tool for accelerated development. In the community spaces members and
Coaches share successes, challenges, inspirational quotes, books they are reading,
resources and other valuable information that will support your journey.

Philosophical Foundation
Whenever you start a new journey you use a map to chart the route to your des-
tination. The map, or philosophical foundation, for Unbeatable Mind is outlined in
the Training Guide and videos. Your destination is nothing short of self-mastery. The
philosophy is further refined through the written lessons and insight videos of the
Foundation Course. Each lesson builds upon earlier lessons in a layering process. Les-
son one informs lesson two, and so on. Each lesson also introduces practices such as
Warrior Yoga, Breathing and Visualization which form the basis of your daily practice
sessions. The philosophical principles of UM include:

The First Premise winning in your mind before you enter the arena, part
one and two
5 Mountain Training and the Warrior Disciplines
Integral Warrior Development
Fear Stress and Courage, and Physical Training
Mental Development
Emotional Development
Intuition and Awareness Development
Cultivating Kokoro in your life
Becoming an Authentic Leader
Building Winning Teams
The Way to Mastery - Seeking Effortless Perfection
Advanced Training Plans Workout programs, Challenges, Practices, and
training videos from SEALFIT Academy, HQ skill training, Unbeatable Mind

Seminars, Subject Matter Experts, Coaching and more.

The 8 Week Challenge

To kick start things I challenge you to 8 weeks of committed daily focus. This
isnt hard60 days will be over before you know it. The purpose of the challenge is
to help you commit to a long term focus. I want you to experience the transformation
that will come from putting UMA to work your life. The 8 Week Challenge will forge the
foundation upon which to build your own Unbeatable Mind and will provide powerful
incentive to continue as prescribed. Here are the specifics of what I am challenging
you to do during your first 8 Weeks:

1. Do the morning ritual daily even if just for 10 15 minutes.

2. Start a Positive Focus journal track 5 positive things you accomplished
each day for first 60 days (of course you may continue this valuable
practice as part of your evening ritual).
3. Commit to a major challenge before the end of 60 days such as 20X
Challenge, Kokoro Camp, a Spartan Race, or, if you prefer, a non-physical
challenge such as quitting drinking or smoking. This will be very personal
and at a level appropriate for you.
4. Start a functional physical training regimen (if you are not doing so
already). Follow the 8 Weeks to SEALFIT program, SEALFIT Online
Coaching, join a CrossFit gym near you or get a good coach.
5. Read at least one great book every month.
6. Implement the SEALFIT warrior diet recommendations.
7. Engage in the UM Community

The First 30 days

DAY 1:

1. Download the Training Guide book and workbook and read to get a feel for
the foundational concepts.
2. Watch the Getting Started Video.
3. Clear space to train. This will be different for everyone. You will certainly

need to choose a space to work in your home ideally a separate room from
your bedroom or office. Choose a space where you will have privacy and
wont be interrupted by family, phone, TV. Also, ensure your family knows
you are starting this program, and to expect that you are going under for
a block of time every morning and / or evening. Also, clear space in your
schedule and mind by looking at what you can give up or set aside to make
more time for the UM work. You will need to commit to getting up earlier,
or removing some other unproductive item from you daily routine (such as
TV, News, Drinking, or other idle time).
4. Set your intention and goals for the 8 Week Challenge and write them down
in your journal.

DAYS 2 TO 7:

1. Watch the Warrior Yoga 101 video and Read the Morning Ritual document.
2. Download and start using the Unbeatable Mind Focus Plan document.
3. Start to experiment with the morning ritual.
4. Finish the Unbeatable Mind book.
5. Start to look at things you can improve in your diet and commit to making
one change in your diet. I recommend you start by eliminating sugar.


1. Join the Unbeatable Mind private Facebook Group (see the link for the
Unbeatable Mind Community in the UM site and request to join the
Group). You will be accepted within 48 hours. Introduce yourself, browse
the questions and responses from other members, and ask questions of
your own. Leverage the experience of those that have gone before you. This
group is ONLY for UM trainees and is not viewable by the general public
it is a safe zone.
2. Block time and view remaining videos and listen to audio files.
3. Download and read Lesson one PDF The First Premise and begin to
integrate the exercises and practices into your weekly plan.
4. Strengthen your morning ritual with your morning questions, then box
breathing, warrior yoga, and visualization.
5. Start journaling and reaffirm your commitment to the 8 week challenge.
6. Continue to eliminate sugar and add grain based products to the blacklist.

Dont be too rigid on yourself with the fueling at this point, rather develop
awareness of how you eat and shift your focus away from these food groups
and onto healthier food.


1. Practice Warrior Yoga and the Still Water Guided visualization daily in your
morning ritual, or in the evening, or some other opportune time during the day.
2. Integrate the What Dog Are You Feeding exercise into your daily routine.
3. Work on the other exercises and journal your thoughts, experiences,
4. Listen to Subject Matter Expert calls and schedule some time to listen to
past calls that look valuable to you at this stage of your training.
5. Continue to refine your fuel plan. There will be more information later on

Each of these practices and exercises will be covered in detail in the Foundations
Course lessons. Your daily practice is very personal and unique to you. If you already
do yoga, tai chi, chi gong or some other martial arts practice please feel free to stick
with that in the morning rather than doing Warrior Yoga. Or perhaps you will sprinkle
the Warrior Yoga in with your other routine. The important thing is to do this daily,
and combine the moving practice with the seated silence practices. We are working
on our body, mind and spirit in ourselves, with our teams and in our organizations
throughout the program.
If you are new to functional fitness, start to practice the Squat and other basic
functional exercises the push-up, pull-up, sit-up and running. We will ramp up our
physical training monthly. If you are training on a dedicated plan but it is not a func-
tional fitness plan, start to look at the SEALFIT.com or USCrossFit.com workouts and
integrate into your program. There are many exercise videos I have done that are on
YouTube and found at SEALFIT.com.

Second 30 days
The Second 30 days you will be developing your mental focus and clarity with
the First Premise principles witnessing, interdicting, redirecting and maintaining
a positive and powerful mind set. This work is critical and ongoing. Expect immedi-

ate results and positive benefit from your practice of the What Dog are you Feeding,
Still Water Runs Deep and KISS Exercises. The secret sauce to these is daily prac-
tice. Our mind is a wild beast and must be tamed, which takes a lot of training and
practice. Even when we feel it is under our control, it needs to be maintained like a
high performance auto needs to be maintained. If you take your eyes off the ball and
think I got this, no need for further work, you will immediately start to backslide
until you feel compelled to pick up the practice again. Dont beat yourself up when
this happenswe all go through it. The way of the warrior is a daily commitment to
training and practice, in its many forms.


1. Consume the content provided in Lesson 2 and review Lesson 1.

2. Consider your 5 Mountains and how what you are doing now fits a 5
Mountain Training plan.
3. Physical what does your physical training plan look like? Is it purposeful?
What are your goals? Do you have a Coach? Do you look at physical training
as a necessary evil or something you love to do and plan to do until the day
you die? Commit to a higher level of trainingthis week!
4. Mental what do you do for mental training now? School? Reading?
Meditation? Spell it out and add it to your training plan.
5. Emotional what do you do for emotional development now? Most will
say nothing so dont feel bad if that is the answer! Lets add authentic
listening to your plan and start to work on it now.
6. Intuition and Awareness what do you do now? If your answer is Box
Breathing and Warrior Yoga then good for you! Those are important - do at
least one daily if possible.
7. Kokoro what is your challenge? Perhaps it is committing to finishing this
8 Week Challenge with your hair on fire and a long training day. Great! Or
maybe you would like to add another challenge this month that will test
your 20X. Choose wiselydont overdo it. One idea: do 100 push-ups, 100
squats and 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days, or some variation on this theme.


1. Deepen your commitment to you daily practice, especially your morning

and evening rituals.

2. Clean up your diet further by continuing to eliminate sugar and much of

the packaged & processed food you eat. Begin cutting that food out and
eating more veggies and healthy lean meats (assuming you eat meat). There
is a nutrition plan document and video in lesson 4 so just focus on gaining
awareness of how you fuel your body now slowly adapting to new and
healthier habits.
3. Listen to Subject Matter Expert call and schedule some time to listen to
past calls that look valuable to you at this stage of your training.
4. Continue to Journal daily for a few minutes best done during the evening
5. Check in with your why for participating in Unbeatable Mind often. Note
if your motivation has changed from when you started. Your why must be
strong and you must connect with it daily as you train and practice.

Advanced Training
After completing the 12 monthly foundation lessons you will automatically move
into the Advanced Training phase. Consider Advanced Training to be Team training
focused on advancing the skills and practices introduced in the Foundation Course
lessons. In Advanced Training you will continue to receive a new training plan each
month chalked full of great video training including skill development workshops,
Grinder PT, Self Defense, Unbeatable Mind Seminar videos, more Warrior Yoga and
Chi Gong, Visualizations and SEALFIT Academy training videos. You will also receive
special workout programs that are designed for beginning, intermediate and advanced

Platinum Coaching support

If you seek direct coaching then please look into the Platinum level where you will
have a monthly coaching call and email support

Good luck with your trainingHooyah!

--Mark Divine founder, Unbeatable Mind and SEALFIT

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