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zotfile pdf path:


install Zotero
run Zotero; install Zotfile & configure
*? uncheck "watch for new files in source folder
* location of files: custom:C:\Users\Anton\Documents\Dropbox\Zotero
* use subfolder defined by
* renaming:
- format {%a},{ %y},{ %t}
- delimiter
-no user-change-replace-truncate; yes maximum 80 maximum 2 number 1 add et al
* advanced
additional : yes yes
other advanced
automatically: always rename
no ask user
yes ask user batch
no remove, only work

exit zotero
delete 'zotero' folder in mock dropbox folder
install dropbox with folder in 'documents'
let it replace 'zotero'
replace zotero in appdata:
from the data folder, take just
C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Zotero\Zotero\Profiles\<randomstring>\zotero

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