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Preposiciones de lugar son palabras para describir donde est algo.

on - encima de under - debajo de

in en inside - adentro
outside afuera in front of - en frente de
behind atrs next to - al lado
between - entre (dos) among - entre muchos
across from - del otro lado (tambin se dice "opposite") opposite - del otro lado
above arriba below - abajo
around alrededor on the right - a la derecha
on the left - a la izquierda

Estudia las preposiciones de la lista abajo.
Selecciona la preposicin correcta en las oraciones segn la posicin en el mapa.

next to - al lado between entre across from - del otro lado de la calle

1. The police station the bank and the store.

2. The drug store is the police station.

3. The school is the restaurant.

4. The train station the school.

5. The drug store the movie theater and the post office.
1. Estudia las preposiciones de la lista abajo. Selecciona la preposicin correcta segn la posicin en el

in front of - en frente de behind - atrs

between entre above - arriba
below abajo on the right - a la derecha
on the left - a la izquierda

1. The house is _______________________ the car.

2. The dog is _________________________ the sun.
3. The tree is to the ___________________ of the house.
4. The car is ___________________________ the house.
5. The sun is __________________________ the dog.
6. The house is __________________________ the dog and the tree.
7. The dog is to the _______________________ of the house.

2. Estudia las preposiciones de la lista abajo. Selecciona la preposicin correcta segn la posicin en el

on - encima de under - debajo de in - en

1. The cat is the table.

2. The vase (florero) is the table.

3. The flowers are the vase.

3. Escribe oraciones para describir donde estn las cosas en el dibujo.

tree = arbol ball = baln, pelota

dog = perro basket = canasta
bicycle = bicicleta cloud = nube
table = mesa

Preposiciones - above/behind/between/in front of/on/under

ejemplo ball/table
The ball is under the table.

1. basket/table

NO-The basket is on the table.

2. tree/bicycle

NO-The tree is behind the bicycle.

3. cloud/table

NO-The cloud is above the table.

4. bicycle/tree

NO-The bicycle is in front of the tree.

5. dog/the bicycle and the table


NO-The dog is between the bicycle and the table.


How do I get to _______? - Cmo llego a _______?

Turn right. - Doble a la derecha.
Turn left. - Doble a la izquierda.
Go straight. - Vaya derecho.
Go one block. - Vaya una cuadra (manzana).
Go past _______ - Pase _______
It's on the corner of ______ and ______. Est en la esquina de _____ y _____.

Selecciona las direcciones correctas.

1. I'm at the police station. How do I get to the church?

Go straight on Main Street. Turn left on Second Street.

Go two blocks. It's on the right.

Go straight on Main Street. Turn left on Central Avenue.

Go one block. Turn left. It's on the right.

Go straight on Main Street. Turn right on Second Street.

Turn left on Central Avenue. It's on the right.
2. I'm at the school. How do I get to the movie theater?

Turn left onto First Street. Go past the hospital.

Go one block. It's on the right.

Turn right onto First Street. Go one block. Turn right on Main Street.
Go past the post office and the drugstore. It's on the right.

Go straight on Central Avenue. Turn right onto Second Street.

Go two blocks. It's on the left.

3. I'm in the movie theater. How do I get to the school?

Turn right onto Second Street. Go one block. Turn right.

Go past the restaurant. It's on the right.

Go straight on First Street. Turn left. Go one block.

Go past the hospital. It's on the left.

Go straight on Main Street. Turn left on First Street.

Go one block. Turn right onto Central Avenue. It's on the right.
Instrucciones: Busca el error en las siguientes oraciones. Escribe la oracin corregida.

He are a student. - He is a student.

1. The beaty shop is opposite the bank.


NO-The beauty shop is opposite the bank.

2. The school is next the supermarket.


NO-The school is next to the supermarket.

3. The library is in front the park.


NO-The library is in front of the park.

4. The church is behin the hospital.


NO-The church is behind the hospital.

5. The movie teater is on the right.


NO-The movie theater is on the right.

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