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Applying An Infusion

Nurse 1 dan 3 (N1) (N3): Anne Nurftriani Patient (P): Annissa Triehastuti
Nurse 2 (N2): Eriya Hermawati Family (F): Leni Herlina
Doctor (D): Fitri Yani

N1: Ms. Annissa...

K: Yes Nurse
N1: Ok, sit down please!
K: Thank You nurse
N1: Are youthe nexxt of kin of Mms. Annissa?
K: Yes nurse, I am her mother my name is Leni
N1: Ok maam,, i need to collect personal data about your son
K: Oh sure Nurse
N1: What is her name?
K; her name is Annissa Triehastuti
N1: She used to be called by ica right?
K: Yes nurse, many people called her ica
N1: Where does she live?
K: She live ith me, In Pangeran Santri no @4 Sumedang Kota.
N1: Post code please
K: Oh ya, 45356
N1: DOB please!
K: 1 Mei 1996, she is 2 years old now.
N1: She is Married?
K: No Nurse. She still single, shes student
N1: Ok. Maam. Your number please!
K: My number Nurse?
N1: Yes Mmaam please
K: 0852 2123 4567
N1: I repeat again, 0852 2123 4567 right?
K: Yes Nurse
N1: Are you able to be contacted any time?
K: Sure Nurse, i am able to contacted any time.
N1: Thank You Maam. Now Ms. Annissa tell me what you feel now?
P: Nurse, i had diarhea, now i feel headache and nause then do bowel movement 5 time a
day with a dilute consistency.
N1: When did you first noticed it?
P: Last night after eating seblak sehah
N1: What makes it better?
P: After I drink warm water
N1: What makes it worse?
P: When I finished eating
N1: On a scale of o to 10 with ten being the worst, how would you rate what you eel now?
P: I think it s about 6
N1: ok thank you. Maam your son will be take care by Doctor Fitri in the campakas
room . i will take you to the campakas room, pease follow me.
K: Sure Nurse
In Campakas Room
N1: Assalamualaikum, Nurse Eri she is a new patient. Her name is Annissa, 21 years old,
she is student, she had a diarhea last night after eating seblak sehah and now she felt
headache and nausea. Then she is next of kin of ms. Annissa her name is Leni. And
Ms. Annisa she is Nurse Eriya she wil take care of you in this ward.
N2: Waalaikumsalam...
Thank you nurse
N1: Your welcome. (salam)
N2: Mss. Annisa this is your bad. and that is the toilet. I am nurse Eriya i will take care of
you today. If you need help please just press the call button.
P: Yes Nurse thank you
N2: Your welcome
The doctor comes
N2: Dok this is a new patient. Her name is Annissa, 21 years old, she is student, she had a
diarhea last night after eating seblak sehah and now she felt headache and nausea.
D: Do you feel nause and vomitting?
P: No dok, i just feel nause and headache.
D: how many time you do bowel movement today
P: Five times
D: is the stool mixed with blood ( doing auscultasion intestinal peristalsis)
P: No dok.
D: Ok. Nurse please apply the infusion with Ringer Lactat, then give Ondansentron 2mg
intravenous and paracetamol tablet 500mg 3x1 peroral.
N2: Sure Doc.
D: Your welcome. Get well soon ms. Annissa
P: Thank you dok.

Prepare the equipment

N2 : Ok Ms. Annissa. I need to apply an infusion now. Ill give you an injection into your

P : will it hurt?

N2 : Youll feel a jab, but its ok. III do it quickly. Give me your left hand, please. I
need to roll this around you upper arm

P : Sure

N2 : Now I will apply this tourniquet round your arm

P : Yes Nurse

N2 : Now I am reddy to apply infusion I will includ niddle into your vein

P : Nurse I am afraid of niddle

N2 : Dont worry Mis Annisa I will do this as quickly as i can

P : Ouchh


N2 : Dont move while i am doing the injection. Fine. Thats it. Its done.

P : Thanks Nurse

N2 : Youre welcome


N3 : Dok, ill report the condision abou ms. Annissa today.

D : Sure Nurse
N3 : She had diarhea last night and feel headache and nause. She get RL for infusion on
the left hand and get medication ondansentron and paracetamol. But the nausea has
D : Oh like that, nurse please give pasien still RL for Infusion and Paracetamol 500mg
3x1 peroral for medication and stop ondancentron.
N3 : Sure doc.
D : Anything else?
N3 : Nothing doc. Thank you
D : Your welcome.

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