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Integrasi Model Simulasi dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Perkiraan

Potensi Hasil dan Produksi Kedelai di Jawa Timur

Koentjoro, B.S2., Sitanggang I.S3. Makarim, A.K.4

Integration Simulation Model With Geographic Information Systems to Predict Yield Potential and Soybean
Production in East Java. The simulation model of soybean yield potential integrated with Geographic Information
Systems (GIS), have not been used in estimating the national soybean production and its distribution in soybean
production centers in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to integrate simulation models with GIS to predict
yield potential and soybean production in East Java. This study will be conducted at Indonesian Legume and Tuber
Crops Research Institute (ILETRI) in Malang and at Laboratory Software Engineering - Dramaga IPB Bogor, in
December 2013 - January 2014. The approach used in this study through a systems approach using simulation
models as a solution to the problem. The simulation model used is the model SUCROS (Simple Universal Crop
Growth Simulator). However, the simulation model is still not integrated with Geographic Information Systems
(GIS). Therefore, its application in estimating the impact on the improvement of the national soybean production is
not optimal. By using Powersim and Microsoft Excel, SUCROS can be integrated with GIS. The user interface such
as system inputs and outputs, simulation and visualization can be done dynamically in GIS. However, the transfer
and format conversion process is not visible to the user. Therefore, the input and the parameters needed by the users
will be minimized. The integration of simulation models with GIS was intended to get the easy way of predicting
soybean yield potential and production as well as the distribution maps of soybean varieties.
Keywords: simulation, glycine soya, GIS, yield potential,

Versi b Imas

Simulation models for yield potential and production of soybean have been used to estimate the national soybean
production. One of simulation models for crops is SUCROS (Simple Universal Crop Growth Simulator) that has been
implemted in a desktop application namely SUCROS.SIM. The output of SUCROS.SIM are yield potential and
production of crops including soybean which are represented in form of spreadsheetThe purpose of this research is
to develop a web-based geographical information system (WebGIS) to manage data on yield potential and soybean
production in East Java as the results of the simulation model SUCROS. The data used in the simulation
are The experimental results of the simulation shows that -- jelaskan hasil smulasi-- The WebGIS has .
main features namely.. jelaskan fitur2 dalam WebGIS. Using the WebGIS users may obtain the information
regarding yield potential and production of soybean in form of tabels, graphs, dan maps.

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