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# This template is for finfet LER structure generation with Gaussian

source/drain doping profile
# and mechanical stress simulation.
# If you have questions about the input file,
# please, send e-mail to munkangc@synopsys.com.
# Generated by Munkang Choi at Jul. 27th, 2011.
# This is tested using sprocess version F-2011.09 (1.7, amd64, linux).

#set WY0limit -0.004

#set WY1limit 0.004
#set aLER 0.000128

# Set simulation parameters

pdbSet Si Boron ActiveModel None
pdbSet Si Arsenic ActiveModel None
pdbSet Si Indium ActiveModel None
pdbSet Si Phosphorus ActiveModel None
pdbSet Mechanics EtchDepoRelax 0

pdbSet Mechanics WriteTDRSymTensorAsReal 1


# Set mechanical parameters

source mechParams.fps

# Set high quality delaunay meshes

pdbSetBoolean Grid No3DMerge 1
pdbSetBoolean Grid MGoals UseLines 1
pdbSetDouble Grid Delaunize 1
pdbSet Grid sMesh 1
#-pdbSet Grid SnMesh DelaunayType boxmethod
pdbSet Grid SnMesh DelaunayType conformal
pdbSet Grid SnMesh CoplanarityAngle 179
pdbSet Grid SnMesh MaxPoints 500000
pdbSet Grid SnMesh MaxNeighborRatio 1e6
pdbSet Grid MGoals Keep3DBrep 0

# Set multi-thread simulation

math numThreads=1
# Start with mgoal mode
sde off
# Structure parameters, [um]
set W @W@ ;# Fin width
set H @H@ ;# Fin height
set Helev @Helev@ ;# SD Elevation
set L @L@ ;# Channel length
set Tox 0.0017 ;# Gate oxide thickness
set Lsp @Lsp@ ;# Nitride spacer foot
set Ppitch 0.056 ;# Poly pitch
set Tgate 0.040 ;# Poly height
set Tsti 0.080 ;# STI trench depth
set Tsub 1.0 ;# Substrate depth
set Fpitch 0.024 ;# Fin pitch
set Wvia 0.01 ;# Contact width

set Fangle 55.0 ;# SD facet angle

# LER parameters, [um]

set A0 @A0@ ;# Amplitude of the lower LER line
set A1 @A1@ ;# Amplitude of the upper LER line
set P0 0.030 ;# Period of the lower LER line
set P1 0.030 ;# Period of the upper LER line
set pi0 @pi0@ ;# Phase offset of the lower LER line
set pi1 @pi1@ ;# Phase offset of the upper LER line
set Y0 @<-0.5*W>@ ;# Reference line of the lower LER
set Y1 @<0.5*W>@ ;# Reference line of the upper LER
set dL 0.002 ;# 2nm step distance for LER
set PI 3.14159265

# Doping parameters, [/cm3]

set Nch @Nch@ ;# channel doping
set Nsd 3.0e20 ;# SD doping
set Nstop @Nstop@ ;# channel stop doping
#if "@Type@" == "nMOS"
set Dch "Boron"
set Dsd "Arsenic"
set Dstop "Indium"
# Stress/strain input - SD SiC Mole Fraction
set CMoleFraction 0.03
set Dch "Indium"
set Dsd "Boron"
set Dstop "Phosphorus"
# Stress/strain input - SD SiGe Mole Fraction
set GeMoleFraction 0.33
set DecayLength 0.0015 ;# channel doping


# Derived dimensions
set AX1 [expr ($Ppitch/2.0)]
set AX0 [expr (-1.0*$AX1)]
set AY1 [expr ($W/2.0)]
set AY0 [expr (-1.0*$AY1)]

set PX1 [expr ($L/2.0)]

set PX0 [expr (-1.0*$PX1)]

set SPX0 [expr ($PX0-$Lsp)]

set SPX1 [expr ($PX1+$Lsp)]

set Hgate [expr (-1.0*($Tgate+$Tox))]

set Hhgate [expr (-1.0*(0.5*$Tgate+$Tox))]
set Htop [expr (-2*$Tgate)]
set Htop1 [expr (-2.5*$Tgate)]
set Xmax $AX1
set Xmin $AX0
set Ymax [expr ($Fpitch/2.0)]
set Ymin [expr (-1.0*$Ymax)]



set debug 1
set DoStrain 1
set DoDiff 1
set Type @Type@


source user_proc.fps

proc WriteBND {} {
global count

if { $count < 10} {

struct bndfile=n@node@_0${count}
} else {
struct bndfile=n@node@_${count}
set count [expr $count+1]
set count 1


SetTDRList {Stress StressEL Dopants} !Solutions

line y loc=$Ymin tag=back

line y loc=$AY0
line y loc=$AY1
line y loc=$Ymax tag=front

line z loc=$Xmin tag=left

line z loc=$PX0
line z loc=$PX1
line z loc=$Xmax tag=right

line x loc=-0.15
line x loc=0 tag=top
line x loc=$H
line x loc=$Tsub tag=bottom

region Silicon xlo=top xhi=bottom ylo=back yhi=front zlo=left zhi=right

init field=Boron concentration=$Nch wafer.orient = { 0 0 1 } flat.orient
= { 1 1 0 }

# refinement at interfaces
mgoals min.normal.size=0.005 max.box.angle=165 normal.growth.ratio=2
refinebox interface.materials= {Silicon Polysilicon Oxide Nitride

refinebox name=All \
min= "-2.0 $Ymin $Xmin" \
max= " 1.0 $Ymax $Xmax" \
xrefine= 0.5 yrefine= $W/2.0 zrefine= $L/2.0

refinebox name=STI \
min= "-0.05 $Ymin $Xmin" \
max= " 0.10 $Ymax $Xmax" \
xrefine= 0.01 yrefine= $W/5.0 zrefine= $L/4.0

pdbSet InfoDefault 1

#----- Derived variables from LER Fin ----------------
#----- for the mesh optimization and the post-processing ----------------

set txv @<-0.5*L-0.002>@

set Y00finL [LERline $txv $A0 $P0 $pi0 $Y0]
set Y01finL [LERline $txv $A1 $P1 $pi1 $Y1]

set txv @<0.5*L+0.002>@

set Y10finL [LERline $txv $A0 $P0 $pi0 $Y0]
set Y11finL [LERline $txv $A1 $P1 $pi1 $Y1]

set tminW 999.0

set tmin0 999.0
set tmax1 -999.0
set nL0 [expr (round((@L@+0.004)/$dL)+1)]
for {set i 0} {$i < $nL0} {incr i 1} {
set txv [expr (@<-0.5*L>@ - 0.002 + $i*$dL)]
set yv0 [LERline $txv $A0 $P0 $pi0 $Y0]
set yv1 [LERline $txv $A1 $P1 $pi1 $Y1]
set tW [expr ($yv1-$yv0)]
if { $yv0 < $tmin0 } {
set tmin0 $yv0
if { $yv1 > $tmax1 } {
set tmax1 $yv1
if { $tW < $tminW } {
set tminW $tW
set tminW0 $yv0
set tminW1 $yv1
set Y0Wmin $tminW0 ;# Y0, when fin width is minimum.
set Y1Wmin $tminW1 ;# Y1, when fin width is minimum.
set Y0Wmax $tmin0 ;# Y0, when fin width is maximum.
set Y1Wmax $tmax1 ;# Y1, when fin width is maximum.

puts "DOE: WY0limit $tmin0"

puts "DOE: WY1limit $tmax1"

set lerA01 [expr (cos(2.0*$PI*(($PX1+$pi0)/$P0))-

set lerA0 [expr ((-1.0*$P0/(2.0*$PI))*$A0*$lerA01+$Y0*($PX1-$PX0))]
set lerA11 [expr (cos(2.0*$PI*(($PX1+$pi1)/$P1))-
set lerA1 [expr ((-1.0*$P1/(2.0*$PI))*$A1*$lerA11+$Y1*($PX1-$PX0))]
set lerA [expr ($lerA1-$lerA0)]
puts "DOE: aLER $lerA"

set Y00sd -0.007

set Y01sd 0.007
set Y10sd -0.007
set Y11sd 0.007

set txv @<-0.5*L-Lsp>@

set Y00finsp [LERline $txv $A0 $P0 $pi0 $Y0]
set Y01finsp [LERline $txv $A1 $P1 $pi1 $Y1]
set txv @<0.5*L+Lsp>@
set Y10finsp [LERline $txv $A0 $P0 $pi0 $Y0]
set Y11finsp [LERline $txv $A1 $P1 $pi1 $Y1]

#----- FIN define -----

mater add name=SiFin new.like=Silicon alt.matername=Silicon
mater add name=SiStop new.like=Silicon alt.matername=Silicon
etch material=Silicon type=anisotropic thickness=$Tsti
deposit SiStop type=fill coord=$H
deposit SiFin type=fill coord=0.0

set POINTS [GetPoints $L $A0 $A1 $P0 $P1 $pi0 $pi1 $Y0 $Y1 $Ppitch $dL]
eval polygon name=LERfin points= \{$POINTS\}

mask name=FIN polygons= {LERfin} negative

photo mask=FIN thickness=0.001
etch material=SiFin type=anisotropic thickness=2*$Tsti
etch material=SiStop type=anisotropic thickness=2*$Tsti
strip Photoresist

polygon list
point clear
polygon clear
polyhedron clear
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- STI fill -----

deposit Oxide type=fill coord=$H
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Clean Etch Step -----

#----- This step is added for mgoal stability ---
set tXmin [expr ($Xmin+0.006)]
set tXmax [expr ($Xmax-0.006)]
set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
set tH [expr ($H+0.0002)]
polyhedron name=dummy brick = { $Hgate-1.0 $tYmin $tXmin $tH $tYmax
$tXmax } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=dummy replace.materials= { Gas } \
new.material=Oxynitride new.region=dddummy
polyhedron clear

etch material=SiFin type=anisotropic thickness=$H

if { $debug } { WriteBND }

strip Oxynitride
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

refinebox name=WellIIP \
min= " $H-0.005 $Ymin $Xmin" \
max= " $H+0.005 $Ymax $Xmax" \
xrefine= 0.005 yrefine= $W/5.0 zrefine= $L/5.0

refinebox name=WellIIP0 \
min= " $H-0.001 $Ymin $Xmin" \
max= " $H+0.001 $Ymax $Xmax" \
xrefine= 0.0005 yrefine= $W/5.0 zrefine= $L/5.0

pdbSet InfoDefault 1

#----- Gate oxide -----

mater add name=GATEox new.like=Oxide alt.matername=Oxide
etch Oxide type=isotropic thickness=1*$Tox
mgoals analytic.thickness=5e-4
deposit HfO2 type=isotropic thickness=1*$Tox
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Poly gate -----

mater add name=SiChannel new.like=Silicon alt.matername=Silicon
set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
set tH [expr ($H+0.0005)]
polyhedron name=gp brick = { $Hgate $tYmin $PX0 $tH $tYmax $PX1 }
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=gp replace.materials= { Gas } new.material=PolySilicon
point clear
polygon clear
polyhedron clear
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Clean Etch step -----

#----- This step is added for mgoal stability ---
set tXmin [expr ($Xmin-1.0)]
set tXmax [expr ($Xmax+1.0)]
set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
set tH [expr ($H+0.0002)]
polyhedron name=dddummy brick = { $Hgate-1.0 $tYmin $tXmin $tH $tYmax
$SPX0-0.0012 } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=dddummy replace.materials= { Silicon Oxide HfO2 SiFin
SiChannel Nitride Gas } \
new.material=Oxynitride new.region=dddummy
polyhedron clear

polyhedron name=ssdummy brick = { $Hgate-1.0 $tYmin $SPX1+0.0012 $tH

$tYmax $tXmax } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=ssdummy replace.materials= { Silicon Oxide HfO2 SiFin
SiChannel Nitride Gas } \
new.material=Oxynitride new.region=ssdummy
polyhedron clear

strip Oxynitride
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- spacer -----

set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
set tH [expr ($H+0.0005)]
polyhedron name=gp brick = { $Hgate $tYmin $SPX0 $tH $tYmax $SPX1 }
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=gp replace.materials= { Gas } new.material=Nitride
point clear
polygon clear
polyhedron clear
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

refinebox name=Active \
min= "-0.012 $AY0-0.010 $AX0" \
max= " $H+0.010 $AY1+0.010 $AX1" \
xrefine= 0.002 yrefine= 0.002 zrefine= 0.002

refinebox name=Channel \
min= "-0.004 $Y0Wmax-0.002 $SPX0-0.005" \
max= " $H+0.005 $Y1Wmax+0.002 $SPX1+0.005" \
xrefine= 0.001 yrefine= 0.001 zrefine= 0.001

refinebox name=cChannelL \
min= "-0.002 $Y00finL-0.002 $PX0-0.004" \
max= " $H $Y01finL+0.002 $PX0-0.000" \
xrefine= 0.001 yrefine= 0.001 zrefine= 0.0005
refinebox name=cChannelR \
min= "-0.002 $Y10finL-0.002 $PX1+0.000" \
max= " $H $Y11finL+0.002 $PX1+0.004" \
xrefine= 0.001 yrefine= 0.001 zrefine= 0.0005

#----- Generate S/D SiGe epi shape using polyhedron command -----
mater add name=SiSD new.like=Silicon alt.matername=Silicon

set tH [expr ($H+0.0004)]

set tSPX0 [expr ($SPX0+0.0001)]
set tAX0 [expr ($AX0-1.0)]
set tFpitch [expr ($Fpitch+2.0)]
#- Call the SiGe epi polyhedron generation procedure
SourceDrainPentagon ss left $tAX0 $tSPX0 $Tox $tH $Helev $Fangle
$Y00finsp $Y01finsp $Y00sd $Y01sd
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=ss replace.materials= { Silicon HfO2 Oxide SiFin
SiChannel Nitride Gas } \
new.material=SiSD new.region=SDepiS
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

set tSPX1 [expr ($SPX1-0.0001)]

set tAX1 [expr ($AX1+1.0)]
set tFpitch [expr ($Fpitch+2.0)]
SourceDrainPentagon dd right $tAX1 $tSPX1 $Tox $tH $Helev $Fangle
$Y10finsp $Y11finsp $Y10sd $Y11sd
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=dd replace.materials= { Silicon HfO2 Oxide SiFin
SiChannel Nitride Gas } \
new.material=SiSD new.region=SDepiD
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Silicide -----

deposit material=Copper thickness=0.002 type=isotropic
selective.materials= { SiSD } region.name=SilicideSD
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- ILD fill -----

mater add name=ILDox new.like=Oxide alt.matername=Oxide
set tXmin [expr ($Xmin-1.0)]
set tSPX0 [expr ($SPX0+0.001)]
set tSPX1 [expr ($SPX1-0.001)]
set tXmax [expr ($Xmax+1.0)]
set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
polyhedron name=ILDfill brick = { $Hgate+0.001 $tYmin $tXmin $H+0.1
$tYmax $tSPX0 } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=ILDfill replace.materials= { Gas } \
new.material=ILDox new.region=ILD.0
polyhedron clear
polyhedron name=ILDfill brick = { $Hgate+0.001 $tYmin $tSPX1 $H+0.1
$tYmax $tXmax } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=ILDfill replace.materials= { Gas } \
new.material=ILDox new.region=ILD.1
polyhedron clear
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Poly Gate Removal -----

strip PolySilicon
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- S/D stressor -----
#if "@Type@" == "nMOS"
#--- Calculate intrinsic stress from C Mole fraction --------------------
set iS0 [expr (10.0 * 1.65e11 * 0.449 * $CMoleFraction / ( 1.0 - 0.28
set iS [expr ($iS0 * ( 1.0 - 0.28 ) / ( 1.0 - 2.0 * 0.28 ))]
#--- Calculate intrinsic stress from Ge Mole fraction -------------------
set iS0 [expr (-10.0 * 1.65e11 * 0.042 * $GeMoleFraction / ( 1.0 - 0.28
set iS [expr ($iS0 * ( 1.0 - 0.28 ) / ( 1.0 - 2.0 * 0.28 ))]

if { $DoStrain } {
#--- Assign intrinsic stress to S/D SiGe epi ----------------------------
mechdata SiSD sxxi=$iS syyi=$iS szzi=$iS

#----- Assign doping profile -----
if { $DoDiff } {
sel SiFin z=$Nch name=$Dch store
sel SiStop z=$Nch name=$Dch store
sel SiSD z=$Nch name=$Dch store

sel SiStop z=$Nstop name=$Dstop store

sel SiSD z=$Nsd name=$Dsd store
sel SiFin z="(z<0)?($Nsd*exp(-1*((z-$SPX0)/$DecayLength)^2)):($Nsd*exp(-
1*((z-$SPX1)/$DecayLength)^2))" name=$Dsd store

diffuse temp=600 time=1.0e-6<s> stress.relax


#----- Metal Gate Deposition -----

set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
polyhedron name=gp brick = { $Hgate $tYmin $PX0 $H $tYmax $PX1 } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=gp replace.materials= { Gas } new.material=Tungsten
point clear
polygon clear
polyhedron clear
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- ILD fill -----

set tXmin [expr ($Xmin-1.0)]
set tXmax [expr ($Xmax+1.0)]
set tYmin [expr ($Ymin-1.0)]
set tYmax [expr ($Ymax+1.0)]
polyhedron name=ILDfill1 brick = { $Htop $tYmin $tXmin $Hhgate $tYmax
$tXmax } info=2
polyhedron list
insert polyhedron=ILDfill1 replace.materials= { Gas } \
new.material=ILDox new.region=ILD.2
polyhedron clear
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- VIA fill -----

mask name=VIA0 left=$Ymin right=$Ymax back=$AX0 front=$AX0+$Wvia
photo mask=VIA0 thickness=0.001
etch material=ILDox type=anisotropic thickness=5*$Tgate
strip Photoresist

mask name=VIA1 left=$Ymin right=$Ymax back=$AX1-$Wvia front=$AX1

photo mask=VIA1 thickness=0.001
etch material=ILDox type=anisotropic thickness=5*$Tgate
strip Photoresist

deposit Copper type=fill coord=$Htop+0.001 region.name=SilicideSD

if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Contact -----

deposit ILDox type=fill coord=$Htop1 region.name=ILD.3
if { $debug } { WriteBND }
struct tdr=n@node@_profile !gas !interfaces !bnd alt.maternames
region name=SilicideSD Gas change.material
region name=GateMetal Gas change.material
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

contact bottom name=substrate Silicon

contact point replace xlo=$Htop-0.005 xhi=$Tsti ylo=$Ymin-0.01
yhi=$Ymax+0.01 \
zlo=$PX0-$Lsp/2.0 zhi=$PX1+$Lsp/2.0 name=gate
contact point replace xlo=$Htop-0.005 xhi=$Tsti ylo=$Ymin-0.01
yhi=$Ymax+0.01 \
zlo=$Xmin-0.01 zhi=$PX0-$Lsp/2.0 name=source Gas
contact point replace xlo=$Htop-0.005 xhi=$Tsti ylo=$Ymin-0.01
yhi=$Ymax+0.01 \
zlo=$PX1+$Lsp/2.0 zhi=$Xmax+0.01 name=drain Gas
if { $debug } { WriteBND }

#----- Save TDR file -----

#-struct tdr=n@node@ !gas !interfaces !bnd alt.maternames

#--Change refinement strategy and remesh-------------------------------

##---------------Remeshing for device simulation--------##
# clear the process simulation mesh
refinebox clear
refinebox !keep.lines
refinebox clear.interface.mats
line clear

# reset default settings for adaptive meshing

pdbSet Grid AdaptiveField Refine.Abs.Error 1e37
pdbSet Grid AdaptiveField Refine.Rel.Error 1e10
pdbSet Grid AdaptiveField Refine.Target.Length 100.0
# Doping based refinement
pdbSet Grid Adaptive 1

# Set high quality delaunay meshes

pdbSet Grid sMesh 1
pdbSet Grid SnMesh DelaunayType boxmethod
pdbSet Grid SnMesh CoplanarityAngle 179
pdbSet Grid SnMesh MaxPoints 500000
pdbSet Grid SnMesh MaxNeighborRatio 1e6

# Set the interface spacing

mgoals min.normal.size=0.01 normal.growth.ratio=8.0 max.box.angle=179
# Which interfaces are to have interface meshes
#refinebox interface.materials = {Silicon}
refinebox interface.materials= {Silicon Polysilicon Oxide Nitride

refinebox name=All \
min= "-2.0 $Ymin $Xmin" \
max= " 1.0 $Ymax $Xmax" \
xrefine= 0.5 yrefine= $W/2.0 zrefine= $L/2.0
refinebox name=STI \
min= "-0.05 $Ymin $Xmin" \
max= " 0.10 $Ymax $Xmax" \
xrefine= 0.01 yrefine= $W/5.0 zrefine= $L/4.0

refinebox name=Active \
min= "-0.012 $AY0-0.010 $AX0" \
max= " $H+0.010 $AY1+0.010 $AX1" \
xrefine= 0.005 yrefine= 0.005 zrefine= 0.005

refinebox name=Active0 \
min= "-0.004 $Y0Wmax-0.004 $SPX0-0.005" \
max= " $H+0.004 $Y1Wmax+0.004 $SPX1+0.005" \
xrefine= 0.002 yrefine= 0.002 zrefine= 0.002

refinebox name=Channel \
min= "-0.002 $Y0Wmax-0.002 $SPX0-0.002" \
max= " $H+0.002 $Y1Wmax+0.002 $SPX1+0.002" \
xrefine= 0.001 yrefine= 0.001 zrefine= 0.001

refinebox name=cChannel \
min= "-0.001 $Y0Wmax-0.001 $PX0-0.004" \
max= " $H $Y1Wmax+0.001 $PX1+0.004" \
xrefine= 0.001 yrefine= 0.0005 zrefine= 0.001

pdbSet InfoDefault 1

refinebox remesh info=2

#----- Save TDR file -----

struct tdr=n@node@_e !gas !interfaces !bnd alt.maternames


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