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Collocations Make and Verbs that mean make

Do/give suggestions = Make some suggestions

Give a contribution = Make a contribution

Give a formal apology = make a formal apology

Make improvement

Doing these arrangements making these arrangements

Make an early scape

Venezuelan politician are trying to make an early scape of the country

Make an attempt

I have made 4 Ielts test attempt without getting the result needed

Make a success of

In order to get the Australian permanent residency I must make a success of getting 7 in all modules

Make a discovery
I have been making several discovery about how to achieve the score I need in IELTS test

Make calculations

Make some calculations about your personal funding left will allow be aware how much money you
should not spend.

Make room for

The montague hotel kitchen it has not sufficient space for new equipment, so it must clear the area
in order to make a room for the new utensils

Made his acquaintance

Make a proposal

Make an offer

Make a habit of
Making a habit of what it really matters In your life is.
Make enemies
I know a man hows always making enemies in his life.

Create a romantic atmosphere

Staged a protests = make a formal protest

The students stage protests against rising tuition fees.

Lodged a complaint = make a formal protests

Several prople have lodged a complaint about the bank managers rudeness.

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