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# Begin Open GApps Install Log

ROM Android version | 7.1.2
ROM Build ID | lineage_T00F-userdebug 7.1.2 NJH47F 3ee3cbb76e
ROM Version increment | 3ee3cbb76e
ROM SDK version | 25
ROM/Recovery modversion | RR-N-v5.8.4-20170816-T00F-Weekly
Device Recovery | TWRP 3.0.M2-0
Device Name | T00F
Device Model | ASUS_T00F
Device Type | phone
Device CPU | x86,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Device A/B-partitions | false
Installer Platform | x86
ROM Platform | x86
Display Density Used | 320
Install Type | Clean[Data Wiped]
Smart ART Pre-ODEX | false
Google Camera already installed | Clean
FaceUnlock Compatible | true
VRMode Compatible | false
Google Camera Compatible | true
New Camera API Compatible | false
Google Pixel Features | false
Current GApps Version | No GApps Installed
Google Camera version | Legacy
Installing GApps Zipfile | /sdcard/open_gapps-x86-7.1-pico-20171031(1).zip
Installing GApps Version | 20171031
Installing GApps Type | pico
Config Type |
Using gapps-config | Not Used
Remove Stock/AOSP Browser | false[NO_Chrome]
Remove Stock/AOSP Camera | false[NO_CameraGoogle]
Remove Stock/AOSP Email | false[NO_Gmail]
Remove Stock/AOSP Gallery | false[NO_Photos]
Remove Stock/AOSP Launcher | false[NO_GoogleNow/PixelLauncher]
Remove Stock/AOSP MMS App | false[NO_Messenger]
Remove Stock/AOSP Pico TTS | false[default]
Ignore Google Contacts | false
Ignore Google Dialer | false
Ignore Google Keyboard | false
Ignore Google Package Installer | false
Ignore Google NFC Tag | true[NoRemove]
Ignore Google WebView | false
Total System Size (KB) | 1248784
Used System Space (KB) | 997916
Current Free Space (KB) | 234484
Post Install Free Space (KB) | 108656 << See Calculations Below
# End Open GApps Install Log

!!! WARNING !!! - Duplicate files were found between your ROM and this GApps
package. This is likely due to your ROM's dev including Google proprietary
files in the ROM. The duplicate files are shown in the log portion below.

# Begin GApps <> ROM Duplicate File List

# End GApps <> ROM Duplicate File List

# Begin GApps Size Calculations

| Current Free Space | 234484 | 234484
Remove | Existing GApps | + 960 | 235444
Remove | Obsolete Files | + 44 | 235488
Remove | cmsetupwizard | + 0 | 235488
Remove | extservicesstock | + 20 | 235508
Remove | extsharedstock | + 0 | 235508
Remove | provision | + 12 | 235520
Install | Core | - 96416 | 139104
Install | calsync | - 1808 | 137296
Install | dialerframework | - 32 | 137264
Install | googletts | - 19392 | 117872
| Buffer Space | - 9216 | 108656
Post Install Free Space | 108656

# End GApps Size Calculations

# Begin User's gapps-config

# End User's gapps-config

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