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Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546

Agro-industrial waste materials and wastewater sludge for rhizobial

inoculant production: A review
F. Ben Rebah a, D. Prvost b,
, A. Yezza c, R.D. Tyagi c

INSTM-Sfax B.P. 1035, Sfax 3018, Tunisia
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Sainte-Foy, QC, Canada G1V 2J3
INRS-Eau, Terre et Environnement (INRS-ETE), 490 rue de la Couronne, Qubec, QC, Canada G1K 9A9

Received 4 June 2005; received in revised form 12 November 2006; accepted 12 November 2006
Available online 2 March 2007


Inoculating legumes with commercial rhizobial inoculants is a common agriculture practice. Generally, inoculants are sold in liquid or
in solid forms (mixed with carrier). The production of inoculants involves a step in which a high number of cells are produced, followed
by the product formulation. This process is largely governed by the cost related to the medium used for rhizobial growth and by the avail-
ability of a carrier source (peat) for production of solid inoculant. Some industrial and agricultural by-products (e.g. cheese whey, malt
sprouts) contain growth factors such as nitrogen and carbon, which can support growth of rhizobia. Other agro-industrial wastes (e.g.
plant compost, Wltermud, Xy-ash) can be used as a carrier for rhizobial inoculant. More recently, wastewater sludge, a worldwide recycla-
ble waste, has shown good potential for inoculant production as a growth medium and as a carrier (dehydrated sludge). Sludge usually
contains nutrient elements at concentrations suYcient to sustain rhizobial growth and heavy metals are usually below the recommended
level. In some cases, growth conditions can be optimized by a sludge pre-treatment or by the addition of nutrients. Inoculants produced in
wastewater sludge are eYcient for nodulation and nitrogen Wxation with legumes as compared to standard inoculants. This new approach
described in this review oVers a safe environmental alternative for both waste treatment/disposal and inoculant production.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rhizobium; Inoculant; Raw material; Waste; Sludge

1. Introduction commercial formulations containing rhizobia that can be

applied to the seed or the soil during planting (reviewed by
The rhizobium-legume symbiosis plays an important Brockwell and Bottomley, 1995). It was estimated that
role in agriculture, because it oVers the ability to convert approximately 2000 tons of inoculants are produced
atmospheric molecular nitrogen into forms useable by the worldwide annually, a quantity suYcient to inoculate 20
plant, a process called biological nitrogen Wxation. Most of million ha of legumes. The largest single producers are in
the research to optimize symbiotic nitrogen Wxation and to the USA with an annual production of 1000 tons (Single-
increase the use of legumes in crops systems has been in ton et al., 1997). Inoculants are usually commercialized as
part stimulated by increasing fertilizer prices and by envi- solid inoculants, in powder from peat or in granular form,
ronmental concerns. One beneWt of increased knowledge of or as liquid inoculants, in broth formulations (Stephens
symbiotic nitrogen Wxation is the inoculation of legumes by and Rask, 2000). Alternative formulations such as oil
selected rhizobia, a practice that allows producers to intro- based products or concentrates, lyophilized cultures or rhi-
duce rhizobia into the soilplant ecosystem. Inoculants are zobial cells entrapped in beads have been investigated. The
method of inoculation depends on the inoculant type: pow-
dered and liquid inoculants are generally applied to the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 418 657 7980; fax: +1 418 648 2402. seeds, while granular inoculants are applied to the soil, in
E-mail address: prevostd@agr.gc.ca (D. Prvost). the furrow.

0960-8524/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3536 F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546

Solid inoculants are prepared by adding fermenter- 3. Quality of commercial legume inoculants
grown broth, containing a large population of rhizobium,
to a powdered carrier followed by a period of maturation Commercial inoculants have been used for more than a
to ensure multiplication or adaptation of rhizobial cells century, and they have contributed to increased crop pro-
(Roughley and Pulsford, 1982). Thus, the production of a ductivity. A good inoculant must be prepared with a strain
large quantity (greater than 109 cells per mL) of rhizobia in of rhizobium selected for high N Wxation eYciency and
liquid medium constitutes the Wrst step in the production competitive ability for nodulation. The strain must survive
of powdered legume inoculants. The economies of this pro- in the inoculant formulation, maintain its properties during
cess are governed by the cost and availability of a suitable storage, and be tolerant to stress factors such as acidity,
carbon source (Bissonnette et al., 1986). The standard desiccation, high temperature and chemical pesticides. The
medium, including mannitol as carbon source and yeast most important factor for inoculant quality is a high num-
extract as a source of nitrogen, growth factors and mineral ber of live rhizobia (greater than 2 109 rhizobia per g),
salts, has been used for laboratory scale production, but its and no or minimal contamination by microorganisms not
industrial use is limited due to high cost. Among carriers detrimental to rhizobia or pathogen to plants and humans
that can sustain high levels of rhizobia, peat is the most (Lupwayi et al., 2000).
widely used (Burton, 1967; Peterson and Loynachan, Many countries, including Australia, the Netherlands,
1981), but is not universally available (Tilak and Subba Rwanda, and Thailand have regulated minimum standards
Rao, 1978; Corby, 1976). Alternatively, diVerent materials varying from 5 107 to 1 109 rhizobium cells/g of inoculant
such as industry by-products, organic wastes, mineral soils, product (Lupwayi et al., 2000). In Canada, the standards
plant by-products, coal, perlite, and agro-industrial wastes stipulate a minimum number of rhizobia delivered per seed:
have been tested as culture media for the growth of rhizo- 103 rhizobia per small seed (e.g. clover and alfalfa), 104 per
bia (Brockwell and Bottomley, 1995; Stephens and Rask, medium seed (e.g. mungbean, pigeonpea, sainfoin) and 105
2000). Most of the materials are local resources easily per large seed (e.g. soybean, pea and bean). Thus, the number
available in a speciWc region. In this review we will present of rhizobia required in an inoculant product depends on the
the potential of diVerent products and wastes tested as host legume species (seed size) and on the rate of application
growth substrates and carriers for rhizobia. Emphasis will of the product suggested by the manufacturer. For example,
be given to wastewater sludges which have been extensively for inoculant products sold in 1997 in Canada, the minimal
characterized and have proven to be very good material for number of rhizobia required to meet the standards varied
inoculants production. from 2 106 to 1.3 109 rhizobium cells per g or mL product
(CFIA, 1997). France determined a minimum standard of
2. Need for inoculation 106 rhizobial cells per seed for soybean (Catroux, 1991)
because only a small portion of the applied inoculum is asso-
Biological nitrogen Wxation by rhizobia represents ciated with the seed after planting. In the United States and
approximately 7080% of the total nitrogen accumulated the United Kingdom product quality and rates of applica-
by legume plants. Estimates of nitrogen Wxation in legume tion are left to the discretion of the manufacturer (Smith,
crops are 105 and 200 kg N ha1 yr1 for clover, 169 kg 1992). Shelf-life is also an important inoculant characteristic
N ha1 yr1 for lupine, 208 kg N ha1 yr1 for alfalfa and for farmers and manufacturers. Inoculant manufacturers
234 kg N ha1 yr1 for soybean (Brockwell and Bottomley, prefer products with a shelf-life of 11.5 years under ware-
1995). This process has the advantage of reducing the house conditions in order to be able to sell them over two
dependency of agriculture on nitrogen fertilizers, and it is cropping seasons (Catroux et al., 2001). Many inoculants
economical, using energy from photosynthesis. Fixed nitro- produced with local alternative carriers can maintain accept-
gen is beneWcial to soil fertility and reduces the environ- able numbers of rhizobia for 312 months (see Section 5,
mental pollution associated with the use of nitrogen production of legume inoculants), which is suYcient if they
fertilizers. are used shortly after their production.
Several soil and environmental stresses aVect the perfor-
mance of the legume-rhizobium symbiosis and may limit 4. Nutrient requirements of rhizobia
nodulation and nitrogen Wxation. Rhizobial populations,
the host plant species, agronomic practices and climatic Based on growth rate, nutritional requirement and
conditions are among the important factors. When a new enzymes, rhizobia can be traditionally divided in two
crop is introduced, rhizobia may be absent in soils or indig- groups: the fast-growing rhizobia, placed in the genus Rhi-
enous populations may be low due to unfavorable soil con- zobium and the slow-growing rhizobia represented by the
ditions, especially low pH (Catroux et al., 2001). Since genus Bradyrhizobium. More recently, phenotypic and geno-
rhizobia should be in suYcient numbers to ensure optimal typic characterization of rhizobia isolated from an increas-
nodulation and eYcient nitrogen Wxation, inoculation of ing number of plant species has led to the reclassiWcation
legumes with high populations of speciWc and eYcient rhi- and new designation of some species and to the description
zobial strains has proven to be a valuable agronomic strat- of additional genera and species (Zakhia and De Lajudie,
egy to improve crop productivity. 2001; Sahgal and Johri, 2003). In this review, rhizobial spe-
F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546 3537

cies commonly used in legume inoculants will be designated required at low concentrations for rhizobial growth (Lowe
according to the current taxonomy, although they were des- and Evans, 1962; Wilson and Reisenauer, 1970a,b).
ignated diVerently in many studies on inoculant production, Yeast extract can be used as a sole carbon and nitrogen
approximately 20 years ago. The fast-growing species are: source by rhizobia (Meade et al., 1985) since it contains,
Sinorhizobium meliloti (formerly Rhizobium meliloti) for amino acids, inorganic nitrogen and growth factors (Fe, Ca,
alfalfa; Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (R. leguminosa- Mg, St, K, Ba, Mn, Cu, Pb, Al and Va) at a concentration
rum) for peas, lens and vetches; bv. phaseoli (R. phaseoli) for for rhizobial growth (Burton, 1979). The addition of yeast
beans; bv. trifolii (R. trifolii) for clover; Rhizobium tropici extract to growth media improves the eYciency of rhizobial
for beans and R. sp. (Cowpea) for cowpea. There is one spe- growth (Meade et al., 1985; Bissonnette and Lalande, 1988;
cies of intermediate growth rate: Mesorhizobium loti (R. loti) Ben Rebah et al., 2002d), but high concentrations are not
for birdsfoot trefoil. The slow-growing species are Brady- economical for large industrial production. Concentrations
rhizobium japonicum (R. japonicum) and B. elkanii for soy- higher than 0.35% are not beneWcial because they produce
bean and B. sp. (Lupinus) for lupine. distorsed cells and decrease the viability of some rhizobial
Rhizobial species diVer in their physiological and bio- strains (Skinner et al., 1977).
chemical characteristics which inXuence their growth
requirements. This knowledge is useful in selecting organic 5. Production of legume inoculants
wastes and optimizing their properties (e.g. by adding nutri-
ents) for inoculant production of a given rhizobial species. 5.1. Quantity production of rhizobia in liquid cultures
The fast-growing rhizobia (e.g. Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium)
are acid producers; they have a mean generation time of 2 5.1.1. Standard medium
4 h in standard yeast mannitol broth (YMB) and form colo- The standard medium YMB used initially for laboratory
nies of 24 mm diameter, after 35 days of incubation on scale production of legume inoculant contains the follow-
yeast mannitol agar (YMA) (Jordan, 1984). Slow-growing ing constituents (in grams per liter): K2HPO4, 0.5;
rhizobia (Bradyrhizobium) are alkali-producers; they MgSO4 7H2O, 0.2; NaCl, 0.1; yeast extract, 1; and manni-
exhibit a doubling time of 68 h and form colonies not tol, 10 (Vincent, 1970). It has been modiWed by introduction
exceeding 1 mm in diameter after 57 days of incubation on of other carbon sources: sucrose is the most commonly
YM media (Jordan, 1984). used carbon source, and mannitol and glycerol are
Fast- and slow-growing rhizobia also diVer in their sometimes used for slow-growing rhizobia (Burton, 1979).
capacity to utilize carbohydrates. Fast-growing bacteria Glycerol has the most beneWcial eVect on growth of slow-
can grow on a large variety of carbon substrates, such as growing rhizobia (Arias and Martinez-Drets, 1976).
hexoses, pentoses, disaccharides, trisaccharides and organic
acids (Allen and Allen, 1950). Slow-growing rhizobia have 5.1.2. Agricultural and industrial by-products
a more restricted range of carbon sources, they grow in the Numerous investigators have looked for ways of pro-
presence of pentoses, and they can also utilize many aro- ducing rhizobia using low cost media. A variety of agricul-
matic substrates (Parke and Ornston, 1984). tural and industrial by-products contain growth factors,
All rhizobial species require nitrogen sources, vitamins carbon and/or nitrogen and oVer good potential as culture
and trace minerals for growth. Some fast-growing rhizobia media, as shown by the high quantity of rhizobial cells pro-
can utilize nitrate, ammonia and amino acids as their sole duced (Table 1).
nitrogen source (Quispel, 1974). Optimal growth can be Cheese whey: The by-product of the cheese industry was
achieved by adding low weight amino acids, but the balance used for culture of the fast-growing rhizobium, S. meliloti
of amino acids is important (Burton, 1979). However, rhi- (Bissonnette et al., 1986). Whey contains the majority of ele-
zobia grown on media enriched with glycine, alanine and ments included in the standard media at high enough con-
certain D-forms of amino acids loose the capacity of nitro- centrations to allow rhizobial growth (Vincent, 1974).
gen Wxation (Burton, 1979). Vitamin requirements vary According to Cerbulis et al. (1982), lactose in whey repre-
among rhizobial species; R. leguminosarum (bv. trifolii and sents approximately 7075% of the total solids while nitro-
bv. phaseoli) needs biotin, thiamine or calcium pantothe- gen represents 1.822.4%. The lactose uptake system of S.
nate or a combination of these three vitamins; S. meliloti, meliloti is inducible, and its catabolism involves cleavage to
B. japonicum, and other species need only biotin (Graham, monosaccharides by -galactosidase (Glenn and Dilworth,
1963). Generally, vitamin included in yeast extract satisWes 1981; Bissonnette et al., 1986). To avoid any latency on whey,
needs of rhizobia. rhizobium inoculum was produced under inducing condi-
Rhizobia also require mineral salts for growth. Yeast tions. Hence, whey allowed rapid growth of S. meliloti and
extract contains signiWcant concentrations of salts (K, Ca, gave a cell population similar to that obtained in YMB. In
Mg, and others) (Burton, 1979). Calcium deWciency aVects whey media, stationary growth was reached after 48 h, and
rhizobial growth, and low concentrations (0.1 ppm) produce the maximum cell number of 6.3 109 cfu/mL was obtained
abnormal cells (Vincent, 1962). InsuYcient quantities of Mg within 72 h. Whey supplemented with yeast extract (1 g/L)
cause an abnormal cell multiplication (Norris, 1959). Certain and phosphate (0.5 g/L) increased the cell number to
trace minerals such as cobalt, zinc, manganese and iron are 1 1010 cfu/mL after 48 h (Bissonnette et al., 1986). The same
3538 F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546

Table 1
Production of biomass from diVerent species of rhizobia grown in agricultural and industrial by-products
Wastes Rhizobial strains Type of culture vessel Max cell count (cells/mL) References
Whey S. meliloti 5-L fermentor (48 h)a 4.7 109 Bissonnette et al. (1986)
Malt sprouts S. meliloti 1-L Xask >6 10 9
Boiardi and Ertola (1985)
S. meliloti 5-L fermentor >5 109
R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli 1-L Xask >3 109
R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 1-L Xask >5 109
B. japonicum 1-L Xask >5 109
Grade yeast extract R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 200-L fermentor (40 h) 2.4 109 to 8.1 109 Meade et al. (1985)
Pea husk, molasses R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii 25-L fermentor (72 h) 2.80 1010 Gulati (1979)
and water hyacinth R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii 135-L fermentor (72 h) 1.75 1010
B. japonicum 25-L fermentor (96 h) 2.20 1010
B. japonicum 135-L fermentor (84 h) 1.75 1010

B. japonicum and R. sp. (144 h) 9.86 109 Jain et al. (2000)

Growth time in parentheses.

authors demonstrated that whey protects rhizobial cells from medium. Yeast extract was advantageous for cell recovery
freezing and thawing damage, since S. meliloti grown in with a continuous centrifugation system since the recovery
whey survived freezing at 18 C better than cells grown on was 63% and 70% in yeast extract medium in comparison
mannitol or sucrose (Bissonnette and Lalande, 1988). More- to only 0.6% in standard YMB medium. The better recov-
over, rhizobia produced in whey and stored in peat survived ery in yeast extract medium was attributed to the absence
better at various temperatures of storage as shown by 100% of polysaccharides which, in the YMB medium, trap cell
survival after 23 weeks at 4 C. Therefore, the by-product within the viscous supernatant.
of the dairy industry oVers an interesting potential as growth Pea husk, molasses and water hyacinth: Agriculture
media and as protectant for industrial inoculants. wastes were used to formulate a non-synthetic medium
Malt sprouts: The by-product of the malt industry (malt (Gulati, 1979) that contained pea husk, molasses, water
sprouts) was also used as a culture medium for rhizobia hyacinth, mineral salts (NaCl, CaCO3, K2HPO4, MgSO4)
(Boiardi and Ertola, 1985). Malt sprouts extract was pre- and yeast extract. A mixture of pea husk and water hya-
pared by heating a mixture of malt sprouts and water at cinth (sacchariWed with mycelium of Trichoderma viride)
100 C for 30 min. After centrifugation, a liquid was was boiled for 4 h with 5% HCl and used to partially
obtained that contained 3.75% w/v of solids, 0.18% w/v of replace the yeast extract normally present in standard
nitrogen and 0.6% w/v of total reducing sugars. Many rhizo- YMB. Many strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii and B.
bial species (R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli and bv. viciae, S. japonicum tested in Xask and in fermentors for large-scale
meliloti, B. japonicum) were tested in media containing production showed equal growth in standard and in formu-
diVerent concentrations of malt sprouts extract. The malt lated non-synthetic media. The suitability of the formulated
sprouts extract at concentrations varying from 0 to 80% v/v medium can be attributed to the presence of required
of the growth medium were used to replace yeast extract in amino acids such as tryptophan, glutamic acid and carbon
the medium containing: glycerol, yeast extract, peptone, sources such as glucose, arabinose and cellobiose. The
K2HPO4, KH2PO4, MgSO4 7H2O, FeCl3 6H2O, NaCl, large-scale production (25 and 135 L fermentors) was ade-
MnSO4 and biotin. In batch culture, all strains grew well in quate for commercial use.
the malt sprouts based medium and reached a concentration Jaggery: Jaggery is a coarse brown Indian sugar made
higher than 5 109 cfu/mL. DiVerences between slow and from palm-sap that has been tested as sole source of carbon
fast-growers were observed: cell yields of the fast-growing for three strains of B. japonicum and three strains of Rhizo-
rhizobia increased with increasing concentration of the malt bium sp. (Jain et al., 2000). In general, the number of cells
sprouts extract, while a concentration of 40% v/v inhibited obtained in jaggery was similar to that obtained in manni-
the growth of the slow-growing rhizobia (B. japonicum). tol or glycerol media, but a few strains grew faster and gave
Industrial-grade yeast extract: With the aim to produce a higher number of cells in jaggery.
cell concentrates of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, Meade
et al. (1985) compared standard YMB with a medium using 5.2. Alternative carriers for production of solid inoculants
industrial-grade yeast extract as the carbon and nitrogen
source under industrial-scale conditions. The growth yield Most inoculants on the market are prepared in powdered
in yeast extract (5 g/L) medium was 2.4 109 and organic carriers such as peat by adding large populations of
8.1 109 cfu/mL for medium containing 0.6 and 0.9 g/L of rhizobia produced in broth to the carrier. The level of rhizo-
phosphate buVer respectively, and these values were similar bia should also meet the required standards of quality vary-
to that of 3 109 cfu/mL obtained in standard YMB ing from 107 to 109 cells/g depending on the country
F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546 3539

(Lupwayi et al., 2000). Therefore, a carrier should be high in ment processes. These treatments generate sludge, which is
organic matter with optimum nitrogen content, a pH considered recyclable waste. Sludge is a complex suspen-
around neutral and a high water holding capacity. It should sion containing water (between 95% and 98%), organic and
be non-toxic, permit growth after incubation, be available inorganic matter and a large variety of microorganisms.
all year-round and be inexpensive. Peat is the most widely Sludge is classiWed into primary, secondary or digested
used carrier, and it can sustain high numbers of rhizobia sludge depending on the nature of the treatment process,
(greater than 108 cells/g) during storage at a temperature the aZuent origin (municipal or industrial) and the rate of
range from 3 to 28 C (Burton, 1967; Van Schreven, 1970). pollutant elimination (Roques, 1979).
Granular preparations using peat prill or mineral granules The province of Quebec (Canada) generated 218,000
are also suitable for inoculation of diVerent farming systems tons of sludge (dry weight) in 2002 (Hbert, 2004). The
(Stephens and Rask, 2000). Since peat is not available in a USA generated 6.9 million tons in 1998 and that is pro-
number of countries, particularly in regions without naturals jected to increase to 8.2 million tons by 2010 (EPA, 1999).
deposits of peat, alternative solid materials have been evalu- Sludge disposal is an increasing environmental problem
ated as inoculants carriers (Brockwell and Bottomley, 1995). and may be onerous; treatment and handling alone repre-
They can be grouped into soil-based carriers, inert material, senting 50% of wastewater utility costs (Leblanc, 2005).
and wastes from plant by-products and industry. The major- Land Wlling (EPA, 1993), ocean discharge (Gross, 1993),
ity of carriers are naturally abundant resources or available conversion into useful materials such as oils (Campbell and
waste materials. Viability of rhizobia is the most important Martinoli, 1991) and building materials (Tay and Show,
factor, and data for some carriers are listed in Table 2. 1992) are some of the approaches used for sludge disposal
It is rather diYcult to compare results from diVerent and recycling. Recently, emphasis has been placed on the
experiments using diVerent storage conditions. As seen in bioconversion of sludge into value-added products such as
Table 2, the storage temperature was either cold (4 C or biopesticides (Lachhab et al., 2001), enzymes (Tyagi et al.,
10 C) or ambient (20, 25 or 30 C), and the length of stor- 2002) and bioplastics (Ben Rebah et al., 2002a). The next
age varied from 24 days to 12 months. Despite of these sections of this review will present evidences showing that
varying conditions, between 107 and 108 cells/g from diVer- wastewater sludge also constitutes an eVective alternative
ent rhizobial species survived in most carrier materials, to produce rhizobium for legume inoculants.
which is acceptable to meet the standard required for qual-
ity inoculants. Among soil-based carriers, volcanic pumice 6.2. Sludge as a growth media
(Einarsson et al., 1993) oVered good potential for long term
storage (35 weeks) with populations higher than 108 cells/g, 6.2.1. EVects of sludge composition on rhizobial growth
while only 106 cells/g were observed in mineral soils after 15 Generally, the organic and mineral composition of
weeks (Chao and Alexander, 1984). All plant materials sus- sludge varies depending on the origin and the treatment
tained populations varying from 107 to 108 cells/g except process. However, sludges generated by municipal and
cellulose powder which only sustained 106 cells/g after 24 industrial wastewater treatment processes (Canada) used
days (Pugashetti et al., 1971). In general, inert material by Ben Rebah et al. (2002b,d) contained suYcient carbon,
showed a better potential than plant material. In polyvinyl- nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients to sustain bacte-
pyrrolidone (PVP), populations were higher than 109 cells/g rial growth. Two major concerns associated with the use of
(Denardin and Freire, 2000) and 108109 cells/g survived in wastewater sludge as a sole raw material are the presence of
vermiculite (Graham-Weiss et al., 1987), perlite (Daza et al., toxic heavy metals and pathogens. For pathogen removal,
2000) and bentonite (Choi et al., 1998). Rhizobia entrapped the sludge is sterilized before rhizobial inoculation. As far
in beads of alginate (Jung et al., 1982) seem to survive bet- as heavy metals are concerned, many countries have regula-
ter than those entrapped in polyacrylamide (Dommergues tions for maximal metal concentration in sludge for agricul-
et al., 1979). Recently, local agro-industrial wastes such as ture, forestry, and other uses. In the USA, sludge can be
oxalic acid production waste (Ajay et al., 1996) and Xy-ash classiWed as Class A, B or C according to the Environmen-
(Ghosh et al., 1996) have been successfully used as carriers tal Protection Agency (EPA, 1993). Class A sludge can be
for the production of rhizobia. The alternative carriers have safely used in production of bacterial inoculant (Yezza
the ability to sustain populations of rhizobia but in consis- et al., 2005). In all types of sludges studied for rhizobial
tent supply and quality, as well as cost limit their wide- inoculant production (Ben Rebah et al., 2002b,d), the con-
spread adoption (Stephens and Rask, 2000). centrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni and Pb were below the per-
mitted levels in the province of Quebec (Canada) and in the
6. A new strategy: the use of municipal and industrial European Economic Community. It is however worthy to
wastewater sludge mention that heavy metals can inhibit the growth of rhizo-
bia, depending of their concentration (Wilson and Reis-
6.1. Characteristics and recycling of wastewater sludge enauer, 1970a,b). Moreover, long exposure to metals
derived from past applications of sludges in soils may aVect
Pollutants in industrial and municipal wastewaters can survival of eVective rhizobia, and consequently nitrogen
be eliminated by physical, chemical and or biological treat- Wxation (McGrath et al., 1988; Giller et al., 1989). Zn and
3540 F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546

Table 2
Alternative carriers used for solid-based-rhizobial inoculant
Carrier tested Rhizobial species Viability cells per g or mL or per seed References
Soil-based carriers
Mineral soils R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli 106 at 4 C and 105 at 25 C, 105 d Chao and
Viability on coated seeds: mineral soil > peat Alexander (1984)
Coal (8 types) R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli 107 to 1010 at 20 22 C, 4 wks Crawford and
Viability on coated seeds: coal 104 < peat 105 Berryhill (1983)
Volcanic pumice Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) 108109 at 22 C, 35 wks Einarsson et al. (1993)
(nutrient supplemented)
Inert material-based carriers
Vermiculite B. japonicum, S. meliloti and 108109 at ambient T, 4 wks (by direct Graham-Weiss et al. (1987)
(nutrient supplemented) R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli fermentation of initial inoculum)
Bentonite + vermiculite S. meliloti 108 at 4 C, 12 mo Choi et al. (1998)
Polyacrylamide gel beads B. japonicum 7 107 at 4 C, 75 d (Peat: 1.5 109) Dommergues et al. (1979).
6.1 107 at 30 C, 75 d (Peat: 1 106)
(1) Alginate beads B. japonicum (1) 108 at 28 C, 90 d Jung et al. (1982)
(2) Xanthan and carob gum beads (2) 108 at 28 C, 300 d
Polyvinylpyrrolidone B. japonicum >109 at ambient T, 8 mo Denardin and
(PVP), xanthan, Jatai gum (carob) Freire (2000)
Perlite R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli, Similar to peat at 4C, 6mo Daza et al. (2000)
R. tropici and B. japonicum Better than peat at 28C, 6mo
On coated seeds: similar to peat
with sucrose as adhesive, but not
with gum arabic
Agro-industrial wastes-based-carriers
Soybean meal and coir dust R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii Soil + soybean meal: 10 107; Iswaran (1972)
(added to soil) Soil + coir dust: 16 106; Soil: 7 107
Rice husk R.leguminosarum bv. trifolii and bv. 1.151.2 107 at 2831 C, 12 wks Khatri et al. (1973)
viciae, S. meliloti and B. japonicum
Cellulose powder B. japonicum 2 106 at 10 C and 1 106 at 30 C, 24 d Pugashetti et al. (1971)
Plant compost R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii and 4.57.2 109 at 26 C, 8 wks Iswaran et al. (1973)
B. japonicum
Sawdust (composted) (1) B. japonicum (1) 13.9 108 at 69 C, 9 mo Kostov and Lynch (1998)
(2) S. meliloti (2) 15 109 at 69 C, 9 mo
(3) M. loti (3) 7 109 at 69 C, 9 mo
Teak leaf meal, compost, charcoal, B. japonicum 1.78.5 109 at 30 C, 15 d (comparable Chakarapani and
Indian peat, lignite and mixtures to peat: 8.2 109) Tilak (1974)
(1) Sugarcane bagasse, sawdust Rhizobium sp. (Sesbania) (1) 105106 at 30 C, 90 d Muniruzzaman and
(2) Filter mud (2) 107 at 30 C, 90 d Khan (1992)
Sugarcane press mud B. japonicum 3 106 at 30C, 45 d Singh et al. (1992)
(alone or mixed)
Filter mud R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii and 108109 at ambiant T, 12 wks (air dried, Philpotts (1976)
R. sp. (Cowpea) unsterile and autoclaved)
Sugar mills B. japonicum 2.67.2 108 at ambient T, 3 mo Marafu et al. (1995)
7 9
Cotton stalks, groundnut shells, B. japonicum 1.2 10 2.2 10 at ambient T, 3 mo Potdukhe and
jowar stubbles (degraded) Somani (1997)
(1) Charcoal, vermiculite R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli (1) similar to peat at 4 C and 25 C, 30 wks Sparrow and Ham (1983)
(2) Peanut hulls, corn cobs (2) not suitable
Fly-ash Rhizobium sp. (Leucaena, Albizia, 1.42.4 109 at ambient T, 3 mo Ghosh et al. (1996)
Acacia, Sesbenia, Dalbergia) 1.610.2 107 at ambient T, 12 mo
Oxalic acid industrial B. japonicum 109 at room T, 90 d Ajay et al. (1996)
waste (OIW)

Cd are the most toxic metals on survival of R. leguminosa- unlikely that rhizobia grown in sludges will be severely
rum bv. trifolii, but toxicity was observed only after eight aVected by heavy metals because sludge inhibitory factors
months at concentrations of 1.3 and 2.4 times the United are generally complexed by the organic matter. Moreover,
Kingdom limits (Chaudri et al., 1992, 1993). Therefore, it is the low inoculation rate of legume seeds (23 mL or 36 g
F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546 3541

of inoculant per kg of seeds) will introduce only very small arately (Vincent, 1962). For example, R. leguminosarum bv.
quantities of heavy metals in soils. trifolii was not aVected by a Ca/Mg ratio that ranged
Ben Rebah et al. (2002b) demonstrated for the Wrst time between 10 and 1/30, while S. meliloti grew better under
that sludge generated by industrial and municipal wastewa- lower ratio conditions (Steinborn and Roughley, 1975). In
ter treatment processes sustains growth of various strains studies with wastewater sludges, the two most inhibitory
of rhizobia (Table 3). Fast-growing rhizobia (Rhizobium, sludges (Table 3) had a low (2.13, Valcartier primary
Sinorhizobium) grew well in most sludge types, with popula- sludge) and a high (6.7, Quebec city mixed sludge) Ca/Mg
tion higher than 1 109 cfu/mL, similar to that obtained ratio, suggesting that growth in sludge result from com-
with standard YMB. In a few sludges (e.g. Valcartier pri- plexes interactions.
mary sludge and the mixed sludge Quebec City), growth of
R. leguminosarum bv. viciae was inhibited and growth of S. 6.2.2. EVects of sludge solids concentration on rhizobial
meliloti was reduced to 108 cfu/ml. Population levels of growth
slow-growing rhizobia (Bradyrhizobium) were often lower As shown in Table 4, the concentration of suspended
(108109 cfu/ml) than those of fast-growing species and solids in sludge aVected the growth of S. meliloti in primary
lower than those obtained in standard YMB medium. Both and secondary sludges from municipal wastewater treat-
B. japonicum and B. elkanii could not grow in the Valcartier ment plant (Quebec, Canada) (Ben Rebah et al., 2001,
primary sludge nor in the mixed sludge, indicating a lack of 2002b). Because rhizobia are aerobic bacteria, the high sol-
available nutrient requirements or a toxicity eVect. ids concentration (3.2%) found in original primary sludge
Therefore, rhizobial growth depends on the species and (Black Lake) could reduce oxygen diVusion and conse-
on the sludge characteristics that aVect the growth time and quently reduce cell growth to 1/10th of the growth in the
the cell yield. The Ca/Mg ratio seems to have more impact same sludge diluted to 1.3% solid concentration. Reducing
on growth of rhizobia than the quantity of Ca and Mg sep- the solids concentrations by dilution of the original sludge

Table 3
Growth of diVerent rhizobial species in sludge tested for inoculant production (adapted from Ben Rebah et al. (2001, 2002a,b,c,d,e) and Dufresne (2004))
Sludge type Origin and process Strains tested Maximum cell count Generation
(cfu/mL) time (h)
Primary sludge Municipal wastewater plant, S. meliloti 1.12 109 10.22
Black Lake (Quebec) R. leg. bv. viciae 3.10 109 7.50
B. japonicum 0.67 109 8.82
B. elkanii 1.20 109 11.37
Municipal wastewater plant, S. meliloti 0.70 109 11
Valcartier (Quebec) R. leg. bv. viciae n.g. n.g.
B. japonicum n.g. n.g.
B. elkanii n.g. n.g.
Secondary sludge Municipal wastewater plant, S. meliloti 2.20 109 7.70
Black Lake (Quebec), sequential R. leg. bv. viciae 2.96 109 4.48
batch reactor B. japonicum 0.47 109 11.79
B. elkanii 0.50 109 10.58
Municipal wastewater plant, S. meliloti 2.45 109 6.52
Valcartier (Quebec), activated R. leg. bv. viciae 1.00 109 4.94
sludge process B. japonicum 2.32 109 8.67
Quebec city wastewater plant, S. meliloti 3.10 109 7.81
bioWlter process (biodorf) R. leg. bv. viciae 4.30 108 9.21
R. leg. bv. phaseoli 7.70 108 16.00
R. leg. bv. trifolii 3.00 109 9.71
Pulp and paper (chemithermomechanical S. meliloti 3.30 109 6.27
process) wastewater treatment plant, R. leg. bv. viciae 2.80 109 4.19
activated sludge process B. japonicum 1.58 109 8.08
B. elkanii 1.29 109 10.01
Mixed sludge Quebec city wastewater plant: primary S. meliloti 0.85 109 8.25
clariWer sludge and secondary sludge R. leg. bv. viciae n.g. n.g.
obtained from a bioWlter (biodorf) B. japonicum n.g. n.g.
B. elkanii n.g. n.g.
Standard medium (YMB) S. meliloti 4.80 109 5.53
R. leg. bv. viciae 3.80 109 3.92
B. japonicum 4.20 109 7.35
B. elkanii 1.28 109 9.80
n.g.: no growth.
3542 F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546

Table 4 bon source represents an important step in the bioprocess.

EVect of suspended solids on S. meliloti growth in sludge from municipal To improve availability of sludge nutrients for rhizobia,
wastewater plants located in Quebec (adapted from Ben Rebah et al.
(2001) and Dufresne (2004))
chemical pre-treatments have been applied to sludge:
acidiWcation with H2SO4 pH 2, alkaline hydrolysis
Suspended solids Maximum cell count Generation
(%) (cfu/mL) time (h)
(185 meqNaOH/l) and peroxide hydrolysis (H2O2 30%)
(Ben Rebah et al., 2001, 2002b; Dufresne, 2004). Growth of
Primary sludge (Black Lake plant)
S. meliloti varied with the sludge origin and the type of pre-
3.2a 0.96 109 9.61
2.6 9.25 109 6.26 treatment; generally, pre-treatments reduced the lag period
1.3 11.1 109 5.34 and the generation time, and enhanced cell yields (Ben
0.65 4.00 109 4.33 Rebah et al., 2001). For example (Table 5), after alkaline
0.325 6.75 109 4.15 treatment of the mixed sludge, the S. meliloti cell count was
Secondary sludge (Black Lake plant) increased from 0.88 109 to 4.1 109 cfu/mL, and the gen-
0.2a 0.99 109 7.34 eration time reduced from 7.87 to 6.83 h. However, for sec-
0.3 0.61 109 7.03 ondary sludge, alkaline treatment reduced cell growth,
0.4 0.66 109 6.90 indicating that this treatment is probably not adequate for
Secondary sludge (Quebec city plant) this type of sludge. Similarly, it was demonstrated by Duf-
0.5 5.55 109 2.30 resne (2004) that the alkaline treatment of the municipal
1.0a 4.15 109 4.00 secondary sludge of Quebec City reduced the lag period of
2.0 5.75 108 ndb
S. meliloti.
Suspended solids percentages in the original sludge sample. Other experiments aimed to optimize the alkaline (50
nd: not determined.
200 meq/L of NaOH) and acid (pH 2.06.0 obtained with
H2SO4) hydrolysis pre-treatments in sludges having diVer-
probably allowed an optimal oxygen transfer and improved ent solids concentrations (0.3253.2% w/v for primary slud-
cell multiplication, but over-dilution can reduce nutrient ges and 0.20.4% w/v for secondary sludges) (Ben Rebah
content, as shown by approximately 50% less cell in sludge et al., 2001). The best cell yields were obtained in primary
diluted at 0.325% solid concentration (compared to that sludge under alkalinity at 100 meq/L of NaOH with 0.65%
obtained at 1.3% solids concentration). The increase of sus- solids concentration (21 109 cfu/ml) or under acidity at
pended solids concentration from 0.2% to 0.4% in Black pH 2 with 0.325% solid concentrations (13 109 cfu/ml). In
Lake secondary sludge, slightly reduced the maximum cell secondary sludge, the increases in cell yields due to these
count suggesting an inhibitory eVect of factors such as interactions were less important.
heavy metal, Ca and Mg (Ben Rebah et al., 2001; Dufresne, The enhancement of rhizobial yields in pre-treated
2004). Since the maximum solids concentration (0.4% w/v) sludge is probably due to the transformation of the sludge
obtained by concentration of the original sludge (0.2% w/v) complex compounds into available nutrients. It has been
remained very low, it could not have signiWcantly aVected reported by Rajan et al. (1989) that acid hydrolysis solu-
the oxygen transfer during rhizobial growth. bilizes the sludge organic matter. Alkaline and oxidative
treatments of lignocellulosic materials can induce
6.2.3. Optimizing growth conditions in sludge swelling in particulate organics, making the cellular sub-
As stated earlier, inoculants should contain a high cell stances more susceptible to enzymatic attack during sac-
numbers to achieve eYcient nodulation and nitrogen Wxa- chariWcation (Tagaki, 1987; Baccay and Hashimoto,
tion during plant growth. In search of high quality inocu- 1984).
lant, optimizing growth conditions increasing the cell yield Nutrient addition: The eVects of additional sources of
has been achieved by a pre-treatment of sludge or by the nutrients on the growth of S. meliloti were studied in sec-
addition of nutrients. ondary sludge from the Quebec City wastewater plant
Sludge pre-treatments: Sludge contains complex organic (Ben Rebah et al., 2002d). Sludge supplemented with
material, which cannot be easily assimilated by bacteria. diVerent concentrations of yeast extract and glycerol
The transformation of this material into an available car- increased the maximum cell counts (Table 6). The highest

Table 5
EVects of sludge chemical pre-treatments on the growth of S. meliloti in mixed and secondary sludge from municipal wastewater plants (adapted from Ben
Rebah et al. (2001))
Mixed sludge (Quebec city plant) Secondary sludge (Valcartier plant)
Maximum cell count (cfu/mL) Generation time (h) Maximum cell count (cfu/mL) Generation time (h)
9 9
No treatment 0.88 10 7.87 3.60 10 4.96
Acid treatment 2.25 109 7.44 5.80 109 4.93
Alkaline treatment 4.10 109 6.83 0.40 109 10.58
Oxidative treatment 2.14 109 2.14 0.31 109 10.12
F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546 3543

Table 6
EVects of nutrient addition on the growth of S. meliloti in secondary sludge
Nutriment sources Culture vessel Maximum cell count (cfu/mL) Generation time (h) References
Un-supplemented sludge 0.25-L Xask 2.7 109 3.7 Ben Rebah et al. (2002d)
+ Yeast extract (4 g/L) 0.25-L Xask 8.8 109 3.0 Ben Rebah et al. (2002d)
+ Yeast extract (4 g/L) + Glycerol (7.5 g/L) 0.25-L Xask 16.0 109 3.0 Ben Rebah et al. (2002d)
+ Industrial yeast waste (50%) 0.25-L Xask 8.7 109 3.0 Dufresne (2004)
Standard YMB 10-L reactor 3.4 109 2.1 Dufresne (2004)
Un-supplemented sludge 10-L reactor 2.1 109 2.0 Dufresne (2004)
+ Industrial yeast waste (50%) 15-L reactor 6.3 109 2.6 Dufresne (2004)
+ Industrial yeast waste (50%) 150-L reactor 6.9 109 2.6 Dufresne (2004)

increase was approximately sixfold and was obtained and 108 cells/g which is higher than the standard of 107 cells/
with the addition of 4 g/L yeast extract and 7.5 g/L glyc- g used in many countries. Moreover, sludge-based inocu-
erol. Nutrient additions also reduced the generation time. lants can meet the Canadian standard (based on number
This eVect can be explained by the presence in yeast viable cells per seed) because rhizobial counts are higher
extract of amino acids, inorganic nitrogen and growth than the quantity (cells/g) needed to provide the required
factors (iron, calcium, magnesium, strontium, sodium, number of 103 rhizobia per alfalfa seed (e.g. 2 106 per g,
potassium, barium, manganese, copper, lead, aluminium which is an example given in Section 3). Sludge is also non-
and vanadium) at concentrations to satisfy the nutritional toxic, permits growth after incubation, and constitutes an
requirements of rhizobia (Burton, 1979). Brewers spent available and low cost raw material. These characteristics
yeast, an industrial waste recovered from a brewery, has make sludge a suitable carrier for producing solid-based
been used to replace yeast extract in studies with rhizobia inoculants.
growing in sludge because it is a good source of protein,
vitamin and growth factors (Dufresne, 2004). Experi- 6.4. Nodulation capacity and symbiotic eVectiveness of
ments done in Xasks and in 15- and 150-L reactors rhizobia in sludge-based inoculants
showed the beneWcial eVect of spent yeast on S. meliloti
growth (Table 6). It is important to note that rhizobia produced under all
growth conditions in diVerent types of sludges maintained
6.3. Dewatered sludge as a carrier their nodulation capacity (Ben Rebah et al., 2001,
2002b,c,e; Dufresne, 2004). Nodulation indices (nodule size,
Dewatered wastewater sludge has been tested as a car- color and number) were determined on legumes inoculated
rier for S. meliloti by Ben Rebah et al. (2002e). Compared with sludge-grown rhizobia. The nodulation indices of S.
to the control carrier, that is peat inoculated with YMB- meliloti (nodulating alfalfa), R. leguminosarum bv. viciae
grown S. meliloti, dewatered sludge showed optimal poten- (nodulating pea), B. japonicum and B. elkanii (nodulating
tial as a carrier for rhizobia, because it supported rhizobia soya) varied slightly among species and with the origin of
survival at an acceptable level. Sludge can maintain desired sludges, but were generally close to those obtained for
rhizobial populations, a pH around neutral and an accept- YMB-grown rhizobia. Also, the symbiotic eVectiveness of
able water holding capacity after 130 days of storage at sludge-based inoculants (liquid and solid) was compared to
25 C (Table 7). Stored at 4 C, sludge behaved similarly, that of rhizobia grown in the standard medium (YMB)
maintaining populations comparable to those obtained at and/or stored in peat (Ben Rebah et al., 2002c). Alfalfa
25 C. Generally, the viable cell number varied between 107 plants were inoculated with either liquid or solid S. meliloti
inoculants and grown in pots under controlled conditions
in two soils types (clay and sandy soil) previously cultivated
Table 7
with alfalfa and containing indigenous rhizoba (Table 8). In
Survival of S. meliloti and characteristics of sludge-based inoculants (pre-
pared by mixing YMB-grown or sludge-grown S. meliloti with dewatered the sandy soil, solid sludge-based inoculant allowed the
sludge) after 130 days of incubation at 25 C (adapted from Ben Rebah highest alfalfa shoot dry weight while in the clay soil, there
et al. (2002e)) was no signiWcant eVect of inoculation ; however, all types
Inoculants Characteristics of inoculants increased alfalfa nodulation in both soils, as
Carrier Growth Viable cell pH Moisture well as rhizobial populations. For example, for the sandy
media count (cells/g) (%) soil, inoculation increased the nodulation indices of alfalfa
Dewatered sludge Sludge 2.5 107 7.70 39.9 from 4 (control) to 8 and 12 and the number of rhizobia
Dewatered sludge YMB 1.0 108 7.80 42.0 from 103 cells/g to 106 cells/g. The same tendency was
Dewatered sludge + peat Sludge 1.0 108 7.52 35.9 observed for the clay soil. Therefore, inoculation of alfalfa
Dewatered sludge + peat YMB 2.0 108 7.36 39.5 with sludge-based S. meliloti inoculants is as eYcient as
Peat YMB 7.7 108 6.87 36.4 inoculation with standard inoculants.
3544 F. Ben Rebah et al. / Bioresource Technology 98 (2007) 35353546

Table 8 Ben Rebah, F., Tyagi, R.D., Prvost, D., 2001. Acid and alkaline treat-
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Liquid inoculant (YMBd) 8 10.39 2.27 106 water sludge as a new medium for rhizobial growth. Water Quality
Liquid inoculant (sludge-based) 8 10.90 5.06 106 Research Journal of Canada 37, 353370.
Solid inoculant (standard-YMB-peat) 8 10.18 nde Ben Rebah, F., Tyagi, R.D., Prvost, D., 2002c. Nodulation and yield of
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