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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 22: 898902, 2007

Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1042-6914 print/1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426910701451713

Effect of Punch Geometry in the Deep Drawing

Process of Aluminium
S. M. Mahdavian and Tui Mei Yen Fion

School of Aerospace, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, Bundoora Victoria, Australia

The effect of different punches head prole on deep drawing of 5005 H34 Aluminium circular blanks to manufacture a cup-shape product
were studied. Experiments were conducted by a 150 ton hydraulic press with using different punches geometry and lubricants viscosity. The
drawing force, blank holder pressure, and movement of the punch were measured during experiments to monitor effects of various manufacturing
parameters during the drawing process. The surface nish and dimensions of all cups were determined after drawing processes. The geometry of
the punch inuences the friction force between the blank and punch, and consequently the stretching bottom surface of the cup. The Flat punch
geometry produced cups with better surface nish, higher drawing force, and thinner cup wall thickness in comparison to other punches geometry.
The Bore punch geometry enhances the stretching of the bottom part of the cup. The presence of lubricant in the process improves the stretching
of bottom part of a cup for all punches prole.

Keywords Aluminium; Deep drawing; Forming; Punch; Surface nish.

1. Introduction This article aims to study the effect of different punches

Deep drawing is one of the common processes in sheet end face geometry on the deformation of a blank underneath
metal forming. The drawing of a cylindrical cup-shape from the punch surface. A deep drawing process rig with
a at circular sheet metal blank is the simplest drawing experimental measurements has been designed and built for
operation that has been used by numerous researchers this purpose and experiments were conducted by different
to study the effects of material properties, production punches geometry to draw cup-shape products from 5005
parameters, lubrication, and tools geometry on product H34 Aluminium blanks. The changes in friction force
quality and control of the drawing process. The study of between the punchs head and blank as the result of using
formability of the sheet metal in the deep drawing of different lubricants and its role in the deformation have been
a cylindrical cup has been the subject of comprehensive investigated.
theoretical and experimental analyses by researchers in the
past and recent years. A review of the different aspects of the 2. Experimental setup
deep drawing process is given in Shao [1], He [2], and Zeng Extensive experiments have been carried out with strips
[3]. The variation of the wall thickness in cup drawing has and circular blanks to investigate the effect of different
been noticed in experiments by researchers and a review of punch geometry. The main experimental equipment used is
the cup-drawing process and cup thickness changes is given a 150 ton hydraulic press, which is shown in Fig. 1. A cup
by Johnson and Mello [4] in their book. Mahdavian and drawing die and punch with a blank holder were designed,
He [5] have developed an analytical model and validated manufactured, and tted into two guided posts die set
by experimental results to predict the variation in the wall device. The die is placed in the die holding device precisely
thickness of the cup. Even though the reduction of thickness to maintain a uniform clearance and precise alignment with
is important in the weight reduction, functionality, and the punch. The blank holder is mounted on four pneumatic
dimensional control of a product in practice, part of the cylinders that exert a preset blank holder force during the
drawn section of a product that is in contact with the drawing process.
punch is normally undeformed and its thickness remains The punch force is measured by a load cell that is
the same thickness as the original blank. The undeformed positioned between the press ram and punch. The blank
section under the punch and blank contact in most cases holder force is measured by means of four small proving
compromises a large section of undeformed blank and may rings with cemented strain gauges between the pneumatics
not require the same thickness as the original thickness of driving shafts and the plank holder plate. The displacement
the blank. A cup or product with a higher height or uniform between the punch and die is measured by means of a linear
thickness can be drawn if the blank located underneath the displacement transducer (LVDT).
punch is deformed or stretched. Outputs from these sensors are amplied as voltage
changes through the data acquisition and DT Vee software.
Constant clamping forces were used throughout
Received July 10, 2006; Accepted December 30, 2006 experiments for all four punches to ensure the formation
Address correspondence to S. M. Mahdavian, School of Aerospace, of a complete nondefective cup and to prevent wrinkling
Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, P.O. of the blank. The clamping force was established by trial
Box 71, Bundoora Victoria 3083, Australia; E-mail: mehdi.mahdavian@ runs. The adjustment was made by the air inlet controller
rmit.edu.au to the pneumatic cylinders. For 650 kPa blank hold down

outside diameter of all punches is 61.8 mm. Each punch can

be installed over 45 mm press ram and xed to the ram by
3 mm Grub screw.
A die with bore dimeter 63.17 mm has been used to
deform the blank into a cup shape by a punch. This has
maintained the same clearance between the die and different
punches throughout all experiments.

4. Aluminum blank
Samples used in experiment were circular blanks cut from
Aluminium 50005 H34 sheet with 1 mm nominal thickness.
Experiments were conducted by using Engine oil Grade
130 with viscosity 19.89 cSt, Engine oil Grade 6216 with
viscosity 51.37, and dry condition without any lubricants.
All samples were painted and dried before the experiment.
Figure 1.Deep drawing tool installed on the 150 ton hydraulic press.
The painted surface allows better detection of changes on
the surface condition of a drawn cup. A well-lubricated
product with an established thick lubricant lm will prevent
pressure, wrinkling was prevented for nonlubricated blanks the direct contact between the blank and the tools surfaces.
while the pressure was increased to 750 kPa for lubricated This will show minimal scratches or even no scratches over
blanks. the painted surface of the blank during the deformation
process. In contrast, for the unlubricated case, the products
3. Punch geometry surface is scratched and even the paint is removed.
The main objective of the project is to investigate the
effect of different punches head geometry on hight, wall 5. Experimental procedures and results
thickness, and surface nish of the drawn product. 5.1. Process Observations
Four different punches geometry, as shown in Fig. 2,
have been designed and manufactured. Punches were made Preliminary tests were conducted to ascertain process
of Alloy Steel VEW K110 Special DNL from Bohler Steels behavior, to record responses from various measurement
Manufacturer. Punches were heat-treated to 60 RC. The devices, and to measure product dimensions for assessing
the effect of punch geometry on drawing of aluminium
blanks. The main observations that were different from
commonly anticipated behavior for conventional drawing
operations are described in the following sections.

5.2. Effect of Punch Geometry on Cups

Bottom Thickness
Numerous experiments were conducted with four
different punches with and without application of lubricant
to blanks. The thicknesses of a cups bottom was measured
at different locations and for several cups the average
measurements of the bottom thickness of drawn cups are
plotted in Fig. 3.

Figure 3.Variation of the cups bottom thickness with punch geometry for
Figure 2.Detail drawing of punches geometry, dimensions in milimeters. different lubricants viscosities.

The average blank thickness range is between 0.94 thickness for either lubricated or dry conditions. Figure 4
0.96 mm before drawing. As shown in Fig. 3 for dry or none shows the stretching action is minimal for the punch with
lubricated condition the thickness of a drawn cup remains Bore geometry. All punches except Flat punch produce both
within the thickness range of the blank. Particularly, for thicker wall and more bottom thicknesses than their blank
the Flat punch, the thickness of the drawn cup remains thicknesses consistently. The Flat and Radial punches are
unchanged. For the nonlubricated case, the reduction in signicantly inuenced by applying lubricant.
surface contact of the punch face with the blank has slightly
enhanced the stretching of the bottom of the cup. This is 5.4. Effects of Punch Geometry on the Surface
also signicant for the Bore punch geometry in comparison Roughness of a Drawn Cup
to the at punch. The inuence of lubrication reverses the The comparison of surface roughness (Ra) which
changes in the thickness of the cups bottom section and it represents the arithmetic roughness average for the
increases the thickness which is less implied to cups drawn lubricated and nonlubricated cups reveals that the
by the Flat punch. To explain the reason or reasons for nonlubricated cup surface has a smoother surface nish
this phenomenon requires considering other factors such as than the lubricated cup surface. As the lubricant viscosity
the changes in a cups wall thickness, drawing force, and increases, the external surface of the cup becomes rougher
surface nish of a cup, collectively. and applies to any punch geometry. The radial punch
maintains a better lubrication than the other punches as
5.3. Effects of Punch Geometry on the shown in Fig. 4.
Cups Wall Thickness As shown in Fig. 5, there is a different degree of scratches
As shown in Fig. 4, for both unlubricated and lubricated on the inside wall of drawn cups. The cup drawn by the
conditions, the Flat punch has produced a slight change in Flat punch has the most paint removed from its surface. The
the blank thickness, and for the lubricated conditions, the paint layer on the inside bottom surface of the cup drawn by
wall thickness was thinned. The punches geometry except Radial punch remained unscratched, which denoted a lack
the Flat punch face has produced cups thicker than the of contact between the blank and the punch surfaces. The
blank holder and appears that the stretching effect has been value of Ra of surface nish for the Radial punch supports
reduced. The punch with the Conical prole produces a the establishment of a lubricant lm between the blank and
thicker wall thickness than the at punch and the same punch surfaces.

5.5. Effects of Punch Geometry on the Cup

Drawing Force
The punch force during drawing process was recorded
and the variation of the punch force with punch proles for
the lubricated and unlubricated cases are shown in Fig. 6.
The increase in viscosity clearly has reected on the punch
force and demonstrated an increase in the punch force. The
nonlubricated case for all punches has shown the lowest
punch force compared to the lubricated conditions. This
does not reect the reduction in friction force while the
surface nish measurements have shown the existence of
a lubricated lm thickness and consequently a reduction in
the punch force.

Figure 4.(a) Variation of the cups wall thickness with different punch
geometry for different lubricants viscosities. (b) Variation of surface roughness Figure 5.Drawn cups using different punch geometry with different degree
Ra of the Cups bottom outside surface (micrometer) for different punch scratches (clockwise, from the right: Flat punch, Bore punch, Conical punch,
geometry. and Radial punch).

under a hoop stress as the drawing progresses. The portion

of the cup between the die wall and the punch wall is subject
to nearly pure tension and tends to stretch further and to
become thinner. The thickness of the cups wall during
the drawing process is as the result of interacting between
the stretching and initial thickening of the blank. However,
factors such as friction force, formation of a lubricant lm,
blanks pressure hold-up, die expansion, punch and die
geometry inuence the dimensions of drawn cups and the
thickness changes cannot be interpreted without considering
all interacting factors collectively.
It may be noticed from experimental results the
deformation of a cups wall and cops bottom cannot be
evaluated independently due to the deformation continuity.
To demonstrate a better picture of the cups deformation,
the ratio of measured cups wall thickness to the cups
Figure 6.Effect of punch prole on drawing force. bottom thickness has been plotted in Fig. 8. It reveals that
for the nonlubricated condition, reducing the contact surface
between the blank and punchs bottom leads to a reduction
In reality, the magnitude of the blank holder pressure of the friction force. Consequently, the cups deformation
that grips the blank at one end and the punch force that is more homogenous and the thickening of blank becomes
pushes the blank into the cavity of the die has a more more signicant and dominates the stretching process. This
signicant effect on the punch force. As indicated earlier is also supported by reduction in drawing force as shown
about the blank holder pressures, the blank holder pressure in Fig. 7. For the Flat punch, both the surface contact and
for lubricated cases was 1.15 time higher than in the friction force at the cups bottom are higher than other
nonlubricated case. If the lubricated blank holder pressure punches, which requires a larger drawing force. In this case,
requires 15% more than the required blank holder pressure the stretching is enhanced and thicken blank deforms further
for nonlubricated blank and makes an adjustment to the than the original blank thickness and produces a thinner
punch force, then results become as the ones shown in wall thickness. The higher drawing force causes further
Fig. 7. This indicates that the punch force contributing to stretching which reaches to the cups bottom. The low
the forming blank is higher than the lubricated blanks, and surface roughness produced for nonlubricated conditions is
therefore the stretching of the cups wall and the cups a further indication of existence of high-friction coefcient
bottom are higher than the other cases. for all punches prole.
The lubrication of a blank has a signicant effect on
6. Discussion of results drawn product dimensions. The formation of a lubricant lm
Different aspects of punches prole effect on deep in the drawing process not only reduces the friction force at
drawing have been investigated. The geometry of a punch the punchs head contact but also requires a lower drawing
inuences dimensions, surface nish, and forming force force that associates with a lower stretching. The lubricant
of deep drawn product. The lubrication effect has also with 51.3 cSt viscosity has a higher shear force at the surface
enhanced these effects in some cases. Throughout all interface than the lubricant with viscosity of 19.8 cSt and
experiments the blank holder force was adjusted to allow produces a higher punch force. However, the geometry
the blank to ow freely into the die cavity. The reduction of punch prole plays an important role in establishing a
in the blank diameter increases the thickness of the blank lubricant lm and its thickness. The experimental results

Figure 7.Variation of drawing force with the punch prole adjusted for Figure 8.Variation ratio of wall-to-bottom thicknesses of drawn cups with
blank holder pressure increment. punch geometry.

indicate the Conical punch prole produces a thin lubricant The prole of the punch is important in establishing a thick
lm thickness. lubricant lm and this has been reected on the degree of
surface roughness of the cup. The Radial punch geometry
7. Conclusions produces a thicker lm thickness than the other punches
Blanks made of Aluminium 5005 H34 blank were drawn in general. Further work is needed to study other punch
in cup-shape products with different punches geometry. The geometry with emphasises on punch radius and their effects
punch prole plays an important role in the reduction of on friction force and stretching of the bottom part of a cup.
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