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Manslaughter is typically classified as accidental killing of another person, such as inadvertently running

someone over. You are at fault because you, as a driver, are obligated to yield to pedestrians and
exercise the necessary caution. Depending on the circumstance, you may or may not be charged for
manslaughter. For example, if you are able to prove that the person was drunk and just jumped in front of
your car for no apparent reason, then you obviously could not have done anything.

Homicide is typically killing crimes committed under "heat of the passion." In other words, if you got really
pissed off and pushed your girlfriend and she fell down the stairs, then it would probably be a homicide.

Murder needs to show malicious intent, unlike homicide, which is almost always committed on the spur of
the moment. If you meticulously plan out how you are going to kill someone and are caught, you will most
likely be charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder.

What separates the different degrees of murder? 1st degree is the worst and you must show that the
crime was truly heinous. For example, if someone waited for you outside your home for you to come
home from work, then killed you, that would be 2nd degree murder. It was planned out, but not truly
heinous. If they waited for you to walk inside your house, then tortured you, raped you then cut up your
body into little pieces and framed them, that would be 1st degree murder.

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