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10F process

1. Pay attention to your goal and the deadline before which you want to achieve it. Is it
possible to fail?

2. How could you fail?

3. Going through 10 fingers:

Left hand fingers:

Its possible to fail because (barrier identified in step 2).

Right hand fingers:

Although (barrier from step 2) I still want my goal.

When you go through all 10 fingers, ask yourself:

4. Is there something that you could conclude from this process about your goal, or about
possibilities for its achievement? (Usually something about how you could eliminate or
resolve the barrier you noticed in step 2).

5. Does the process you did suggest some possible improvement in your goal or better
definition of your goal? Should you add something, or eliminate something from its
formulation to make it more attractive or better defined?

6. Go again to point 1. (Identification of the next barrier which makes you retreat from your
goal) and repeat the process.

Repeat the process until you feel that its impossible to fail.

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