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Carolina writes an email to her friend about work:

"Hi Cristina, I am sorry I havent called you for so long. How are you? How is your new apartment? I have
been very busy at work. I arrive at the office at 7 am and leave at around 6:30 pm. I just get half an hour for
lunch and a five-minute break in the morning and in the afternoon. I am very tired when I get home so I
just eat, watch some television and go to bed. In the office, I am on the phone all day, listening to customer
complaints and entering them into our computer system. At the end of the day I have to write a summary
of all the calls I received during the day and give my boss a status on the complaints that are not yet
resolved. I do not know how much longer I can do this. I need a vacation, or even better, I need another
job! Ill call you this weekend.


Q1: what time does Carolina usually arrive at the office?

Q2: what time does she leave?

Q3: What does she do almost all day at work?

Q4: What does she have to give her boss at the end of each work day?

Q5: Does it seem like she likes her job?

Translate the following sentences:

1. No veo casi nunca la televisin.

2. Siempre soy muy estricto con mis alumnos.

3. John trabaja en un bar los fines de semana.

4. Larry no viaja nunca en avin.

5. A veces alquilan un apartamento en la costa.

6. Tenemos clase de ingls los lunes y los miercoles.

7. No lo veo amenudo.

8. Van a nadar dos veces por semana.

9. Sarah no siempre va al mercado los sbados.

10. Habitualmente van a esquiar en febrero.

Read this mixed-up hotel dialogue. Then put the numbers in the correct order.

1. Just a single, please.

2. Yes, of course. We take Visa and Access. Could you sign the register, please?

3. Just this one bag.

4. No, just a signature. Do you have any luggage?

5. Here's your key. Your room number is 655.

6. Good evening. Can I help you?

7. It's actually across the street next to the bank. I hope you enjoy your stay.

8. A shower. How much is the room?

9. Thank you. Goodnight.

10. No, thanks. Just breakfast, please. Can I pay by credit card?

11. Of course. A single room or a double?

12. Yes, sure. Do you need my address, too?

13. Oh, one more thing. Where is the hotel car park?

14. Now, do you want a room with a bath or a shower?

15. $85 for the room and that includes breakfast. Would you like to have dinner in the hotel?

16. Yes, please. Could I have a room for the night?

Read about Tomas who comes from Vienna, then answer the True/False questions about him.

I'm Tomas and I live in Vienna with my parents and my sisters. I'm the youngest in my family. I turned 13
last month. My sisters are Martina, 16, and Betta, 19. Betta's very serious and she always tells me what
to do, I guess because she's the oldest. I go to a nice school not too far from our home and I really enjoy
it. I have a lot of friends there and I enjoy studying. My best subject is Geography, probably because it's
the easiest too! My most difficult subject is Math - I'm terrible and I don't like my teacher. I love playing
sports, especially basketball. I'm the tallest player on the school team and I usually play really well. It's
the happiest part of my day. My coach says that one day I could play professional basketball! On the
weekend I spend a lot of time with my friends Ralf and Kurt. We do everything together and they are
the most important people in my life, apart from my family of course!

1. Tomas is older than Martina.

2. Betta is the oldest.

3. Geography is the easiest subject.

4. English is more difficult than Math.

5. Tomas is the tallest on the team

6. Kurt is more important than Betta.

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