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? / Life is a toy windmill?

Jivit hem girgirem ?

Burgeanchea hatant khell

Vaddleleank xikounn ditlem,

Varem marlear gunvtelem

Vad-vadollant sanddtelem

Moladik-voznik korneo urtoleo

Pola sarkeleo ubun votleo

Korm konnak chukona

Vishnnuchi maya sogllem bogxina.

A toy in the hands of children,

It has lessons for the grown up,

It turns with the wind

But is blown away by storm.

Valuable, weighty deeds continue,

The chaff is blown away.

Nobody escapes ones destiny

Vishnus maya does not forgive everything.

Moiddeche Chavddent

Ganvkaranche vollerint

Bhav mozo Calisto

Panchvea vangddacho

516 zagear zonnkar aslo.

Ek vorsa fattim gonnita bhairo zalo

Jedna apleak purvozam sangata

Ogonnit zago melloilo.

In the community house of Moir

In the registry of ganvkars

My brother Calisto

A member of the fifth clan

He was a ganvkar number 516.

A year ago he lost his rank

When he chose the company

Of his unaccountable ancestors.

, .

Bhavponnache bandpas

Potinni-bhurgeam adle.

Hea hokachea adharan

He moje tisre koviten

Bhangarache chavien

Ek dar dhampun ugoddtam dusrem

Burgeamnim natramnim

Aple kaide pallunk, asmitai rakhunk.

The brotherly bonds

Precede those of a wife and children.

Based upon this right

I resort to this third poem

As a key to close one door

And to open another,

Call upon the children and grandchildren

To honour their duties and heritage.


Munisponn monachem faddem,

Mona viret na sukannem,

Sukannea bogor jivitachem voddem

Toddik koxem pavtelem?

Moddam koxem jiktelem?

Bhavart, borvanso ani mog

Hanche viret na sukhannem,

Na mon, na munisponn fokot girgirem.

Humanity is an outcome of mind,

Without mind there is no rudder,

How can the life-boat

reach the opposite bank?

How can it overcome storms?

Faith, hope and charity

Make the rudder of life.

Without mind, without rudder only a toy windmill.


Teotonio R. de Souza

Lisboa, 24 Nov 2017

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