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Woodpecker Woodpeckers are adapted for climbing trees and drilling holes in tree trunks with their sharp beaks. ‘They can be heard throughout the year by the rat-a-tat of their drilling. They cling tightly to tree trunks with their sharply clawed feet with toes going both forward and backward. With their long tongues. they can pick insects from the holes they have bored. Oo Oo & Fold and unfold. Crease lightly. Unfold, 4 ‘ 5 i 6 Fold up to the center and Fold up so the dot unfold, Crease lighdy and meets the line above it only on the left side. 44 Bugs and Birds in Origami 10 Pull out. ll Pull out. 14 15 (| 17 18 oF 8 VY Rabbit-ear. te ee Pull out. Squash-fold. Woodpecker 45 20 21 22 23 Repeat steps 20-22 on the right. 25 26 27 Crimp-fold. ‘Tuck inside. Fold in half and rotate. et 28 29 Crimp-fold the neck. Crimp-fold the Reverse-fold the tail. beak and tail. 30 ‘ 31 Woodpecker Double-rabbit-ear the legs. Shape the neck. Repeat behind. 46 Bugs and Birds in Origami

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