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En el archivo Base_pesca_certamen.

dta, se presenta la eleccin por modo de pesca de un

grupo de pescadores, estos modos de pesca pueden ser beach, chrter, pier o private. Un
grupo de investigadores intentan buscar la mejor forma de estudiar este problema. Se
llega al acuerdo que un modelo condicional logit es una buena aproximacin segn los
datos disponibles, pero nace la inquietud de dar robustez a estos resultados, por lo que
intentan ver los resultados segn distintos modelos para compararlos.

A) Realice una estimacin, usando la/las variables adecuadas, de un modelo conditional logit,
multinomial logit y multinomial probit.
B) Discuta tericamente, las diferencias y similitudes entre los 3 modelos.
C) Suponga que puede dividir los modos de pesca en dos categoras: bote y orilla. Estime un
nested logit utilizando esta divisin.
D) Encuentre un criterio adecuado para comparar los modelos, y discuta las implicancias de
esta comparacin respecto a la duda de los investigadores.

Conditional logit, Multinomial logit, Multinomial probit y Nested logit.

First, lets examine how we called nlogit. The delimiters (||) separate equations. The first equation specifies the
dependent variable, chosen, and three alternative-specific variables, cost, rating, and distance. We refer to these
variables as alternative-specific because they vary among the bottom-level alternatives, the restaurants. We
obtain one parameter estimate for each variable. These estimates are listed in the equation subtable labeled

For the second equation, we specify the type variable. It identifies the first-level alternatives, the restaurant
types. Following the colon after type, we specify two case-specific variables, income and kids. Here we obtain a
parameter estimate for each variable for each alternative at this level. That is why we call these variable lists by-
alternative variables. Because income and kids do not vary within each case, to identify the model one
alternatives set of parameters must be set to zero. We specified the base(family) option with this equation to
restrict the parameters for the family alternative. The variable identifying the bottom-level alternatives,
restaurant, is specified after the second equation delimiter. We do not specify any variables after the colon
delimiter at this level. Had we specified variables here, we would have obtained an estimate for each variable in
each equation. As we will see below, these variables parameterize the constant term in the utility equation for
each bottom-level alternative. The noconstant option suppresses bottom-level alternative-specific constant

Near the bottom of the output are the dissimilarity parameters, which measure the degree of correlation of
random shocks within each of the three types of restaurants. Dissimilarity parameters greater than one imply that
the model is inconsistent with RUM; Hensher, Rose, and Greene (2005, sec. 13.6) discuss this in detail. We will
ignore the fact that all our dissimilarity parameters exceed one.

The conditional logit model is a special case of nested logit in which all the dissimilarity parameters are equal to
one. At the bottom of the output, we find a likelihood-ratio test of this hypothesis. Here we have mixed evidence
of the null hypothesis that all the parameters are one. Equivalently, the property known as the IIA imposed by the
conditional logit model holds if and only if all dissimilarity parameters are equal to one. We discuss the IIA in more
detail now.

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