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Skull and Bones

11, 22, 33
A seed is a collection of information that describes processes that when carried out produce
an end result. That end result could be a bird, a human being, plant, a planet or even a

When you look at the outline of a cloud, the branches of a tree, the path of a river, or the
veins in your arms, you are looking at what is called, Fractal geometry.

Fractal geometry like everything else in the universe is based on mathematics, a medium
known to be predetermined.

Multiply the number 56,116.50 by 2. Half way through the calculation stop and ask
yourself, Is the rest of the sum already there? The answer is, Yes, the answer is already

All senses in the body are routed to the brain via the Nervous System. When signals sent
by nerve endings reach the brain, neurons within the brain fire in three-dimensional fractal
patterns processing the information. For every memory there is a fractal pattern which
represents it within your brain.

Close your eyes and visualize a box within your mind. Now, make that box rotate. Is it the
box that is rotating or is it you moving around the box?

If I poked you in the arm and asked you, Is this your body? you would answer, Yes.
Then I would ask, Well, if thats your body, WHAT are you? It is a hint that you are
something not of the physical.

The human brain has always been a symbol for the mind as long as I can remember. This
accumulated knowledge when brought together with common sense reasoning has me
thinking the brain is where our spirits/minds are attached. The human brain is a three-
dimensional fractal interface for the spirit.

When someone doesnt understand the obviousness of what is being taught, the person
doing the teaching will sometimes knock on their heads repeatedly and say, Hello, hello, is
anybody in there? What is it do you think that reveals?

The number I had you multiply by 2 earlier revealed 112,233. To the untrained eye this
number may not be that important. 11, 22, and 33 can be seen. These three numbers
are, The Master Numbers.

Unfortunately I cannot go into detail concerning The Master Numbers because of the space
restrictions of The Belmore Banner. You will have to research them on your own.

The skeletal system is comprised of many bones. In particular, your skull has 22 bones and
your back has 33 vertebrae. Your rib cage has 11 true ribs on each side. There is a twelfth
rib (on each side) but is not considered a true rib because it is not bone.
11, 22, and 33 are precise numbers. They are also multiples of 11. I couldnt even begin to
calculate the odds of these numbers being encoded within our DNA through any process
other than intelligent thought.

The mathematical problem presented in this article had nothing to do with The Master
Numbers. I only used it to reveal them to you.

Master numbers within your DNA

The vertebral column

The human body is an amazing thing, or shall I say, "machine". It is

fully functional and extremely versatile. It offers a method of
locomotion to that which is not of the physical.

There are several subsystems which make up the physical body. The
major systems are skeletal, muscular, nervous and cardio vascular
systems. The skeletal system provides the foundation and all other
systems are combined with it to make a biological machine. The
nervous system provides the sensation of touch, taste, smell, sight,
and much more. All of which are needed by the machine to interact
with the physical universe.

Your back is made up of a series of bones called "vertebrae". Together

they form a flexible column. (left) There are a total of thirty-three
vertebrae and they are grouped under the names cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal. There are seven in the cervical region,
twelve in the thoracic, five in the lumbar, five in the sacral, and four in
the coccygeal.

Freemasonry should pop into your mind at this point. The number 33
is the highest degree within Masonry. As we further our research we
find more and more evidence which ties the modern global elite (who
are Freemasons) to the biblical

As you look at the vertebrae in the column, the ones in the neck are
much smaller than the ones lower down. The reason for this is to give
you a much greater range of motion/flexibility for your skull.

The Skull

At the summit of the vertebral column is the skull. The skull is of an oval shape. It is
wider behind than in front. The bones it is comprised of are flattened or irregular, the only
exception is the mandible. These bones are immovably jointed together. The cranium
lodges and protects the brain and consists of eight bones and the skeleton of the face,
Two Parietals.
Cranium, 8 bones
Two Temporals.
Two Nasals.
Skull, 22 bones
Two Maxill.
Two Lacrimals.
Two Zygomatics.
Face, 14 bones
Two Palatines.
Two Inferior Nasal Conch.

The Ribs

Elastic arches of bone are what the ribs are comprised of. They
form a large part of the thoracic skeleton. On either side there are
twelve but this number maybe increased by the development of a
cervical or lumbar rib, or maybe diminished to eleven.

Behind the vertebral column is where the first seven are connected
and in front, through the intervention of the costal cartilages, with
the sternum; they are called true or vertebro-sternal ribs. The
other five are false ribs; of these, the first three have their
cartilages attached to the cartilage of the rib above (vertebro-
chondral): the last two are free at their anterior extremities and are
termed floating or vertebral ribs.

The Brain

The human brain is most interesting. When a memory is accessed,

neurons within it fire in a three dimensional fractal pattern. An
example of a three dimensional fractal is the outline of a cloud, a bolt
of lightning, or the veins in your arms.

The nervous system routes everything to the brain. Like a memory it is interpreted as
three dimensional fractal geometry. Everything you taste, touch, see, smell and hear is
stored within the brain. Your DNA has to be dynamic to accommodate this too.

Everything about our physical bodies is described within DNA. The gene is a unit of
heredity. "Oh, he looks so much like his father." I am sure you have heard this
comment many times before, no? It's about time people approach the human body from a
spiritual perspective. They would then understand more of how it works in relation to a
spiritual being.
I wrote a short story which reveals something most forget about because they are to
blinded by the societal system they live within. It is most important to your waking. There
is another method which reveals the same conclusion but I choose to only use one.

The nervous system of the body sends signals to the spinal cord, then to the brain. The
brain intern communicates that stimuli to your spirit via three dimensional fractal geometry.

Your DNA must have three dimensional fractal geometry encoded within it because it is all
throughout your body. It must also have the master numbers 33, 22, and 11 within it as
well because your skull has 22 bones in it, your ribs are 11 on each side, and your back has
33 vertebrae. All of this brings up an interesting question, "Are the modern elite
Masons (global elite) linked to the biblical Elohim?" Of course they are. They are one
and the same! It wasn't Christ's Father who created the human race, it was the Elohim!

Genesis 1:26; "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: . . ."

The word "God" has to be a plural entity because the usage refers to more than one
individual. Studying the Hebrew bible, which is the ORIGINAL, reveals that the creative act
is attributed to a certain ELOHIM---- a plural term that at the least should be translated as
"gods," not "God". You need to be aware that the quoted verse also explains why "The
Adam" was created: "For there was no Adam to till the land." These are two important
--- and unsettling --- hints to who had created Man and why.

Man was created by the Elohim as a slave. They are the ones spoken of by ancient
civilizations as being "the gods".

The fact that we see the numbers which are linked to modern day Freemasonry encoded
within our DNA only proves that the modern day global elite are the biblical Elohim. It
also proves that Freemasonry is older than the human race!

With all the combined evidence we can honestly say that we know who created the human
race and for what purpose. They left their calling cards all over the place and didn't do a
good enough job hiding them.

For more information on the numbers 11, 22, and 33 go HERE.

It should be noted that the term, "Skull & Bones" refers to a secret society within the
Brotherhood network.

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