Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 761

18-08-2017 20:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate

buildOsInfo entry
18-08-2017 20:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
18-08-2017 20:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-08-2017 20:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
18-08-2017 20:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
18-08-2017 20:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-08-2017 20:19:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
18-08-2017 20:19:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
18-08-2017 20:19:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
18-08-2017 20:19:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-08-2017 20:19:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
18-08-2017 20:19:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
18-08-2017 20:19:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
18-08-2017 20:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
18-08-2017 20:19:43 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
18-08-2017 20:19:43 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
18-08-2017 20:19:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
18-08-2017 20:19:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
18-08-2017 20:19:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
18-08-2017 20:19:45 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
18-08-2017 20:19:45 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
18-08-2017 20:19:45 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
18-08-2017 20:19:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
18-08-2017 20:19:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
18-08-2017 20:20:04 E >>NewGuideActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
18-08-2017 20:20:07 E >>Ready key<< saveNoLoginReadyInt thread id 1004
key = entry_guide value = 0
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 12:47:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 12:47:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 12:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 12:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 12:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 12:47:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 12:48:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 12:48:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 12:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 12:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 12:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
19-08-2017 12:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 12:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 12:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 12:49:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 12:49:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 12:49:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 12:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 12:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 12:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 12:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 13:49:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 13:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 13:49:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 13:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 13:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 13:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 13:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 13:49:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 13:49:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 13:49:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 13:49:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 18:53:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 18:53:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 18:53:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 18:53:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 18:53:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 18:53:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 18:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 18:53:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 18:53:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 18:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 18:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 18:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 18:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 18:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 18:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 19:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 19:46:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 19:46:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 19:46:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 19:46:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 19:46:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 19:46:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 19:46:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 19:46:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 20:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 20:33:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 20:33:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 20:33:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 20:33:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 20:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 20:33:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 20:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 20:33:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 20:33:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 20:33:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 20:33:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 20:33:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 21:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 21:12:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 21:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 21:12:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 21:12:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 21:12:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 21:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 21:12:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 21:12:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 21:12:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:12:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:44:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 21:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 21:44:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 21:44:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 21:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:44:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 21:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 21:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 21:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 21:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 21:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
19-08-2017 22:11:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
19-08-2017 22:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
19-08-2017 22:11:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
19-08-2017 22:11:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 22:11:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 22:11:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 22:11:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
19-08-2017 22:11:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
19-08-2017 22:11:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
19-08-2017 22:11:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
19-08-2017 22:11:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:42:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:42:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 05:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:47:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:47:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 05:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 05:47:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 05:47:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:47:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:47:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:55:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:55:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:55:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:55:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:55:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 05:55:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:55:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:55:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:56:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 05:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 05:56:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 05:56:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 05:56:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:56:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:56:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 05:56:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 05:56:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:56:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 05:56:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:17:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 06:17:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 06:17:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:17:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 06:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 06:17:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 06:17:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:17:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:17:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:17:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 06:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 06:20:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 06:20:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:20:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:20:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:20:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 06:20:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 06:20:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 06:20:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:20:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:20:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:31:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 06:31:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 06:31:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 06:31:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:31:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:31:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:31:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:33:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:33:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:33:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:33:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 06:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 06:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 06:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:49:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 06:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 06:49:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 06:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 06:51:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 06:51:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:51:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 06:51:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:22:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 07:22:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 07:22:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 07:22:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 07:22:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:22:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:22:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 07:22:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 07:22:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:22:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:22:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 07:24:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 07:24:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:24:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:24:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:53:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 07:53:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 07:53:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 07:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 07:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 07:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 07:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 07:55:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 07:55:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:55:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 07:55:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:23:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 08:23:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 08:23:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 08:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 08:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 08:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 08:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 08:25:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 08:25:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:25:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 08:25:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 09:21:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 09:21:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 09:21:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 09:21:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 09:21:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 09:21:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 09:21:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 09:21:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 09:21:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 09:21:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 09:21:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:01:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 20:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 20:01:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:02:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 20:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 20:02:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 20:02:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 20:02:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 20:02:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:02:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:02:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:12:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 20:12:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 20:12:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:12:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:12:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:13:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-08-2017 20:13:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-08-2017 20:13:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-08-2017 20:13:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 20:13:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:13:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:13:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 20:14:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 20:14:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:14:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:14:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-08-2017 20:14:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-08-2017 20:14:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:14:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-08-2017 20:14:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 06:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 06:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 06:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 06:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 08:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 08:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
21-08-2017 08:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 08:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
21-08-2017 08:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 08:45:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
21-08-2017 08:45:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 08:45:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
21-08-2017 08:45:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 08:45:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 08:45:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 08:45:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 08:45:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 08:45:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 08:44:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 08:46:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 08:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 08:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 08:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 08:46:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
21-08-2017 08:46:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 08:46:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 08:46:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 08:46:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 08:46:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 08:46:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 08:46:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 08:46:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 08:46:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 08:46:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 08:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 08:46:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 08:46:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 08:46:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 08:46:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 08:46:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:21:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 16:21:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 16:21:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 16:21:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 16:21:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:21:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:21:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 16:21:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 16:21:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:21:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:21:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-01-2015 00:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:12:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:12:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:50:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 16:50:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 16:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 16:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 16:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
21-08-2017 16:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 16:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 19:24:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 19:24:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 19:24:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 19:24:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 19:24:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:24:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 19:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 19:24:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 19:24:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 19:24:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:24:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:24:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:30:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 19:30:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 19:30:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 19:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 19:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 19:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 21:05:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 21:05:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 21:05:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 21:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 21:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 21:05:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 21:05:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 21:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 21:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 21:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 21:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 21:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 21:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 22:59:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 22:59:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 22:59:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 22:59:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-08-2017 22:59:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 22:59:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 22:59:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-08-2017 22:59:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-08-2017 22:59:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-08-2017 22:59:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 22:59:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-08-2017 22:59:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-08-2017 22:59:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-08-2017 22:59:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-08-2017 22:59:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 06:14:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 06:14:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 06:14:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 06:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 06:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 06:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 06:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 06:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 06:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 06:14:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 06:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 06:14:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 06:14:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 06:14:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 06:14:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 06:14:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 07:02:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 07:02:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 07:02:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 07:02:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 07:02:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 07:02:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 07:02:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 07:02:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 07:02:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 07:02:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 07:02:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 07:02:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 07:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 07:02:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 07:02:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 07:02:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 07:02:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 07:02:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 07:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 07:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 07:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:57:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 07:57:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 07:57:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 07:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 07:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 07:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 08:18:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 08:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 08:18:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 08:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 08:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 08:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 08:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 08:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 08:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 08:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 08:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 12:24:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:24:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 12:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 12:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 12:24:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 12:24:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:24:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:24:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:28:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 12:28:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 12:28:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 12:28:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 12:28:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 12:28:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 12:28:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 12:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 12:28:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 12:28:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:28:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:28:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 12:28:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 12:28:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:28:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 12:28:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 16:45:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 17:38:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 17:38:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 17:38:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:38:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 18:38:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 18:38:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:38:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 18:38:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 18:38:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 18:38:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 18:38:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:38:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:38:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:41:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 18:41:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 18:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 18:42:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 18:42:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:42:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:42:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 18:42:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 18:42:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:42:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 18:42:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 19:29:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 19:29:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 19:29:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 19:29:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 19:29:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 19:29:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:30:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 19:30:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 19:30:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 19:30:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:30:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 19:30:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 19:30:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 19:30:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 19:30:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:30:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:30:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:33:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 19:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 19:33:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 19:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 19:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 21:27:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 21:27:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:27:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:27:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 21:27:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 21:27:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 21:27:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 21:27:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 21:27:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:27:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:27:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:27:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 21:27:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 21:27:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:27:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 21:27:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 21:27:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 21:27:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 21:27:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:27:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:27:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:35:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 21:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 21:35:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:35:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 21:35:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 21:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 21:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 21:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:35:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 21:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 21:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:36:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-08-2017 21:36:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-08-2017 21:36:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-08-2017 21:36:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-08-2017 21:36:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:36:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-08-2017 21:36:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 08:53:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 08:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 08:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 08:53:19 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
23-08-2017 08:53:19 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
23-08-2017 08:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
23-08-2017 08:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
23-08-2017 08:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
23-08-2017 08:53:19 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
23-08-2017 09:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:00:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:00:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:00:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:00:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:00:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 09:00:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:00:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:00:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 09:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:14:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:14:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:14:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:14:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:14:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 09:14:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:14:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:14:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 09:14:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 09:14:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:14:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:14:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:53:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:53:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:52:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 09:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:54:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:54:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:54:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 09:54:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
23-08-2017 09:54:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:54:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:54:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 09:54:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:54:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 09:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 09:55:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 09:55:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 09:55:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 09:55:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:55:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 09:55:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 10:03:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 10:03:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 10:03:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 10:03:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:03:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:23:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 10:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 10:23:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 10:23:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 10:23:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:23:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:23:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:08:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 17:08:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 17:08:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 17:09:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 17:09:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:09:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:09:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:11:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 17:11:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 17:11:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 17:11:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:11:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:11:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 17:11:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 17:11:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:11:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:11:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:50:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 17:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 17:50:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 17:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 17:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 17:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 18:18:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 18:18:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 18:18:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 18:19:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 18:19:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 18:19:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 18:19:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 18:19:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 18:19:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 18:19:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 18:19:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-08-2017 19:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 19:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
23-08-2017 19:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 19:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
23-08-2017 19:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 19:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
23-08-2017 19:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 19:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
23-08-2017 19:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 19:42:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 19:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 19:42:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 19:42:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 19:42:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-08-2017 19:43:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-08-2017 19:43:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-08-2017 19:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-08-2017 19:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-08-2017 19:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-08-2017 19:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
23-08-2017 19:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-08-2017 19:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-08-2017 19:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 02:58:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 02:58:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 02:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 02:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 02:59:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 02:59:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 02:59:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 02:59:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:24:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:24:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:24:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:24:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 03:24:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:24:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:25:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:25:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:25:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 03:25:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:25:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:25:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 03:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:31:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:31:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:31:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 03:31:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:31:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 03:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 03:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 03:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 03:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 03:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 11:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:46:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 11:46:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 11:46:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 11:47:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 11:47:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:47:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:47:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:50:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 11:50:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 11:50:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 11:50:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 11:50:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:50:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:50:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 11:50:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 11:50:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:50:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 11:50:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 15:44:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 15:44:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 15:44:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 15:44:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 15:44:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 15:44:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 15:44:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 15:53:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 15:53:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 15:53:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 15:53:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 15:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 15:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
24-08-2017 15:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
24-08-2017 15:53:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 15:53:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 15:53:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
24-08-2017 15:53:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
24-08-2017 15:53:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 15:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 15:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 15:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 15:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 15:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 15:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 15:53:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 15:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 15:53:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 15:53:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:00:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 17:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 17:00:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 17:00:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 17:00:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:00:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:00:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 17:00:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 17:00:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:00:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:00:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 17:06:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:06:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 17:06:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 17:06:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:06:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 17:06:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 17:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 17:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 17:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:18:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 17:18:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 17:18:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:18:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
24-08-2017 17:18:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
24-08-2017 17:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
24-08-2017 17:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 17:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
24-08-2017 17:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
24-08-2017 17:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
24-08-2017 17:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 07:57:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 07:57:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 07:57:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:04:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:04:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:04:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:04:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:04:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:04:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:05:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:05:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:05:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:05:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 08:05:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:05:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:05:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:22:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:22:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 08:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:22:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:22:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:22:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:22:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:22:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 08:22:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:22:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:37:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:37:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:37:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:37:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:37:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:37:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 08:37:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:37:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:37:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:38:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:38:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 08:38:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:38:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:38:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 08:39:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 08:39:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 08:39:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 09:45:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 09:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 09:45:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 09:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 09:45:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 11:22:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 11:22:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 11:22:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 11:22:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 11:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 11:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 11:22:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 11:22:49 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
25-08-2017 11:22:49 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
25-08-2017 11:22:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
25-08-2017 11:22:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
25-08-2017 11:22:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
25-08-2017 11:22:50 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
25-08-2017 11:22:50 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
25-08-2017 11:22:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
25-08-2017 11:23:30 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:30 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.011111111
arg2 8
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.020833334
arg2 15
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.018055556
arg2 13
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.015277778
arg2 11
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0125 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.011111111
arg2 8
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.009722223
arg2 7
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.008333334
arg2 6
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0069444445
arg2 5
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0055555557
arg2 4
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0027777778
arg2 2
25-08-2017 11:23:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0013888889
arg2 1
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:32 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:33 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.027777778
arg2 20
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.15833333
arg2 114
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.2736111
arg2 196
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.38194445
arg2 275
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.47777778
arg2 344
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.5638889
arg2 406
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.63611114
arg2 458
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6944444
arg2 499
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7486111
arg2 539
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.79444444
arg2 572
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.83055556
arg2 598
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.86388886
arg2 622
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.89166665
arg2 642
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9138889
arg2 658
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.93333334
arg2 672
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.94861114
arg2 683
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9611111
arg2 692
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.97083336
arg2 699
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9791667
arg2 705
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.98888886
arg2 712
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9930556
arg2 715
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99583334
arg2 717
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9986111
arg2 719
25-08-2017 11:23:34 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:35 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.86388886
arg2 622
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7916667
arg2 570
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.71805555
arg2 517
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.71805555
arg2 517
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7138889
arg2 514
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.62777776
arg2 451
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.63055557
arg2 454
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6638889
arg2 478
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7125 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.75416666
arg2 543
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7916667
arg2 570
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.825 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8513889
arg2 613
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8763889
arg2 631
25-08-2017 11:23:37 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8986111
arg2 647
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9166667
arg2 660
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.93194443
arg2 671
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9458333
arg2 681
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.95694447
arg2 689
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9652778
arg2 695
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9736111
arg2 701
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9791667
arg2 705
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9875 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9763889
arg2 703
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.98055553
arg2 706
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.98333335
arg2 708
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9861111
arg2 710
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6944444
arg2 499
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.70416665
arg2 507
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.84583336
arg2 609
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.08333337
arg2 60
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.122222185
arg2 87
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.093055606
arg2 67
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.03472221
arg2 24
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.01111114
arg2 8
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0027778149
arg2 2
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:38 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.78333336
arg2 564
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.73194444
arg2 527
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.72083336
arg2 519
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.71805555
arg2 517
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.72083336
arg2 519
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.75972223
arg2 547
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7972222
arg2 574
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8277778
arg2 596
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8541667
arg2 615
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.87777776
arg2 632
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8972222
arg2 646
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9152778
arg2 659
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9305556
arg2 670
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.94305557
arg2 679
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.95416665
arg2 687
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9625 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.97083336
arg2 699
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9763889
arg2 703
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.98194444
arg2 707
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9861111
arg2 710
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.98888886
arg2 712
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99444443
arg2 716
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99583334
arg2 717
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:39 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9777778
arg2 704
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8527778
arg2 614
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.77916664
arg2 561
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7486111
arg2 539
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.73333335
arg2 528
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.71805555
arg2 517
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6944444
arg2 499
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.68333334
arg2 492
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.68333334
arg2 492
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.68333334
arg2 492
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.68333334
arg2 492
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7013889
arg2 505
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8875 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9583333
arg2 690
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.96666664
arg2 696
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9611111
arg2 692
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.95 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.93333334
arg2 672
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9291667
arg2 669
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9291667
arg2 669
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9291667
arg2 669
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9361111
arg2 674
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9444444
arg2 680
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9444444
arg2 680
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9444444
arg2 680
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9 arg2 648
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.89166665
arg2 642
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92638886
arg2 667
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92777777
arg2 668
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92777777
arg2 668
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9291667
arg2 669
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92777777
arg2 668
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.93194443
arg2 671
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.93194443
arg2 671
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9305556
arg2 670
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92638886
arg2 667
25-08-2017 11:23:40 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9236111
arg2 665
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9236111
arg2 665
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9236111
arg2 665
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9236111
arg2 665
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9236111
arg2 665
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92638886
arg2 667
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9375 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9458333
arg2 681
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.95416665
arg2 687
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9611111
arg2 692
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.96805555
arg2 697
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9722222
arg2 700
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9777778
arg2 704
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.98194444
arg2 707
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9875 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99027777
arg2 713
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99444443
arg2 716
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99583334
arg2 717
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9986111
arg2 719
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:41 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.975 arg2
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99027777
arg2 713
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99583334
arg2 717
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9930556
arg2 715
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99027777
arg2 713
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9861111
arg2 710
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9861111
arg2 710
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99444443
arg2 716
25-08-2017 11:23:43 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9986111
arg2 719
25-08-2017 11:23:44 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:44 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:23:49 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:23:50 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:50 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:23:50 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9361111
arg2 674
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9222222
arg2 664
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92638886
arg2 667
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.93472224
arg2 673
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9305556
arg2 670
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92638886
arg2 667
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92083335
arg2 663
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.91944444
arg2 662
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.91805553
arg2 661
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.92777777
arg2 668
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9625 arg2
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9861111
arg2 710
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99583334
arg2 717
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:01 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.96666664
arg2 696
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.90694445
arg2 653
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.89166665
arg2 642
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.89166665
arg2 642
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.87083334
arg2 627
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.7875 arg2
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6333333
arg2 456
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6319444
arg2 454
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6180556
arg2 445
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.51805556
arg2 373
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.49861112
arg2 359
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.2375 arg2
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.094444446
arg2 68
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0375 arg2
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.009722223
arg2 7
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0013888889
arg2 1
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:05 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0013888889
arg2 1
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0013888889
arg2 1
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0027777778
arg2 2
25-08-2017 11:24:06 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:24:12 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
25-08-2017 11:24:12 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:12 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
25-08-2017 11:24:12 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
25-08-2017 11:24:13 E >>NewGuideActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
25-08-2017 11:24:13 E >>Ready key<< saveNoLoginReadyInt thread id 82
key = entry_guide value = 1
25-08-2017 11:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 11:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive null
25-08-2017 11:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
25-08-2017 11:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
25-08-2017 11:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 13:05:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 13:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 13:05:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 13:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 13:06:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:06:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 13:06:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 13:06:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 13:06:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 13:06:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
25-08-2017 13:06:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:06:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:06:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 13:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:07:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 13:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 13:39:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:39:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 13:39:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 13:44:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 13:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 13:44:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:02:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:02:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
#25-08-2017 14:05:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:05:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 14:05:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:05:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:05:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:05:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:05:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:06:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:06:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:06:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 14:06:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
25-08-2017 14:06:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:06:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:06:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:06:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:06:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 14:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 14:48:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:48:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:48:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:47:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:49:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:49:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:49:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 14:49:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
25-08-2017 14:49:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:49:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:49:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:49:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:49:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:49:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 14:49:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:49:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 14:49:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 14:59:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 14:59:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 14:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 14:59:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 14:59:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 15:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:00:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 15:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 15:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 15:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 15:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
25-08-2017 15:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:01:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 15:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 15:01:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 15:01:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 15:01:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:01:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:01:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:31:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 15:31:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 15:31:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 15:31:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 15:31:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 15:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 15:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 15:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 15:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 15:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 16:00:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 16:00:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 16:00:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 16:00:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:00:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 16:00:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 16:00:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 16:01:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 16:01:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:01:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:01:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 16:04:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 16:04:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 16:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 16:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 16:04:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 16:04:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 16:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 16:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:05:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 16:05:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 16:05:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 16:05:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:05:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:05:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 16:05:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 16:05:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:05:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 16:05:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 17:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 17:56:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 17:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 17:56:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 17:56:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 17:56:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 17:56:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 17:56:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 18:51:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 18:51:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 18:51:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 18:51:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 18:51:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 18:51:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 18:51:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 18:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 18:51:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 18:52:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 18:52:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 18:52:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 18:52:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 18:52:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 18:52:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 18:52:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 18:52:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 18:52:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 18:52:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 18:52:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:10:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 19:10:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 19:10:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:10:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 19:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 19:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 19:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:24:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 19:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 19:24:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 19:24:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:24:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:24:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 19:24:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 19:24:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:24:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 19:24:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:22:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 21:22:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 21:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:22:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 21:22:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 21:22:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 21:22:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:22:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:22:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 21:22:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:27:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 21:27:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 21:27:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:27:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 21:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 21:27:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 21:27:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 21:27:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:27:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:27:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 21:27:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 21:27:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:27:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:27:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:33:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 21:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 21:33:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 21:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 21:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 21:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:15:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 22:15:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 22:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 22:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 22:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 22:15:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 22:15:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:15:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:15:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:32:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 22:32:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 22:32:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 22:32:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 22:32:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:32:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:32:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
25-08-2017 22:36:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:36:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
25-08-2017 22:36:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
25-08-2017 22:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
25-08-2017 22:36:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 22:36:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:36:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:36:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
25-08-2017 22:36:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
25-08-2017 22:36:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:36:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
25-08-2017 22:36:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 07:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 07:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 07:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 07:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:34:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 07:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 07:34:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 07:34:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 07:34:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:34:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:34:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 07:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 07:49:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 07:49:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 07:49:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 07:49:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 07:49:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 07:49:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 07:49:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 07:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 07:49:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:03:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 08:03:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 08:03:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:03:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 08:03:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 08:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 08:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 08:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 08:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 08:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 08:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 08:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 08:04:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 08:04:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 08:04:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 08:04:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 08:04:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 08:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 08:04:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 08:04:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 08:04:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 08:04:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 14:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:50:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:50:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:50:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 14:50:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:50:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:50:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
26-08-2017 14:55:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:55:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:55:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:55:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:55:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:55:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 14:55:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:55:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:55:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:55:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 14:55:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:55:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:56:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:56:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:56:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 14:56:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 14:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 14:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 14:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 14:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:41:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 16:41:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 16:42:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 16:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 16:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 16:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 16:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 16:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 16:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:21:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:21:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:21:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:21:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:21:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:21:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:21:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:21:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:21:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:21:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:21:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:21:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:21:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:27:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:27:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:27:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:27:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:27:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:27:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:27:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:27:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:27:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:41:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:41:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:41:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:41:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:41:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 17:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:42:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 17:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 17:42:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 17:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 17:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 17:42:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 18:32:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 18:32:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:32:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:32:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 18:32:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 18:32:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:32:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 18:32:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 18:32:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:32:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 18:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 18:32:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 18:32:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 18:32:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:32:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:32:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:32:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 18:32:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 18:33:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 18:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 18:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:41:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 18:41:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 18:41:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:41:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 18:41:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 18:41:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 18:41:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 18:41:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:41:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 18:41:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:06:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:06:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:06:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:06:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:06:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:06:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:06:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:06:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:06:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:06:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:06:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:06:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:13:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:13:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:13:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:13:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:13:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:14:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:14:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:14:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:14:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:23:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:23:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:23:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:23:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:23:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:23:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:23:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:23:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:23:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:23:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:23:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:23:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:33:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:33:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:33:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:33:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:33:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:33:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:33:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:33:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:33:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:34:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:34:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:34:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:34:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:34:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:34:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:34:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:34:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:34:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:34:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 19:34:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 19:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 19:34:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 19:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 19:34:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 20:41:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 20:41:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:41:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:41:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 20:41:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 20:41:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 20:41:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 20:41:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 20:41:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:41:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:41:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:41:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 20:41:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 20:41:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:41:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 20:41:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 20:41:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 20:41:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 20:41:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:41:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:41:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:47:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:47:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 20:47:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 20:47:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 20:47:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 20:47:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:47:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:47:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 20:47:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 20:47:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 20:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 20:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 20:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 20:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 20:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:47:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 20:47:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 20:47:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 20:47:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 20:47:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 20:47:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 20:47:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 20:47:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 20:47:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 20:47:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 20:47:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:47:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:47:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 20:48:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 20:48:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:48:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 20:48:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 21:47:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:47:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 21:47:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 21:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 21:48:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 21:48:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:48:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:48:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:50:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
26-08-2017 21:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
26-08-2017 21:50:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
26-08-2017 21:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 21:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
26-08-2017 21:51:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
26-08-2017 21:51:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:51:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
26-08-2017 21:51:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:30:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 09:30:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 09:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 09:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 09:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:33:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 09:33:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 09:33:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 09:33:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:33:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:33:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 09:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 09:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:33:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:46:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 09:46:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 09:46:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 09:46:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 09:46:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:46:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:46:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:50:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 09:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 09:50:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 09:50:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:50:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:50:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 13:18:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 13:18:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 13:18:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 13:18:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 13:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 13:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 13:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 13:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 14:09:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 14:09:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 14:09:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 14:09:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 14:09:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 14:09:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 14:09:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 14:09:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 14:09:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 14:09:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 14:09:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 14:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 14:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 14:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 14:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 15:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 15:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 15:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:45:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 15:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 15:45:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 15:45:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:45:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 15:45:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 15:45:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 15:45:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 15:45:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:45:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:45:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 15:47:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 15:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 15:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 15:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:47:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 15:47:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
27-08-2017 15:47:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
27-08-2017 15:47:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 15:48:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 15:48:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
27-08-2017 15:48:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
27-08-2017 15:48:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:49:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 15:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 15:49:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 15:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 15:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:49:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:50:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 15:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 15:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 15:50:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 15:50:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:50:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:50:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 15:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 15:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 15:50:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
27-08-2017 18:53:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 18:53:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 18:53:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 18:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 18:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 18:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 18:54:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 18:54:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 18:54:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 18:54:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 18:54:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
27-08-2017 18:54:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 18:54:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 18:54:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 18:54:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 18:54:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 18:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 18:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 18:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 18:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 18:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 18:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:08:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:08:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:08:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:08:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:08:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:08:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:08:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:08:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:23:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:23:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:23:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:23:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:23:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
27-08-2017 19:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:30:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:30:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:30:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:31:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:31:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:31:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:31:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:32:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:32:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:32:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:32:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:32:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:32:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:32:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:32:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:37:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:37:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:37:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:37:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:37:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:37:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:37:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:37:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:37:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:44:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 19:44:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 19:44:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 19:44:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:44:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:44:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:44:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 19:44:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 19:44:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:44:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 19:44:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:35:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 20:35:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 20:35:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 20:35:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:35:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 20:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 20:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 20:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 20:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:38:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
27-08-2017 20:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
27-08-2017 20:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
27-08-2017 20:38:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 20:38:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:38:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:38:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
27-08-2017 20:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
27-08-2017 20:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
27-08-2017 20:38:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 09:50:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 09:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 09:50:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 09:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 09:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 09:50:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 09:51:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 09:51:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 09:51:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 09:51:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 09:51:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 09:51:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 09:51:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 09:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 09:51:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 09:51:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 09:51:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
28-08-2017 09:51:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 09:51:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 09:51:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 09:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 09:53:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 09:53:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 09:53:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 09:53:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 09:53:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 09:53:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 09:53:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 10:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 10:08:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 10:08:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 10:08:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 10:08:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 10:08:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 10:08:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 10:08:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:08:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 10:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 10:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 10:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 10:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 10:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 10:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:30:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 10:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 10:30:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 10:30:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 10:30:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:30:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:30:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 10:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 10:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 10:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:29:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 14:29:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 14:29:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 14:28:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:28:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:30:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 14:30:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 14:30:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 14:30:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 14:30:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 14:30:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:30:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 14:30:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 14:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 14:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 14:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
28-08-2017 14:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:30:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:31:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 14:31:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 14:31:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 14:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 14:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:31:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:35:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 14:35:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 14:35:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 14:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:35:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:35:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:34:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 14:34:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
28-08-2017 14:34:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
28-08-2017 14:34:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 14:35:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 14:35:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 86
28-08-2017 14:35:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 86
28-08-2017 14:35:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 14:35:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:35:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 14:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 14:35:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 14:35:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 14:35:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:35:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 14:35:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 15:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 15:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 15:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 15:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 15:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 15:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:30:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 15:30:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 15:30:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 15:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 15:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:30:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 15:30:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 15:30:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:30:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:30:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 15:31:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 15:31:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:31:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 15:31:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 17:25:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 17:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 17:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 17:25:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 17:25:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 17:25:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 17:25:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 17:25:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 17:25:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 17:25:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 17:25:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:04:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 19:04:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 19:04:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 19:04:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 19:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 19:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 19:09:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 19:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 19:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:46:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 19:46:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 19:46:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 19:46:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 19:46:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:46:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:46:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 19:47:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 19:47:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:47:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 19:47:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 20:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 20:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 20:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 20:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
28-08-2017 20:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 20:58:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 20:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 20:58:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 20:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 20:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 20:58:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 20:59:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 20:59:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 20:59:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 20:59:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 20:59:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 20:59:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 20:59:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 20:59:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 20:59:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 20:59:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 20:59:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
28-08-2017 20:59:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 20:59:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 20:59:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 21:42:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 21:42:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 21:42:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 21:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 21:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 21:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 21:42:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 21:42:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 21:42:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 21:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 21:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 21:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 21:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 21:48:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 21:48:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 21:48:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
28-08-2017 22:14:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
28-08-2017 22:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
28-08-2017 22:14:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
28-08-2017 22:14:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 22:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 22:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 22:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
28-08-2017 22:15:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
28-08-2017 22:15:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
28-08-2017 22:15:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
28-08-2017 22:15:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:36:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:36:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 08:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 08:36:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 08:37:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 08:37:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:37:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:37:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 08:37:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 08:37:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 08:37:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 08:37:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:37:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:37:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:42:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 08:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 08:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 08:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 08:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:42:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 08:43:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 08:43:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:43:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:43:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 08:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:54:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 08:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 08:54:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:54:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 08:54:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 08:54:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 08:54:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 08:54:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:54:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 08:54:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:00:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 09:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 09:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 09:00:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 09:00:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:00:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:00:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 09:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:33:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 09:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 09:33:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 09:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 09:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 09:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 09:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:34:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 09:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 09:34:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 09:34:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:34:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:34:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:36:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 09:36:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:36:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:36:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 09:36:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 09:36:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 09:36:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 09:36:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 09:36:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 09:36:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 09:36:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:36:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 09:36:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:36:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 09:36:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:36:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 09:39:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 09:39:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 09:39:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 10:10:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 10:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 10:10:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 10:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 10:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 10:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 10:10:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 10:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 10:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 10:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 10:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 11:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 11:40:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 11:40:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 11:40:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 11:40:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 11:40:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 11:40:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 11:40:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 11:40:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 11:40:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 11:40:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 11:40:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 11:40:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 11:40:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 11:40:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 11:40:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 13:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 13:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 13:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 13:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 13:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 13:05:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 13:05:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 13:05:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 13:05:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 13:05:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 13:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 13:05:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 13:05:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 13:05:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:06:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 14:06:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 14:06:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 14:06:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 14:06:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:06:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:06:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:41:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 14:41:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 14:41:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 14:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 14:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 14:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 14:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 14:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 18:30:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 18:30:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:30:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 18:30:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 18:30:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:30:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 18:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 18:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 18:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 18:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:33:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 18:33:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 18:33:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:33:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 18:33:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 18:33:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 18:33:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 18:33:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:33:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:33:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 18:34:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 18:34:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:34:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 18:34:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 19:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 19:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 19:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 19:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 19:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 19:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 19:33:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 19:33:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 19:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 19:33:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 19:33:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 19:33:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 19:33:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 20:16:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 20:16:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 20:16:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 20:16:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 20:16:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 20:16:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:16:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 20:16:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 20:16:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 20:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 20:17:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 20:17:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 20:17:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 20:17:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 20:17:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 20:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 20:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:18:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 20:18:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 20:18:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 20:18:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 20:18:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:18:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:18:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 20:18:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
29-08-2017 20:18:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:18:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
29-08-2017 20:18:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 21:13:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 21:13:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 21:13:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
29-08-2017 21:23:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
29-08-2017 21:23:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 21:23:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 21:23:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
29-08-2017 21:23:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
29-08-2017 21:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
29-08-2017 21:24:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 08:58:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 08:58:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 08:58:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 08:58:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 08:58:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 08:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 08:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 08:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 08:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 08:58:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:09:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 09:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 09:09:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 09:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 09:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 09:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 09:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 09:10:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 09:10:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:10:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:10:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 09:10:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 09:10:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 09:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 09:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 09:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:10:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 09:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 09:10:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:18:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 09:18:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 09:18:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 09:42:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 09:42:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 09:42:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 09:43:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:05:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 10:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 10:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:05:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 10:05:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 10:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 10:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 10:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:05:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 10:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 10:50:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 10:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 10:50:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 10:50:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 10:50:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 10:50:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 10:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 10:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 10:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 10:50:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:49:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 11:49:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 11:49:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:50:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 11:50:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 11:50:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 11:50:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 11:50:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:50:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:50:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:50:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 11:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 11:50:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 11:51:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:51:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 11:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 11:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 11:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 11:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:51:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 11:51:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 11:51:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 11:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 11:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 11:51:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 14:20:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 14:20:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 14:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 14:20:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 14:20:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 14:20:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 14:20:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 14:20:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 14:20:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 14:20:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 16:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 16:17:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 16:17:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 16:17:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 16:17:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 16:17:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 16:17:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 16:17:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 17:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 17:50:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 17:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 17:51:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 17:51:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 17:51:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 17:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 17:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 17:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 17:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 17:51:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 17:51:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 17:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 17:51:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 17:51:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 17:51:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 17:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 17:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 17:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 17:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 17:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:04:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:04:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:04:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:04:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:05:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:05:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:05:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:05:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:05:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:05:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:05:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:05:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:05:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:06:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:06:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:06:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:06:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:06:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:06:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:06:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:06:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:06:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:06:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:06:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:07:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:07:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:08:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:08:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:45:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:45:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:45:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:46:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:46:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:46:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:46:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:46:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:46:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:46:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:54:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:54:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:54:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:54:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:54:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:54:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:54:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:54:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 19:54:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 19:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 19:54:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 19:54:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:54:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 19:54:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 20:53:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 20:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 20:53:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 20:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 20:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 20:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 20:53:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:07:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:07:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 21:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:07:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 21:07:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 21:07:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 21:07:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 21:07:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:07:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:07:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-08-2017 21:08:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:08:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 21:08:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:08:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-08-2017 21:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-08-2017 21:08:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-08-2017 21:08:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-08-2017 21:08:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:08:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-08-2017 21:08:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 09:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 09:42:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 09:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 09:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 09:42:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:42:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 09:43:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 09:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 09:43:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 09:43:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 09:43:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 09:43:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
31-08-2017 09:43:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 09:43:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 09:43:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 09:44:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 09:44:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 09:44:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 09:44:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 09:44:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 09:44:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 09:44:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 09:44:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:44:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:44:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 09:44:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 09:44:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 09:44:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 09:44:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 09:44:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 10:48:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 10:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 10:48:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 10:48:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 10:48:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 10:48:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 10:48:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 10:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 10:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 10:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 10:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 12:07:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:07:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 12:07:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 12:07:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 12:07:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 12:07:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:07:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:07:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:10:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 12:10:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 12:10:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 12:10:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 12:10:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:10:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:10:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 12:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 12:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 12:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 14:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 14:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 14:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 14:12:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:12:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 14:12:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 14:12:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 14:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 14:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 14:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 14:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 14:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 14:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:31:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 14:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 14:31:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:31:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 14:31:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 14:31:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 14:31:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 14:31:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:31:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:31:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 14:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 14:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 14:47:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 14:47:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
31-08-2017 14:47:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 14:47:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
31-08-2017 14:47:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 14:47:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 14:47:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 14:47:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 14:47:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:47:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:48:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 14:48:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 14:48:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 14:48:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 14:48:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
31-08-2017 14:48:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:48:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 14:48:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:06:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:06:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 15:06:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 15:06:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 15:06:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 15:06:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:06:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:06:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:07:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:09:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:09:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 15:09:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 15:09:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 15:09:31 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
31-08-2017 15:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 15:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:09:38 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
31-08-2017 15:09:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 15:09:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:09:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:09:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:11:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 15:11:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:11:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:11:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:12:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 15:12:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:12:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:12:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 15:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 15:22:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:22:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:27:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:27:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:31:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:31:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:34:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:34:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:36:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:36:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:38:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:38:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:39:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:39:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 15:40:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 15:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 15:40:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 15:42:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:42:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:43:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:43:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:51:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:51:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:52:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 15:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:01:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 16:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 16:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 16:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 16:10:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 16:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 16:10:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 16:47:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 16:47:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 16:47:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 17:05:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:06:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:06:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:06:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:08:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:08:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 17:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 17:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 17:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:13:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 17:13:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 17:13:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:13:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:13:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:43:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 17:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 17:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:48:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 17:48:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 17:48:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 17:53:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 17:53:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 17:53:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 18:14:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 18:14:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 18:14:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 18:14:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 18:15:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 18:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 18:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 18:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 18:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 18:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 18:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 18:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 18:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 18:29:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 18:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:01:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 19:01:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 19:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:26:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 19:26:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 19:26:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:27:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 19:27:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 19:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 19:27:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 19:27:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:27:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:27:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 19:27:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 19:27:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:27:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:27:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 19:38:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 19:38:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:38:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:38:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 19:38:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 19:38:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:38:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:38:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:44:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 19:44:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 19:44:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 19:44:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 19:44:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:44:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 19:44:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:15:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:15:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 20:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:15:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 20:15:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 20:16:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:45:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 20:45:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 20:45:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 20:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:50:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 20:50:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 20:52:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 20:52:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:52:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:52:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 20:52:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 20:52:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:52:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:52:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 20:53:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 20:53:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:53:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:53:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 20:57:07 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
31-08-2017 20:57:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 20:57:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:57:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:57:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 20:57:25 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
31-08-2017 20:57:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 20:57:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:57:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 20:57:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:08:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 21:08:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 21:08:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 21:30:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:33:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:33:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 21:33:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 21:33:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 21:33:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:33:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:32:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:33:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:33:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:33:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:33:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:34:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:34:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:34:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:34:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:39:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:39:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:39:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:39:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:39:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:39:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:39:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:39:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:40:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:40:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:40:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:40:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:42:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 21:42:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
31-08-2017 21:42:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 21:42:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
31-08-2017 21:42:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 21:42:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 21:42:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 21:42:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 21:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:42:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:43:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 21:43:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 21:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 21:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
31-08-2017 21:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
31-08-2017 21:43:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
31-08-2017 21:43:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
31-08-2017 21:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:43:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:43:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
31-08-2017 21:43:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
31-08-2017 21:43:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
31-08-2017 21:43:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 15:28:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 15:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 15:28:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 15:28:27 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
02-09-2017 15:28:27 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
02-09-2017 15:28:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
02-09-2017 15:28:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
02-09-2017 15:28:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
02-09-2017 15:28:36 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
02-09-2017 15:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 15:28:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 15:35:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 15:35:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 15:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 15:35:32 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
02-09-2017 15:35:32 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
02-09-2017 15:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
02-09-2017 15:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
02-09-2017 15:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
02-09-2017 15:35:35 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 15:44:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 15:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 15:44:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 16:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:00:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 16:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:09:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 16:09:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 16:09:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:10:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 16:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:38:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 16:38:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 16:38:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 16:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 16:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 16:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 16:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 16:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:19:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 17:19:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 17:19:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:19:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 17:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 17:19:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 17:19:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 17:19:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:19:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:19:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 17:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 17:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 17:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 17:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 17:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 17:31:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:31:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 17:31:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 17:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 17:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:31:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 17:32:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 17:32:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:32:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 17:32:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:09:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:09:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 18:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 18:16:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:16:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:16:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:16:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:16:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:16:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:16:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:16:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:16:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:16:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:16:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:16:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 18:16:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:16:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:16:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 18:16:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 18:16:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:16:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:16:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:17:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:17:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:17:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:17:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:17:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:17:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:17:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 18:18:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:38:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:38:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:38:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:38:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:38:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 18:38:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:38:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 18:38:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 18:38:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 18:38:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 18:38:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 18:38:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 19:25:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 19:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 19:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 19:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 19:25:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 19:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 20:42:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 20:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 20:42:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 20:42:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 20:42:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 20:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-09-2017 20:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-09-2017 20:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-09-2017 20:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-09-2017 21:20:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-09-2017 21:20:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-09-2017 21:20:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-09-2017 21:23:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 21:23:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 21:23:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-09-2017 21:23:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 06:56:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 06:56:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 06:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 06:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 06:56:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 06:56:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 06:56:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 06:56:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:09:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 07:09:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 07:09:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 07:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 07:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 07:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 07:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:43:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 07:43:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 07:43:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:44:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 07:44:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 07:44:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 08:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 08:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 08:04:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 08:04:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 08:04:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 08:04:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 08:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 08:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 08:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 08:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 08:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 08:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 08:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 08:04:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 08:04:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 08:04:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 08:04:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:50:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 09:50:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 09:50:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 09:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:50:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 09:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:54:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 09:54:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 09:54:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 09:54:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 09:54:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:54:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:54:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 09:54:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 09:54:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:54:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 09:54:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 19:08:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 19:08:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 19:08:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 19:08:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 19:08:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 19:08:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 19:08:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 19:08:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 19:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 19:09:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 19:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 19:09:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 19:09:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 19:09:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 19:09:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 19:09:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:14:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 21:14:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 21:14:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 21:14:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 21:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 21:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 21:15:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 21:15:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 21:15:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 21:15:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 21:15:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 21:15:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 21:15:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:15:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 21:52:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 21:52:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:52:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:52:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 21:52:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:52:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 21:52:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 21:52:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 21:52:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 21:52:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:52:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:52:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 21:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
03-09-2017 21:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
03-09-2017 21:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
03-09-2017 21:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:55:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
03-09-2017 21:55:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
03-09-2017 21:55:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
03-09-2017 21:55:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 21:55:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:55:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:55:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
03-09-2017 21:55:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
03-09-2017 21:55:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:55:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
03-09-2017 21:55:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
04-09-2017 06:45:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
04-09-2017 06:45:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
04-09-2017 06:45:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
04-09-2017 06:45:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
04-09-2017 06:45:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
04-09-2017 06:45:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
04-09-2017 06:45:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
04-09-2017 06:45:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
04-09-2017 06:51:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
04-09-2017 06:51:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
04-09-2017 06:51:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
04-09-2017 06:51:44 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
04-09-2017 06:52:20 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
04-09-2017 06:57:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:57:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:57:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:57:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 06:58:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:01:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:16:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:17:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:23:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
04-09-2017 07:23:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
04-09-2017 07:23:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
04-09-2017 07:23:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
04-09-2017 07:23:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
04-09-2017 07:23:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
04-09-2017 07:23:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
04-09-2017 07:23:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
04-09-2017 07:28:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
04-09-2017 07:40:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
04-09-2017 07:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
04-09-2017 07:40:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
04-09-2017 08:13:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
04-09-2017 08:13:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
04-09-2017 08:13:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
04-09-2017 08:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:27:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 16:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 16:27:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 16:27:38 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
09-09-2017 16:27:38 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
09-09-2017 16:27:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
09-09-2017 16:27:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
09-09-2017 16:27:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
09-09-2017 16:27:39 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:45:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 16:45:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 16:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 16:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:45:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:45:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 16:45:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 16:45:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 16:45:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 16:45:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:45:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:45:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 16:47:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 16:47:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 16:47:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 17:15:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 17:15:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 17:15:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 17:15:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 17:16:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 17:16:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 17:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 17:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 17:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
09-09-2017 17:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 17:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 17:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 19:28:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 19:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 19:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 19:28:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:29:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 19:29:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:29:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:29:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 19:29:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 19:29:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:29:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 19:29:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 19:29:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 19:29:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 19:29:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
09-09-2017 19:29:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:29:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:29:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 19:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:30:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 19:30:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 19:30:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 19:30:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:30:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:30:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:33:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 19:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 19:33:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 19:37:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:37:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:37:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:37:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:37:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:43:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 19:43:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 19:43:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 19:43:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 19:43:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:43:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:43:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 19:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 19:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 19:43:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:18:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 20:18:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 20:18:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 20:18:42 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
09-09-2017 20:18:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 20:18:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:18:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:18:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 20:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 20:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 20:26:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 20:26:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:26:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 20:26:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 22:55:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 22:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 22:55:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 22:55:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 22:56:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 22:56:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 22:56:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 22:56:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 22:56:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 22:56:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
09-09-2017 22:56:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 22:56:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 22:56:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
09-09-2017 22:57:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
09-09-2017 22:57:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
09-09-2017 22:57:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
09-09-2017 22:57:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
09-09-2017 22:57:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
09-09-2017 22:57:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
09-09-2017 22:57:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 00:07:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 00:07:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 00:07:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 00:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 00:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 00:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 00:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 00:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 00:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 00:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 00:08:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 08:47:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 08:48:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 08:48:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 08:48:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 08:48:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 08:48:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 08:48:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 08:48:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 08:48:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 09:24:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 09:24:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 09:24:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 09:24:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 09:24:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 09:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 09:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 09:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 09:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 09:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 09:25:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 09:25:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 09:25:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 09:25:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-01-2015 00:01:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:01:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:01:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:01:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:01:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:01:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:01:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:01:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 10:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 10:24:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 10:24:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:24:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 10:24:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 10:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 10:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 10:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 10:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 10:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 10:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 10:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 10:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 10:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
10-09-2017 10:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:25:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 10:25:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 10:25:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:25:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:25:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:54:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 10:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 10:54:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 10:54:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 10:54:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:54:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:54:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 10:54:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 10:54:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:54:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 10:54:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 16:41:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:41:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 16:41:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 16:41:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 16:41:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 16:41:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:41:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:41:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 16:58:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 16:58:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 16:58:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 16:58:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 16:58:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:58:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 16:58:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 16:58:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 16:58:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 16:58:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:58:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:58:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 16:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 16:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 16:58:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 17:56:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 17:56:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 17:56:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 17:56:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 17:56:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 17:56:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 17:56:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 18:20:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 18:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 18:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 18:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 18:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 18:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 18:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 18:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 18:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 18:21:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 20:40:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 20:40:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 20:40:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 20:40:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 20:40:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 20:40:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 20:40:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 20:40:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 20:40:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 20:40:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 20:40:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 20:40:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 20:40:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 21:14:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 21:14:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:14:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:14:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:14:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 21:14:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 21:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 21:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 21:14:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 21:14:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:14:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:14:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 21:27:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 21:27:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:27:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:27:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 21:27:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 21:27:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:27:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 21:27:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 21:27:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 21:27:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 21:27:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:27:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:27:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 21:28:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:28:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:30:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 21:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 21:30:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 21:30:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:30:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 21:30:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 21:30:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 21:30:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 21:30:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:30:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:30:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 21:30:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:30:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 21:30:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 21:30:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:31:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 21:31:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 21:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 21:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 21:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 21:31:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:13:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 22:13:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 22:13:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:14:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 22:14:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 22:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 22:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 22:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 22:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:47:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 22:47:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 22:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 22:47:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 22:47:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:47:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:47:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 22:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 22:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 22:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:49:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 22:49:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 22:49:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 22:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 22:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 22:49:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 23:00:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 23:00:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 23:00:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 23:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
10-09-2017 23:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 23:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 23:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
10-09-2017 23:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
10-09-2017 23:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
10-09-2017 23:00:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
10-09-2017 23:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
10-09-2017 23:00:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
10-09-2017 23:00:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 23:00:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 23:00:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 23:00:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
10-09-2017 23:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
10-09-2017 23:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
10-09-2017 23:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
10-09-2017 23:00:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:05:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 06:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 06:05:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 06:05:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:05:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 06:05:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 06:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 06:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 06:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:05:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:56:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 06:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 06:56:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 06:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 06:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 06:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 06:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 06:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:38:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 08:38:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 08:38:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 08:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 08:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:54:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 08:54:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 08:54:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 08:55:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 08:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:55:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 08:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 08:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:55:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 08:55:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 08:55:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:55:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 08:55:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 09:04:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 09:04:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 09:04:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 09:04:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 09:04:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 09:04:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 09:04:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 09:04:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 09:04:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 09:04:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 09:04:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 09:04:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 09:04:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:00:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:00:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 10:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:09:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 10:09:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:09:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:22:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:22:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:23:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 10:23:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 10:23:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:23:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:23:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:23:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:23:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:23:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:23:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:23:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:24:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:25:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:25:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:25:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:25:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:25:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:25:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:25:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:25:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:25:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:25:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:28:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:28:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:28:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:39:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 10:39:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 10:39:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 10:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 10:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 10:44:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:44:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:44:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:45:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:46:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:46:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:50:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:50:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:51:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:51:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 10:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 10:51:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 10:51:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:51:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 10:51:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 10:55:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:55:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:57:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 10:57:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:01:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:01:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:01:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:01:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:03:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:04:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:05:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:10:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:10:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:16:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:16:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:17:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:17:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:20:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:21:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:21:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:21:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:21:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:21:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:22:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:22:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:24:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:24:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:25:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:25:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:25:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:25:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:53:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:53:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:53:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:53:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:54:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 11:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 11:54:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 11:55:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:55:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:55:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:55:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:55:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:55:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:55:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:55:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:55:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:55:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:57:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:57:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:57:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:57:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:58:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:58:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:58:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:58:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:58:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:58:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 11:58:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:58:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 11:58:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 11:58:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:59:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 11:59:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 12:00:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 12:00:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 12:21:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 12:21:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 12:22:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 12:23:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 14:41:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 14:41:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 14:41:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 14:41:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 14:41:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 14:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 14:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 14:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 14:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 14:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 14:41:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:41:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 14:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 14:41:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 14:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 14:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 14:45:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 14:45:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:45:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:45:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 14:46:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 14:46:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:46:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 14:46:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 15:19:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 15:19:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 15:19:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 15:19:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 15:20:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 15:20:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 15:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 15:22:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 15:26:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 15:27:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 15:34:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 15:34:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 15:34:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 15:34:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 15:34:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 15:34:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 15:34:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 15:34:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:06:13 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
11-09-2017 16:06:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:06:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:06:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:06:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:08:27 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
11-09-2017 16:08:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:08:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:08:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:08:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 16:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:09:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 16:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 16:09:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 16:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:09:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:09:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:09:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:09:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:11:11 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
11-09-2017 16:11:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:11:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:11:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:11:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:12:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:12:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:12:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:12:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:12:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:12:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:12:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:12:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:15:13 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
11-09-2017 16:15:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:15:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:15:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:15:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:21:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:21:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:21:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:21:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:21:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 16:21:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:21:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:21:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 16:54:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 16:54:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 16:54:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 16:54:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 16:54:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 16:54:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 16:54:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 17:06:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 17:06:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:06:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 17:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 17:06:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 17:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:07:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 17:07:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 17:07:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 17:07:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 17:07:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:07:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:07:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 17:11:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 17:11:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:11:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard false countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:11:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 17:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 17:11:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 17:11:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:11:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:11:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 17:13:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 17:13:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:13:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:13:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 17:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 17:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:23:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 17:23:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 17:23:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:23:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 17:23:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 19:17:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:17:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:22:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:22:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 19:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 19:22:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 19:22:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 19:22:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:23:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:26:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:26:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:26:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:27:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:27:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:28:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:28:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:29:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:30:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:30:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 19:45:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 19:45:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 19:45:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 20:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:10:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:19:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:19:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:19:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:19:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:31:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 20:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 20:31:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 20:31:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 20:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:31:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:32:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:33:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:33:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:33:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:33:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:33:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:33:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:33:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:33:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:35:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:47:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:47:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:47:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:48:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:49:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:50:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:50:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:50:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:51:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 20:51:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 20:51:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 20:51:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 20:51:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:51:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 20:51:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 21:12:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 21:12:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 21:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 21:26:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 21:26:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 21:26:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 21:27:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 21:27:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 21:27:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 21:27:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 21:27:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 21:27:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 21:27:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 22:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 22:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 22:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 22:10:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 22:10:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 22:10:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 22:10:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
11-09-2017 22:10:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
11-09-2017 22:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
11-09-2017 22:10:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
11-09-2017 22:10:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 22:10:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 22:10:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 22:10:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
11-09-2017 22:10:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
11-09-2017 22:10:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
11-09-2017 22:10:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
11-09-2017 22:10:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 06:06:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 06:06:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 06:06:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 06:07:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 06:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 06:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 06:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 06:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 06:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 06:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 06:11:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 06:11:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 06:11:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 06:11:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 06:11:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 06:11:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 06:11:22 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
12-09-2017 06:11:33 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
12-09-2017 06:42:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
12-09-2017 06:55:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 06:55:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 07:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 07:01:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 07:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 07:01:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 07:03:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 07:03:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 07:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 07:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 07:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 07:07:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 07:07:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 07:07:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 07:07:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 07:07:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 07:11:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 07:20:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
12-09-2017 07:28:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 07:35:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 07:35:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 07:35:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 07:55:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
12-09-2017 08:02:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 08:06:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 08:06:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 08:06:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 08:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 10:03:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 10:04:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 10:04:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 10:04:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 10:08:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
12-09-2017 15:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 15:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:36:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 15:36:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 15:36:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 15:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 15:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:51:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 15:51:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 15:51:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:51:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 15:51:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 16:13:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 16:13:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 16:13:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 16:14:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:14:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:20:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:46:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:46:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 16:46:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 16:46:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 16:46:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 16:46:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 16:46:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 16:46:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 16:46:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 16:46:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 16:53:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 16:53:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 16:53:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 16:53:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 16:54:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 16:54:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 16:54:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 16:54:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 17:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 17:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 17:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 17:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 17:04:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 17:04:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 17:04:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 17:04:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 18:33:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 18:33:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 18:33:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 18:35:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 18:55:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 18:56:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 18:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 18:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 18:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 18:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:03:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:03:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:03:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:03:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:03:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:03:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:03:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:03:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:04:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:04:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:04:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:04:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:07:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:07:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:07:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:07:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:07:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 19:08:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 19:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 19:08:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 19:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:08:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:09:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 19:09:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 19:09:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 19:09:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 19:09:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 19:09:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:09:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 19:09:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 19:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 19:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
12-09-2017 19:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:09:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:39:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 19:39:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 19:39:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 19:39:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 19:39:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:39:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 19:39:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
12-09-2017 20:10:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 20:10:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 20:10:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 20:10:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 20:11:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:11:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 20:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:12:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 20:12:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 20:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 20:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 20:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
12-09-2017 20:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 20:12:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:12:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 20:12:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 20:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 20:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 20:12:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 20:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 20:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 20:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 20:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 20:42:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 20:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 20:42:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 20:42:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 20:42:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 20:42:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 20:42:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 22:19:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 22:19:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 22:19:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 22:19:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
12-09-2017 22:19:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
12-09-2017 22:19:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
12-09-2017 22:19:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 07:25:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 07:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 07:25:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 07:25:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 07:25:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:26:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 07:26:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 07:26:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 07:26:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 07:26:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
13-09-2017 07:26:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:26:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:26:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 07:27:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 07:27:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:27:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:27:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 07:28:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:28:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 07:28:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 07:28:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 07:29:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 07:29:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:29:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:29:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 07:29:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 07:29:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:29:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 07:29:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 08:47:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 08:47:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 08:47:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 08:47:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 08:47:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 08:47:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 08:47:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 08:47:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 09:50:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:50:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 09:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 09:50:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 09:50:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 09:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 09:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:50:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 09:51:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:53:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 09:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 09:53:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:53:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 09:53:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 09:53:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 09:53:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 09:53:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:53:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:53:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:59:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 09:59:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 09:59:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 09:59:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 09:59:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:59:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:59:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 09:59:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 09:59:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:59:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 09:59:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 10:05:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 10:05:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 10:05:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 10:05:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 10:05:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 10:33:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 10:33:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 10:33:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:00:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 13:00:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 13:00:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:00:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 13:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 13:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 13:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 13:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:00:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:12:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 13:12:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 13:12:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 13:12:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 13:12:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:12:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:12:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 13:12:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 13:12:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:12:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 13:12:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 16:45:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 16:45:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:45:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:45:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 16:45:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 16:45:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:45:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 16:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 16:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 16:45:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 16:45:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:45:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:45:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 16:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:46:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:46:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:46:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:46:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:47:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:50:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 16:50:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 16:50:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:50:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 16:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 16:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 16:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 16:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 16:50:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 16:50:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:50:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:50:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:55:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 16:55:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 16:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:56:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 16:56:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 16:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 16:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 16:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 16:56:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 17:01:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 17:01:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 17:01:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 17:01:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 17:01:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 17:01:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 17:01:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 17:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 17:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 17:01:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 17:01:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 17:01:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 17:01:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 17:01:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 17:01:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 17:01:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 17:01:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 18:29:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 18:29:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 18:29:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 18:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 18:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 18:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 18:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 19:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 19:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:21:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 19:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 19:21:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 19:21:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 19:21:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 19:21:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 19:21:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 19:21:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 19:21:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:21:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:21:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:22:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 19:22:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 19:22:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 19:22:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 19:22:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:22:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:22:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 19:22:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 19:22:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:22:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 19:22:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:08:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 20:08:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 20:08:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 20:08:52 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
13-09-2017 20:08:52 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
13-09-2017 20:08:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
13-09-2017 20:08:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
13-09-2017 20:08:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
13-09-2017 20:08:53 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
13-09-2017 20:08:53 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
13-09-2017 20:08:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
13-09-2017 20:08:54 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
13-09-2017 20:08:54 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
13-09-2017 20:09:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 20:09:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:09:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:09:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 20:09:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 20:09:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:09:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:09:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 20:36:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 20:36:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:36:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 20:36:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 21:51:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 21:51:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 21:51:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 21:51:50 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
13-09-2017 21:51:50 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
13-09-2017 21:51:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
13-09-2017 21:51:51 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
13-09-2017 21:51:52 E >>NewGuideActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
13-09-2017 21:51:52 E >>Ready key<< saveNoLoginReadyInt thread id 8187
key = entry_guide value = 2
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
13-09-2017 21:52:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
13-09-2017 21:52:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
13-09-2017 21:52:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
13-09-2017 21:52:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 21:52:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 21:52:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 21:52:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
13-09-2017 21:52:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
13-09-2017 21:52:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
13-09-2017 21:52:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
13-09-2017 21:52:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 08:05:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 08:05:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 08:05:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 08:05:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 08:05:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 08:05:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 08:06:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:06:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 08:06:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 08:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 08:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 08:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
14-09-2017 08:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:15:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 08:15:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 08:15:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 08:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 08:16:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 08:16:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:16:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:16:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 08:17:10 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:17:10 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
14-09-2017 08:17:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
14-09-2017 08:17:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
14-09-2017 08:17:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
14-09-2017 08:17:11 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:17:11 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
14-09-2017 08:17:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
14-09-2017 08:17:11 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:17:11 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:17:12 E >>NewGuideActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:17:12 E >>Ready key<< saveNoLoginReadyInt thread id 908
key = entry_guide value = 3
14-09-2017 08:18:44 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:18:44 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
14-09-2017 08:18:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
14-09-2017 08:18:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
14-09-2017 08:18:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
14-09-2017 08:18:44 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:18:44 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
14-09-2017 08:18:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
14-09-2017 08:18:44 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:44 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
14-09-2017 08:18:46 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
14-09-2017 08:18:46 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:46 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:46 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:46 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:46 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0625 arg2
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.16527778
arg2 119
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.24861111
arg2 179
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.45833334
arg2 330
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.5069444
arg2 364
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.5611111
arg2 404
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.6958333
arg2 501
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.79444444
arg2 572
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.8666667
arg2 624
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9166667
arg2 660
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.95 arg2
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9722222
arg2 700
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9847222
arg2 709
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9930556
arg2 715
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.99722224
arg2 718
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.9986111
arg2 719
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:47 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.05694449
arg2 41
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.15277779
arg2 110
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.25694442
arg2 184
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.3736111
arg2 269
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.5638889
arg2 406
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.69722223
arg2 502
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.8055556
arg2 580
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.8805555
arg2 633
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.9305556
arg2 670
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.9625 arg2
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.98055553
arg2 706
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.9916667
arg2 714
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.9972222
arg2 718
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 1 arg1 0.9986111
arg2 719
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
14-09-2017 08:18:48 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
14-09-2017 08:45:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 08:45:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:45:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:45:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 08:45:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 08:45:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:45:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 08:45:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 10:48:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 10:48:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 10:48:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 10:48:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 10:55:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 10:55:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 10:56:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 10:57:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 10:57:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 10:58:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:02:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:02:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:04:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:04:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:48:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:48:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:56:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:56:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:56:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:57:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 11:58:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 11:58:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 11:58:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 11:58:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 11:59:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 11:59:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 11:59:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 11:59:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 12:02:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 12:02:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 12:02:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 12:02:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 12:45:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 12:46:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 14:45:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 14:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 14:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 14:45:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 14:46:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 14:46:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 14:46:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 14:54:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 14:55:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 15:22:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 15:22:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 15:22:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 15:55:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 15:55:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 15:55:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 17:18:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 17:18:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 17:18:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 17:18:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 17:18:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 17:18:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 17:18:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 17:18:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 17:18:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 17:18:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 18:11:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 18:11:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 18:11:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 18:47:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 18:47:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 18:48:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 19:08:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 19:08:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:08:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:08:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 19:10:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:11:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:11:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:11:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 19:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 19:15:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 19:15:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:15:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:15:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 19:18:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:18:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:18:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:19:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 19:48:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 19:48:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:48:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 19:48:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 20:07:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 20:07:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 20:07:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 20:07:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 20:07:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 20:07:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 20:07:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 20:08:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 20:12:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 20:12:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 20:30:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 20:30:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 20:30:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 20:30:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 20:30:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 20:30:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 20:30:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 20:30:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 20:42:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 20:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 20:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 21:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 21:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 21:02:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:07:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:07:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:07:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:07:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:15:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:17:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:17:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:20:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:20:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:22:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:22:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 21:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 21:22:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 21:22:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:22:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:22:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:23:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:23:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:24:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:24:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:25:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:25:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:26:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:26:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:28:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:28:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:29:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:29:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:34:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:34:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:36:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:36:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:36:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:37:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:37:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:37:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:37:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:37:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:40:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:40:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:40:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:41:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:41:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:41:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:41:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:41:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:42:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:42:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:42:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:43:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:52:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 21:52:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 21:52:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 21:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 21:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 21:58:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 21:58:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:58:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard false countryCode 233
14-09-2017 21:58:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 21:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 21:59:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 22:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 22:01:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:01:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 22:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 22:01:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 22:01:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:01:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:01:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 22:02:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
14-09-2017 22:02:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:02:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:02:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
14-09-2017 22:11:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:11:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:11:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:12:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:14:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 22:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 22:14:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:15:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 22:15:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 22:15:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:20:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 22:20:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 22:20:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:21:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 22:21:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 22:21:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 22:21:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:24:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 22:24:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 22:24:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 22:36:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 22:36:48 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 22:36:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 22:36:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
14-09-2017 23:11:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
14-09-2017 23:11:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
14-09-2017 23:11:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 00:00:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 00:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 00:00:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 00:31:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 00:31:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 00:31:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 01:02:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 01:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 01:02:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 01:34:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 01:34:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 01:34:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 02:09:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 02:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 02:09:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 03:08:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 03:08:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 03:08:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 03:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 08:40:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 08:40:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 08:40:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 08:41:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 08:41:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 08:41:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 08:42:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 08:42:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 08:42:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 08:42:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 08:42:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 08:42:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
15-09-2017 08:42:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 08:42:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 08:42:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 08:42:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 08:42:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 08:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 08:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 08:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 08:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 08:42:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 09:37:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 09:37:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 09:37:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 09:38:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 09:38:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 09:38:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 09:38:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 09:38:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 09:38:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 09:38:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 09:38:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 18:20:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 18:20:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 18:20:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 18:20:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 18:20:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 18:20:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 18:20:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 18:20:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 19:03:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 19:03:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 19:03:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 19:03:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 19:03:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 19:03:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:03:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 19:03:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 19:03:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 19:03:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:04:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 19:04:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 19:04:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 19:04:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 19:04:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:04:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:04:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 19:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 19:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:04:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
15-09-2017 19:04:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:04:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:04:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 19:22:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 19:22:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 19:22:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 21:00:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 21:00:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 21:00:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
15-09-2017 21:00:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
15-09-2017 21:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
15-09-2017 21:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
15-09-2017 21:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
15-09-2017 21:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
15-09-2017 21:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
15-09-2017 21:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 02:35:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 02:35:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 02:35:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 02:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 02:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 02:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 02:35:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 02:35:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 02:35:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 02:35:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 02:35:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 09:33:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 09:33:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 09:33:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 09:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 09:33:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 09:33:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 09:33:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 09:33:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 09:33:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 09:33:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 09:33:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 09:33:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:15:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:15:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:15:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:15:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 10:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 10:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:15:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:16:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:16:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:16:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:16:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:16:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:16:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 10:16:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 10:16:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 10:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 13:45:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 13:45:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 13:45:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 13:46:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 13:46:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 13:46:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 13:46:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 13:46:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 13:46:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 13:46:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 16:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 16:01:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 16:01:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 16:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 16:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 16:01:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 16:01:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 16:01:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 16:01:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 16:01:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 16:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 16:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 19:10:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 19:10:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 19:10:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 19:10:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 19:10:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 19:10:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 19:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 19:10:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 21:18:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 21:18:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 21:18:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 21:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 21:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 21:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 21:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
16-09-2017 21:18:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
16-09-2017 21:18:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
16-09-2017 21:18:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
16-09-2017 21:18:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
16-09-2017 21:18:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
16-09-2017 21:18:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
16-09-2017 21:18:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
17-09-2017 10:42:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:42:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
17-09-2017 10:42:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
17-09-2017 10:42:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:42:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:42:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
17-09-2017 10:42:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
17-09-2017 10:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
17-09-2017 10:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
17-09-2017 10:58:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
17-09-2017 10:58:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
17-09-2017 10:58:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
17-09-2017 10:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
17-09-2017 10:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
17-09-2017 10:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 06
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
17-09-2017 10:58:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
17-09-2017 10:58:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620060153882971 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
17-09-2017 10:58:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
17-09-2017 10:58:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
17-09-2017 10:58:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 03
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 03
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
17-09-2017 19:20:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
17-09-2017 19:20:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
17-09-2017 19:20:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620031046823236 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
17-09-2017 19:20:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
17-09-2017 19:20:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
17-09-2017 19:20:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
17-09-2017 19:20:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
17-09-2017 19:20:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 03
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 03
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
18-09-2017 13:42:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
18-09-2017 13:42:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
18-09-2017 13:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620031046823236 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
18-09-2017 13:42:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
18-09-2017 13:42:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
18-09-2017 13:42:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
18-09-2017 13:42:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
18-09-2017 13:42:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
18-09-2017 19:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
18-09-2017 19:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
18-09-2017 19:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 19:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
18-09-2017 19:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
18-09-2017 19:47:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:47:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
18-09-2017 19:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
18-09-2017 19:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:00:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:00:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:00:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:01:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:01:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-01-2015 00:01:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:01:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:01:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-01-2015 00:01:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:02:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:02:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:02:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:02:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-01-2015 00:02:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
01-01-2015 00:02:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:02:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:02:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
18-09-2017 19:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
18-09-2017 19:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
18-09-2017 19:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 19:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
18-09-2017 19:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
18-09-2017 19:53:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 19:53:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
18-09-2017 19:53:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
18-09-2017 19:53:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
18-09-2017 19:53:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 19:53:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:53:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
18-09-2017 19:53:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
18-09-2017 19:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
18-09-2017 19:53:35 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
18-09-2017 19:53:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 19:53:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 19:54:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
18-09-2017 19:54:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:54:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:54:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
18-09-2017 19:57:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
18-09-2017 19:57:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:57:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:57:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
18-09-2017 19:57:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
18-09-2017 19:57:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:57:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:57:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
18-09-2017 19:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
18-09-2017 19:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
18-09-2017 19:58:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
18-09-2017 20:07:47 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
18-09-2017 20:07:56 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
18-09-2017 20:27:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
18-09-2017 20:27:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
18-09-2017 20:27:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
18-09-2017 20:29:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
18-09-2017 20:29:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-09-2017 21:45:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-09-2017 21:45:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-09-2017 21:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-09-2017 21:45:14 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
20-09-2017 21:45:14 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
20-09-2017 21:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
20-09-2017 21:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
20-09-2017 21:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
20-09-2017 21:45:14 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
20-09-2017 21:45:14 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
20-09-2017 21:45:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
20-09-2017 21:45:15 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
20-09-2017 21:52:01 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
20-09-2017 22:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-09-2017 22:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
20-09-2017 22:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 22:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-09-2017 22:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-09-2017 22:38:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-09-2017 22:38:58 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-09-2017 22:38:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-09-2017 22:38:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-09-2017 22:38:59 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
20-09-2017 22:40:43 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
20-09-2017 22:44:42 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
20-09-2017 22:59:16 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
20-09-2017 23:09:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:09:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-09-2017 23:09:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-09-2017 23:09:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-09-2017 23:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-09-2017 23:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:09:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-09-2017 23:09:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-09-2017 23:09:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:09:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:09:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-09-2017 23:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-09-2017 23:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-09-2017 23:16:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 23:17:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:17:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-09-2017 23:17:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-09-2017 23:17:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
20-09-2017 23:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-09-2017 23:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-09-2017 23:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
20-09-2017 23:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:17:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
20-09-2017 23:50:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
20-09-2017 23:50:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
20-09-2017 23:50:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 01:04:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 01:04:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 01:04:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 01:40:53 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 01:40:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 01:40:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 04:44:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 04:44:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 04:44:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 07:35:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 07:35:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 07:35:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 07:35:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:01:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:01:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:01:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:06:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:06:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:06:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:09:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:09:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:09:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:10:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:10:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:10:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:10:08 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 08:13:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:13:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:13:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:14:11 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:24:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:24:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:24:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:29:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:29:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:29:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:29:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:29:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:29:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:29:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:33:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:33:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:33:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:35:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:35:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:35:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:47:54 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 08:48:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 08:48:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:48:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:48:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 08:48:13 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 08:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 08:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:48:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 08:58:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:58:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:58:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:58:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 08:59:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 08:59:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 08:59:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:00:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:00:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:00:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:04:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:04:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:04:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:04:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:04:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:04:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:04:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:04:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:04:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:04:43 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 09:05:02 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 09:05:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:05:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:06:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:08:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:08:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:08:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:08:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:09:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:09:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:09:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:11:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:11:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:11:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:11:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:11:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:11:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:11:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:11:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:11:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:14:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:14:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:14:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:14:29 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 09:18:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:18:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:35:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:35:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:45:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:45:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:45:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:45:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:45:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:45:11 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 09:47:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:47:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:47:44 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 09:48:17 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:53:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:53:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:53:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:53:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 09:58:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 09:58:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 09:58:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 10:09:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 10:09:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 10:09:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 10:12:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 10:12:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 10:12:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 10:31:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 10:31:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:31:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:31:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 10:31:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 10:31:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 10:31:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 10:31:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 10:34:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 10:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 10:34:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 10:34:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 10:34:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 11:10:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 11:10:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 11:10:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 11:40:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 11:40:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 11:40:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 11:40:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 11:52:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 11:52:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 11:56:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 11:56:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 12:01:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 12:01:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:01:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:01:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 12:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 12:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:01:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 12:02:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 12:02:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:02:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:02:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 12:02:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 12:02:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:02:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:02:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 12:03:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 12:03:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:03:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:03:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 12:19:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 12:19:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 12:19:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 12:19:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 12:19:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 12:19:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 12:19:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 13:02:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 13:02:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 13:02:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 13:10:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 13:10:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 13:10:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 13:10:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 13:33:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 13:33:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 13:33:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 13:33:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 13:33:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 13:33:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 13:33:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 13:33:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 13:33:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 13:35:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 13:36:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 15:30:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 15:30:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 15:30:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 15:30:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 16:07:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 16:07:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 16:07:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 16:15:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 16:15:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 16:15:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 16:15:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 16:15:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 16:15:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 16:15:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 16:15:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 16:16:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 16:16:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 16:16:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 16:16:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 16:16:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 16:16:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 16:16:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 16:16:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 17:12:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 17:12:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 17:12:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 17:12:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 17:14:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 17:14:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 17:14:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 17:20:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 17:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 17:20:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 17:46:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 17:46:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 17:46:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 17:46:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 18:16:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 18:16:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 18:17:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 18:17:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 18:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 18:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 18:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 18:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 18:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 18:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 18:50:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 18:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 18:50:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 21:21:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 21:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 21:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 21:21:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:21:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:21:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 21:22:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:22:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 21:22:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 21:22:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 21:22:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:22:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
21-09-2017 21:22:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:22:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:22:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:23:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:23:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:23:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:23:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:36:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 21:36:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 21:37:28 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:37:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:37:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:37:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:37:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:37:39 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:37:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:37:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:37:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:37:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:37:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:38:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:39:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:39:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:39:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:39:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:44:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:44:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:45:46 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 21:46:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:48:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:48:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:48:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:49:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:49:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 21:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:49:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:49:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:50:00 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:50:01 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:50:04 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:50:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:50:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:50:12 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:50:22 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 21:50:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 21:50:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 21:50:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 21:53:16 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 21:55:53 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 21:56:09 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 21:56:43 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 22:01:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:01:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:01:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:01:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:01:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:01:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:01:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:03:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:03:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:03:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:06:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:06:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:10:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:10:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:10:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:12:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:12:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:12:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:12:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:12:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:12:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:17:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:17:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:17:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:20:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:20:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:20:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:28:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:28:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:28:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:28:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:28:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:28:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:28:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:29:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:29:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:29:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:29:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:29:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:29:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:29:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:29:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:30:16 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 22:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:30:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:30:43 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 22:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:30:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:31:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:31:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:31:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:31:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:31:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:31:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:31:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:34:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:34:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:34:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:35:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:35:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:35:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:39:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:39:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:39:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:42:19 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:42:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:42:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:42:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:42:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:42:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:42:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:42:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:42:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:42:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:42:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:43:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:43:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:43:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:43:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:43:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:43:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:43:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:43:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:43:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:43:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:44:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:44:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:45:17 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 22:45:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:45:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:45:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:45:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:46:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:46:26 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:46:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:46:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:47:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:47:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:47:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:49:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 22:49:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 22:49:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 22:49:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:49:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:49:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:49:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:49:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:49:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:49:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:49:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 22:50:48 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 22:51:10 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
21-09-2017 22:51:36 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 22:51:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 22:51:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:51:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 22:51:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:02:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:02:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:09:48 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 23:09:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:09:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:09:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:09:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:13:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 23:13:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 23:13:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
21-09-2017 23:13:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:13:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:13:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:13:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:13:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:13:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:13:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:13:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:14:04 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 23:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:14:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:15:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:15:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:15:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:15:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:15:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:15:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:15:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:15:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:15:59 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
21-09-2017 23:16:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:16:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:16:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:16:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:24:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:24:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:24:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:24:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:24:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
21-09-2017 23:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
21-09-2017 23:53:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
21-09-2017 23:53:31 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
21-09-2017 23:53:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
21-09-2017 23:53:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 00:25:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 00:25:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 00:25:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 00:25:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 00:25:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 00:25:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 00:25:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 00:25:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 00:25:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 01:00:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 01:00:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 01:00:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 01:31:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 01:31:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 01:31:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 02:02:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 02:02:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 02:02:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 02:24:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 02:24:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 02:24:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 02:33:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 02:33:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 02:33:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 03:03:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 03:03:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 03:03:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 03:35:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 03:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 03:35:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 04:08:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 04:08:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 04:08:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 04:41:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 04:41:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 04:41:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 07:29:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 07:29:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 07:30:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 09:22:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 09:22:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 09:22:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 10:04:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 10:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 10:04:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 10:04:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 10:59:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 10:59:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 10:59:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:15:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:15:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:15:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:15:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:15:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:15:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:15:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:15:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:19:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:19:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:19:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:23:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:23:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:24:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:35:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:35:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:35:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:35:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:35:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:35:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:35:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:36:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:36:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:36:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:40:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:40:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:40:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:42:06 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:42:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:42:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 11:48:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 11:48:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 11:48:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 12:15:38 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 12:15:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 12:47:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 12:47:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 12:47:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 14:43:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 14:43:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 14:43:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 14:43:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 14:48:43 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
22-09-2017 15:23:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 15:23:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 15:23:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 15:23:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 15:23:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 15:23:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 15:23:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 15:23:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 15:23:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 15:26:31 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 15:58:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 15:58:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 15:58:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 16:04:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 16:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 16:04:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 16:48:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 16:48:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 16:49:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 17:12:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 17:12:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 17:12:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 17:18:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 17:18:04 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 17:18:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 17:18:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:10:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:10:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:10:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:12:17 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
22-09-2017 18:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 18:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:12:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 18:12:53 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
22-09-2017 18:13:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 18:13:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:13:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:13:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 18:25:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:25:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:25:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:25:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:28:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:28:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:28:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:28:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:28:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:28:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:28:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:28:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:28:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:28:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:29:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:29:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:29:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:29:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:29:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:29:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:29:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:29:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:29:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:29:30 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:29:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:29:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:29:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:29:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:30:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:30:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:30:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:32:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:32:10 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:32:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:32:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:34:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 18:34:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:34:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:34:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 18:34:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 18:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 18:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 18:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 18:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 18:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 18:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:34:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 18:34:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 18:34:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 18:35:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 18:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:35:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 18:35:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 18:35:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:35:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:35:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 18:35:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 18:35:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:35:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 18:35:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:13:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 19:13:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 19:13:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:17:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 19:17:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 19:17:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 19:19:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 19:19:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:19:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:19:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 19:19:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 19:19:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:19:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 19:19:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 19:19:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:25:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 19:25:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 19:25:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 19:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 19:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:59:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:01 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 19:59:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 19:59:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 19:59:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 19:59:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 19:59:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 19:59:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 19:59:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 19:59:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 19:59:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 20:55:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 20:55:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 20:55:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 20:55:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 20:55:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 20:55:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 20:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
22-09-2017 20:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 20:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 20:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
22-09-2017 20:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
22-09-2017 20:56:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
22-09-2017 20:56:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
22-09-2017 20:56:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
22-09-2017 20:56:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
22-09-2017 20:56:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 20:56:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
22-09-2017 20:56:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 20:56:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 20:56:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
22-09-2017 20:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
22-09-2017 20:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
22-09-2017 20:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
22-09-2017 20:56:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:48:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 08:48:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 08:48:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 08:48:58 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:49:16 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:49:20 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:49:33 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:49:41 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:49:49 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:49:58 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 08:49:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:49:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:49:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:51:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:51:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:51:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:51:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:51:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:51:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:51:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:51:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:51:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:52:25 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
23-09-2017 08:52:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:52:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:52:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:52:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:52:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 08:52:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:52:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 08:52:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 08:58:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 09:26:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 09:26:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 09:26:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 09:52:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 09:57:33 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 09:57:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 09:57:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 09:57:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 09:57:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 09:57:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 09:57:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 09:57:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 10:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 10:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 10:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 10:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 10:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 10:27:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 10:27:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 10:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 10:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 10:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 10:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 10:54:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:00:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 11:00:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 11:00:36 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 11:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 11:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 11:00:42 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
23-09-2017 11:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 11:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 11:01:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 11:01:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:01:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:01:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 11:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 11:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 11:01:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
23-09-2017 11:01:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:01:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:01:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
23-09-2017 11:02:30 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
23-09-2017 11:26:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 11:37:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 11:37:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 11:37:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 11:45:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 12:26:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 12:26:18 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 12:26:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 12:26:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 13:17:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 13:17:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 13:17:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 13:34:25 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 14:15:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 14:15:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 14:15:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 14:49:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 14:55:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 14:55:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 14:55:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 14:55:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 15:30:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 15:31:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 15:31:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 16:10:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 16:10:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 16:10:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 16:21:43 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 16:21:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 16:21:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 16:34:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 16:40:09 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 16:51:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 16:52:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 16:52:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 16:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 17:08:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 17:29:57 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 17:29:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 17:29:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 18:00:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 18:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 18:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
23-09-2017 18:35:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
23-09-2017 18:35:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
23-09-2017 18:35:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 09:37:20 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 09:37:20 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 09:37:21 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
30-09-2017 09:37:21 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
30-09-2017 09:37:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
30-09-2017 09:37:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
30-09-2017 09:37:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
30-09-2017 09:37:21 E >>NewGuideActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
30-09-2017 09:37:21 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
30-09-2017 09:37:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
30-09-2017 09:37:21 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:37:22 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.027777778
arg2 20
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.031944446
arg2 23
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.033333335
arg2 24
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.036111113
arg2 26
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.036111113
arg2 26
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.036111113
arg2 26
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.036111113
arg2 26
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:16 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.034722224
arg2 25
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.029166667
arg2 21
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.020833334
arg2 15
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.018055556
arg2 13
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.013888889
arg2 10
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.009722223
arg2 7
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.004166667
arg2 3
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:17 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:18 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:19 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:20 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
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arg2 1
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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arg2 5
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30-09-2017 09:38:29 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
30-09-2017 09:38:29 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 0 arg1 0.023611112
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30-09-2017 09:38:30 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.055555582
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30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.32083344
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30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.105555534
arg2 75
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.087500095
arg2 63
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.07222223
arg2 52
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.06111121
arg2 44
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.048611164
arg2 35
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.037499905
arg2 26
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.029166698
arg2 21
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.023611069
arg2 16
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.018055439
arg2 12
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.013888836
arg2 9
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.009722233
arg2 7
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.008333445
arg2 6
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.0055556297
arg2 4
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.004166603
arg2 2
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.0027778149
arg2 2
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.0013887882
arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.012500048
arg2 9
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.11527777
arg2 82
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.22222233
arg2 160
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.2833333
arg2 203
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.30694437
arg2 220
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.3152778
arg2 227
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 2
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.39722228
arg2 286
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.47916675
arg2 345
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.5569444
arg2 400
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.625 arg2
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.6847222
arg2 492
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.738889 arg2
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.7805555
arg2 561
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.8180556
arg2 589
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.85138893
arg2 613
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.8791666
arg2 632
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9041667
arg2 651
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.92222214
arg2 663
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9402778
arg2 677
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.95277786
arg2 686
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9638889
arg2 694
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9722223
arg2 700
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.97916675
arg2 705
30-09-2017 09:38:31 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.98472214
arg2 708
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.988889 arg2
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.99166656
arg2 713
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9944444
arg2 715
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9972222
arg2 718
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 2 arg1 0.9986112
arg2 719
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 1
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrolled<< arg0 3 arg1 0.0 arg2 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>onPageScrollStateChanged<< arg0 0
30-09-2017 09:38:32 E >>NewGuideNextActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
30-09-2017 09:38:32 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<

30-09-2017 09:38:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
30-09-2017 09:38:33 E >>NewGuideActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
30-09-2017 09:38:33 E >>Ready key<< saveNoLoginReadyInt thread id 7399
key = entry_guide value = 4
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:09:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 16:09:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 16:09:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 16:10:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 16:10:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 16:10:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 16:10:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 16:10:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 16:10:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 16:10:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 16:10:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 17:01:37 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 17:01:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 17:01:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 17:01:38 E >>NewGuideNextActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
30-09-2017 17:01:38 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<

30-09-2017 17:01:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:13:39 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 18:13:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 18:13:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:13:49 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 18:13:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 18:13:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 18:13:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 18:13:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:13:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:13:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 18:14:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 18:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 18:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 18:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 18:14:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 18:14:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:52 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 18:14:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 18:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 18:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 18:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 18:14:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 20:52:15 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 20:52:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 20:52:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 20:52:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 20:52:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
30-09-2017 20:53:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
30-09-2017 20:53:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
30-09-2017 20:53:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
30-09-2017 20:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
30-09-2017 20:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 20:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
30-09-2017 20:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 20:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 20:53:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
30-09-2017 20:53:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
30-09-2017 20:53:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
30-09-2017 20:53:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
30-09-2017 20:53:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 08:50:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 08:50:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 08:51:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 08:51:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 08:51:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 08:51:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:06:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:07:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:16 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:07:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 09:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:07:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:23 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:07:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:07:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:07:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:08:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:08:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:08:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 09:08:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:18 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 09:08:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:40 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:45 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:08:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:08:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:55 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:08:59 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:08:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:09:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:09:08 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 09:09:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 09:09:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 09:09:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 09:09:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:09:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 09:09:09 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:05:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 12:05:56 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 12:05:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:07 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 12:06:07 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 12:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 12:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 12:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:08 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:12 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 12:06:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 12:06:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 12:06:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:24 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 12:06:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 12:06:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:06:25 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 12:35:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 12:35:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:35:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:35:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 12:35:10 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:35:11 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 12:35:11 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 12:35:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:35:32 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 12:35:32 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 12:35:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 12:35:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 12:35:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:35:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 12:35:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 16:19:22 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 16:19:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 16:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 16:19:23 E >>LaunchActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
01-10-2017 16:19:23 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<
01-10-2017 16:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity
dm.widthPixels 720 dm.heightPixels 1280
01-10-2017 16:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LaunchActivity init
01-10-2017 16:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
01-10-2017 16:19:23 E >>NewGuideNextActivity<< registerReceiver ==>
01-10-2017 16:19:23 I >>com.afmobi.palmchat.MyActivityManager<<

01-10-2017 16:19:23 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< wwwwwwwww:720
01-10-2017 16:19:24 E >>LaunchActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
01-10-2017 16:19:40 E >>NewGuideNextActivity<< unregisterReceiver ==>
01-10-2017 16:19:40 E >>Ready key<< saveNoLoginReadyInt thread id 22933
key = entry_guide value = 5
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:47 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:00:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:57 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:01:44 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:01:44 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:01:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:56:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:56:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:56:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-10-2017 22:52:32 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
01-10-2017 22:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 22:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 22:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 22:53:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 23:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 23:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 23:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 23:00:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 23:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-10-2017 23:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-10-2017 23:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-10-2017 23:00:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-10-2017 23:23:54 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-10-2017 23:23:54 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-10-2017 23:23:55 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end null
01-01-2015 00:00:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =null
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi null
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:00:42 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:00:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:00:43 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 411106948473967
imsi mcc null mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion Android5.1
imsiFlag false ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2 countryCode 86
width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country null city null state null
lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:00:53 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 02
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:01:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:01:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:01:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620020518245258 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
01-01-2015 00:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
01-01-2015 00:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end onReceive 620
01-01-2015 00:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:01:48 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
01-01-2015 00:05:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
01-01-2015 00:05:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-01-2015 00:05:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:05:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
01-01-2015 00:05:02 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
01-01-2015 00:05:02 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
01-01-2015 00:05:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 04:09:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 04:09:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 04:09:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 04:09:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 05:04:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 05:04:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 05:04:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 05:04:15 V >>AFMOBI_NET<<
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:17:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 06:17:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 06:17:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 06:18:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:21:34 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 06:21:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 06:21:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 06:27:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:28:02 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
02-10-2017 06:28:12 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:28:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 06:28:33 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:28:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:28:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 06:28:37 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
02-10-2017 06:28:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 06:28:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:28:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:28:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 06:31:03 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
02-10-2017 06:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 06:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:31:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 06:31:17 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
02-10-2017 06:31:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 06:31:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:31:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:31:26 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 06:31:30 V >>AFMOBI<< onDownloadingStart
02-10-2017 06:31:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 06:31:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:31:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:31:40 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 06:33:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:34:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:37:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:38:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:38:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:38:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:38:38 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:38:47 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:58:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 06:58:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 06:58:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 06:58:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 06:58:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 06:58:05 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 06:58:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 06:58:06 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:00:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:01:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:01:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:01:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:03:51 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:03:51 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:03:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:04:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:04:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:04:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:04:24 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 07:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:04:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 07:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:05:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 07:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:06:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:06:46 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:06:46 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:06:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:08:28 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:08:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:08:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:14:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:14:17 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:14:17 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:14:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:15:03 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:15:03 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:15:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:15:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:15:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:15:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:15:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:15:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:15:05 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:16:29 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:16:29 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:16:31 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:18:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:18:41 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:18:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:18:45 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:19:50 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:19:50 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:19:52 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:26:14 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:26:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:26:16 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:28:21 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:28:21 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:28:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:28:30 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:29:27 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:29:27 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:29:28 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:29:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:29:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:29:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:29:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 07:29:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:29:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:29:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:29:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 07:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:38:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 07:45:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:45:35 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:45:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:45:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 07:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 07:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 07:47:35 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:47:36 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 07:47:36 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 07:47:37 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 07:55:56 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onLowMemory
02-10-2017 07:58:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 07:58:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:58:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 07:58:15 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 08:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 08:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 08:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 08:08:58 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 08:09:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver action
02-10-2017 08:09:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< getCountryCode 233
02-10-2017 08:09:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver
app.isInit() false isCanUseSdCard true isCanUseSimCard true countryCode 233
02-10-2017 08:09:04 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< AppReceiver has network
02-10-2017 08:14:22 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:14:49 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:15:34 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:15:42 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:17:39 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 720param.height =1280param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 08:20:13 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 08:20:13 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 08:20:14 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 08:43:19 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:44:59 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp onCreate
buildOsInfo entry
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< User Agent ua Infinix-
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp
PalmchatApp.getOsInfo().getMcc() end 620
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< initAfPalmchatCore
param.language en-USparam.width = 1280param.height =720param.mcc =620
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp mcc 620
mnc 01
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< PalmchatApp imsi
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< CoomonUtils getInitData
countryCode 233
02-10-2017 08:45:00 E >>PalmchatApp<< PalmchatApp onCreate begin
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drum
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bloom
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Glass
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Tweet
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Bubble2
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Drop
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Sweet
and fresh
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wave
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Wind
02-10-2017 08:45:00 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< soundOfMessage Magic
02-10-2017 08:45:01 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< imei 356602077164047
imsi 620010349738854 mcc 620 mnc smsc 0 user null veri null osVersion
Android5.1 imsiFlag true ua Infinix-X554 mver Infinix-X554 cid 2
countryCode 233 width 480 height 800 brand INFINIX country Ghana city
null state null lat 0.0 lng 0.0 cver 5.2.11
02-10-2017 08:48:41 V >>PalmchatLogUtils<< LanguageUtil src:
endest: en

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