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Genetic engineering which also called genetic modification is one of the most
popular biological studies in this modern era. Genetic engineering refers to the
manipulation of organisms genome to enhance or modify the characteristics of that
individual using biotechnology. However, genetic engineering is highly controversial
since some people believe this field of study give out more negative outcomes rather
than good. Due to the various negative impacts and shortcomings it brings, genetic
engineering should be banned for life.

Some people may say that genetic engineering is more to uncovering the secret of
science in these mysterious world created by God with many undiscovered fictions with
a purpose to enhance humans knowledge. However, there are so many reasons on
why genetic engineering should be banned and prohibited. Based on research had
been done by scientist that major in biological course, we cannot deny the fact that
there is always the risk of genetic technology potentially changing the human species
forever. Moreover, according to Islamic point of view, genetic engineering was believed
trying to play with Gods creation.

To begin with, genetic engineering may lead to genetic defects. In humans, gene
therapy can have various extreme side effects. In an attempt to treat one defect, the
defect may spread to another form. This is because, a gene cannot easily be inserted
directly into our cells. It usually has to be inserted using a carrier virus. As the new virus
being entered into a body, the bodys immune system may see this new virus as
intruders and start to attack it. Next, will result to organ failure. Furthermore, the virus
also may be targeting a wrong cell to be treated. If this happens, a healthy cell may be
damaged which causing illness.

Another reason why genetic engineering should be banned is that it could shortening
the life span of a species. This has been proven through an experiment of cloning
carried out by genetic engineers. Dolly the sheep, as the first mammal to be cloned from
an adult cell, is the worlds most popular clone. As Dolly was being produced unnatural
way, its life span is much shorter than a normal sheep since its gene is exposing to
more damage and disease. In short, these cloned species will not have a healthier life
but needs to suffer for the modification made by humankind.

Finally, high budget is required in genetic engineering to ensure the experiment

being carried out reach the goals and success. For instance, during conducting a
genetic experiment, scientists may be having faulty and error in their experiment. Thus,
they will be needed to repeat the experiment for some unknown of times until they get a
satisfying result. Based on this fact, we may conclude that huge funds are necessary in
genetic engineering experiment and research.

In the end, we can conclude that genetic engineering has more flaws than its
positives. Personally, I will go against genetic engineering when it comes to modifying
living organisms especially humans and animals. We should more believe in Gods
compared to human creation as there will be imperfection produced my mankind.
Results of flaws from this modern technology next surely will lead to a questionable
future whether genetic engineering is still acceptable or contrast.

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