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UNIT 10 witt be doins and will have done

a) First study this examPle situation:

Tom is a football fan and there is a football match on television this evening.
Tom and wants to
;;;;;;tio "r,J.ndr
at 9.t5. Anri wants to come and see this evening
know what time to come: "* 'b'

Ann: Is it all right if I come at about 8.30?

Torn: No, dont corne then. I'll be watching the matcl'r on television. l

Ann: Oh. Well, wlrat about 9.30?

Tom: Yes, that'll be fine. The match will have finished by then.

b) W" rrse will bc doing lfirrurc cotrtitru.tus) ro say tha.t wc will ['rc.in thc nriddlc of doirrg
-'something","...r"in'ti,.,',cinthcfuturc.ilrcfoodrall matchbeginsatT-30:rndcndsat9'15'
So during"this rime, for exarnplc ar 8.30, Tom.will be watching the rnatclr.
Here are some more examPles:
- This ti16" ni*r week I'll be on holiday. I'll probably be lying on a beautiful
Compare will be doing with the othcr continuous forms:
Tom works every morning from 9 o'clock until midday' So:
_ At 10 o'.l"o.k yesterday he was working. (past continuors - see unit 12)
It's 10 o'clock now. He is working. (present continuous - see unit 1)
- At 10 o'clock tomorrow lle will be working'

:) You can also use will be doing in another way: to talk about things which are already
or decided:
- I'll be going to the city centre later' Can I get you.anything?
\7ith this mcaning wilibe doing is similar to am doing (see Unit 4a):
- I'm going to the cirY centre later'
we !!'ant
We ofterr use Will {y"ou) 6" -ing? to ,rsk about people's ptans, cspecially when
sometiring or want someone to do sornething:
- 'Will you be using your bicyile ttris evening?' 'No, you 91n take it''
- 'Will you be pottlttg the post office when you go out?' 'Yes' why?'
J) We use will have done (future perieer)to say that something will_already have happened
before a certain time in ti'r. f,rrui..
'inm'r fooib"ll match ends at 9.15. So after this time, for
example ar 9.30, the match u'ill have finished. Here are some rnore examples;
Ncxt year is Ted ancl Amy's 25th wcdding.anniversary. They will have been
marrild for 2-5 ycars. (Now rhey lrave becn married for 24 year-s.)
\We're late. I cx ject rlrc film will ilready havc started by the timc we get to thc
' cinema.

UNIT 10 Exercises

l0.l In this exercise you haue to make sefttences uitb will be -ing.
Example: I'm going to watch television from 9 until 10 o'clock this evening.

1 Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from.3 o'clock until 4.30.
So at 4 o'clock tomorrow i
2- Jim is going to study from 7 o'clock undl 10 o'clock this evening.
So ar 8.30 this evening he ...............-..
3 \ffe are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take frorn 9 until 11 o'clock.
, So at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning

l0-2 This time you haue ta write three scntences, one each about the past, present and future.
Bob alutays reads the netaspaper in the morning. It aluays takes him half an hour, frotn
8 o'clock until 8..f0. So:

1 At 8.15 yesterday morning Bob ...............

3 At 8.15 tomorrow nrorning he ...................

10.3 Trrs time yotr haue to ask questi<ttrs tuith Will you be -ing?
Example : You want to borrow yor.rr friend's bicycle this evening.
(you / use / your bicycle this evening?l HilfUo*.k.Kiing.Up.Ufh**4etnhk.ay:*ntyg?

1 You want your friend to give Tom a messag this afternoon.

(you / see / Tom this afternoon?)
2 You want to use your friend's typewriter romorrow evening.
(you / use / your typewriter tomorrorv evening?)

3 Yor.rr friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for you ar rhe
posr office. (you / pass / the post office rvhen you're in town?)

10.4 In tbis exe,cise you have to use will havc done.

Example: Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7,30 and it is already
7.20. And it will take them 20 minutes to eer there.
Vhcn they get therc, (rhe film I already / st"art) W.ftln.w*ttnYeell;rz':-crfu.9.FtrP.A.

3 Chuck came to Britain from thc US nearly rhree years ago. Next Monday it wiil be

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