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Edinburoh Universitv

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somethingfor everyone
€et irrvrrh'erl
...at the Societies'Fair,Refreshers'Fair,
StudentFestivalWeekor Charities'Week.

by emailtng the soctety)
4 | vilw.eusa.eci.ac.uk

Societies' Guide
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I Contents


l-e Academic
7 Humanities& SocialScience
8 Medicine& VeterinaryMedicine
I Science& Engineering

I _11AppreciationSocieties
I -14 Campaigning
a _17Charities,CommunityandSupport
I -asCultural,ArtisticandGreativeArt
_25 Dance,MusicandTheatre
_30 Employment, Transferable
I _32 Faith,BeliefSystemsandSpiritualDevelopment
I _35 GamingandRoleplaying
I _36 International
T _41 MediaandBroadcasting
I _42 Physicaland OutdoorActivities
I 45 Political
6 | u,,urv,,.-.lrsa.eri

wwweusa.ed.ac.uk| 7

Archaeology Society
to voice potentialchangesand
suggestions for the Business
Schoolin an informaland relaxed
interest,and enioyingtraditional
ceilidhs,socialsand debateswith
others with similarinlerestsin
cultureand folklore.
edin.archsoc@googlemail.com Classics Society
lf you're interestedin the past, s0801975@sms.ed.ac.uk History Society
enjoydressingup as Indiana The ClassicsSociely is here to history.society@ed.ac.uk
Jones, sitling in trenchesin celebratethe liner sides ol modern The HistorySocietyis a diverse
the pouringrain,and generally and ancientlile! You don't have and dynamicstudentsociety
havingfun, Archsoc is for you. to study Classicsto join; everyone ior sludentswho study or are
We organiselectures,trips, and is free to come along and havea interestedin history. Havingwon
other socialevents.ArchSocis a goodtime. 'BestSociety'atthe 2010Societies'
greatway to meet peoplein a non- Get out of those clothesand into Oscars,we pride ourselveson
academicenvironment.Check the the bedsheetsfor the Toga partles. providinga wide rangeof activities
website{or more details: Comeand watchclassicalfilms includingsocials,academicanc
www.archsoc.co.uk. with us. Shoutoutyourbidsat career-focussedeventsthroughout
the slave auction. And, il you?e the year. Everysemesterwe
Architecture Society (EUSAS) into theatre,get involvedin the publishthe HistorySocietyJournal,
info@eusas.co.uk annualClassicsplay! Thereare 'Retrospect',for which studentsare
EUSASis the ofticialstudentbody also lecturesand talks on a huge invitedto conlributeto the range
of the Departmentof Architecture, rangeof topics. Meetingsare of articles. We also hold many
dedicatedto promotingand heldweekly,the banleris good, socialsincludingpub crawls,movie
developingstudents'work and and membersreceivediscounts nights,quizzes,academiclectures,
experience. We organisevarious at variouspubsand clubsaround historicaltripsand the annual
eventstrom student-runteaching town. So what's stoppingyou? HistorySociety Ball. We also have
to a lectureprogrammepresented a footballteam. To find out more,
by some of the world'sleading Economics Society comealongto one of our events,
architecturalfigures. We also ed.econsoc@gmail.com emailus or find us on Facebook
providestudent-ledworkshops, EconomicsSocietyis an event-
a welcomeguideincluding based societyofferingacademic, Lang Soc
everythingyou need to know career-orientedand socialevents eulangsoc@gmail.com
about architectureal Edinburgh, throughoutthe year.Academic Langsoc,The Linguistics and
and organisea filmseries,design eventsinclude:guestspeakers, EnglishLanguageSociety,is
day, sports events,pub crawls, debates,essay contestsand for anyoneinterestedin how
photographiccompetitionsand discussionpanels.Our careers languageworks,howthe English
more. For more informationvisit eventsallow you to boostyour and Scots languagesfunctionand
the websiteat wwweusas.co.uk. CV and employmentprospects theirhistory.and whatit is about
with mock assessmentscentres languagethat makes us uniquely
Business Society and through netwofkingwith human.Studentsot these subjects
the.business.society@ed.ac.uk sponsors.We also havea greal and anyone,who wouldliketo
The BusinessSocietyactsas socialcalendarincludingthe find out more about language,are
a networkof businessstudents famous EconSocParty Bus, welcometo join. We hold socials
withinthe Universilyand provides numeroussocialsand pub-crawls, as well as discussiongroups,oJlen
help to first year studentswhen a Christmasmealand a Ball.Email invitingguest speakersto talk
choosingcoursesand meeling us and get involved! about some of lhe manyfacetsof
people.We holdcompanytalks linguistics.
and careerseventsthroughout Ethnology Society
ethnology.society@googlemail. Law Society
the year,and arrangesocialsand
com lawsoc@ed.ac.uk
sportingevents.We, as a group,
As well as beingthe society LawSocoffer a wide range of social
enable businessstudentsto take
part in dissertationforumsas well associatedwith the Scottish eventscateringfor Law Students,
Ethnologydegree,we are also culminatingin the annualLaw Ball
as discusscoursedirectionand
a groupwho enlhuseaboutall in earlyMarch.
pro.iectsand internshipswith like-
aspectsof culture,Scottishculture
mindedstudentsfrom acrossthe
in particular.We raiseawareness
years. The BusinessSocietyis the
ot ethnologicaland anthropological
link betweenbusinessstudentsand
the University, allowingstudents

8 | www.eusa.ed.ac.uk

Literature Society inlo ils large and friendlyranks. createexchange,and promolethe

euenglitsoc@gmail.com The MusicSocietyorganises disciplineoutsideot the classroom.
The LiteratureSociely is for people concerts,socials,ceilidhs, All are welcometo come along
who love literatureto meet and iniernationaltours and the all- to our regularsocialevents,
socialise.A relalivelynew society, importantpost-rehearsalpint.Get f ilm screenings,conferences
we have alreadyheld a number involved! and workshopswhich are held
o{ successfuleventsincluding throughoutthe year.So, whether
pub quizzes,pub crawls,theatre Philosophy Society you?ean anthropologystudentor
trips, book groups,debatesand a president@edinburghphilsoc not, teel free to get in touch.
poetry slam.We hope to continue com
such activitiesthis year as well as The EdinburghPhilosophySociety Sociology Society
welcomingexcitingguest speakers. is one of the oldest in the Universitv sociologysociety@hotmail.co.uk
Membershipis open to all sludents. and consistentlythe largestin The EdinburghSociologySociety
the UK. We run weeklylectures, is a newand dynamicgroup
Mature Law Students' Society discussiongroupsand reading thal aims to encouragelearning
maturelawsoc@gmail.com groups,as well as copioussocials, and interactionbetweenthose
The MatureLaw Students'Society academicsupportsessionsand sludyingor interestedin sociology.
aims to promotethe aclivitiesol, weekendsaway.We maintain We welcome undergraduates,
and providea social networkfor, a society libraryin the Dugald postgraduates,staff and non-
maturesludentsin the two-year Stewartbuildingand are in lhe studentsalike,and encourage
acceleratedLLB programmeat processol publishinga regular all membersto get involvedin
the University.We haveweekly academiciournal.Our lecture the eventsand directionof the
meetingsand socials,and host seriesattractsleadingnamesfrom society.Those who are new to the
a numberof soecialeventsat all over the world, last year included disciplinecan comealongand use
Christmas,New Yearand after talks irom Simon Blackburnand the opportunity to ask questionsin
exams. Find more information Thomas Pogge,while our lively a relaxedand friendlyenvironment;
on the Communitiespage on the discussiongroupsoffer a friendly the more wealher-wornsociologists
Schoolof Law website: and informalcontexl in which to can use this time to exchangeideas
wwwlaw.ed.ac.uUcommunities. chat and discussphilosophical or find retreatJromtheir research!
issues. The societyactively As well as the regulargathering,
Mooting Society welcomesstudentslrom a wide we also organisegroup outings
moot_edinburgh@hotmail.com rangeof academicdisciplines. Visit and seminars. Contactus lor more
The MootingSocietypromotes the websiteat edinburghphilsoc. details.
and developsthe art of advocacy com and pop alongto our weekly
amongstundergraduatelaw EVENIS.
students.We run lwo inlernal
mootingcompetitionsevery Politics Society
academicyear,as well as organise eupolsoc@gmail.com
teams to representEdinburghin The PoliticsSocietyis one of
externalcompetitions(naiionaland the largestand oldesi student gpsociety.edinburgh@
international). societiesat the Universily.We googlemail.com
host regulareventswilh prominent The G.P Societyprovides
Music Society speakerslrom the politicaland supplementaryteachingto students
eums.secretary@gmail.com diplomatic.We are a politically interestedin a career in this field or
The Music Societyis the biggest neutralorganisation,and remain for those who want to increasetheir
and besl musicalsociety in the unaftiliatedwiih any maior political generalmedicalknowledge.We
Univefsitywith two orchestrasand parly or candidate.Talksare held
a chorus.The SymphonyOrchestra on campus and are open to the and tutorials,given by healthcare
is challengingyet enjoyableand public.For more informalionand professionalsinvolvedin General
producesa high slandardol music. detailsol upcomingeventsvisitthe Practiceincludingnurses,practice
lf you fancy auditioning,sign up websiteat wwweupolsoc.org.uk managers,healthvisilors,doctors,
at the Freshers'Fairor email us or emailus. and GPs with specialistinterests.
Our other orchestra,Sinfonia,
We alsoholdgroupclinicalskills
offersan excitingprogrammenot Social Anthropology Society
sessionsfor studentsstudyingthe
to be missed(windand brass are soc.anth.soc@gmail,com
GP and the MBChBcourse,anc
requiredto audition,stringplayers The SocialAnthropologySociety
aim to orovidean out-of-hoursGP
are not). Last (but not least)is the aimsto encourageallthose
experiencefor students.
Choruswhich welcomesall singers with an interestin any aspect of
anthropologyto come iogether,

w w w eus a.ed.ac .uk

Medics FYC 2010 and Medics networkof exotic,zoologicaland withinthe industry,to other
FYC 2011 wildlifevelerinarymedicineand societiesand chemicalengineers
0564745@sms.ed.ac.uk and husbandryorganisations. throughoutthe UK. Our social
fyc2011@live.co.uk eventsincludepub crawlsand
The MedicsFYC (FinalYear Wilderness Medicine quizzes,and the most important
Commiltee)2010 and the ed.wilderness@googlemail. eventof the year: Frank Morton.
Medics FYC 2011raise money co m We are a societyfor those looking
tor, organiseand subsidisethe WildernessMedicineis {or to havefun and make new
MedicalStudents'Graduation studentsinterestedin learning friends.
Ball for those sludentsgradualing aboul medicalcare outsidethe
in 2010and 2011,respectively. modern hospitalsetting,as well Chemical Society
20oloof the moneyraisedis as enioyinggreatsocial activities chemsoc@ed.ac.uk
donatedto the RoyalHospitalfor likecamping,hiking,climbingand ChemSocis a societydedicated
SickChildren. generaladvenlure. to both undeagraduate and
Medics FYC 2012 Edinburgh. Chemistryis a close-
s0790305@sms.ed.ac.uk knit departmentand the main role
The Medics FYC 2012organise ot Chemsoc is lo run the many
eventsto raise moneyfor the Astronomy Society socialeventslhat take olace
2012 GraduationBall and donates euas@ed.ac.uk throughoulthe year.This gives
20oloof the funds to The Sick Kids The AstronomySocietyis for you the chanceto get to know
FriendsFoundation. studentsinterestedin the field your fellowchemistsa littlebetter
ot aslronomy,providingan over a few drinksand well away
Medics FYC 2013 environmentof collaboralion lrom the lab! We look forwardto
s0802647@sms.ed.ac.uk and supportbetweenlike- welcomingyou this year!
EdinburghMedics FinalYear mindedpeople.We host regular
Committee(FYC)2013 is a lectures.talks. socialevents Computer Society
Jundraisingcommitteetor medical and networkingopportunities compsoc-committee@
studentsgraduatingin 2013.We throughoutthe year with the googlegroups.com
raise moneyto helptund our aim of improvingour members' CompSocis a societythat likes
graduationball as well as donate to havefun and destroythe geek
knowledgeof the field and
20oloof profits10charity. helpingthem to meet peoplewith stereotype.We havecontacts
similarinterests. in both local and international
Psychiatry Society companies(suchas Adobe and
edinpsych@googlemail.com Google)who come to speak at
Biology Society (Biosoc)
The PsychiatrySocietyaims to our eventsthroughoutthe year.
explorethe scienceol Psychiatry BioSocis a societyproviding Other eventsinclude:student
and its role in society. We hold tech meel up (withfree pizza!),
social and academicevents
peer-leddiscussion-based field trips,workshops,summer
throughoulthe year for Biology
meelingsgiving memberslhe internshipopportunities,geeky
and BiomedicalSciencestudents
chance to lead, presentand pub quiz, and weeklysocials.
and anyoneinterestedin the
debate. This semester,we will You don't haveto be a geek to
BiologicalSciences.We are
be coveringa wide rangeof
a relativelynew societyand ioin us; whetherarguingabout
topics includingthe historyot Linuxdislributionsis your thing,
welcomeanyonewho wishesto
ioin. Academiceventswill feature or you iust like to keep in touch
psychopharmacology, sligma and with what's new and hot, we have
guest lecturersand careers
menlal heallh,neuro-imagingand somethingfor you!
advice,and our socialeventswill
many more.
includethe first, second and third
year balls,our second annual Ecology Soclety
Veterinary Zoological (EVZS) edinburgh.ecoSoc@gmail.com
leavers'ball,as wellas smaller
zoovetl @sms,ed.ac.uk EcologySocietyis for anyone
social eventsevery month.
EVZS aims to promoteinterest, with an intereslin ecologyand
enthusiasmand knowledgein the environment.We help you get
Chemical Engineering Society
veterinaryzoologicalsciences,to involvedand meet other people
educatestudentsin the veterinarv The ChemicalEngineering with the same interests,arrange
managementoi wildlifespecies, talks from professionalson many
Sociely not only will boostyour
and oel studentsconnectedto the differentareas of ecology,and
social lile but also Drovidelinks


organiseworkshopsand group EngineersWithout Borders hosta very socialand sportingline-

trips. We give you a feel for the (EWB)Edinburgh up throughoutthe yearincluding
differentkinds of work available admin@eewb.org the springball,cheeseand wine
in ecology,broadenyourskrlls The Edinburghbranchof EWB-UK nights,and a BBQ in weekone.
and help you meet great people. aimsto increaseoublicand studenl We welcomeanyonefrom any field
We are also associatedwith the awarenessof humandevelopment withinthe University.
ScottishAgricultural Colleges throughact,vitiesincluding
Greenfeetwhichis an environment speakers,fieldtripsand training Geophysics and Meteorology
and conservationsociety. Come courses.We also Dromoteand Society
alongand join us for a drinkat our coordinateresearchon relevant s0789930@sms.ed.ac.uk
socials. tripswithinuniversitydepartments, The Geophysicsand Meteorology
encourageand assistsludentsto Societyprovidesa {orumlor
Education Society volunteerfor worthwhileoverseas studentsinterestedin the physics
edinburgheducationsociety@ placements,arrangesocialevents of EarthSciencesfromall degree
googlem a i l . c o m for students,academicsand yearsto get to know each other
We aim to give students,with an professionals to meet,and run and shareexperiences and advice
interestin education,a chanceto fundraisingactivitieslor our branch on coursesand internships.
meet,mix and sharetheirpractice. as wellas the entireEWB-UK Withguestspeakers,discussion
We organisevariedtrainingevents, organisation. sessions,documentaries and
visitsfromguestspeakers,skills films,and socials,we hopeto help
workshops,basedon whateverour Geography Society studentsimprovetheir general
memberswant, and some great s0791927@sms.ed.ac.uk knowledgerelatingto the Earthand
socials.Takepartin as muchor as GeographySocietyaimsto bring Atmosphericscience.We welcome
little as you want, haveiun and join all studentsin the department anyonewith an inlerestin physical
lor free. togetherby holdingsocialssuch EarthScience(orwho agreesthat
as academicfamilies,ballsand Twisteris a great movie!)to get
Engineering Society volunteering. We are activelytrying involved.
engineering.society@ed.ac.uk to improvesocialresponsibility and
The Engineering Societyis a sustainability,often seekingspace Mathematics and Statistics
supportivetrameworkfor all on 'green'projects. We alsohave mathsoc@sms.ed.ac. uk
engineering studentsat the GeogSocsportsteams.competing Mathsocaimsto encourage
Universityprovidingsocialevents, in intra-mural,with mixedhockey a networkof undergraduates,
sports, and men'slootball.So, if you postgraduates and teaching
and academicsupportto all levels study Geography,why not support staffto aid learningand create
of academicstudy.We also provide the societyandjoin in withwhat a relaxed,friendlyatmosphere
networkingopportunities for promisesto be an excitingyear. betweenstudents. We also help
undergraduate engineersthrough to providean outletfor the stress
industrycontactsand alumni Geology Society of studyinga demandingsubJect
networks. s0788273@sms.ed.ac.uk throughsocialeventssuchas
Geolsocpromotesthe study of balls.ceilidhs,partybus trips, the
Geologyand facilitates social 'integralMilan'footballteam,and
contactbetweenpeoplewith an more.For moreinformation, visit
interestin the geosciences. http://sites.google.com/site/
We organisefieldtripsand edinburghmathsoc.
lecturesrelatedto the
sub.iect,and Physics Society
physics.soc iety@ed.ac.u k
PhysicsSocietyaims to promote
physicsas a socialactivitythrough
talks,tripsand alcohol.Youmay
evenbeginto find physicsand

| 11

UEBITD ililil;,',,;ii

12 | wweusa.ed.ac.uk

fountainnighls,sculpturebuilding, Mediterranean Gastronomic

bowling,hot chocolatetasting,and Society
AberdeenFCSupportersClub many more eveningsof chocolate- mediterraneangastro@
(Eu) tilled fun! Check out our website googlemail.com
euafcsc@hotmail.com for more informationand upcoming The MediterraneanGastronomic
Are you an Aberdeenlan? lJso, eventsat www.chocsoc.co,uk. Societyaims to introduce,
this is the society{or you! The promoteand sustainthe tradilion
AberdeenFC SupportersClub Cocktail Society of Mediterraneancooking in the
orderslickets for away matches eucocktailsociety@ hotmail. Edinburghcommunity. We hold
co.uk pol-luckdinners,picnics,restaurant
and araangestransportto all home
and away games throughoutthe This society is dedicatedsolelyto taslings and cooking master
season.We also have a 5 a-side lhe appreciationot cocktails. The classes.Membershipin the society
team which playsweeklyin the EdinburghUniversityCocktail is diverse;chefs,food critics,and
EdinburghPowerleague,and Societyruns a varietyof events wine-appreciatorsalikewill be
throughoutthe year againstother includingcocktailmasterclasses amongthe internationalgroup.
supportersclubs.A varietyof social where you can learn aboutthe art
of cocktail-makingand mixology,as Satire Society (Sat Soc)
eventsalso take place including
well as holdingmonthlymeetingslo edinburghsatiresociety@
trips to the pub, golf and bowling.
relax.socialiseand drinkcocktails googlemail,com
at a discountedprice. The SatireSociety'smain aim is
Beer Soclety
to promotethe appreciationand
Come Dine With Me Society productionof politicaland social
comedine.eu@gmail.com satireon campusthroughthe
and historyis intertwinedwiih
Promotingstudentdining, regulardistribuiionand production
beer.So, why not celebratethe
expandingculinaryhorizons, of printed,live action,video etc. of
rich asoectof our culture!The
affordabledinner parties,and online and off-line,locallyproduced
Beer Societyis committedto
laughingal 'ComeDineWith Me'is satire.
havingits memberstaste as many
what we?e all about! New members
ol the differentkinds of beer as
alwayswelcome and not everyone SocieTEA
has to cook! edinburghsocietea@googlemail.
and slrangersalike,and promoling com
beer culture.We also organise SocieTEAis a societylortea
Fair Trade Caf6
pub crawlsand trips to some ol the appreciators,tea connoisseurs,
f airtradecafe@hotmail.co.uk
breweriesin Scotland.Everyone or just caffeineaddicts.We hold
The FairTradeCaf6 serves
is welcome providedthey have an monthlymeetingslor Junor to
delicioussouDand cakes made
interestin tastinggreat beer! helDother societiesraisefunds
with tair trade local and organic
producewhile raisingmoney{or a for charity.These eventsoccur
Celtic Supporters club (CSC) both on and off campus,where the
differentcharityeveryweek. All are
s0996851@sms.ed.ac.uk besttea is lound. This socieTea
welcometo come and create lovely
EdinburghUniversityCSC existsto believesthat we can create a wider
{ood in the kitchenor simplyenjoy
allow studentsto meet and discuss appreciationof tea, spreadthe
eatlng it.
Celtic FC, lo share materialsabout knowledge,interaclwith students
the club, and to organisediscount Hibernian FC Supporters Club and with olher societies. So come
ticketsand transporttor students. Society 'oolong'to one o{ our tantastic
It also orovidesa base from which euhfc@hotmail.co.uk meetings!
anyonemay contactor lobby The societyaims to providea social
Celticon any issue,such as Fair networkingsystemlor supporters Vegetarian Society
Trade. We are closelyaffiliated of HibernianFootballClub (HFC)by vegsoc.ed@googlemail.com
to lhe HeriotWatt & Edinburgh providingmeetings,socialevents, The aim of the societyis to create
UniversityCelticSupportersClub attendingmalches,and other a social networkfor vegelarians/
(HWEUCSC). outings,all relalingto HFC. We vegans or for anybodywho shares
also give studentsthe chance lo our belie{s,cares for animals
Chocsoc competein matchesagainstother or enjoysvegelarianfood. We
s0574185@sms.ed.ac.uk tootballsupportingsocielies,and organisesocialsat vegetarian
ChocSocis a socialsocietythat are aimingto arrangea tour of the cafes and restaurants,swap
combinesdeliciouschocolale HFC groundand trainingcentre. recipes,and enjoy mealsal
eventsand activitieswith meeting member'sflats, amongstother
new people. we host a varietyol things.Also,Jorthose who are
differenteventssuch as chocolate interested,the societyorganise

wwweusa.ed.ac.uk| 13

leafletingeventsand campaigning people. The highlightsof the Wine

days. We are a friendly,non- Society'scalendarincludethe
aggressivesocietypromoting annualChristmasDinnerand the
animalrightsand vegetarianism. Champagnetasting at the end of
Find out more from our websiteat theyear llyou are awine expert
www.vegsoced.webs.com. or you lust enjoy drinkingwine, you
are sure to have a reallygreatlime.
Water ol Life
The Waterof Life Societyis
dedicatedto meetingwith triends,
samplinggreat whiskiesand
generallyenjoyinglife.While our
goal is to learn about whisky,we
are primarilya socialgroup intent
on tastingwhiskiesbeyondour
reach.We lead meetings,organise
trips around Scotlandand invite
dislilleriesto come and speak to us.
We welcomeeveryoneespecially
those wilh the desireto learn,
sample and enioy fine whisky in
good company.For more details
check our Facebookpage or our
websiteat wols.eusa.ed.ac.uk.

Wine Society
The Wine Societymeet weekly
to extendour knowledgeabout
the wonderlulworld of wine as
well as simplyenjoyingit. Every
week we havea differenttheme
for our tastingsgiven by local
merchants,wine writersand wine
makersfrom all over the world.
The meetingsare very social
and are a great place to meet

vegetarian/ cocl<tail/woter ofltfe / aberdeen fc supporters/ socieTEA

14 | www.eusa.ed.ac.uk

| 15

We hold weekly meetingsshowing

relevantdocumentaries,and host
AEGIS Students Edinburgh seminarsand talks bYclimate
aegis-students@ed.ac.uk changeexpertsdrawnfrom the
AEGISSiudentsis an international scienti{ic,economic,politicaland
businesscommunities. Findout
committedto campaigning, more lrom our websiteat
educatingand fundraisingto end www.eucms.org.
genocide.We aim to mobilise
grassrootspoliticalPressure MedAccess (UAEM-Edinburgh)
to stop genocideand ethnic
cleansing-We are affilialedto
UniversitiesAlliedlor Essential
the registeredcharity'The Aegis
Medicines(UAEM)is a large
based mainlyin the U.S.and
Amnesty lnternational
Canada,but is rapidlYsPreading
acrossthe UK and Europe.
The EdinburghUniversityAmnesly
By focusingon universities'
Internationalsociety campaigns
researchand licensingPolicies,
for Human Rights. We are a group
UAEM'saims are twofold:to
ol friendlypeoplewho organise
increaseaccessto health-
and get involvedin fun activities
includingcreativecamPaigning, relatedinnovationsin developing
countries,and to promoteresearcn
talks, debatesand a visit to our
into diseasesthat mainlyaffect
sponsorpub, NativeState,after
Doorcounlries.Find out more
every meeting.All are welcome.
at http://uaemedinburgh'
Pleasevisit our websiteat http://
wordpress.com and www.
Anarchist Society
eusa@lists.systemausfall.org People & Planet
The AnarchistSociety'saim is to
pursuegoals conduciveto a tree Peopleand Planetis the largest
nationalstudentnetworkin Britain'
and equal anarchistsociety,and
made up lrom local groups in
to promotethe idea of equality,
universities,collegesand schools
libertyand respectthroughdirecl
throughouttheUK. The Edinburgh
and non-violentaction.The society
group is one of the biggestand
also aims to raiseawarenessof
most activesocietiesin the
the anarchistidealthroughdebate
country. We campaignon issues
and discussionamong students'
of the environment,Povertyand
Carbon Management humanrights,throughlocal and
s0956677@sms.ed.ac.uk nationalaction.We organisea
The Carbon ManagementSociety rangeoJinterestingspeakersto
raisesawarenessand Provides come lo our weeklymeetingswith
a forum for discussionamong the aim of educatingand informing
studentsand staft,al university ourselvesso we are able lo make
and beyond,on all aspectsof changethroughaction. EverYone
climatechangeadaptionand is welcome! You can choosethe
mitigation.We concentrateon the levelof involvement:from listening
scientitic.economicand business to speakersto becomingmore
relatedaspectsol climatechange involvedwith planningand running
and foster an understandingol campagns.
how these three componentsare
crilical in makingProgresson
reducingcarbon emissions.

161 ww.eusa.ed.ac.uk

Students for Justice in Palestlne UNICEFon Campus

edinburghsjp@gmail.com unicefsociety.uoe@gmail.com
EdinburghStudentsfor Justice UNICEFon Campusis an initiative
in Palestineis a humanrights to involvestudentsin the work
campaign. Our activitiesinclude of UNICEF.We work to raise
discussionand debate.as well as awarenessof children'srights
activelycampaigningto end lsraeli and raise moneytor UNICEF's
apartheidand the occupationof imporlantprojectswith children
Palestine. everywnere.

Tibet Society
The Tibet Societyembracesthe
edibledelightsof this fascinating
and beautifulnation.With a history
as vibrantas it is tragic,our society
seeksto celebrateTibet while
activelyslrivingto improvethe
situationfor the Tibetanpeople.
Our aims are to be friendlyand
informaland lake aclionto prevent
the loss of Tibetancultureand
historywhile raisingmoney
tor proiectsrun in Tibet, in fun
interestingand originalwaysl Our
eventshave includedTibetanfilm
nights,tea-tastings,art exhibitions,
speakers,a visit to a Tibetan
Templeand more.

Trade Union Soclety

tradeunionsociety@ gmail.com
UnionSociely aims to increase
awarenessand membershipof
trade unionson campus,We run
progressivecampaignson issues
relatingto the workplace,including
our currenl campaign:the living

'h' I
=*r'1 .*

\Yf!w els:l ecl enr ltk | 1 7


Charities,Community and Support


Hmffi@ music.art and crealivemovement.

The arts camps offer a great
exDeriencefor the childrenand our
variedweeklyevents. Whether
you'recomfortablewith your
sexuality,the slightestbit curious,
Access Edinburgh volunleers,as well as being lots or just want to make some fun new
acessedinburgh@gmail.com of fun. friends,you can do so in our non-
Access Edinburghworksto improve iudgementalatmosphere.
accessto highereducation,and Barnardo's Soclety www.blogs.org.uk
especiallyto EdinburghUniversily,
EdinburghUniversityBarnardo's Childrens' Holiday Venture
for those from non-traditional
Societywork in conjunctionwith (cHv)
and raisefunds for the Barnardo's enquiries@chv.org.uk
volunteersvisit secondaryschools
charity,and to assistthem in the CHV is a student-rancharitythat
that have a poor recordof getting
work they do for abused,neglected works with groupsof children
studentsinto highereducalion.
and underprivilegedchildren from sociallyexcludedareas
Volunteersgive practicalguidance
aroundthe UK. We meet weeklv of Edinburgh.We take them on
and encouragement,and talk
and host variousfundraisingand trips, both day lrips and weekend
about personalexperienceto
socialevents. camps,to provideIun activitiesin a
aspirepupilsto aim lowards higher
sate and supportiveenvironment,
Best Buddles Edinburgh aimingto improvethe self-esteem
bestbuddlesedlnburgh@gmail. of the peoplewe work with. Our
Animal Crisis com volunteersreceivechild orotection
animalcrisis@googlemail.com BestBuddiesEdinburghis an lraining and are Disclosure
AnimalCrisisis Edinburgh opportunityto help enhancethe Scotlandchecked,and group
University'sanimalwelfaresociety isolatedlivesthat many peoplewith leadersare first aid trained. Over
that helpsto promoteawareness learningdisabilitiesexperience, 21swho havehelda cleandrivino
of nalionaland international as well as to meet new peopleand licensefor at leasttwo years are
animalwel{arecrisesthroughout havefun. We meet weeklywhere, also otferedthe opportunityto train
the University,and works to raise along with other students,you can to drivethe MIDASminibus.
moneylor a rangeol topicalissues. meet and befriendpeoplewith
Membersdecide which institutions intellectuallearningdisabilities Edinburgh Basic Lile Support
we raise moneyfor so, il you are whilstplayinggamesor iust Society
oassionateabout animalwelfare enjoyinga friendlychat over a bls_edinburgh@yahoo.co.uk
issues,this societyis for you! The UniversityBasic Life Support
cup ol coffee.Membershavethe
opportunityto make a'best buddy' Society(atfiliatedto Heartstart
Anti-Malarial Outreach Program who they can meet with regularly UK) gives you the opporlunilyto
s0567913@sms.ed.ac.uk and enioy playingfootball,going learn vital basic life supportskills.
The aim of the EdinburghUniversity to the cinema,or taking part in Once you have attendeda training
Antl-MalarialOutreachProgram any other fun activities.Beingpart sessionyou can assistthe teaching
is to reducethe burdenof malaria of basic life supportwithin schools
of our societywill enhanceyour
in a villagecommunityin south CV and communicationskills, throughoutEdinburghand,with
west Cameroon(Nkolve).This is whilst provinga highlyrewarding attendanceat a Jurtherinstructor
achievedthrougha combination experiencethroughdeveloping course,you could be leadingyour
of educationalworkshopsessions a valuablefriendshipthatwill own!
and the provisionof prevenlative genuinelychangesomeone'slife.
treatmenttools. No experiencenecessary,just an Edinburgh Exchange Support
open mindand yourfriendship. Society
Arts for Well-Being: Children of edinburghexchangesociety@
the Balkans Bisexual Lesbian or Gay hotmail.co.uk
president.awcb.ed@googlemall. (BLOGS) The EdinburghExchangeSupport
com contact@blogs.org.uk Society(EESS)is run by students
The Arts for Well-Being:Children BLOGSis EdinburghUniversity's who haveall participatedin an
of the Balkanssocietyraise money societyfor Bisexual,Lesbian,Gay, exchangeprogrammeduringtheir
to help child victimsol conflictand Transgenderedand Inlersexpeople degree here al Edinburgh.The
oost-conflictin the Balkans.We run and theirfriends.Studentsand societyaims to providesupport
arts camps in the Balkanregion non-studentsalike are welcometo and inJormationto students
duringsummerfor the children join. We aim to providea relaxed consideringparticipatingin an
where we supporttheir personal, and welcomingsocial network exchangeprogrammeand to those
socialand emotionalwell-being where you can meet like-minded studentscurrentlyon exchange
throughcreativeactivitiessuch as peopleand take part in our fun and herein Edinburgh.Please.loin

Charities,Communityand Support
w w w eus a.ed.ac .uk
| 19

our Facebookgroup"Edinburgh complementthe ongoingformal emergencycare is not available

ExchangeSupportSociety curriculum. due to povertyand/orcorruption.
(EESS)"or visit our website, More informationcan be lound at
http://eess.eusa.ed.ac.uk/,tor Feminist Society (EUFS) our website:
more information. orlammurray@gmail.com wwwtirstaidaf rica.com.
Edinburgh Global Partnerships Society(EUFS)focuson gender First Aid Society
(EGP) equality,raisingawarenessof f irstaid.society@ed.ac.uk
egpitsec@googlemail.com genderinequalityand howwe The UniversityFirstAid Society
EdinburghGlobalPartnerships can work togetherto create a gives you the opportunityto learn
is a student-rancharitywhich platformof equality.We campaign and becomecertifiedin FirstAid
organisesgroupsof students againstgender-relatedviolence, for free! Onceyou'requalified,
to volunteeron pro.iectsin taking action againstthe threatto you can practiseyour skillsat
developingcountriesduring women'sreproductiverights,and eventssuch as T in lhe Park,the
the summermonths. We have activelycampaignfor feminism RoyalHighlandShowand shows
partnersin Asia, Africaand to be an integralaspect of the at the PlayhouseTheatre- We
LatinAmerica,and projects University curriculum.We hold haveweeklymeetingswith special
are generallyconstructionor discussions,art workshops, speakers,sessionson emergency
educationbased. We aim to protests,as well as our annual childbirth, signlanguageand
provideknowledge,skillsand 'Speak'campaign, whichaimsto casualtysimulation, and social
experienceto studentswhile createa safe space where people evenls.
supportingcommunity-led can openly talk about sex.
initiativesin their goals for Fonelisco Orphanage Proiect
development.We hold training, First Aid Africa Society
lundraisingand social events eusa@firstaldaf rica.com fonelisco.ed@hotmall.co.uk
throughoulthe year,and is a great The FirstAid Atricasociety FoneliscoOrphanageProiectis a
way to meet new people,broaden runs expeditionsfor studentsto societythat sends volunteersout
horizons,and do somelhing providemedicalequipmentand to FoneliscoOrphanageto work
constructivewith the summer knowledgein some ot the world's withorDhansand streetchildrenin
monlhs. ooorestcountries.All studentsare Mwanza,Tanzania,for a minimum
welcomeand trainingis provided. month-longprogrammeduring
Edinburgh Language We work direcllywith the FirstAid the summervacation.We recruit
Ambassadors Societyas well as international volunteersduring semeslerone.
s0341714@sms.ed.ac.uk NGOSto orovidestudent then helo volunleersfundraisefor
EdinburghLanguage volunteeaswhere they are needed the basic cost of their trip. Visit
Ambassadorsaims to increase the most.We also work actively our websiteat www.escaonline,
motivationand intereslamong with other studeni volunteer org/f oneliscosociety.
Scottishpupilsto learnloreign organisationsto promote
languages.We conductregular the need for FirstAid and
visitsto bolh primaryand high medicaltrainingwherever
schoolsto deliver

BLOGS/ mary's neals / first aid africa/ arts for nell'being, chiLdrenof tlrc balkans

Charities, Communlty and Support
2 01www.eusa.eo.ac.uK

Friends of MSF (Medecins sans Over 5,000 studentshavetaken Meadows Half Marathon
Frontieres) part in the Hitchsince 1992! sally@meadowsmarathon.
s0905039@sms.ed.ac.uk org.uk
The EdinburghFriendsol MSF Life Society MeadowsHalf MarathonSociet,
(Medecinssans Frontieres) edlitesociety@googlemail.com organisea half-maralhonaround
aims to: educateand promote Life Societyaims lo offer a range the Meadows. In 2008 it was the
greaterunderstandingof the role, of discussions,debatesas well as largestrun organisedby students
functionsand ootentialot the literatureto promotethe protection In the UK;therewere800 runners
MSF,its agenciesand its charter, and dignityo{ life from conception and f40,000 was raisedfor
with specialatlentionto some of to naluraldeath. charity.
the world'smost neglectedcrises;
raisefunds and awarenessof our Marrow Society MedslN-UK
work througheventsengagingthe marrowedinburgh@hotmail. edinburgh@medsin.org
wider community;and gain more com MedSlNwas formed in 1997
supportfor the spiritof communily MarrowSociety is run by medical as a UK-widenetworkof
serviceand humanitarianwork studentsacrossthe country in heallhcarestudentswho raise
withinthe Universityand the local associationwith the Anthony awarenessof, and take action on,
community.We act as a forum for NolanTrust. We aim to recruit humanitarianand global health
peoplewho are interestedor who studentsonto the AnthonyNolan issues.We encouragestudenis
haveconsideredparticipating in Bone MarrowRegister. People to get involvedwith projectsand
humanitarianwork. needinga bone marrowor stem campaignsthat they feel are
cell transplantsearchthis register importanlor under-represented
Funds for Cystic Fibrosis in the hope of findinga suitable at universityand that relateto
Society donor who has the ootentialto issuessuch as refugeehealth,
eucfsoc@googlemail.com save their lite. All you need to do homelessness, or HIVand AIDS.
Fundsfor Cystic FibrosisSociety to ioin the registeris come along Find out more about our pro.iects
organise{undraisingevents to one of our regularclinics. and campaignsby visitingour
and donatethe oroceedsto the websiteat www.medsin,org.
Cystic FibrosisTrust:the UK's Mary's Meals Edinburgh
only nationalcharitydedicated University Nightline
to all aspectsof Cystic Fibrosis, marysmeals-ed@hotmail.com nightline@ed.ac.uk
funding medicaland scientific We fundraisefor the Scottish The University'sstudent-run
researchaimed at understanding, charity:Mary's Meals,who support,informationand listening
treatingand curingthe disease. currentlyfeed 391,000children servicealwaysneeds new
The Cystic FibrosisTrustalso in 15 countriesacrossthe world! volunteersand runs a trainingand
aims to ensurethat peoplewith Mary's Mealsseeksto break selectioncourseearly in the Jirst
the diseasereceivethe best care the cycle of povertyby giving and secondterm. lJyou can help
and support possible.We hope to childrena free meal every day in by beingopen, understanding
raiseawarenessof Cystic Fibrosis schoolsto improveenrolmenl, and non-judgemental,becomea
throughoutlhe Universityand the attendanceand grades.Using Nightlinerand comealongto our
wider community. local volunteersand oroduce meetingsor contactus.
meansthe projectsare efficient.
Hitch sustainableand benefitthe Patient Outreach Project (POP)
edinburghhitch20l 0@gmall. wider community.93% of all patientoutreach@googlemail.
com money raisedgoes directlyto com
Experiencethe adventureof a the proiects,and our worldwide POP is a volunteeringservice
liletimeand hitchhiketo Morocco averagecost is just fg 10leed operatingwith NHS Lothian
or Praguefor charilyl Travel1,200 a child for a wholeyear! So, if to orovidestudenivisitorsfor
milesto Africathroughthe heartof you want to organisefundraising inpatientsat Edinburgh'sRoyal
rural Franceand Spain, Morocco events,charity pub crawls, VictoriaHospitalwho may have
otfersa mesmerisingblend bake sales,shake bucketsor a few visitorsand friendsin the
of culturethal has fascinated multitudeof othermoney-making
travellersfor generations.Or take schemes,come alongto our
part in the slightlyshorter hitch weekly meetings.
to Prague,a city lamous tor its
backpackingcultureand beer.

Charities,Communityand Support
w w w .eus a.ed.ac .uk

Sign Society also runthe CancerAdviceand

bsledinburgh@hotmail.co.uk SupportTeam (CAST)lor students
SignSoc is an informalsociety who have been aifectedby cancer.
whichaimsto helpbridgethe
gap betweenthe hearingand the Student Club of American
deafcommunitythroughteaching Veterinary Medical Association
basicsignianguagein a lun and erin.desantis@yahoo.com
sociableway. We offer members StudentClubof American
the chanceto applyfor a British VeterinaryMedicalAssociation
SignLanguage(BSL)SOA enlightensstudentsabout
Qualifiedcoursetaughtby a deaf the opportunities,differences
tutor at Deaf Action in Edinburgh. and practicalitiesof practicing
veterinarymedicinein North
SKIP (Studentstor Kids America.We providea lorumfor
International Proiects) discussionfor studentveterinary-
Edinburgh relaledconcerns,and offer an
skipedinburgh@googlemail. opportunityfor membersto gain
com knowledgeand an understanding
SKIP is a registeredcharityrun of Drofessionalethicsand conduct.
by healthcarestudentsworkingto
supportvulnerablechildrenaround Student Community Action
the world. (scA)
scagl @sms.ed.ac.uk
Student Action tor Autism SCAorganisesone-offand regular
(sAFA) longer-termvoluntaryprojects
studentaction4autism@gmail. in the localcommunity.We give
com studentsa chance to gain new
SludentActionfor Autism (SAFA) skillsand meeta new and diverse
aims to raise awarenessof autism rangeof peoplewhilegiving
amongstthe studentmedicaland somethingbackto the community.
generalpopulationby holding Throughprojectsliketeaching,
talks,film nightsandfundraising gardeningand decorating, we aim
events.We also organisean to tacilitateand imoroverelations
annual'Autism Awareness betweenstudentsand the local
Concert'wherefundstaisedare community.
donatedto nationaland local
charitiesand projects.We promote Students Supporting Street
a be{riending scheme,offeringthe Kids (SSSK)
opportunity to workone-on-one edinburgh@sssk.org.uk
withindividuals withautism,and SSSKsupportscharitiesin India,
are settingup a new volunteering Columbia.Ecuadorand Ethiopia.
scheme based at a playgroundfor We raiseawarenessof the plight
childrenwith soecialneeds.For of streetchildrenaroundthe
moreinJormation, visit worldthroughtalksand publicity.
www.safa.org,uk. We also raisefunds through
eventsrangingfromtin collecting,
Student Cancer Fund sponsorships, charitYParties,
studentcancerf und@hotmail. band nightsor whateverour
co.uk memberscome up withlFor more
The StudentCancerFundsociety information, visit
raise moneyand awarenessfor www.sssk.org.uk.
small local cancer charitiesthat
supportpeoplewith cancer and Teddy Bear Hospital
theirfamilies.We raisemoney tbh.edinburgh@hotmail.co.uk
throughorganisingbakesales, Teddy Bear Hospitalis a
club nights,quiznights,running healthpromotionprojectrun
the marathonand anythingelse by Edinburghstudentsfor local
our membersdecidedto do. We

Charities,Communityand Support
2 21w\ryweusa.eo.ac.uK

aim is to teachchildrenabout
healthand healthcarethrough
p,ay. Teddy Bear Hospitalis a
registeredcharityand a branchol
a nationalprojectrun by Medsin.
Pleasevisit our websiteat
wwwtbhe,org.uk for more

Tenteleni Edinburgh
Tenteleniis a volunteer-runcharity
that supportsUK university
studentsto travelto placements
in Kenya,Malawi,SouthAfrica,
Swazilandand Zanzibat.Tenteleni
staff and other volunteersin
to offer support,enthusiasm
and triendship.Boththe local
communities and the volunteers
in the sharingof skillsand ideas.

WaterAid - Edinburgh
WaterAidEdinburghis a
campaigning and fundraising
socielythat aims to promoteand
supportthe work of WaterAid:
an internationalcharitywhose
missionis to overcomepoverty
by enablingthe world'spoorest
peopleto gain accessto safe
water,sanitationand hygiene

hitch/ first aicl/ teddy beco'hospitctl

Charities, Community and Support

| 23

Cultural.Artistic and CreativeArt


Anime and Animation Society
massagecourseseveryterm, and
intermediateand specialitycourses
as often as oossible. We also
offerworkshopsin Beiki and olher
lf you havea passionfor cinema,
EUFS is for you. Or, if you know
nothingabout the film world, let us
broadenyour horizons!Our season
forms of alternativetherapy,and ticket gets memberslree entry to
hosl'RELAX!'evenlswhichare a all lhe films we screen,plus free
The EdinburghAnimeand
combinationof live acousticmusic, entry to all of the specialevents
Animationsocietyis devotedto
comedy and on-sitemassage, we host with other societiesanc
showinganimationin allforms,
shiatsuand Reiki. local cinemassuch as our monthlv
We havea largevarietyol shows
Confucianism Study Society
that we watchas well as holding (EUCSS) Knitting Society
weeklymovienightsthroughout eucss@sms.ed.ac.uk knitsoc@googlemail.com
the year. The EUCSSis a great way to meet KnitSocprovidesa friendlyand
new people and makerriendsin crealivespace for peopleto learn
Art Society a friendlyrelaxedyel somewhat to knil and improvetheir skills.
edartsoc@hotmail.co.uk differentenvironmenl.with the Everyone'swelcometo bringtheir
The Art Societyis a greatway of additionalopportunityto learn own proiectsor come along and
meetingother peopleinterestedin Chineselanguageand culture, slart somethingnew.we can lend
art and learningwhat Edinburgh promoteculturalunderstanding, you needlesand yarn while you
and beyond has to offer. We and discussConfucianismand its learn,and providetuition,discounts
organiseworkshopstor beginners, applicationto modernsociety.We and insDiration.
arrangestudiospace to work in, hold a varietyof activitiesincluding
hold weeklylife drawingclasses, themedgatherings,classes, Photographic Society
take trips to galleries,invite concerts,competitionsand tours. photosoc.ed@googlemail.com
guest speakersand arrange Photosocis the photographic
socialevents. We also have our Create Society societyof the Universityof
work displayedin cafes and run create@sms,ed.ac.uk Edinburghand open to anyone
exhibitions. Be inspiredand nurtureyour interesledin photography.We
creativeside with the Create organiseactivitiesrangingfrom
Gharity Fashion Society Society'sweeklygalherings.Take the purelysocialto the highly
emma.sturdee@ part in our wriling workshops, technicalincludingpub crawls,
edinburghcharilytashionshow. withdiscussion.stimuli.and lectures.hands-onsessions.timed
an opportunityfor constructive challenges, competitions, critique,
A nightot chic lashion,
criticismol your work, or try your and more. We also run bi-annual
ravishingmodelsand vitalising
hand at a rangeof creativecratts, competitionswith prizes,and the
entertainment,The Edinburgh
teachingothers new skills,and highestrankingentriesare also
CharityFashionShow (ECFS)is muckingaboutwithfelt-tippensin a displayedin our publicexhibitions
the most successfulcharityfashion
relaxed,intormalenvironment. at locationsaround Edinburgh. For
show in Eurooe.The event itself
more in{ormation,visit our website
takes place over two nights in Fashion and Textiles Society at wwwphotosoc.com.
March and oroduceshaute couture (F.A.r)
fashion mainlyfrom London s0784110@sms.ed.ac.uk
FashionWeek, as well as designs lf you are interestedin anything
trom the talentedEdinburgh from shoes and bags to knitting
Collegeof Art. Variousother events and textiles,F.A.l Societyis ior
are organisedin the run-upto the you! As well as courses in pattern
show includinglaunchpartiesand cuttingand customising,we provide
some greatclub nights- all in aid guest speakerson a wide rangeof
ol charity! issuesand organisefashion-
themed nights. Everyone
Chill Out Society is welcomeand we're
s0674343@sms.ed.ac.uk alwayslookingtor new
The Chill Out societyis for people ideas,so come along
who liketo chill out, kickback, and share our passion
relax,and generallyfill their for fashion.
liveswith nothingmore arduous
than good music,lazinessand Film Society (EUFS) ar t / l<nttting / photog raphy
massage. We teach beginners f ilmsoc@ed.ac.uk

Cultural,Artisticand CreativeArt
wr.fw.ilrSa.gai.arcirk 25
26 i ww.eusa.ed,ac.uk/

dedicatedto performingBhangra (Guildof)

as the art form it is. We offer (uEGcR)
regularBhangraand Dhol(drum) S$:l? i i:ii1 i:r.sit':,.iid ir:.t tlli

classesand membershave an UEGCRis the Guildol ChurchBell

African & Arabic Dance Society
opportunityto ioin the dance troupe R'ngers.We are open to all ringers
a . rJ ar: c eso tc g l o g : u : r ! n i ,' . r r:
which performsat universityand and anyonewishingto learn.The
Arabic dance,more commonly
commercialevents,or get involved guild holds practicestwice a month,
known as EgyptianBelly Dancing,
in the Dhol-onlyperformances. as well as joining local practicesin
is the normaldance of the Arab
For more informationvisit:www. Edinburgh.We also have regular
countries. lt is good tor maintaining
edinburghbhangracrew.com. socialeventsand weekly hand bell
and improvingbody tone and
discoveringmusclesyou never
knew you had! ll is an intense Brass Band
sil?l.l4:j8ii, j. ::r uk CheerleadingSociety'The
dance form which can be exolored
-r.lt.r:r BrassBand
EdinburghUniversity Vixens'
by peopleof difterentages,shapes .i " r .,
is a student-run, non-auditioning a ._ fi i ? i ? ,:,'i t.,:l :i , I
and physicalabilities. African The Vixensare a comDetitive
organisation,whose prioritiesare
dancingis a mixtureof dance styles award-winning cheerleading squad
musicand fun! We playpieces
from many differentcounlriesin
from a wide varietyof styles and that are fun loving,dedicatedand
Africa;it's fast, fun and energetic enjoywinning!We focus throughoul
composersand hold concertstwice
dancedto the rhythmot bongo the year on improvingour stunts,
a year. We are friendlyand havea
drums playedby our drummer. jumps,gymnasticabilityand
busy socialcalendar.
fitness,along with a few brilliant
Ballroom Dancing Society
Chamber Choil socialsof course! lf you think
eti::,hAmb.-?rCli:tir t:' h,.intit!l.cnnl cheerleadingis for you join us.
e uoc ls (' 'ii s ! s . e d . a c . u i i
The ChamberChoir is the smallest Go Vixens!
We've all seen 'StrictlyCome
of the Universitychoirs. We sing
Dancing'but everlanciedtrying
a wide range of challengingchoral Dick Vet Musicians
it yourself?With EUBDSyou j ..'5 i 3 r 'i
musicwith a tendencyto 'a capella' l ) r .,r r'
'. .'1 <
can! Anyone is welcomeand no Dick Vet Musiciansis a society
pieces,and our repertoirespans
partnersare necessary;we cater
from the 12thto 21stcenturies. for veterinarystudentsto maintain
for all levelslhrough classestaught and enjoytheirmusicskillsin a
We aim to providea platformfor
by our highlyprofessionaldance timetablesuitedto vet school's
singerswith a seriousinterestin
teacher.There'salwaysplenty busy schedule.We meet weekly
going on with competitions,medals choralmusicto establishclose
musicaland socialties within and aim to hold a concertonce a
and dance shows along with semester.No auditionrequired,just
the choir and to Dromotethe
varioussocialevents. enthusiasmand a loveof music.
home and abroadthrough regular
Barbershop Society Drumming Society
pertormanceand tours.
roh . fiit t ! '2 , : r h c i l q i e : l . c c r i 5Ci3i;iii!lt si?r5.ed.a;. ui'
Barbersoc aims lo provide Drum Soc get together10learn,
Chamber Orchestra
studentswith the opportunityto jam, and performwith African
eucc,aq l ists.€al.ac,u !.:
performbarbershopstyle musicto drums.We run weeklysessions
the higheststandard.We provide to teach and learn beats,perform
Orchestrais a friendlystudent
workshopsfor all those interested regularlythroughoutthe year,and
ran societyofteringexperienced
in barbershop,regardlessot findlime for a few visitsto the pub
musiciansthe chanceto playin
technicalmerit,as well as hostinga too! No experienceor equipment
one of Edinburgh'sleadingamateur
varietyof performancesthroughout necessary.
orchestras.Concertsare usually
the year.
givenonce a term with some of
Scotland'stinest orofessional Edinburgh Revue (Formerly
Bhangra Crew Comedy and That)
conductorsal the helm. However, .rJ.. ..tr'n
E( illlJurdh!.tirdr'.j'dclcn c.lia;i. 'Ut::b, r:,.,'r . j,.
it is not all hard work;lhere are
ce i-t1 cr)ltl
EdinburghBhangraCrew are a The EdinburghRevueis the
ceilidhs.meals.and a tour at the
Puniabidanceand drumgroup. University'scomedy society
start of summer
Our aim is to promoteSouth and residentsketchand stand-
Asian,especiallyPunjabi,culture up group. We providepeople
around Scotlandthroughdance at all levelsof experience
and music.We have members (includingbeginners) with regular
irom all over the world who are opportunitiesto write,act, direct,

iian ce . ldL ls;r i . li1Li "iE: t t r i, .

wuyw.eusa.ed ac.uk 27

and performstand-up,in a lriendly teachersfrom Spain.We hopeto French Theatre Society (Les
and relaxedenvironment. lt'salso introduceFlamencoto peoplewho Escogriffes)
an excellentway to meet new otherwisemay not havehadthe
peoplewith regularsocialevents opportunityto experiencethisfiery Les EscogriJfes are Edinburgh
takingplaceincludingthe society's formof art. University'sFrenchThealregroup.
EdinburghFringeFestivalshowat Les Escogrilfesnot onlyprovide
the end of the year. So whether Folk Song Society studentsand speakersof
you wantto indulgeyourcreative the Frenchlanguagewith an
sideor simplyhavesomefun, FolkSocietycatersfor anyonewith environment in whichtheycan pul
comealongand giveit a try! an interestin folkmusicand song. theirlanguageskillsto a practical
Everyonegetsthe opportunity to and pleasurable use,but also
EdinburghStudio Opera (ESO) learnfromothermusiciansand createa greaterunderstanding and
singerson an inlormalbasisduring dissemination of Frenchculture
sessionsand sing-arounds. throughtheatreand entertainment.
EdinburghStudioOperais the We performin Frenchand are open
University'sonlyoperasociety. Footlights to all,regardlessof languageor
Operaprovidesa unique ability.
opportunjty for everyoneinterested Footlights is the musicaltheatre
in theatre,musicalsand classical socaety thatstagesa large-scale Goth and Rock Society (Edc&R)
musicto combinetheirtalents,and musicalin the springterm.We are
we are alwayslookingfor singers, alwayslookingfor enthusiastic EdG&Ris the Edinburghcoth and
directors,orchestramembersand peopleto take part,bothon stage RockSocietyprovidinggreatclubs
crew.Recentshowshaveincluded and off,and offerthe opportunityto and gig nightsfor the alternative
'The Marriageof Figaro','The wo r kwithlig h tin gso
, u n d co
. stume. musi ccommuni l iyn E di nburgh.
BarteredBride'andmostrecently production, publicity,orcheslra We hostmanynightsand livegigs
'AlbertHerring',performedunder and muchmore.Auditionstake punk,ska,grunge,metal ,
i ncl udi ng
the guidanceol a professional placea the beginningof Term.1 gothindustrial. EBMand general
musicdirector.We alsohavea so gel involvedand expectsocial clubnights,as wellas providingan
seasonprogrammeincluding events,cabaretsand fundraisers opportunity for our membersto DJ
classicalconcerts,carolsinging throughoutthe year. or set up club nights.Beingpart
andjazz nighls,as wellas regular ot EdG&Ris a greatway to make
socialevents.Thisyear,we are friendsand socialisewithothers
fortunateenoughto be stagingthe who enjoymusic.
worldpremiereof The TuringTest'.
writlenespeciallyfor our company, Indie Soc
at thisyear'sEdinburghFestival
Fringe. Edinburghis Mark E Smith's
favourilecity and soon it will
FemaleVoice Choir (EUFVS) be yours;l oi n the Indi eS ocl
We organisea rangeof events
E UFV Sa r ea n o n - a u d i t i o n in
chgo ir gi gsandcl ubni ghts,so
i ncl udi ng
for any student(femaleor uppel get involved.
voice)wantingto be involvedln
singinga rangeof musicalslyles
and havingfun alongthe way.


for dancers,musiciansand
ol the many
formsol flamencomusicand
dance. We organiseevents
called"penas"by co-operating
holdregularworkshopswith bhangro crevt / nolesoc / nodent dance
28 I www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/

Jazz Orchestra (EUJO) concertsa year from which 15thto 17thcenturies.Our singers
+;r;ii;.1;qi g;qt|.,-i; ;.-. 11i.; proceedsgo to medicalcharities. are made up of universitystudents
lf jazz is your thing then EUJO We welcomeeveryonewhetheryou and staff as well as peoplelrom
is the societyfor you. We play are a seriousmusicianor iust need the widerEdinburghcommunity,so
tantasticarrangementsof brilliant a breakfrom your studies! come along and take part!
pieces rangingfrom jazz slandards
to conlemporaryfusion, in a friendly New Scotland Country Dance Revelation Rock Gospel Choir
, ,:t
and sociableatmosohere.and i I : . i i ] {: r . r ': f i .ilt.riil - . ':\:!t ,i j : ,, r '.!.,r , .:

pertormgigs throughoutthe year New ScotlandCountry Dance Revelationis the University's

which are alwaysenjoyedby the promotesa varietyof Scottish RockGospelChoir,and winners
audience. dancestylesincludingceilidh, o{ the 1999Societyof the Year.
highland,step,and countrytor all We are Christian-basedchoir but
Juggling Society levelso{ dancers.Our membershio membersof many variedbeliefs
ju{Jql ir rq}! Jaj. irir. ! !i:
includesa largenumberof students and opinions,and indeedsinging
The JugglingSocietylearn, lrom home and abroad,creatinga abilities,are welcome.Revelation
practiceand displaya wide range diverseand friendlyenvironment. aims to draw out hiddenabilities
of equilibristicsand manipulation We organisefrequenttrips away in an atmosphereof acceptance,
as wellas jugglinglBeginners to weekenddances.Dartiesand to makeand buildfriendships, and
or performers;all abilitiesare ceilidhs,and everyonefrom generallyhave loads of Junsinging
welcome! seasonedprolessionalsto absolute onlythe veryfunkiestof songs!
beginnersare welcometo join. For Thereare no auditions,and no
Law School Music Society more intormation,visit pre-requisitesto joining,Revelation
1i L":::c iii:r i ili.i si c i!1rI i ili : i, :i ! i. i; +..1 li is trulyopento anyone!Revelation
Law School MusicSocietyprovide is not only about singing,however,
law studentswith the opportunity Pole Dancing Society (Polesoc) we also havea band, a dance
to pursuemusicalinterestswhile ii.ti; group,and a drama group,so there
meetingother law studentsand Polesoc aims to promotepole are lots ol waysto get involved!For
staff in a settingoutsidethe lecture dancingas a fun and energetic more information,visit
theatre. We also hold annual form of exercise.Classedare edrev.eusa.ed.ac.uk.
concertsin aid ol the tree legal taught by a prolessionalteacher,
servicecharity:The Bar Pro Bono and we also host a great social Salsa Society
Unit. events. :..l :r :l l ,i i l '.j l !':r 'i l r ; i ,;;,r :::,l i .: -l

Salsa Societygives studentsthe

Modern Dance Society ReelingClub opportunityto learn and enjoy
il ;0ii ::t1';ill::ilil!::s':: 1:itl-,filtii i.il.4ctit; r,Jhr',j.i.nfi, ,,n 4,'.i., the Latindance of salsa.Classes
,.ii: '
The Modern Dance Society Reelingmeans'Scottish' dancing. are held weeklyin a lriendlyand
providesweeklyclassesin ballet, relaxedatmosphere.Anyonewith
lf you haveever yearnedto go to
iazz, lap, hip-hop,contemporary, the Skye Galhering,the Northern an interestand lots of enthusiasmis
break-dancingand lrish dance. Meeting,the Argyllshire Gathering, more than welcomelo come alono!
Classesare taught by pro{essional the ScottishRegimentalBalls,this In additionto classes,we also
teachersand, throughoutthe is wheretolearnhow it'sdone. We organisesocialeventsallowing'
second semester,we work towards meet weeklyand host (at leastl) membersto get to know each other,
hostingan inter-university dance one ball. It'sa socialclub{or whilst practicingand showingoff
comoetition as wellas an annua like-mindedpeoplewith a bit ol a theirnewlyacquiredskills!
show.Whetheryou are a beginner oance.
or havepreviousexperience, Savoy Opera Group
classesare open to everyone. Renalssance Singers :,1,.' :r-; i ;qii.:iirt, r:r,:']t.il.-

ci:.4.:. The Savoysociety performthree
Musical Medics Society rrk- musicalextravaganzasa year,
tul. T . C. Po D t l @ s n t s . e d . a c . ilk The EdinburghUniversily the main show beinga Gilbert &
MusicalMedicsSocietyaims to RenaissanceSingers,directed Sullivanoperetlaperformedin
be the most inclusiveperforming by Dr NoelO'Regan,Senior Februafy.We also host a more
musicsocietyat Edinburgh Lecturerin Musicat the Universitv inlimateshow in May at the world-
University.We are non-audilioning, of Edinburgh,hosts regular famous PleasanceThealre,as well
and more than hal{of our members concertsin the city and throughoul as a Fringeproduction.Can't sing?
are non-medicslWe comoriseol Scotland,promotingthe great Don'l worry,we also need stage
a choir,an orchestraand several body of LiturgicalMusiccomposed and lightingcrews,set buildersand,
smallerensembles.All members throughoutWesternEuropein the ot course,an orchestra.lf all this
come togetherto performtwo

ijJ!ic+. ivl!rJic airil Ti:eai{3


sounds like hard work then Savoy music lecturer,we performat We will show you how to dance
socialsmake up for it all with officialuniversityeventssuch lindy hop (or litterbug),balboa,
parties,thealretrips,the savoy as graduations,in some of the and bal swing,as well as tasters
Ball,expeditionsinto the Scottish city'sfinestvenuesincludingthe in blues and Charlestonstyles.
wilderness, and muchmore! Usher Hall,and great locations EUSDSis one oi the manyswing
abroadwhilston tour.We sing a dancingsocietiesin Edinburgh
Shakespeare Company rangeoi musicfrom Scots song and advertisesthe opportunityto
arrangementsto large scale dance with others in the city, along
choralmassesand requiems,as with dancersfrom acrossthe UK.
The ShakespeareCompany well as concertswith orchestras Comejoin a globalcommunityat
perlorm and explore includingBeethoven's gth yourdoorstepl
Shakespeare'swork by holding Symphonyand Stravinsky's
workshopscoveringthe Symphonyol Psalms.Our socia Tango Society
ditferentaspectsol producing activitiesincludeweeklypost-
performances including choir pub visits,meals out, flat The TangoSocietyare a friendly,
stagecraft,literaryanalysis, partiesand tours. casual,and fun societyteaching
costuming,set design,adapting one of the mostaccessibleand
plays,theatricalhistoryand Slring Orchestra easy-to-learnclassicaldances.
generaldramaturgy.We produce Tango,literallytranslatingto
at least one show a year and EU StringOrchestraare a friendly, "walking",will haveyou dancing
aspireto achievea consistently fun-lovingsocietythat perform withflairand easein no time.
high standardof professionalism. concertsonce a term and enjoy We'revery social and there'sno
We also enjoy gettingtogether regularsocialeventsincluding partnerrequired,so show up and
throughregularsocialand tours,ceilidh,nightsout,and be preparedto have a greattime.
lundraisingactivities. mofe. Get involvedand sign up
tor an auditionat the tair during Theatre Appreciation Society
Singers (Edinburgh University) F eshers'Week! (Standing Ovation)

The EdinburghUniversity Swing Dance Society (EUSDS) StandingOvationmakes it easy

Singersare a smallgroupof tor peopleto go to the theatre.
auditionedvoices,singinga The EdinburghUniversitySwing Our memberschoose what they
varied programmeof musicfrom DanceSociety is a placeto want to see from the huge variety
acrossthe centuriesof choral meet peopleof all ages and of showsgoingon in Edinburgh
repertoire.Underthe directorship backgrounds whilstlearningto and we do the rest! Contactus
of Dr John Kitchen,university swing dance,taught by great lor informationand the chance to
and cityorganist,and senior teacherswith years o{ experience. meel like-mindedpeoplein a fun



theatre company (bedlam) / luggling / theqtre appreciati.on/ chamber orchestra

3 0 1www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/

and relaxedatmosphere. discountedevenls run by Capital tor both North Americansand

Swing,an Edinburghbased Britishstudents.Beyondthis, we
Theatre Company (Bedlam) danceorganisation, including also providescholarshipsand
(EUrc) workshopswith international grantstor travelwith educational
i nfc (. bedl a m t h e a t r e . c u
' 1k teachefsand weekenddance merits.
The EUTCholds 25 to 30 events.EUWCSDSalso aims to
performanceseach year,lrom run occasionalworkshopevents Diagnostic Society
one-off Wednesdaynight exclusivelyfor membersas well as
performancesto tive-nightruns! semi-regularsocialdances.
We have improvisedcomedy, The DiagnosticSocietywas
'The lmproverts',every Friday Wind Band (EUWB) foundedin 1787out ot the Scottish
and run improvisationworkshops s07g0984,srsms. ed.aci.u k Enlightenment to bringa more
every Saturday.There is also'tech EUWB,foundedon the principles empiricaland structuredfocus to
imorove.ts'for those interestedin of no minimumslandardsand no debate.This year our society's
the technicalside of theatre.We auditions,has a growingreputation motionshaveincluded"This
auditionthroughoulthe year and no and consistsof about 100talented Societywouldratherbe a buckfast
experienceis necessary. musicians.So, if you havea brass capitalistthan a champagne
or woodwindinstrumentor play socialist"and "Theonlygoodthing
Theatre Paradok percussion,pleasecome alongto to havecome out of Europeis the
goog Iemai l.
I heatreparaCokG,r our rehearsalsand socials- Wine Lake".It you en.,oygetting
over-dressed and indulgingin fine
TheatreParadokare a dynamic ;i :..:!5ahF4:ii!",i4t;i';61
oratory,then contact us.
and innovalivecompanywho have ,- r::+ ' ' x i .e '
previouslyshowcasedalternative ' "' a .,' - ' ;' '
Edinburgh Bright Futures
theatrefrom lonescoto Fo. . l. ' r ' : '
Anyone is welcometo join and, A dynamicprogressivesociety
each semester,we gathera team AIESEC run by studentslor students,
of aclors,designers,musicians, EdinburghBrightFuturesis part
iechnicians,and allthingsvaguely ALESECis a non-political, non- of a nationwideeflort to give
awesome,to producechallenging profit,independentand entirely studentsthe invaluableopportunity
and diversetheatre. sludent-managedsociety.We to maximisetheiremployability
workedto developyoung people, throughdirectcontacl with leading
Untapped Talent empoweringthem with the graduaterecruiters.Join today
untappeclta!eril@) gimai i.ciln necessaryskillsand underslanding and makeyour future as bright as
UntappedTalentis'The'societyif oJthe forcesshapingthe world possible!
you play musicor just want to go aroundthem. We createa
to gigs. We havelullequipment powerfulgroup of future leaders Edinburgh University Trading
and a pracliceroomto use for free, with a strongsense of social and Investment Club (EUTIC)
for those who want to play and, tor responsibilityand a desireto act. (Finance Society)
those who don'1,just come along We providea serieso{ learning !. .. ::

tor discountedtrips to gigs around experiencesand activities,in fields With over a decadeof experience,
Scotland.Come along and meet such as sustainabledevelopment, EUTICmanagesand owns the
new muslciansor start a band and education,enterpriseand social UK's largestand most successful
play at one of our many gigs in responsibility,includingan studentrun real money investment
the city. internationaltraineeshipexchange. portfolioworth over t30,000.
Our goals are to educatestudents
West Coast Swing (WCS) Dance BUNAC about the world of finance,give
Society ::l r l ::,:i r: :'i .r : :,i .-
l; 1 fl :' them real-lifeexperiencein trading
s068075940 srlrs.ed.ac.uk BUNACaims to encourage stocks,offer opportunitiesto
West Coast Swing is a sleek and interestin Canada,the United networkwith some of the world's
sassy dance rapidlygrowingin Slatesol Americaand Mexico most prestigiousfirms and, should
popularilyall aroundthe UK. among Edinburghstudents,as they be interested,helpthem
We providean opportunitytor well as encouragingan interest pursuecareersin the financial
experienceddancersand complete in universitylife in Britainto North servicesindustry.This,together
beginnersto become part of a Americanstudents.We Dromotea with a prestigiousnetworkof alumni
student-basedsocial networkfor better understandingbetweenthe and an excellentsocialcalendar
WCS dancing.We meet regularly two culturesand orovidefinancial makesthe club one of the most
to practisetechnique,stylingand meansfor studentsto study at excitingsocietiesfor studentsof
step patterns.Membersenjoy universitieson the other continent, all backgroundsto join. For more

il:rrice. ll'lusic and Theatre


visitour websiteat reallifemarketingexperience.This offeringadviceon gettingstarled
www.eutic.org. yearwe willinviteprominentanc in parlicularcareerpathsand how
experienced PR and Marketing to developskillsfor the workplace.
FreshSight experts,businessleadersand Our aim is to preparewomenfor
universityprofessorsto meetand employmentin male-dominated
FreshSight is a professional
student discussthe latestdevelopments industriesand to encouragemore
organisation that providespro in thesefast-movjngand dynamic womento studysubjectswhere
bonobusinessconsultingservices areas. they are under-represented.
10non-prof it organisations.
FreshSight is a uniqueorganisation Women InterconnectEdinburgh
that linkscharitiesand social
enterprises wilhthe student Interconnect is a projectthataims
communityin a way thatcreatesa to developa Scottishnetworkfor
greatdealof valuelor bothgroups. womenstudentsstudyingscience,
We trainstudentsto become engineering, technologyand
professional consultants,and environmental subjects.We aim 10
placethem in teamswithinclient buildrelationships withwomen,at
organisataons. dilferentstagesof theircareer,who
can act as rolemodels,and provide
InnovativeConsulting University encouragemenl and careeradvice
of Edinburgh(iCUE) to womenstudents.We arrange
workshopsand speakersfor
iCUEis an entrepreneurial womenstudents,staffand alumni,
societyrunas a business.We
work on new innovativeprojects,
developinga varietyof skills
to the businessworld.
Withregularworkshopsand new
welcome,our meetingsare an
excellentway to meetlike-minded
students,teambuildand socialise,

Legal Advice Society

Emailthe LegalAdviceSocielyif
you're interestedin what they have
to ofJer.

Marketingand Communications
Society (EUMCS)

EUMCSi s E d i n b u r gU
h n i v e r sity
to the fieldsof Marketing,
Communications and PR.We
and innovations, provideuseful
intormation and tipsabout
internships and graduatejobs,and
providean opporlunityto network
withcompaniesand organisations.
We alsoprovidestudentswith
interesting case studiesand
organisecompetitions to givea LU r Jt / OL a g n ASIIC / APSFa / tte sn stq n t
32 | wwweusa.ed.ac.ukl


Faith, Beliet Systems and Spiritual Developmenl

ls s

Christianswho seek to support, welcometo come along.

encourageand explorewhat the
good news of Jesus means in Jewish Society
Anglican Students' Society the Universitycontext,as well edinburghjsoc@gmail.com
s0680302@sms.ed.ac.uk as sharingthis good news with The JewishSocietyprovidea
AngSocis a societyfor Anglican those around us. The Christian socialand activeatmosphere
studentslo meel and to have Union is not a church but rather for Jewishstudentsto meet and
prayertime together- We meet a missionarycommunityworking socialiseat weekly lunchesand
regularlyfor pizza nights,movie and partneringwith Edinburgh's eveningmeals,discussionsand
churchesto share lhis good pub crawls.The highlightof our
nightsand Eucharistservices.
news. Our specificvisiontor this socialcalendaris Burns Night Ball
year is 'to be the unitedbody of whereJewishstudentsfrom all
Baha'i Society
leemskm@gmail.com Christ,motivatedby grace,to over the countrycome to meet,
EdinburghUniversityBaha'i live worshipfullives,conveying eat and ceilidh.We also aim to
Societyis a friendly,very social the hopeof salvation.'Anyone is celebrateall the Jewish Festivals.
and inclusivesocietytor anyone welcometo come alongto any of and take weekendsaway with
interestedin spiritualand global our meetingsand events.Find out otherJewish societiesthroughout
issues.We host a wide range of more al vvwweucu.org.uk. the year.
eventsthroughoutthe academic
year includingtalks, workshops, Humanist Society (HS) Orthodox Christian Student
discussions,food nights,themed humanist.society@sms.ed.ac.uk Society
evenings,debates,liresides, HS inviteyou to meel, discuss euossoc@gmail.com
devotionalmeetings,study circles, and act in an environmentthat OrthodoxChristianStudentsaims
caf6 trips, quiz nights,football,and is free-thinking,progressiveano to deepenthe understandingof
tranquillityzones.You do not have basedon humanistvalues. We the OrthodoxChristianfaith to
to be a memberto attend any of our aim to: establisha positivesocial its members,and connectto the
events.Baha'isociety is the perfect environmentol sludentswho are studentbody and organisations.
opportunityto share your opinion rationalists,non{heists (agnostics Our activitiesincludediscussions,
on real issuesin a relaxedand or atheists),humanists,or sceptics; movie Dresentations. talks on
open almosphere. enrichcampus life by sponsoring orthodoxy,excursionsto significant
educationaleventsand {ostering Christiansites,and social events.
Buddhist Society studentdialogueon mattersof For more intormation.visit
eubuddhist@googlemail.com failh, science,and reason;and www.euocss.org.uk.
The EdinburghUniversityBuddhist engagestudentsin issueso{
Societyaims to developa deeper nationaland internationalimport Pollock Chinese Christian
understandingof Buddhism, surroundingfreedomof conscience Fellowship (PCCF)
to form meaningtulfellowship and seculareducation.For more rolandchu@hotmail.com
amongmembers,and to cultivate intormation,visit our websiteat PCCFis a groupoJmainlyChinese
compassionthroughdaily practice http://humanist.eusa.ed.ac.uk. studentsfrom South-EastAsia lhat
of the Dharma. meet weeklyfor worship,prayer
lslamlc Society (ISOCED) and bible study. Our common
Catholic Students' Union info@isoced.org culluralbackgroundtacililates
s.mcmaster@sms,ed.ac.uk ISOCEDis a socielyfor both comfortableChristianfellowship.
CatholicStudents'Unionofters Muslimand non-Muslimstudents. We aim to promoteChristianity
all students,Catholicsor not,the We aim to cater for the needsol throughannualeventssuch as
opportunityto socialisein a friendly Muslimstudentson campus,and Christmasand Eastercelebrations.
and relaxedalmosphere.We hope to portrayand sharethe We also hold socialeventsto allow
promotea warm communityin an valuesoJ lslam with other students. studentsto meet and find out more
activeand supportiveenvironment We meet for a catch uDsession about East Asian Chineseculture.
where we meet,work and celebrate over tea and refreshments,and
together.Everyoneis also welcome hold regulartalks, by scholars
at our weeklymeal. and expertson lslam,as well as
organisingother eventsthroughout
Christian Union (EUCU) the yearincludingEIDsocials,
admin@eucu.org.uk trips,sports,tutorials,discussions,
EUCUis an opencommunilyof movie screenings,charity
fundraisersand more. Evervoneis

Faith, Beliel Systems and Spiritual Development

34 I www.eusa.ed.ac.ukl

Faith,Belief Systems and SpiritualDevelopmenl

w w w .eusa.ed.ac.uk

Gamesoc Poker Society

kennybenton@gmail.com eupokersoc@gmail.com
GameSoc,or the Edinburgh PokerSocietyoffersstudentsthe
Bridge Club
s0906259@sms.ed.ac.uk UniversityComputerGaming opportunityto gel involvedwith
Society,is for studentswilh an and enjoythe psychological thrill
interestin PC and videogames. of tournamentpoker.For more
experts,the UniversityBridge
Whetheryou'rea casualbedroom information,visitour websiteat
Clubolfersa friendlyand relaxed
rockbandstaror a dedicatedPC http://www.edinpoker.co.uk.
atmosphereto meet new people
and improveyourbridgeskills.We enthusiast, we havesomethingto
offerall members.We holdLAN Rubik's Cube Society
holda numberof socialsincluded
and gamingeventswherewe cube@ed.ac.uk
pub crawlsand Christmasmeals.
providenetworksupportlor PCs as Can you solveRubik'scube?The
We welcomenew membersand
wellas an Xbox360,lull Rockband Rubik'sCubeSocietywelcomes
helpthosewho wantto learn.
set and a Wii.We alsoget together everyone,from those who have
for weekly pub nightsas well as neversolveda cube beforeto
Chess Club
gamingnightsonline.For more speedcubingsolverswho wantto
inlormation, visitour website: improve!
The UniversityChessClub
welcomeanyoneto comealong www.gamesoc,org.
Science Fiction and Fantasy
and play at whateverlevelsuits sciffy@ed.ac.uk
you,lrom casuallyin the pubto GEAS (Roleplaying)
geas.committee@gmail.com The ScienceFictionand Fantasy
inter-university Societyis dedicatedto broadening
also havelhree successfulteams GEASis the Roleplaying Societyof
lhe University of Edinburgh.Along the horizonsol our memberswhilst
in the localleaguesand lake partin havinga damngoodtime.We
nationaland localcongresses. withour fellowsocieties,e.g.the
Wargamesand FAQ (Collectible meet weeklyto watch sciji and
CardGaming)socielies,we lantasyshows,enjoya drinkand a
FAQ: Card and Board Games
promotethe hobbyof gamingin all chat,or accessour libraryoi over
Society .1,500
itsforms,and provideopportunities books.Our otherevents
{or peopleto comeand play includemovienights,our club night
The societywas formedwiththe
all sortsof games,roleplaying Gigantor,Laserquest, conventions,
intentionof providinga forum
sessionsthatanyonecan get cinemanighlsand an end of the
for peopleto playand talkabout yearcampingtrip.
collectibleand non-collectiblecard involvedin. We alsopublisha
and boardgames. We provide regularnewsletter,run a websile,
Wargames Society
opportunities to learnnewgames, holdan annualgamingconvention
compelein tournaments, and at the end of the secondterm,
The EU Wargamessociety meets
generallyrelaxand havea good and organisesocialevents,live
weeklyduringthe semeslerand
time.We helpplayersget intonew actionroleplaysessions,and group
is opento all wargames,terrain
gamesby providingcardsand deck outingsto moviesand convenl;ons
buildingadvice,and tellingthem of interest,includingthe Student
whereto buy cards.Youdon'tneed Nationals.
to own anythingto comealong;we
havea varietyof silly games lor you
to borrowand play.So get involved
and tind oul whatwe are all about.

Foosoc - Table Football

Foosocis Edinburgh
us for our weeklyfree
withsnacks,fun and
prizes!No skilllevel

rubik'scube/poker / wargames

Gaming and Roleplaying

36 | www.eusa.ed.ac.ukl

lnternationaland Multicultural
w w w eus a.ed.ac .uk

ChineseStudents and Scholars German Society'Deutsch Macht

Association (ECSSA) Spass'
eucsamail@googlemail.com edinburghgermansociety@gmail.
ECSSAprovidesa communityof com
African and Caribbean Society
supportfor studentsand scholars The GermanSocietyor'Deutsch
fromthe People'sRepublicof MachtSpass'isfor anyonewho
The EdinburghUniversityAfrican
China. We makelinkswith local has an interestin Germanculture.
associationsand groups,provide We meet weeklyto socialise,meet
celebratethe uniqueidentities
representation,and work with the with other Germanspeakersof
of the Africanand Caribbean
ChineseDeoartmentof Universities every level,and relax and havelun
population. We do this by
and peoplein Edinburghto help whilstpracticinga bit of German
encouraging an exchangeof culture
improvethe understanding of alongthe way. We promoteand
betweenthese two groupswithin
Chinesecultureand people.We experienceGermancultureby
the University,as well as hosting
haveannualeventsincluding travellingto Germanyand enjoying
year-round eventshighlighting
a WelcomeFreshers'party in beerat our annualBierfestin
theirtraditionsto engagethe wider
October,ChineseNew Year party February. You don't need any
in January,AutumnFestivalparty, knowledgeof Germanto join.
BruneianEdinburgh Society and a sports day in May,as well as
eventssuch as a film party,dance Hellenic Society
party or a free talk once a month. Hellenic.Society@ed.ac.uk
Everyoneis welcome. The HellenicSocietyprovides
The BruneianEdinburghSociety
a meansof meetingGreek
aims to fosterfellowship,familiarity
Chinese Students' Association studentsand acts as forum for
and unityamongthe Bruneian
(EUSCA) communication amongEdinburgh's
studentsin Edinburgh, offera
eucsamail@googlemail,com Greeksand like-minded people.
supportsystemfor well-being
EUSCAwelcomeseveryonewho We help studentsto get in touch
and education,and promoteand
is interestedin Chineseculture. with the Greekway oi life.You
We heloto establisha mutual don'thaveto be Greekor speak
its richcultureand traditions,
relationshipbetweenChineseand the languageto join.We organise
Englishspeakingsiudents,are variouseventsrelatedto Greece
to learn and be exposedto other
involvedin a languagepartners' includingour famousand loud
cultures,thus havingthe best
programmeand,in co-operation GreekNights(Greekmusicand
witha summercamporganisation, dance).
alsoact as a consultand a helping
we help new Chinesestudents
hand for prospectivestudentsfrom
settlein Edinburgh.We also HighlandSociety (An Comann
Bruneiconcerningany information
organisedebatingeventsto Ceilteach)
aboutstudentlifein Edinburgh. gaell @sms.ed.ac.uk
promotethe exchangeof ideas.
While the EUSCAhas lots to otfer The HighlandSocietyorganise
academicallywe also have lots many eventsthroughoutthe year
to offer when it comes to having includingnightsout,weekends
fun includingweeklygatherings, away and ceilldhs.Our largest
enhancethe relationship and
celebratingfestivaldays, and enjoy ceilidhis the HighlandAnnual:the
discountsin severalstoreslrom our largestceilidhin Edinburghwith
students,and providea form of
sponsors. threefloorsof traditionalmusicand
communication withand among
dancing.We promotethe cultural
them.In additionwe act as a
French Society heritageof the highlandsincluding
sourceof advice,informationand
edinburghfrenchsociety@ the Gaeliclanguage.Everyoneis
supportto anyonewho considers
googlemail.com welcometo join.
themselvesa friendof Bulgaria-
The FrenchSocietycreatesa
We organiseculturaleventswhich
networkof Frenchenthusiasts, Hong Kong International Society
broadenthe understandingof edin.hkis@googlemail.com
and celebrateseverythingFrench
a traditionaland contemporary
withfilm nights,meals,wineand EdinburghUniversityHongKong
Bulgarian's valuesand lifestyle.For
cheeseevenings,spokenlanguage InternationalSocietyprovidesa
moreinformation, visit
evenings,and year abroadsocials homefor HongKongand Chinese
throughoutthe year. students.We believethat it is
essentialto engagein the local
community's culturein orderto lead
a happy,healthy,and interesting
studentlife.We heloFreshersand

3Sl www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/

exchangestudentssettle in to a We representstudentsfrom both Korean Society

newenvironment. we are opento sidesof the borderand of all edinburghunikoreansoc@gmail.
allto experienceour richculture politicaland religiouspersuasions com
and history. EdinburghKoreanSociety(EUKS)
Italian Postgraduate Society of providessupportto studentsfrom
International Development Edinburgh(IPSE) Korea,helpingthem adaptto a
society (EUID) clerkipse@gmail.com new lifein Edinburghby providing
euidsoc@gmail.com IPSEaims to promoteand foster traditional and culturalevents,
EUIDaimsto enlightenmembers postgraduate studying,and to helpingstudentsknowmoreabout
of the issuesfacingdeveloping engagethoseinterestedin the Koreaand Koreanculture,and
countries,and discussthe best studyof ltaly,the ltalianlanguage, havinglun. Membershipis open
ways to ease or solvethese the literature,
historyand culture to all for informationsharingand
problems.We oifersomewhere of italophonecommunities, or the socialising. For moreinformation,
for people,interestedin the plight studyot the ltalianpeninsula.We visitourwebsiteat
of the thirdworld,to find out more holdconferences and workshops. korean.society@ed.ac.uk.
througha varietyof waysincluding as well as publisha peer reviewed
talks by speakers,showing journaland maintainour website. Latin American Development
informative documentaries or and CulturalAppreciation
lilms,and by providinga relaxing Japanese Society Society (LADCAS)
forumfor peopleto talkand air iapanesesociety@yahoo.co.uk ladcasociety@gmail.com
oprnrons. We do not campaignand The JapaneseSocietyaimsto LADCASaimsto promotesocial,
try not to be partisan;however,if bringtogethereveryoneand economicand politicalinterest
you havestrongideological values anyoneinterestedin Japanese in the rapidlydevelopingand
this is the place to learn more. Culture.We meetweeklyand hold emergingregionof LalinAmerica.
a Japanesethemedeventeach We seek to createa better
InternationalRelations(lR) month. understanding and appreciation
Society of the mainforcesthatshape
s0673264@sms.ed.ac.uk Kazakhstan Society thisregionintoone of the most
lR Societyis a societyfor all eukazsociety@gmail.com diverseareas of the world.We
those interestedin the field of Edinburgh(Kaza)University offermembersa uniqueand
lnternational Relations. We KazakhstanSocietyis a student excitingchanceto learnabout
have a wide rangeof events organisationestablished to LatinAmericanmarketsand to
throughoutthe year including uniteall Kazakhstanistudents discoversomeof the incredible
regularsocialeventsand guest in Edinburgh.We providea opportunitiesthey haveto offer.
speakers.As wellas the social supportiveenvironment for those
aspect,we are also closelylinked who showinterestin our culture.
withthe University's Politicsand Everyoneis welcometo join in
International Relationsdepartment withour regularculturalevents
so can offer academicsupportto throughoutthe year.
our members.Visitour websitefor
more informationat

lrish Society
Everyoneis welcometo join the
lrishSocietyfor somegoodold

spanish / rtLssian / scandittaviart/wel sh

Inlernationaland Multicultural
| 39

Malayslan Student Association enhancingstudents'understanding

(EMSA) ol the institutionaland political
emsamail@gmail.com in-workingsof the UnitedNations
EMSAis for all Malaysianstudents (UN)organisation.Through
stayingin Edinburgh.We offer simulatedUN conterencesand
help and supportto studenlsin weeklymeetings,studentsact as
need,and aim to make Edinburgh delegatesof member-statenations
a "homeawayfrom home".Many debatingmany issuespresented
eventsare organisedall year round in the form of UN resolutionsand
to lorge and strenglhenfriendship discussedin a mannerconsistent
betweenmembersand between with the parliamentaryprocedure
Malaysiansocietiesin the UK. We of the real UN. EdMUNreallyisn't
run evenlssuch as Freshers'meet as formalas it sounds- it is a lot of
and greetsession,Hari Rayaand fun and a lot of laughs,so come
ChineseNew Yearcelebrations, alongand try it out.
and badmintoncompetitions.
JoiningEMSAis a greatway to Persian Society (EUPS)
expandyour socialcircle,learn edinburghpersiansociety@
new cultures,and stay connected gmail.com
with currentatfairsback in EUPSpromoteslraniancultureby
Malaysia.All students,Malaysian organisingeventslike Club Persia
or not, are welcome. disco nights,film nights,dance
classes,food eventsand our
Mexicanos En Edimburgo successful annualChaharshanve
mexicanos@lists.ed.ac.uk Souri Party. In 2009,we helped
MexicanosEn Edimburgo organiseand fund an lranian
oromolesthe Mexicancullureand culturalfestival(www.ediranfest.
identityby organisingMexican co.uk)which attractedlranian
nationalfestivitiessuch as acts lrom the UK and aroundthe
IndependenceDay,The Day of the world includingdirectorSeyyed
Dead,Posadasand Pastorelas, Reza MirKarimi,comedianPatrick
etc. We also providesupport Monahan,and artistMaryam
to the Mexicansin Edinburgh Hashemi.
by organisingregularsocial
gatherings.. Polish Society
Middle Eastern Society com
eumiddleeasternsoc@ The PolishSocietyaims to
googlemail.com enhancethe Universityexperience
EdinburghUniversity'sMiddle for Poles.internationalandhome
EasternSocietywelcomes studentswho all share an interest
studentsto join and get involved in Poland,Polishculture,cuisine
in an excitingyear of Middle or any olher aspectof Poland.We
Easternthemedeventsand nights plan excursions,film screenings,
out, regularlilm eveningsand cookingevents,weeklymeetings
opportunitiesto meet,mingle, and manyothers.
discussand debate.We will be
hostinga numberof excitingand Romanian Society
reputablespeakersportraying edinburgh.rosoc@gmail.com
The aim of the societyis to inform
a wide rangeof perspectiveson
studentsabout Bomanianlife
MiddleEaslernlifeand culture
includingits social,economicand
throughoutthe academicyear.
Model Uniled Nations (EdMUN) cultureto enrichand diversifythe
edmuncom@gmail.com Edinburghexperience.We do this
The EdinburghModel United lhroughpresentations,national
Nationssocietyembaacesand celebrations,samplesof traditional
spreadslhe spiritol the concept cuisineand givingout visualaids.
of model UnitedNationsby

lnternational and Multlcultural

4 01 www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/

and dinneroutings.We warmly Taiwanese Students' Soclety Welsh Society

welcomenon-Singaporean etss.tw@gmail.com gwlad_gwlad@hotmail.co.uk
memberswho havean intereslin EU TaiwaneseStudents'Societv The Welsh Societypromote
Asian culture,cuisineor wanl to is a partnershipbetweenfive welsh cultureto all sludentsin
meet new people. universitiesin Edinburgh: a fun and relaxedenvironment.
EdinburghUniversity,Napier Join us for fancy dress pub
Slavlc and Baltic Countries University,Heriot-WattUniversity, crawls,plentyof Welsh cake
(sBc) Queen MargaretUniversity eating,lalks from guest speakers,
eusbcs@gmail.com and EdinburghCollegeof Art. and the opportunityto travel
SBC Societyis for anyonewho We welcomestudentsof all abroadand supportour team in
is from or interestedin Slavic backgroundswho are interested the six nations! For a great wayto
and Balticcountriesto meet-up, in Taiwanesecullure. socialiseand make new friends,
make good friendsand settle come alongto our tortnightly
into universitylife.We organise Thai Society meeltnos.
themed parlies,sightseeingtrips, euthaisoc@gmail.com
movie nightsand sportingevents. Thai Societyaims to promote
Thaiculturesand its related
South Aslan Soclety issues,to fosterfriendship
eusaal@sms.ed.ac.uk amongstThai membersas well
The SouthAsian Students as other nationalities,and to build
Association(SASA)bring a strong bond betweencurrent
togetherpeoplefrom several membersand the University
countriesand promoteSouth alumni.To find out more
Asia to the studentcommunity. inJormationvisit our websiteat
We hold regularculturalevents www.edinburghthaisoc.co.uk.
and lestivecelebrationsincluding
spicy cuisinesand Bollywood Vapati Society
movie nights. salvador_sg@hotmail.com
Come alongto see us at the
Spanistr Society Societies'Fairor contact us to
euspanishsociety@googlemail. find out more intormalionand
com join us.
In the SpanishSocietywe aim
to promotethe differentcultures,
languagesand fiestasof the
regionsthat integrateSpain.
Come along and get involved!

Swahlli Club
If you'veever wanted
lo learn an unusual
language,or want to
improveany existing

knowledgeof Swahili,
come and join us.
We meet weeklyfor
with emphasison
each other.

mexicanos en edi.mburgo/ chinese students/japonese / irtsh

lnternationaland Multicultural
| 41

We publishfeaturesand opinion
pieces,poetry and prose,and
EUSci MAG exploreeverythingfrompoliticsto
euscimag@gmail.com travel. We haveopportunitiesfor
EUSci is for those who are you to get involvedwithwriting,
passionateabouttellingthe editing,photography, PR and
wider world about the wondersof advertising. Checkout our blog
science.We produceof popular at nomadmagazineedinburgh.
sciencemagazinethreetimesa blogspot.com.
yearas wellas organisingscientific
eventsand producinga podcast Student Newspaper
Membershavethe chance to get editors@studentnewspaper.org
involvedin writing,editing,design, Student,EdinburghUniversity's
art,photography, web design, award-winningstudentnewspaper,
eventorganisation and podcasting. is read by an estimated20,000
loyal readers.lf you're interestedin
Fresh Air (Student Radio) breakingstories,writingfeatures,
manager@freshair.org.uk reviewingmusic,Jilms,gamesor
Welcometo FreshAir,Edinburgh's the arts,takingphotos,or design,
studentradio station. We get involved.Everyoneis welcome,
broadcastonlineyear-round and no matterhow much experience
have a devotedglobal audience you have.
via iTunes,rakingin over25,000
listenersa month.Anyoneis The EdinburghJournal
welcome;frommusicbulls or
The EdinburghJournalis a city
shamelesspop fansto people
whojust liketo talk! lf musicis
your thing,free ticketsand CDs and publishedby studentsand
graduates,for the further and
are availableto reviewgigs and
interviewbandsor, if that's not for highereducationcommunity
you,you can jointhe newsteam, in Edinburgh. We provide
opportunities for students,aiming
arts team, design posters,write
reviews,work on the website, to work in the media,to develop
makejingles,or recordyourown theirskillsnotonlyworkingon the
paper but by also offeringpractical
comedyor soap.The opportunities
journalismtrainingand inviting
are endless!Visitour websiteat
guestspeakersto run seminars.

Movie Production Society

Societyis a film-makingsociety.
We caterior writers.directors.
producers,edilors,actorsand any
other positionsrequiredto make
a shortfilmor video. We make
as manyfilmsas possible,as well
as developingthe potentialol any
keenfilm-makers.For more
inlormation. visitour website

Nomad Magazine
Nomadmagazineis a vibrant
{orumfor studentjournalism
and creativewriting.

Mediaand Broadcasling
42 | www.eusa.ed.ac.ukl


Physical and Outdoor Activities

| 43

to enjoythe green spacesaround Football Supporters Association

Edinburgh, a greatchanceto meet d.heaton@hotmail.co.uk
people,and feel good about taking lf you'rethe sort of personwho
Airsoft Soclety part in some worthwhilegrafting! lovesplaying,watchingand
airsoc@hotmail.co.uk Both membersand non-members talkingabout football,the Football
Join EU AirsoftSociety(Airsoc) are welcometo take oart in our SupporiersAssociationis lor you.
for the ultimatein outdoorsfun. It weekly projects. We are hardyfoolballfans, male
you'veever playedpaintballand and female,from ditferenlclubs
liked it, you'll lovethis. A game of Duke of Edinburgh Award acrossthe world.Our two teams
eudea@lists.ed.ac.uk play in the Universitylntra-Mural
Airsoft involvesusuallytwo teams
The Duke ol Edinburgh'sAward Leaguetwice a week, havea
using replicatirearmsto shoot
plasticroundsat each other and, in is a challengingprogrammeof weeklygame ol 6-a-side,as well
aclivitiesthat providesyoung as a regularkick-around,and our
responseto our frequentlyasked
question,no - it doesn'thurt!For peoplewith the opportunityto social scene includestrios to watch
learn new skills,help others, games live and a weeklymeet up
more informalion,contactus and
get involved. experienceadventure,and gives a in the pub to catch a game. Away
great sense of achievement.Many lrom lootball,we also organise
Allotment and Permaculture organisations,employersand pool lournaments,tenpin bowling
Society universitiesview the award highly. and Laser Quest.
michaeldudel 6@gmail.com Pleasevisit our websiteat
Allotmentand Permaculture wwweudea.org.uk tor more Mystery Tour Society
inlormation. mysterytoursociety@googlemail.
Societyis for anyonewho has an
interestin growingfood. We aim com
The MysteryTour Societyarrange
to: help studentslearn by creating
Exmoor Pony Trekking Section tours to ditterentlocationsfor the
an 'outdoorclassroom'forgroup
exmoorponytrekking@hotmail. studentsof EdinburghUniversity,
educationand skillssharing;
com as well as providingsupporttor
Escapefrom city life and class trips and othergroup mystery
permacultureand the development
cometrekkingin the stunning tours.Jointhe adventure. banter
ot'closed-loop' systemswithinthe
PentlandHillswiththe Exmoor and tun!
University and localcommunity;
PonyTrekkingSociety.We run
and fosler and enhance
treks everyweekendduringthe Officers Tralnlng Corps
semesterand haveponiesto (cEUOrc)
construclionand conscientious
suit all abilitiesfrom beginnerto EdinburghOTC-Adit@mod.uk
action.We carry out all our actions
experiencedrider.For experienced CEUOTCexiststo orovide
and aimsin sucha way thatfulfils
riders,who wantto get more enjoyable,stimulatingand
the aestheticreouirementsof the
involved,we run a trek leaders challenging traininglo
Universityand its members.
coursewhereyou can learnmore undergraduatesat Edinburgh
about the ponies,how to lead a University,in order to communicate
Capoeira Society
sa{e and enioyabletrek, and basic the values,ethos and career
humanand ponytirstaid. opportunitiesavailablewithin
Capoeirais a Brazilianmartialart
the BritishArmy. Membership
that possessesa uniquestyle,
Expedltlon Society is completelyvoluntaryand
bringingtogetherpowerand expedsec@googlemail.com we orovidememberswith
beauty,and developingmental Loveexploringlhe world?Join the the opportunityto develop
balance,physicalconditioning, and ExpeditionSocietyto meet like- leadershipskillsand management
self-de{enceskills.We run weeklv mindedpeople,and learn how to techniqueswithina triendlyand
classesfor all levels. run an expeditionor get involvedin tun environment.As well as
one. We hold weeklysocial events learningaboutthe army,you will
Dirty Weekenders
where you can meet people,listen learnlhings about yourselfand
to talks of excitingexpeditions dealingwith others which you will
and trips peoplehavetaken,and not have imagined.Find out more
Being part of the Dirty Weekends
lind out excilingplacesto go for informationat www.ceuotc.info-
Societyinvolveslun and mud, all your next adventure.We also give
in the name of conservation(lots
adviceon selting up expeditions,
oJrhododendronbashing,ditching, howto getlunding,and run
path building,etc.),whilst eating
trainingcoursesso you can be fully
fantasticlunchesand drinkingtea. preparedto explorethe world.
Our societyprovidesa pertectway

Physical and Outdoor Actlvities

44 | wvrweusa.ed.ac.uki

Tai Chi Society

T'ai Chi Chuanis an art and
systemof movementbased on
internalstrength.lt is a healthy
and relaxingexercise,a lorm of
self-defence,an aid to personal
development, as wellas an
enjoyableactiviiy.We practice
Chenstyle,whichis the oldest
of the majorstyles knowntoday
and the one fromwhichall others
descend.For moreinlormation,

Yoga Society
The YogaSocietyoffer students
the opportunityto take part in
classesof manydifferentyoga
styles.We encouragethe practice
of yoga, which is a fantasticway
to take the stressout of a busy
studentlile,as wellas improving
fitnessand flexibility.We provide
accessto yoga workshopsat
weekends,in additionto weekly
classesand socialevents.

offrcerctrctiningcorps/ exmoorpony trekkng / paintbaLL/aLlotment& pernaculture

Physicaland Outdoor Activities



@ Liberal Democrats
United Nations Youth and
Students Association
Conservative and Unionist EdinburghUniversityLiberal Edinburgh University
Association (EUCUA) Democratsis a branchof Libera unysa.eu@gmail.com
eucua.into@gmail.com YouthScotlandthat is aifiliated For more informationabout what
The Conservativeand Unionist to the ScottishLiberalDemocrat we are about and what we do, visn
Societyat Edinburgholfers Party. We campaignactivelyfor us at the Societies'Fairor contact
somethingfor all Conservative- the party and maintainclose links us.
mindedsludents. From meeting with local Lib Dem politicians.We
the ShadowCabinet,campaigning also aim to be activewithin Liberal Young Greens
and debatingwilh othergroups, Youthitself,seek to promole edinburgh.young.greens@gmail.
LiberalDemocratswithinthe com
to discussingcurrentpoliticsand
partying! University,throughinvitingguest We are the YoungGreensat
speakersand by participatingin EdinburghUniversity, a groupol
debalesas well as enjoyinglots of studentswho oreferto be active
Debates Committee
debates@edinburghdesbates. socialevents. ratherthan sittingaroundwatching
the world'sdecline.We are an
EdinburghUniversityDebates Scottish Nationalist Association autonomousgroupwithour own
Union run workshoosto teach (EUSNA) excitingcampaignsfocusingon
eusna@hotmail.co.uk green issues,both environmental
and coach the skillsoJdebating.
Competitionsare a big part of what EUSNAexiststo oromoteScotlish and social.We haveclose links
we do; we hold our own throughout indeoendenceboth on and off- with the ScottishGreen Party
lhe year as well as travelto other campus,and to campaignfor helpingout at electiontime and
competitions,whereyou can students'rights.With the Scottish often hostingtalks from Green
meet peoplefrom all over the Parliament onlyten minuteswalk MSPs or other party members.
world.We also organiseregular away and an sNP Government, We are keento learn so invite
socialsas well as specialone-off we are in a privilegedposilionto soeakers,from outsideor within
eventsat variouslimes of the influencestudenl politicshere al our own circle,to meetand discuss
year.Beginnersor experienced Edinburghand all overScotland. pressingtopics,from which we
We play a malor role in the SNP'S prepareand run campaigns.
debaters;everyoneis welcometo
come along and give debatinga campaigns,host and participate
go at any time duringthe year. For in debatesand, afterthat, enioy a
more information,and see us in few drinkstogethe..This is a great
action,comealongto our public opportunityto make new triends,
event,'Sex Sells?',taking place discussissuesand get involvedin
during Freshers'Week. studentDolitics.

Labour Students Club Socialist Society

calum-hay07@hotmail.com socialist.society@ed.ac.uk
The LabourStudenlsClub is a The EdinburghUniversitySocialist
part of the studentwing of the Societyis a radicalanti-capitalist
Labour Party.We are a democratic force on campus. We aim to unite
socialistparty that: engagesin a all socialistsand generalleflieson
rangeot campaigns,both on and campus,of all partiesand none.
off campus,includingchild poverty, We stand tor the replacement
anti-racismand top-up fees; of the capitalistsystemwith a
debatesthe major politicalissues socialistsystem,a morejust
of the day with senior Labour societybased on need rather
politicians; and participatesin the than greed.We hold trequenl
Labour Party'snationalpolicy- discussionmeetings,debatesand
makingprocesswhich draws up filmshowings,as wellas organise
the Party'smanifestos.As well campaignson campusfor free
as this, lhe LabourParty put the educationand for the rightsof
'social'inlosocialismthrougha workingstudenls.
varietyof diverseand original

48 | www.eusa.ed.ac.uk

12 Satire Society (Sat Soc)

/ edinburghsatiresociety@
ArchaeologySociety 9 Astronomy Society 12 SocieTEA
/ edin.afchsoc@googlemail.com / euas@ed.ac.uk / edinburghsocietea@googlemail.
ArchitectureSociety (EUSAS) I Biology Society (Biosoc) com
/ inJo@eusas.co.uk / s0784645@sms.ed.ac.uk 12 Vegetarian Society
B us inessS o c i e t y 9 Chemical EngineeringSociety / vegsoc.ed@googlemail.com
/ the.business.society@ed.ac.uk / s0784551@sms.ed.ac.uk 13 Water of Life
ClassicsSociety I Ch e m ica lSo cie ly /wols@ed.ac.uk
/ s0801975@sms.ed.ac.uk / chemsoc@ed.ac.uk 13 Wine Society
EconomicsSociety g Computer Society / edinburghwine@gmail.com
/ ed.econsoc@gmail.com / comDsoc-committee@
Ethnology Society
/ethnology.society@gmail.com I Ecology Society
History Society / Edinburgh.EcoSoc@gmail.com 15 A E Gl S S tudentsE di nburgh
/ hislory.society@ed.ac.uk 10 EducationSociety / aegis-students@ed.ac.uk
7 Lang Soc:T h e L i n g u i s t i c sa n d / edinburgheducationsociety@ 15 Amnesty International
English LanguageSociety googlemail.com / amnesty@lists.ed.ac.uk
/eulangsoc@gmail.com 10 EngineeringSociety 15 Anarchist Society
Law Society / engineering.society@ed.ac.uk / eusa@lists.systemauslall.org
/lawsoc@ed.ac.uk 10 EngineersWithout Borders 15 Carbon Management
LiteratureSociety ( EWB)Ed in b u r g h / s0956677@sms.ed.ac.uk
/admin@eewb.org 't5 MedAccess(UAEM-Edinburgh)
/ euenglitsoc@gmail.com
MatureLaw Students'Society 10 GeographySociety / uaem.edinburgh@googlemail.com
/ maturelawsoc@gmail.com / s0791927@sms.ed.ac.uk 15 People & Planet
Mooting Society 10 Geology Society / edinbpandp@riseup.net
/ moot_edinburgh@hotmail.com / s0788273@sms.ed.ac.uk 15 Stop Aids Society
Music Society 10 Geophysicsand Meteorology /edinburghstopaids@googlemail.com
/ eums.secretary@gmail.com Society 15 Student Action For Refugees
/ s0789930@sms.ed.ac.uk (STAR)
/ president@edinburghphilsoc.com 10 Mathematicsand Statistics / star_edinburgh@hotmail.co.
/ mathsoc@sms.ed.ac.uk 15 Students Against War
Politics Society
10 PhysicsSociely / salw_edinburgh@riseup.net
/ Physics.Society@ed.ac.uk 16 Students for Justice in Palestine
Social Anthropology Society
/ edinburghsjp@gmail.com
/ soc.anth.soc@gmail.com
16 TibetSociety
Sociology Society pg
/ tibetsoc@gmail.com
Aberdeen FC Supporters Glub 16 Trade Union Society
(EU) / tradeunionsociety@gmail.com
/ euafcsc@hotmail.com 16 U N |C E FonC ampus
12 Beer Society / unicefsociety.uoe@gmail.com
/ beersoc@googlemail.com
/ gpsociety.edinburgh@gmail.com
12 Celtic SupportersClub (CSC)
/ s0996851@sms.ed.ac.uk
Medic sF Y C2 0 1 0
/ s0564745@sms.ed.ac.uk 12 Chocsoc
/ s06741 86@sms.ed.ac.uk 18 Access Edinburgh
Medic sF Y C2 0 1 1
/ fyc2011@live.co.uk
12 Cocktail Society / acessedinburgh@gmail.com
18 Animal Crisis
/ eucocktailsociety@hotmail.co.uk
Medics FYC2012
12 Come Dine With Me Society / animalcrisis@googlemail.com
/ s0790306@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ comedine.eu@gmail.com 18 Anti-MalarialOutreachProgram
Medic sF Y C2 0 1 3
/ s0802647@sms.ed.ac.uk
12 Fair Trade Caf6 / s0567913@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ fairtradecafe@hotmail.co.uk 18 Arts for Well Being: Children of
'12 HibernianFC SupportersClub the Balkans
I / edinpsych@googlemail.com
Society / president.awcb.ed@googlemail.
VeterinaryZoological (EVZS)
o / zoovetl@sms.ed.ac.uk / euhfc@hotmail.co.uk com
12 MediterraneanGastronomic 18 Barnardo'sSociety
Society / eubarnardossoc@hotmail.com
/ mediterraneangastro@gmail.com 18 Best Buddies Edinburgh
/ bestbuddiesedinburgh@gmail.com

| 49

18 Bisexuall-esbianorGay(BLOGS)21 SKIP (Studentsfor Kids 26

/contact@blogs.org.uk InternationalProiects) / s0784438@sms.ed.ac.uk
18 Childrens' HolidayVenlure (EHV) 21 Edinburgh zo

/ enquiries@chv.org.uk / skipedinburgh@googlemail.com / euchamberchoir@hotmail.com

18 Edinburgh Basic Life Support 21 Student Action tor Autism (SAFA) zo
Society / studentaction4autism@gmail.com / euco@lists.ed.ac.uk
/ bls_edinburgh@yahoo.co.uk 21 Student Cancer Fund 26
18 Edinburgh ExchangeSupport und@hotmail.co.uk / s0921601@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ studentcancerf
Society 21 Student Club of American 26
/ edinburghexchangesociety@ VeterinaryMedicalAssociation
hotmail.co.uk / erin.desantis@yahoo.com /e u cheerleading@hotmail.com
19 Edinburgh Global Partnerships 21 Student Community Action zo
/ egpitsec@googlemail.com / scagl@sms.ed.ac.uk / DickvetMusicians@gmail.com
19 Edinburgh Language 21 Students Supporting Street 26
Ambassadors Kids (SSSK) / s0784670@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ s0341714@sms.ed.ac.uk / edinburgh@sssk.org-uk 26
19 FeministSociety 21 Teddy Bear Hospital
/ orlammurray@gmail.com / tbh.edinburgh@hotmail.co.uk / edinburghrevue@googlemail.com
19 First Aid Africa 22 TenteleniEdinburgh
/ eusa@firstaidalrica.com / edinburgh.university@tenteleni / secretary@edinbughstudioopera.
19 First Aid Socieiy org.uk 27 com
/firstaid.society@ed.ac.uk 22 WaterAid-Edinburgh
19 FoneliscoOrphanageProiect /wateraid-edinburgh@hotmail.co.uk / euiemalevorce@googlemail.com
Society 27
/ fonelisco.ed@hotmail.co.uk / marizadima@yahoo.com
20 Friendsof MSF 27
/ s0905039@sms.ed.ac.uk
on@ / president@eufolksoc.org.uk
20 FundsforCystic Fibrosis 24 Anime and Animation Societv 27
Society / aasoc2@sms.ed.ac.uk / president@edfootlights.com
/ eucfsoc@googlemail.com 24 Art Society 27
20 Hitch / edartsoc@hotmail.co.uk
/ edinburghhitch20l0@gmail.com 24 Chatily Fashion Society / lesescogriffes@yahoo.co.uk
20 Life Society / emma.sturdee@
/ edlifesociety@googlemail.com edinburghcharityfashionshow.com / secretary@edgarsoc.com
20 Marrow Society 24 Chm Out Society
/ marrowedinburgh@hotmail.com / s0674343@sms.ed.ac.uk / oliverlurz@googlemail.com
20 Mary's Meals Edinburgh 24 ConfucianismStudy Society 28
University / eucss@sms.ed.ac.uk / eujo.eusa@ed.ac.uk
/ marysmeals-ed@hotmail.com24 create society 28
20 Meadows Half Marathon / create@sms.ed.ac.uk / juggling@ed.ac.uk
/ sally@meadowsmarathon.org.uk 24 FashionandTextilesSociety(FAT)28
20 MedslN-uK / s0784110@sms.ed.ac.uk / lawschoolmusic@hotmail.co.uk
/ edinburgh@medsin.org 24 Film society (EUFS) 28
20 Nightline / filmsoc@ed.ac.uk / moderndancesoc@hotmail.com
/ nightline@ed.ac.uk 24 Knitting society 28
20 PatientOutreachProiect(POP) / knitsoc@googlemail.com / M.T.C.Poon@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ patientoutreach@gmail.com 24 PhotographicSociety 28
21 Postgrad Society / photosoc.ed@googlemail.com / nscds@ed.ac.uk
/ jenny.vanbekkum@ed.ac.uk 28
21 Read InternationalEdinburgh ps / polesoc@hotmail.co.uk
/ edinburgh@readbookproject.
org.uk 26
/ aadancesoc@googlemail.com / edinburghreeling@gmail.com
21 Savethe ChildrenSociely 28
/ lelche.savethechildren@ed.ac.uk / e.u.renaissance.srngers@ed.ac.uk
21 SCROLL(ScottishRomanian / eubds@lists.ed.ac.uk
LanguageLink) zo / edrev@googlegroups.com
/ scroll.edinburgh@gmail.com I rob_flitty2@hotmail.com 28
21 Sign Society 26 / juliamawer@googlemail.com
/ bsledinburgh@hotmail.co.uk / edinburghbhangracrew@gmail.com

Soc i eti es 'G ui de

50 | www.eusa.ed.ac.uk

28 Savoy OperaGroup
/ committee@eusog.org
29 S hak es p e a r eC o m p a n y
33 Anglicanstudents'Society
/ s0680302@sms.ed.ac.uk
37 African and Caribbean Society
/ euacs@yahoo.com
29 S ingers( E d i n b u r g hU n i v e r sity) 33 Baha'i society 37 Bruneian Edinburgh Society
/ eusingers@googlemail.com / leemskm@gmail.com / bruneiedinburghsociety@
ZY r;r I..;rc:rtr . f , l 33 BuddhistSociety googlemail.com
/ euso.presidenl@gmail.com / eubuddhist@googlemail.com 37 Bulgarian Society
29 S wing Da n c eS o c i e t y( E U S DS) 33 Catholic Students' Union / eusbcs@gmail.com
/ s.mcmaster@sms.ed.ac.uk 37 ChineseStudents&Scholars
i uniswing@yahoo.com
29 :--i ! lr , : - ' i! 33 Christian Union (EUCU) Association (ECSSA)
'.;: "i{,

/ tangosoc@googlemail.com / admin@eucu.org.uk / eucsamail@googlemail.com

Humanist Society (HS) 37 Chinese Students' Association
29 TheatreAppreciationSociety 33
/ humanist.society@sms-ed.ac.uk (EUScA)
{S t andin gO v a t i o n )
/ eutasl@sms.ed.ac.uk 33 lslamic Society 0SOCED) / eucsamail@googlemail.com
30 TheatreCompany (Bedlam) / info@isoced.org 37 FrenchSociety
/ info@bedlamtheatre.co.uk 33 Jewish Society / edinburghfrenchsociety@
JU TheatreParadok i edinburghjsoc@gmail.com googlemail.com
OrthodoxChristianstudent 37 GermanSociety'DeutschMacht
/ theatreparadok@googlemail.com 33
30 ,";, :;;.,::.:r: j : ; ; . t , ll Society Spass'
/ untappedtalent@gmail.com / euossoc@gmail.com / edinburghgermansociety@gmail.
West Coast Swing Dance 33 PollockChineseChristian com
Fellowship (PCCF) 37 Hellenicsociety
/ s0680759@sms.ed.ac.uk i rolandchu@hotmail.com / Hellenic.Society@ed.ac.uk
34 Quakersociety 37 Highland Society (An Comann
/ *81 2427@sms.ed.ac.uk Ceilteach)
Vedic Society (EUVS) / gaell@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ vedic@sms.ed.ac.uk 37 Hong Kong InternationalSociety
/ edin.hkis@googlemail.com
38 International Developmenf
pg Society (EUID)
35 Bridge Club / euidsoc@gmail.com
30 ArE:iEi: 38 InternationalRelations(lR)Society
/ s0906269@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ lcpedinburgh@gmail.com 35 / s0673264@sms.ed.ac.uk
30 HU!"iAtr 38 lrish Society
/ chess-club@ed.ac.uk
/ enquiries@bunac.org.uk 35 FAQ:Cardand BoardGames / lissandude@hotmail.co.uk
30 Siagrii:stir:$rcir;iy Society 38 ltalian PostgraduateSociety of
/ diagnosticsocietyl 787@ / s0563524@sms.ed.ac.uk Edinburgh(IPSE)
googlemail.com 35 Foosoc-TableFootball / clerkipse@gmail.com
30 ficlinbirrghtsr'ithtFutures / foosoc.ed@gmail.com 38 Japanesesociety
/ yourebf@googlemail.com 35 GameSoc / japanesesociety@yahoo.co.uk
30 i:lj1'1,;ili;nan*c S;).ri-..iy i / kennybenton@gmail.com 38 Kazakhstansociety
/ eulicpresident@googlemail.com35 GEAS (Roleplaying) / eukazsociety@gmail.com
3 1 F res hSi g i r r / geas.committee@gmail.com 38 Koreansociety
/ ed.management@f reshsight.org 35 PokerSociety / edinburghunikoreansoc@gmail.
31 lnnfivaiireConsuiiiirglJniversity / eupokersoc@gmail.com com
c f E dinb u r E hi i C U E i 35 Rubik'sCubesociety 38 Latin American Developmentand
/ryan@icue.co.uk /cube@ed.ac.uk Cultural Appreciation Society
31 i^egalA.lviceSociety (LADCAS)
35 ScienceFiction&Fantasy
/ lreelegaladvice@ed.ac.uk / ladcasociety@gmail.com
/ scitfy@ed.ac.uk
31 ilJrkrjillls nnd Coinn",uniaiiiGn,q 39 MalaysianStudent Association
35 Wargames Society
Strr*klr,jItJi,,4*S) / emsamail@gmail.com
/ info@euwg.org
/ eumcsociety@googlemail.com 39 Mexicanos En Edimburgo
31 \AJi):x€n / mexicanos@lists.ed.ac.uk
/ s0679642@sms.ed.ac.uk 39 Middle Eastern Society
/ eumiddleeasternsoc@googlemail.
39 ModelUnitedNations(EdMUN)
/ edmuncom@gmail.com

Socleties' Gulde
39 PersianSociety(EUPS) 43 Dukeof EdinburghAward
/ edinburghpersiansociety@gmail. / eudea@lists.ed.ac.uk
com 43 Exmoor Pony Trekking Section
39 PolishSociety / exmoorponytrekking@hotmail.com
/ polsoc.edinburgh@gmail.com Expedition Society
39 RomanianSociety / expedsec@googlemail.com
/ edinburgh.rosoc@gmail.com 43 Football Supporters Association
39 RussianSociety / d.heaton@hotmail.co.uk
/ denys@denysgrabchak.co. uk 43 Mystery Tour Society
39 SaudiSociety(EUSS) / mysterytoursociety@googlemail.
/ euss@ed-ac.uk com
39 S c and i n a v i a n S o c i e t y 43 OfficersTrainingCorps (CEUTOC)
/ scandisoc.edinuni@gmail.com / EdinburghOTC-Adjt@mod.uk
39 SingaporeStudents 44 PaintballSociety(EUPS)
/ edinburghuni.singsoc@gmail.com / edinburgh.uni.paintball@gmail.com
40 Slavicand BalticCountries(SBC) 44 Self-DefenceSociety
/ eusbcs@gmail.com / info@crestmartialarts.com
40 South Asian Society 44 StudentScout and Guide
/ eusaal@sms.ed.ac.uk Organisation(EUSSAEO)
40 SpanishSociety / eussago@hotmail.co.uk
/ euspanishsociety@gmail.com Tai Chi Society
40 S wahil Ci lub / taichi@holyrood-ed.ac.uk
/ swahiliclubed@yahoo.co.uk Yoga Society
40 TaiwaneseStudents'Societv / yoga@sms.ed.ac.uk
/ etss.tw@gmail.com
40 Thai Society
/ euthaisoc@gmail.com
ps E@l
40 VapatiSociety 46 Conservative& Unionist
/ salvador sg@hotmail.com Association (EUCUA)
40 WelshSociety / eucua.info@gmail.com
/ gwlad,gwlad@hotmail.co.uk 40 Debates Committee
/ debates@edinburghdebates.co.uk
EEIEEEEEIIIEEI 40 Labour Studenis Club
/ calum-hayo7@hotmail.com
41 EUSci MAG 46 Liberal Democrats
/ euscimag@gmail.com / s0679564@sms.ed.ac.uk
41 Fresh Air (Student Hadio) +o Scottish Nationalist Association
/ manager@f reshair.org.u k (eusna)
41 Movie Production Society / eusna@hotmail.co.uk
/ president@emps.tk 46 Socialist Society
41 NomadMagazine / socialist.society@ed.ac.uk
/ nomadmagazine@gmail.com 46 United Nations Youth and
4l Student Newspaper Students Association Edinburgh
i editors@studentnewspaper.org University
4l T heE d i n b u r g h J o u r n a l / unysa.eu@gmail.com
/ info@journal-online.co.uk Young Greens
/ edinburgh.young.greens@gmail
43 Airsoft Society
/ airsoc@hotmail.co.uk
43 Allotment and Permaculture
/ michaeldudel6@gmail.com
ia CapoeiraSociety
/ s0673041@sms.ed.ac.uk
43 Dirty Weekenders
/ sldobbie@yahoo.com
Student Societies
5/2The Potterrow,
Edinburoh Universitv



By Students.
For Students.

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