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Brandon Hill, Mateo Gutierrez, Alan Valadez

ENGL 119
Sequence 3: Startup

Step 1: Squad Bios

Alan Valadez: Accountant.
I have experience working on money management for businesses, savings and investments
that have a long-term payout. In my previous job, I managed to generate some savings by
giving suggestions, and implementing them, in the manufacturing process of the product. My
goal is to do the most with the given budget and generate more money on the process.
Mateo Gutierrez: Electrical/Computer Engineer
I have background in modeling software as well as CAD software that could allow us to
prototype and test our product without having to make a model first. This could save us a lot of
money. I also have a background in basic circuit theory to help us design the project

Brandon Hill: Project Manager

I have previous experience managing city projects. Of the projects I oversaw, I completed each
one on time. This experience will save us time as I know the trends of urban development and
the actions people tend to make when faced with certain situations.
Step 2: Company Creation


Trustworthy, loyal, there when you need it! The newest future!

Step 3: Problem and logistics

o Our project is a reasonable size because we are only serving the city of Albuquerque (at
least to start). the University of New Mexico is the only place in the city that I know of that
has these emergency pillars, and they are not being very well maintained. In fact, I found a
female black widow near the call button of one of the pillars. It took UNM at least half a
semester to remove her, and a male black widow immediately replaced her. The University
of New Mexico needs an easy way to help maintain their pillars. It can be pitched to the city
that pillars around central, the Expo grounds, and other places with the reasoning that it will
help prevent crime in Albuquerque. The pillars can have a calling unit as well as a camera to
help catch people committing crimes.
o Our units will be better than what the city can come up with because we will have figured
out how to create our own unit. The city will not want to try to develop its own unit because
that project could be expensive for the city to fund. As a local company, we can offer a
maintenance service to our customers.
Practical Considerations
o Time
About 2 and weeks to approve and implement it.
o Labor
Construction crew
Electrical/Systems/Computer Engineers
Planner for infrastructure
o Materials
Nothing special:
Decent motion sensing /swivel camera.
Basic computer and infrastructure wiring
Construction equipment
Machining equipment
o Who has the money to solve this problem?

The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

has the money and motivation to support our project. We only should make them
consider our proposal and idea to help in the local security of the city.

o How much will this solution cost your company? How much will you charge your client? Is
your client capable of even considering your idea?

Each single emergency pillar costs around $12,000-$15,000 to make and install on
the street. If we consider labor cost, we are talking around $4,500 monthly per
worker. To make profit for the company, but still make it affordable to buy, we will
sell them in 3 different sets to account for the need of them in each section of the

Set 1 will consist of a group of 5 pillars, costing between $60,000-$75,000.

Set 2 will consist of a group of 8 pillars, costing between $96,000-$130,000

Set 3 will consist of a group of 10 pillars, costing between $120,000-


The cost going down to motivate our clients to buy more pillars for a cheaper price,
but, we still make a profit.
Step 4: Abstract (group sheet)

We are creating a business that will make and install and maintain emergency pillars like the
ones around the University of New Mexico around the city of Albuquerque. We will sell our
pillars to the city and other organizations who own land to make the city safer and aim to
reduce crime in the city. Since our company is based off the money that other companies
provide, we will only need to serve those who pay for our pillars and/or services. Our plan is to
help reduce the crime the city of Albuquerque has to respond to, as these emergency pillars
have the capacity to lessen the chance that someone will perpetrate a crime. This in turn will
give APD less of a constraint and need to hire more police officers.
Step 5: Individual Reflection
Our group decided on a problem by brainstorming problems either on campus on in the
city of Albuquerque. Out of the problems we listed, we crossed off inconsequential ideas until
we had two left. From the two left over, we chose to renovate and install emergency pillars in
the Albuquerque area and on campus. For the most part, this idea seems feasible, and the
emergency pillars we have now seem to be neglected. It would be beneficial to update the
existing pillars to be capable of recording video and have a crew that maintenance them more
than they are currently. The most challenging aspect had to be coming up with an idea to
implement and research. It was difficult to know exactly what kinds of materials we would need
to construct the product, and determine how long this would take to implement is murky since
we failed to find any similar project or product to our idea. As for working with a group, I dont
mind too much. The group Im working with for this sequence is the same people I cooperated
with for sequence 2. In that time, I found that they care how these projects turn out and they
carry their own weight regarding what they accept to do for the group. So, I dont dread
working in a group as most of the time in my experience Im able to choose people that manage
to pull their weight for the team.

Works Cited

"Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts." Dogtime. N.p., n.d.

Staff, Gallupsun. "Emergency Pillars in Need for UNM Gallup Campus." Gallup Sun. Gallup Sun, 30 Oct.
2015. Web.

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