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School : Junior High School Number 4 Singaraja

Subject : English
Class/Semester : VIII/ I
Material : Making Greeting Cards
Time Allocation : 45 Minutes

A. Standard Competencies
1. Appreciate and implement their religious values.
2. Appreciate and implement discipline, responsibility, care (toleration and togetherness),
manners, and confidence in an effective relationship with the social and natural
environment within their society.
3. Understand and apply factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge based on their
curiosity of knowledge, technology, art, culture, and phenomena that are seen to them.
4. Evaluate, create, and analyze in concrete situation (using, simplifying, modifying) and in
abstract situation (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and arranging) based on the
lesson in the classroom and other sources.

B. Basic Competencies
3.5 Comparing the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements in some texts in
form of greeting card by giving and asking information related to information in daily
life based on the context used.
4.5 Arranging special text in form of greeting card in a very simple way related to special
days in which should be based on social function, linguistic elements, and the right

C. Indicators
3.5.1 Mentioning expressions that are used for congratulating based on the appropriate
3.5.2 Comparing expressions that are used in greeting cards based on different contexts.
4.5.1 Making simple and concise greeting cards based on the appropriate context through

D. Instructional Objectives
In this micro teaching lesson plan with the materials given, teacher hopes that students
will get the aim as followings:
1. Students are able to mention expressions that are used for congratulating based on the
appropriate context.
2. Students are able to compare expressions that are used in greeting cards based on
different contexts.
3. Students are able to make simple and concise greeting cards based on the appropriate
context through presentation.

E. Material
Type of text : Greeting Cards
Social function : Congratulate, express gratitude, and hope to make the
interpersonal interaction among others and maintain relationship among others.
Expression : Congratulations, Happy Bitrhday, Happy Mothers Day,
Happy New Year, Happy Galungan and Kuningan Days
Linguistic element : Spelling, word choice, and punctuation
Text structure : Expression of greeting cards

F. Learning Method
The approach of implementation will be scientific approach that is intergrated with
discovery learning and there will be think pair and share, drill, and discussion as the

G. Learning Media and Learning Sources

In this lesson plan, teacher will use LCD projector, white board, boardmarker, and also
texts. There are playing cards, color pencils and origami paper as the media to make the
material become noticeable.
In this lesson plan, teacher derives material from Google and Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris
When English Rings a Bell 8th grade and YouTube to download the video for the students.
The sources are attached in the paper.

H. Learning Activities
Here is the table for explaining the plans that teacher should do in the classroom
including each time allocation for the activity.
No Activities Steps in Teaching Learning Process
Students are greeted
Students attendance are checked.
Students pray
1 Pre-activity Students share their experiences in using 9 minutes
expressions for congratulating
Students can imagine the lesson objectives by
sharing experiences in congratulating others.
Students observe the act that is performed by
the teacher in front of the class (the teacher is
pretending herself as someone who has
birthday party)
Students observe the term to use to
congratulate teacher
Students observe kinds of greeting cards which
will be delivered by the teacher using projector

2 Whilst 27 minutes
Students will be given a chance to ask about
other kind of expression in the other content.
Students will get the chance to write down
some term in their book relating with the
picture in the slide
Students will be given chance to spell the
expression written on their book

Collecting Information

Students are given greeting cards and identify
A group of students will be given an example
of greeting cards
The students identify the elements that
contained in the cards (Who sent the card?,
Who is the receiver?, What does the sender

Students are formed into groups of four using
playing cards to find friends who will write
many kinds of greeting cards.
Students are assigned to write and design
greeting cards that express congratulations.
Students look on other examples of greeting
card made by their friend.

Students show their greeting cards that have
been made in front of the classroom.
Students choose the most beautiful and nice
greeting cards.
Students explain the reasons of why they write
their greeting cards.
Students are given compliments as well as the
teacher gives an impression about the learning
Students are instructed to do self-recognition
3 Post-activity 9 minutes
and sum up the lesson.
Students next material is presented by the
One of the students is invited to lead the pray

before ending the learning process.
Students and the teacher greet each other.

I. Assessment
A. Affective Assessment : Observation and Self-Judgment
B. Psychomotor Assessment : Portfolio (Making greeting card based on the themes
A. Affective Assessment
No Criteria Indicators Score
The students show self-confidence all the
time in the classroom
The students often show self-confidence
Confidence in the classroom
The students rarely how self-confidence
in the classroom
The students never show self-confidence
in the classroom
The students are always responsible for
any tasks given by a teacher.
The students are usually responsible for
any tasks given by a teacher.
2 The students are sometimes responsible
for any tasks given by a teacher.
The students are never responsible for
any tasks given by a teacher.
The students represent discipline all the
The students often represent discipline 3
3 Discipline
The students rarely represent discipline 2
The students never represent discipline 1
4 Respect The students always act respectfully 4

toward all the members in the classroom
The students usually act respectfully
toward all the members in the classroom
The students sometimes act respectfully
toward all the members in the classroom
The students act disrespectfully toward
all the members in the classroom
The students express very nice
cooperation among the students
The students express nice cooperation
among the students
5 Cooperation
The students express fair cooperation
among the students
The students express poor cooperation
among the students
Total 20
Total Score 20x5=100

B. Psychomotor Assessment
No Criteria Weight Standards
Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 3 2 1
1 Content 6 The greeting The The The
card has an greeting greeting greeting
appropriate and card has an card has card is
a suitable acceptable less out of
content with the content with appropriat content 24
theme given. the theme e content with the
given. with the theme
theme given.
2 Vocabular 5 The vocabulary The The The
y chosen in the vocabulary vocabular vocabular

greeting card is chosen in y chosen y chosen
excellent. the greeting in the in the
card is greeting greeting
sometimes card is card is
incorrect. often mostly
incorrect incorrect
which which
causes cannot be
hardness understoo
to d.
3 Organizati 4 The greeting The The The
on card contains an greeting greeting greeting
harmonious and card card card
perfect writing. contains an contains contains
harmonious an an
writing, but inharmoni inharmon
sometimes ous and ious and
less precise less imprecise
precise writing.
4 Mechanics 2 There is no There are There are The
mistake in some a lot of punctuati
putting mistakes in mistakes on mark
punctuation putting in putting and the
mark and punctuation punctuatio capitalize
capitalizing the mark and n mark d letter
letter. capitalizing and are
the letter. capitalizin inappropr
g the iately
letter. used.
5 Grammar 2 The whole There are There are The 8

writing in some a lot of grammar
greeting card is grammatical grammatic used in
grammatically mistakes in al greeting
correct. writing. mistakes card is
in writing. incorrect.
6 Creativity 1 The creativity of The The There is
the greeting card creativity of greeting no
is excellently the greeting card is creativity
illustrated. card is well lack of in the
illustrated. creativity greeting 4
and card.
Total Score: Gained Score
---------------------- X 100
Maximum Score

1. Pictures
The pictures in the slides

Happy Birthday Happy Wedding

Happy New Year

Happy Galungan and Kuningan Day

The Greeting Card in the Gift Box

To: Bintang

Happy Birthday
Wish you always happy
From: Dwik
2. Examples of Greeting Cards from When English Rings a Bell 8th grade.
Picture 1

Picture 2
3. Pictures about the video that tell about expression used in greeting card.

4. Expression of greeting card from website

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