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Precious Knowledge by Ari Luis Palos

Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools

Crystal's story
Wants to set an example for her sisters by going to college
Not getting the education her mom wants for her
Pricila's story
Father got arrested for being undocumented
Stayed home during high school
Gilbert's story
Dad was never around
Grew up around gangs
Feels that the education system is against him
"nationwide dropout rate for Mexican-Americans is over 50%, the highest of any minority
group" 5:35
Faculty Training Session
White faculty member
Don't give a shit about learning
Learning is irrelevant
Culturally damaged
Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade, ethnic studies advocate
Met a lot of students that have a dysfunctional relationship with school
School boycotts and walkouts
1996 activism led to the creation of the Hispanic Studies Department

2002 Hispanic Studies Department renamed to Mexican American/Raza Studies

Tezcatlipoca- critical reflection (ask yourselves how are we at fault?)
Precious Knowledge- ,reflection, reconciliation, take positive action
"Dedicated if you do it" - If I don't have a 4.0, does that mean I'm not dedicated?
Raza studies helped them come together with their culture
Challenge them more
Writing about something that they care about
According to TUSD, students taking Ethnic Studies classes show significant improvement on
Arizona standardized tests, 22:15
For the past six years, the graduation rate for students enrolled in Ethnic Studies electives has
averaged 93%, 22:20

Tom Horne wants to ban schools from having these Ethics studies
Believes that this is dividing people by their ethnicities
Ethic studies develop ethic solidarity
Immoral and wrong

Raza studies is accused to be racist

Believe that Mexico is going to have a La Reconquista
SB1069 -bill to ban Ethnic Studies
Teaching to be "anti-American"
Horne is trying to ban these Ethnic Studies without even observing these classes
Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Suspicious that this is teaching students that people
empowered are doing something distasteful
Read the word and read the world

John Huppenthal- state senator

Knows that there are systems that are not fair
America gives more opportunities however

"Freedom to ask the questions that are the most pertinent in the way they view the world" 35:00

Being told that we are not part of their culture, but we're trying to get into their culture

July 24, 2009 Final vote deadline on SB 1069

Traditional Ceremonial Run
110 mile run from Tucson to Phoenix to bring the message for education; connect to the Earth
SB 1069 died

John Huppenthal comes to observe the class

People are concerned that the Raza studies are not teaching the correct things

Using the textbooks to demonstrate that they are teaching wrongly

SB 2281 was approved by the full legislature and sent to Governor Jan Brewer for her signature,

"If I harm you, I harm myself"

Tom Horne would not talk to the Raza Studies students

SB 2281 was signed by Jan Brewer

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