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Lab Report

Vertebrate Anatomy

Yuri Guzman

Quran Abdur-rahin

Bio Lab 103

December 2, 2014

The purpose of the lab was to be able to accomplish to be able to recognize and be able to
identify the major organs and the organ systems in the vertebrates. A vertebrate is basically the
species backbone whether amphibian, birds anything. It is know that most vertebrates have
common organs in which are possibly located around the same region in the body as well as
contain the same function. yes the species look different from the outside but in the inside
contain similar parts and functions. In the lab we are beginning with creating a list of the internal
organs in the body of the frog and identifying its locations. For the frog dissection we will begin
by placing the frog in the pan where the dissecting will began with ventral side up. Then use
scissors to life the abdominal muscles away from the body cavity. The next step we would cut
along the midline of the body from the pelvic to the pectoral girdle. The third step would be to
make a transverse cuts near the arms and legs. The last step would be the life flaps of the body of
the body wall and pin back and then that's when we start to identity of the organs and their
purpose of the organ.


1. We will make sure we wear gloves

2. The removal from the packaging would be next and lay it on its back on top of the dissection

3. The frogs may be stiff from preservative solution I would may need to began by massaging
out the limbs manually to lay the flat on the tray

4. Next we would examine the external features

5.We will then find the cloaca between the frogs hind legs

6. Then we will use scissors lift the abdominal muscles away from the body cavity

7. Make one vertical cut from the bottom of your initial slit up along the body of the frog,
stopping at the head

8. Make the horizontal cuts out from the center incision

9.Then pin the flaps of the body wall to view the inside of the frog

10. We would then remove the peritoneum membrane by making a small incision and pulling it

11. Lastly we will use the worksheet to be able to identify the major organs within the frog and
fill out the questions and activities assigned.
Sex of the Frog

Female frog due to its thin thumb

no thick thumb

Sight, sound and smell

Thin membrane layer over eyes for seeing underwear shows a discoloration in them
The external nares are thin and have a little opening
Tympanum for sensing sound looks like a dent sort of.
Notes: The eyes have a discoloration a whitish color. The nostrils are very thin and
contain a tiny opening below the eyes closest to mouth. The ears or place it senses
sounds feels like a dent and is in a circular shape.

Slit membrane on sides of mouth to open

Look for esophagus and tongue

Vomerine teeth behind maxillary teeth( Little teeth. not many teeth inside mouth)
Notes: The tongue has a light pink color and the tongue has no movement, stiff and the
esophagus has no clear visibility.


Both show the different urogenital systems male and female contain

Identify these parts:

Fat body
Ureter eggs
Some parts and function:

Perineum: Spider web like membrane that covers organs

Stomach: First site of chemical digestion, breaks down food

Liver: Makes bile (aids in digestion)

Gall bladder: Stores bile

Esophagus: Tube that leads to the stomach

Pancreas: Makes insulin (aids in digestion)

Small intestine (duodenum and ileum): absorb nutrients from food

Mesentery: Holds coils of the small intestine together

Large Intestine: Collects waste, absorbs water

Cloaca: "Sewer": eggs, sperm, urine and feces enter this area

Spleen: Part of circulatory system, stores blood

Comparing frog and human anatomy

The body structure of the frog is very similar to the anatomy of man.

Both man and the frog have the same kinds of organs and systems of organs. The frog's
anatomy, however, is much simpler. As in other higher vertebrates, the frog body may be
divided into a head, a short neck, and a trunk.
The flat head contains the brain, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. A short, almost rigid neck
permits only limited head movement. The stubby trunk forms walls for a single body
cavity, the coelom .
Man's internal organs are housed in one of three distinct hollow cavities--the chest, the
abdomen, and the pelvis. The human chest is separated from the abdomen by a powerful
muscular partition, the diaphragm . There is no such partition in the frog's coelom. All the
frog's internal organs--including the heart, the lungs, and all organs of digestion--are held
in this single hollow space.
The frog's body is supported and protected by a bony framework called the skeleton .The
skull is flat, except for an expanded area that encases the small brain. Only nine vertebrae
make up the frog's backbone, or vertebral column. The human backbone has 24 vertebrae.
The frog has no ribs.
The frog does not have a tail. Only a spike like bone, the urostyle, remains as evidence
that primitive frogs probably had tails. The urostyle, or "tail pillar," is a downward
extension of the vertebral column.
The shoulders and front legs of the frog are somewhat similar to man's shoulders and
arms. The frog has one "forearm" bone, the radio-ulna.
Man has two forearm bones, the radius and the ulna. Both frog and man have one "upper
arm" bone, the humerus.


After dissecting the frog we were able to determine the different parts of the frog as well as the
functions of the organs. After identifying the organs we were able to observe how similar these
organs are to ours. Looking at these organs we also noticed that the placement or position of
these organs are located similar to our own. The lab basically gave us better insights of the
purpose of these organs and how in comparison to the human anatomy we are able to determine
how we have organs in common with frogs being of another species then us humans. The
purpose of the lab was to be able to accomplish to be able to recognize and be able to identify the
major organs and the organ systems in the vertebrates and we were able to achieve it following
the instructions of the worksheet.

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