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Aqueous body space between the cornea and the lens
Aqueous humor mainstains pressure in the eye
Choroid sandwiched between the sclera and the retina
Vitreous body large area between the lens and the retina; filled with a viscous, clear jelly supporting and
protecting the lens and the retina
Lens suspended behind the iris by the zonule fibers
Macula part of retina used for seeing fine details
Fovea located at the very center of the macula; a depression in the retina densely packed w/ color-sensing
cone cells
Optic disc portion of the retina where optic nerve and blood vessels pass through the back of the eye;
Also known as the blind spot because it contains no photoreceptors
Puncta small pores in the eyelids which drain tears from the eyes

Vernal Conjunctivitis

Cobblestone elevated polygonal flat-topped giant papilla on the upper palpebral conjunctiva
Maxwell-Lysons signs ropey tenacious discharge
Horner Trantas Dots small white excresences on superior limbus
Contact-Lens Associated Infiltrates - Snowflakes-like opacities

- sty, abscess of Gland of Zeiss
- usual cause: staphylococcal infection
- Tx: warm compress, topical antibiotic ointment & oral antibiotics

- subacute/chronic inflammatory lipogranuloma of meibomian gland
- Tx: warm compress, steroid injection, incision & curettage

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

- common location: superior eyelid

- pterygium, a triangular fibrovascular connective tissue overgrowth encroaching on cornea from conjunctiva in
interpalpebral fissure

- most common primary malignancy o fchildhood
- alveolar : most common type
- exophthalmos, swelling & eyelid injection

Optic nerve glioma

- loss of vision, proptosis, papilledema, optic atrophy & strabismus

- slow-growing connective tissue tumor of the dura mater
- railroad tract sign on CT scan
- Tx: surgery & radiotherapy
Orbital pseudotumor
- pain, proptosis, swelling & lid injection of globe/lid
- uveitis, scleritis, papillitis, exudative retinal detachment
- Tx: corticosteroids

16,000 feet retinal hemorrhage can be seen in patient who ascend to this level
Neovascularization pathognomonic finding of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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