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A program is a set of instructions that specify the operations, operands and the sequence by which

the processing has to occur.

A computer instruction is a binary code that specifies the sequence of microoperations to be

executed by the computer

Instruction codes along with data are stored in the memory

The computer reads each instruction from its memory and places it in a control register

The control then interprets the binary code of instruction and proceeds to execute it by issuing a
series of microoperations.

The ability to store and execute instructions, the stored program concept is the most important for a
general purpose computer.

Instruction code is a group of bits which instruct the computer to perform a specific operation

The most basic part of it is operation code-group of bits that define operations like add or subtract

Operation is a part of instruction stored in memory

Operation code is macrooperation because it specifies a set of microoperations

Operation part of instruction code specifies an operation to be performed on data stored in processor
registers or memory

Instruction code specifies operation, operands and where to store the result

Simplest way to organize a computer is to have one processor register and one instruction code


Instructions and data are stored in different places in the memory

For a memory with 4096 words, 12 bits are required to store address.

First 4 bits contain opcode, which specifies the operation

Next 12 bits contain address of the operand which is obtained from the memory portion
AC-Single Processor Register- Accumulator

If operation in instruction code doesnt need operand, rest of bits can be used for other purposes.

Immediate Operand- Address part itself contains operand

Direct address- Address part contains the address of operand

Indirect address- Address part contains the address of address of operand

One bit of instruction code is used to distinguish between them

DR(Data Register) holds the operand read from memory

AC is a generally purpose processing register

Instruction read from memory is stored in Instruction Register

TR (Temporary Register) stores temporary data during the processing

PC (Program Counter) contains address of the next instruction to be read from the memory after
current instruction is executed


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