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SPECIFICATIONS FOR A DYELLING HOUSE FOR HORACE T. BROGKWAY, SOUTH HADLEY, MASS. oa "#960 HIGH ST. HOLYOKE, MASS. Ma ok | Ye As SKINNER, ARCHITECT, REXXXEK INDEX. ANNE ALANNARAALAKAAK LARA MENALA NNT ANANAAN AH KALLA RELA ELLE L IL Awnings 1s Iron Columns 3 Inside Finish 12 ‘ Iron and Lead Pipes 19 Brock Work & Inside 20 Body Boards 7 Building Paper 8 Base 13 Kitehens 14 Bath-Room 15 Kitehen Sinks 18 Bath tubs 17 Kitchen Boiler 18 chimeys 5 bathing 4 cistern 4 Linen Closet 14 Cement Ploor 4 Carpenter's Specifications 5 Clapboaras 8 Outside Finish 8 Cornice, Etc. 9 Cellar Window Frames 10 Clothes' Chute and Recept— Piers 3 acle 13 Plaster 5 casings 13 Partitions 7 Closets 14 Plagzas 9 _ China Closet 15 Panels 10 ‘Cellar Stairs 15 Picture Moulding 15 Cutting for Other Trades 16 Pantry 14 Coal Bins 16 Plate Rail ‘ 15 | Chain and chain Stays 18 Plumbing 17 if Painting 20 : Papering uy Drawings 1 Dimensions 2 Dormers 9 Roof Boards 7 Door Frames 11 Doors 1 Door and Window Screens 16 Stone Wall 2 Shingles 2 ; Slate Root 8 Excavating, Digging, Etc. 2 steps 9 Blectric Lights 12 Sash 10 Electric Belis - a2 Saddles lL “ Stairs 15 Steam Heat 16 Fireplace 4 Slop Sink 17 Floor Linings 6 Soil Pipe 19 Floors % Soil Pipes 19 Freneh windows 10 Seat Vent 19 . : Side walls 21 General Provisions 1 Glazing 1 Thimbles and Ash Pit Doors 4 “Grounds 1 Timber 5 Gutters and conductors 20 Tin Roof 20 meral Sumaary al ‘ bowey ae aders and Trimmers 6. Water closet 17 arduare 16 Wash Basin ay = — Wash Trays a7 pe Bost Ts cgasceseese: dieevetcertsreteseceecscsscocessccsesd ——Sfthe work, and are not. to bejused/in any other building on-copied: Specifications of materials to be supplied and work to be done in the erection and completion of a house for Horace T. Brockway, situated in South Hadley,Mass., from plans and specifications prepared by %. A. Skinner, Architect, #280 High Street, Holyoke, Hass. GENERAL PROVISIONS, he contractor is to furnish ali the labor and materials, ete. needful for performing the work in the best manner, according to the true intent ana meaning of these specifications and drawings which accompany them. All the work and materials are to be of the best description in ali cases, unless perticularly set forth to the contrary. The contractor is to give his versonal direction and attendance to the work, and leave it whole and broom clean, warranted water tight in all respects and complete as required by the plans and specifications. The contractor is to keep the building insured until it is completed and the keys delivered to the owner. Also make good all injuries done to the building caused by fire, wind, eto. DRAWINGS. ‘The architect will furnish plans and full size drawings of all necessary work. Any work constructed without such drawings or not in aecordance with them must be removed and replaced by the correct work at the contractor's expense. The drawings and svecifications are the property of the architect, and must be returned to htm on” éompleti¢n ~~ out or taken apart, and if The plans and spect ficationseareynot” to” ‘lost by the contractor copies will be furnished by the architect at the contractor's expense. Any material brought on the premises not in — Bocordance with the plans and specifications in the architect's opinion ~~ ust bs nomave 01 “ being used in the building, and replaced by such materials as the plans and specifications require. Contractor to be held responsible for any accidents that may happen during construction of the building. DIMENSIONS. For dimensions, height of stories and internal arrangements of the building, see the plans. ‘The figures on the drawings are to be followed in all cases in preference to measurements by scale. Should the contractor discover any error in the figures, notity the architect at once, that the necessary corrections may be made without delay to the work. EXCAVATING, DIGGING, ETC. Contractor is to do all excavating, also all digging for sewer and water pipes. Carpenter to stake out buiiding and give all lines, heights, ete. contractor to fill around walis, after same are laid, with sand. STONE WALL. Foundation wall below ground to be good flat stone of good size. To be laid dry and pointed up on inside with cement mortar. Wall to _ be built thickness as shown and plumb on inside. x: Build a 9" wall as shorn on the foundation and section of good, << tae ~: te wre “a lime mortar. All outside courses of prick above ground laid dn 2 mortar. -. Brick work to be jointed. All sand used to be clear and sharp, Brick work to be a first class job and to the acceptance of the architect. All cement used to be Portland of an approved brand. Window sills to be Brownstone 5" x 7". Genent on top of brick wall to sill to cover joint. PIERS. Build the brick piers under colums in the celiar as shown on the plans. All the piers are to be laid in cement mortar. Put stone at the bottom of each gas pipe under piazza 15" X15" x 3" or 4" thick. TRON COLUMNS. Provide and erect 4" Garrett and Ford iron columns in celiar as shown on basement plan. HATCRWAY. ; Bulla hatehway as shown on plans of brick. To have stone steps 8. show: :s 4" thick built up on brick risers. ae d in two parts of tone caps 4" PIREPLACE. * two fireplaces to be Taid’with ‘common red brick ready to receive mantels. Fireplaces to have dampers laid in wall. Hearths to be built of brick and made ready for tile Lay up repressed face brick in fireplace in Living Room --, hearth of same. Face brick to cost $25 per MU. THIMBLES AND ASH PIT DOORS. ‘The thimbles and ash pit doors are to be furnished py the plumber and put in by the contractor. All thimbles to have caps. cIstE: Bul: oted sat a \ a prick 1g! o is wittSeroh dome n iron manhole. ie Plody to be bricked over. time;-of 04 course of common i | } ~ CEMENT FLOOR, The entire cellar is to have a cement floor 1 1/2" thick, put in true and level, of Portland cement, ali to be properly mixed with sand. All sand used to be clear and sharp and free from loam. Cement floor is to pitch to outlet as directed at time. LATHING. Lath all the walls, ceilings and furrings throughout the first, second and third stories of the building, unless otherwise specified, ate with the best quality of spruce lath, free from sap and large, loose _ knots, Having four nailings each, breaking joints every eighth lath. All lath to run to floor, Kitchen sheathed 4' 0* high. Ali lath to be at least 1/4" apart. Bath-Room sheathed 4" 0” high. PLASTER. Plaster all the walls, ceilings and furrings throughout the first, second and third stories two good coats on 7/8" grounds, The first | coat to be a stout one of brown mortar, using 15 lbs. of goat hair to each barrel of lime. lime to be slacked four days before using. All must be straightened with screed and straight edge and well floated up, | 0 as to have all the angles and surfaces true and plumb. Walis and ceilings of al] first floor rooms and halls to be left rough and made ready for painting. Plastering in all walle to be run down to the floor. The second coat to be white putty skim, and not tobe put on until first coat is dry, The plasterer is to do all necessary jobbing and repairing after the carpenters or plumbers. care must be taken so as not to have plastering dry too quick. Plastering to be a first class job in every respect, and done to the acceptance of the architects Plaster all chimneys one coat on brick wali from first floor joists to roof.on outside. Lime to be cold before hair is put in. CARPENTER'S SPECIFICATIONS. TIMBER. All the timbers are to be of the best, sound, square edged speuas @@temlock, free from wane, shakes and large,loose knots, and as thoroughly seasoned as the market will afford. Ali joists and studding to be sized. Sills are to be ay xen Beams for Piazzas an x 6m Joists for third floor 16" on centers 2" X 7" Joists for 1st and 24 floors,16" on centers,2" X 9" Geiling Joists sm gre BH * Studding Mieke # * % age /x*gaaanasg? xDae. Rafters 20" on centers,2" x 6" Collar beams to each rafter Lriges® Piazza rafters ae x5" Piazza ceiling joist an Xam All the carriage beams to be the sizes as marked on the plans, and to be of spruce or henilock, HEADERS AND TRIMMERS. All the headers and trimmers are to be doubled and well spiked. All the floor joists are to be eross-vridged in the strongest manner as indicated on the framing plans. Bridging to be of spruce, securely nailed at the top and botton with two ten-penny naile at each end, bridging to be 7/a" xX 2". studding to rest on 5" X 4" So. Pine overlays, as shown on the plans in par— titions that come over each floor. FLOOR LININGS. Line all first, second and third floors with 7/8" hemlock square edged boards, well nailed to each joist.

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