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Indications of weakness Venus Astrologically

These are lack of beauty, charm or grace, refinement, sensitivity, love or affection. Native may
be more coarse aggressive or vulgar. The marriage may be delayed or one may have marital/
romantic problems. For men relationship with women may be difficult or wife may suffer. For
women, feminine qualities may be low. Vedic Astrology readings by Best Indian Astrologer in
Canada predicts that Physically there may be a weakness of bones, kidneys, reproductive
system, infertility, low energy, poor immune system, chronic urinary tract infection and
complication due to overindulgence in sex, eating and drinking.

Astrological Factor- Venus is the significator of marriage, wife, vehicles and all physical
comforts of life. It is weak when:

i. Fall (debility) in Virgo.

ii. Combust, retrograde or lost in the planetary war.

iii. Aspect by malefic or in 6/8th house.

She represents SE direction and is generally benefited for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and
Aquarius Lagna, wherein her higher qualities of devotion, joy affection or creativity could be
strengthened. She governs eyes, generative system, throat, chin, cheeks, kidney and various
glands. Venus in her own Nakshtra gives good and charming life; in Nakshtra of Sun causes eye
trouble; in Nakshatra of Moon, Mars or Saturn causes sexual diseases/ perversions; in Nakshtra
of Mercury causes leukoderma, burning urination and cystitis; in Nakshtra of Jupiter it cause
jaundice, urinary problems and general weakness in sex; in Nakshtra of Rahu insatiable sexual
urge, leukoderma and spermatorrhea are caused.

Psychological Indicators- As per World Famous Astrologer Venus represents our capacity to
project love and beauty. Life comes from bliss and expresses bliss. Issue with Venus is how one
defines happiness as outwardly pleasure or as inwardly joy. True joy comes through sufferings
while pleasure usually results in sufferings. The higher Venus energy arises through devotion,
defining our love as consciousness and being in all beings.

Deity- Presiding deity for Venus is Sachi or Laxmi.

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