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What is "unresponsive script error"?
FF would throw this when a script takes too much time to complete execution.
Let's say a click handler makes a server call and uses data table to show server
Let's say this click binding happened for more than 5 times due to missing unbind.
For next click, all the click handlers will be invoked and FF would throw above

How to trigger a break point programmatically? Put debugger; statement:
function f()
// Do some operation
debugger; // This statement creates a break point when this code is executed.
// Some more.

To understand firebug timing & net panel, refer:

How to add javascript code after browser has displayed page?

Select html tab in firebug & select body tag.

Within the body, select a script tag (last tag is preferrable) if one is available.
Otherwise create one script tag.
Give "Edit html" on selected script tag and add js code there.

How to find missing semicolons in js file that IE was complaining about?

To validate css, use following service:


To validate html, use following service:


How to find which part of code took much time?
console.profile(); // Put this at the start of block.
console.profileEnd(); // Put this at the end of block.

console.log("print in console");
console.info("Use console.info instead of console.error");

console.log("Number of elements in collection:");
console.log("Context of the collection:");

DOM errors:
1) "NotFoundError: Node was not found"
This error means that node is not found to perform dom operation. EX: removing non
existing element, removing descendent node using removeChild().


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