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1 Mills

Katelin Mills
EDU 450
MTV Reflection
Fall 2017

My MTV was Connect-Extend-Challenge. The lesson was effective in the sense that
students were engaged and participating. My objectives were to enable students to reflect on
and make connections between other MTV strategies presented that day as well as to form
questions or wonderings they may still have about any of the MTV strategies. My strategy,
CEC, really lent itself to this due its basic make up: connect, extend, challenge. In retrospect, I
was glad I had students synthesize the information from the day by having them use those
strategies to fill out the CEC. Im also glad I modeled for them how I would fill out a CEC
comparing it with a KWL. And I was really happy with some of the comments that were shared
after the presentation. I remember Natalie did a good job of making connections amongst
strategies by grouping them.
However, no lesson is perfect, and seeing all the presentations given by my peers, there
were absolutely things I would change in mine. First of all, I would have varied the technology I
used. I thought I would have a document camera but I didnt know that for certain and so when
I didnt I had to adjust accordingly. I only ever used a google doc and the white board. Even
just throwing together a couple of slides or some visual aids would have been nice for the visual
learners and also just for variation. Secondly, I would have written objectives on the board first
thing. And I would have had a longer sharing-out/reflection time and documented some of the
connections made. Also, if I was truly implementing this strategy, I would have collected the
challenge section of the CEC as a ticket out the door to see where students were struggling
and if they still had questions and I would adjust the next class accordingly.
I loved the Step Inside strategy. This strategy seemed like a great tool for breaking
down stereotypes and potentially building classroom community. In the art room, I could see
maybe even creating a mini-project around this strategy as an icebreaker activity. I would
preface the project by saying that we are going to be talking about social groups and
connotations of people and that we need to be sensitive and aware of what we say and how we
say it. Students would brainstorm cliques, groups, and perceptions (much like we did in class)
and these could include: jocks, popular, teachers pets, hipsters, etc. Students would then
choose a clique/group/perception that they think others identify them as. Students would then
be get a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle, and on the left-hand side draw and/or
collage imagery that students affiliate with that perception, and on the right hand side they
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would draw and/or collage imagery that they feel best represents them as a whole person. This
would be great for me as a form of pre-assessment of their abilities, it would also spark a great
conversation about how stereotypes are flat and that we are all dynamic people, and most-
importantly, it would get students reflecting on what interests them and matters to them; key
concepts for ideation in art.

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