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LeRoy Edwin Froom Acquitted!!

Proofs of The Pre-1915 SDA Trinity

Doctrine He Inherited Instead of Inventing!

A 2017 Expose by Derrick Gillespie

"...when there were no worlds; no created being, not even an angel; in fact, there were only three
beings God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; these three persons in the
---- Review and Herald, Vol. 78, No. 1. Jan 1, 1901. No., 2409; p. 2

"Paganism, popery [the Papacy], and infidelity fail entirely to either rightly know or truly represent
the ever-living God. It is left for pure Protestantism to proclaim to the world the true God
consisting of three persons but of one spirit and aim."
---Signs of the Times, Vol. 26, No. 24 [Australia], June 12, 1911; p. 371.372
A few years back (probably 10 years ago) I wrote a booklet addressing the charges leveled
against LeRoy Froom. Click the link to acquire your own free copy and read it BEFORE delving
into this new 2017 publication (click all links throughout this booklet to get more details on
the issues). At the time I had far less evidence than I have today, and yet I knew even then he
was not guilty of much of what he is charged with by certain dissident SDA members. Since
then I have acquired a ton of evidence to further acquit him of the charges as it concerns the
acceptance of and worship of the Trinity in Adventism specifically. And what is amazing is
how the evidence continues to grow as modern research technology and Internet makes its so
much easier to research historical material related to SDA history, which, before now, would
have been harder to wade through and analyze.

* Born October 16, 1890 died February 20, 1974

LeRoy Froom was deemed by one dissident website online as the most dangerous man in
Adventism despite he is now dead since 1974 (just as the Jews deemed, and today still deem,
both Jesus and apostle Paul as the most dangerous Jew among the Jews), while others paint
Froom as a member of the secret cult of the Freemasons (just as the critics of Adventism deem
all the SDA pioneers, including Mrs. White herself, to have been Freemasons), while others
deem Froom as a Jesuit who was secretly working to get SDAs to unite with the Papacy
doctrinally (just as the Jews deemed Jesus as Beelzebub the demon, operating in union with
other demons, and as a friend of sinners). What do most if not all these SDA dissidents have in
common? They are either mostly or all anti-Trinitarians seeking to find a scapegoat for [1] the
Holy Spirit being deemed by mainstream SDAs today as one of three beings of the Godhead,
[2] for the Trinity doctrine being in Adventism today, and [3] for SDAs today worshipping three
beings of the Godhead just as we would worship one God!! Truth be told? LeRoy Froom was
born several years too late (he was born in 1890), because the Trinity doctrine that he is
charged with introducing to and imposing on Adventism, evidence has come to light that he
had nothing to do with it initially, but he simply inherited what went before him (as articulated
by the SDA pioneers themselves) and he simply later documented what he came on the scene
and saw already happening and already developing in Adventism. Click the link to see clearly
the SDA pioneers own pre-1915 (and pre-Froom) testimony regarding their version of the
Bible doctrine of the Trinity which they accepted, and about their version of the Trinity they
worshipped instead of the Roman Catholic version.

This 2017 booklet will not strive to delve too much into details about LeRoy Froom but will
simply lay out the new evidence that has come to light about the SDA pioneers themselves
from the 1890s up to 1915 (and years BEFORE LeRoy Froom became active on the scene in
the 1920s and thereafter), and the reader can be the jury for himself based on the weight of
evidence. But before I release the new findings (separate and apart from what I revealed in my
earlier publications about the SDA pioneers and the Trinity doctrine in Adventism), let me
revise what was earlier revealed and see how LeRoy Froom featured in that scenario.


1. In 1892 (WHEN LEROY FROOM WAS JUST 2 YEARS OLD) the Signs of the Times SDA
magazine defended their 1891 publication of an article supportively using the term "the
Trinity", and where the "supreme *beings" (plural) of the Father and Son being represented
by the "supreme being" of the Spirit, and all three being deemed "the Deity" is set forth. Keep
in mind that the Deity (capitalized) is the term for the Supreme Being or God, and here all
three supreme beings were deemed the Deity in 1891 and 1892!! Mrs. White published
in that same paper and never objected to that new development in Adventism!! She never did
thereafter either!!

2. In that same year of 1892 (WHEN LEROY FROOM WAS STILL JUST 2 YEARS OLD), the SDA
Church via the Pacific Press publishing house, supportively published Spearss non-SDA Trinity
article which the SDA pioneers themselves renamed and entitled it The Bible Doctrine of the
Trinityobviously admitting that there is indeed a biblical version of the Trinity that is
acceptable!! In the year 1894 as well, that same Spear Trinity article speaking supportively of
the triune God, and which presented a "tri-personal God" and deemed/defended "bible
trinitarians" as "not tri-theists", was again glowingly endorsed in the following words:

It presents the Bible view of the *doctrine of the Trinity [not just the "trinity" group] in the
terms used in the Bible, and therefore avoids all philosophical discussion and foolish
speculation. It is a tract worthy of reading." - Signs of the Times, Vol. 20, No. 29, 1894.

Notice the words "the *DOCTRINE of the Trinity" in the quote above, and recognize the SDA
pioneers were endorsing not just the term "trinity", as some dissidents in Adventism today
would want you to believe; but the "BIBLE *DOCTRINE of the Trinity" when correctly
explained without philosophical and mystical speculations ( as evident in the Spear article).
Thats an irrefutable reality which several dissidents in Adventism go to extreme measures to
deny and cover up!! See an example of such extreme denial and cover up here. Click link.

herself made the following statement, indicating clearly why the SDA Church NEEDED TO
ACCEPT CHANGE and this allowed for an SDA Church that was now leaning in the direction of a
new form of or tailored Trinitarianism, i.e. separate Godhead beings all together worshipped
and praised as the Trinity:
There is no excuse for anyone in taking the position that there is no more truth to be
revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain
doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas
are infallible. Age will not make error into truth, and truth can afford to be fair....There are
those who oppose everything that is not in accordance with their own ideas, and by so doing
they endanger their eternal interest as verily as did the Jewish nation in their rejection of
Christ. The Lord designs that our opinions shall be put to the test, that we may see the
necessity of closely examining the living oracles to see whether or not we are in the faith. Many
[i.e. SDA pioneers in 1892] who claim to believe the truth have settled down at their ease,
saying, "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing."
--E.G. White, Review and Herald, December 20, 1892.

Can you imagine, dear reader, Mrs. White is here telling the SDA pioneers just after 1888
(nearly fifty years after the founding of the Advent Movement) that they didnt necessarily
have everything correctly worked out doctrinally [*click this link to see Mrs. White quoting
non-SDA *Trinitarian authors], and that they didnt necessarily have all truths already
hammered out, but allowance should be made even then for new light to come. And then
notice that it was primarily after that Mrs. White begun to introduce new light on not just
the Law, and on salvation through faith, but also on the Godhead. Its as plain as the nose on
your face, dear reader, and as bright as the sun!! No one can cover it up!!

4. In 1896 (WHEN LEROY FROOM WAS NOW JUST 6 YEARS OLD) Uriah Smith himself (click
link) as editor of the Review and writer of the In the Question Chair column, for the first time
defended song and praise to the Holy Spirit as part of the same trinity the Father and Son
belongs to (he actually named them as such; knowing full well that a Godhead trinity means
three persons; not two), and he defended them as "the same trinity" who are praised and
worshipped together (a first time supportive use of the term the trinity by him in this way).
Again, let me underscore the point (for emphasis) that Uriah Smith fully well knew that a
trinity when applied to the Godhead means three persons; not two.despite some today
desperately want to make a Godhead trio mean two, and likewise a trinity. In the same
year, 1896, another leading pioneer made plain, going even further than Uriah Smith had
stated in 1891 about the Spirit emanating from God:

From the figures which are brought out in Revelation, Ezekiel, and other Scriptures, and from
the language which is used in reference to the Holy Spirit, we are led to believe he is
something more than an emanation from the mind of God. He is spoken of as a personality
[or individual being], and treated as such. He [the Holy Spirit] is included in the apostolic
benediction [2 Cor.13: 14], and is spoken by our Lord [Jesus] as acting in an INDEPENDENT
and PERSONAL capacity as Teacher, Guide, and Comforter. He is an object of *VENERATION
[worship] and is A [singular] Heavenly INTELLIGENCE, everywhere present, and is always
present [thus was always in existence; Heb. 9:14].

---G.C. Tenny- To Correspondents, Review& Herald, June 9, *1896, pg. 362

*N.B. Veneration comes from Latin, venerari which means, to worship!! The above
quote from the Review to the public in 1896 is self-explanatoryno further comments needed.

4. In 1900 (WHEN LEROY FROOM WAS NOW JUST 10 YEARS OLD) the Review and Herald
published the thought that how surprisingly beautiful are the blended personalities of our
TRIUNE GOD; obviously with separate beings involved and not the Roman Catholic version,
since SDAs have always maintained the existence of separate beings of divinity). Yes, to the
pioneers the surprisingly beautiful truth begun to emerge, after many years of denouncing
both the expressions trinity and triune God when applied to the Godhead. The very
triune God expression seen supportively used in the Spear article, published in 1892, was
now being countenanced by SDA pioneers as early as 1900. In 1902, while still refusing to
accept the traditional mystical and speculative explanations about the Trinity in traditional
Christendom, and while indicating why SDAs earlier did not teach anything about the Trinity,
E.J. Waggoner was now willing to deem God the following way, showing further marked
changes in pioneering thinking:

"...as to the Being of God,the Godhead,Divinity as revealed in the Father, the Word (the
Son), and the Holy Spirit, we [SDAs] believe and teach just what the Bible says, and nothing
else. No man can by searching find out God. No creature can understand the Almighty to
perfection. The finite mind cannot comprehend infinity..."

---E. J. Waggoner, The Present Truth for 1902 - Vol. 18 - No. 06, pg. 83)

Its interesting that pioneers like E.J. Waggoner were now deeming the Godhead beings
(plural) as the being [existence] of God (proving that using this tri-unitive language about
the Godhead beings (plural) was not an idea introduced by Leroy Froom after the 1920s, or
by a later generation of SDAs far removed from the time of the pioneers, as dissidents love to

5. In 1905 (WHEN LEROY FROOM WAS JUST A TEENEAGER), S.N. Haskell published his book
The Story of the Seer of Patmos, and for the first time ever in the 1908 version, on page 132,
admitted the great *Trinity of heaven as being deemed worthy of the praise of mankind;
and notice he used the term in the capitalized form, and called the group the great
*Trinityeven though he could have used the expression the heavenly trio. By the way,
keep in mind that both Catholics and general Christendom, and even SDA pioneers, refer to
the Trinity and the doctrine of the trinity both in the capitalized and non-capitalized
form of the expression, so it is no strange thing to see them use the expression written both
ways (despite the denial of this reality by some dissidents in Adventism today). In 1906, S.N.
Haskell was personally lauded by Mrs. White for his work as a bible teacherproving he was
no heretic drifting off into spiritualism as some dissidents would want to accuse him of (for
admitting worship as acceptable for the great Trinity of heaven).

Conference of SDA pioneers (taking counsel together) vetted and passed the new Christ in
Song hymnal, where (on page 6) it had, for the first time ever, songs dedicated to the Trinity,
(yes, an entire section directly named as such); where both the Holy Spirit and the Eternal
Three were equally praised together in songs listed in that section (and they too in 1908 know
that to refer to the Godhead as the Trinity immediately expressed three persons; not two).
This was while Mrs. White was alive, and she herself would have sung from that hymnal (yet
no objection registered on her part). Thats instructive, but dissidents try to ignore this
GLARING reality! Also in 1907, 1908, and 1909 respectively, other noted SDA pioneers were on

"...the Holy Spirit IS A PERSON. This great truth is not recognized, indeed it is NOT believed,
by more than a very few even of Christians [many SDA pioneers at the time included]....The
Holy Spirit is a Person, ETERNALLY A DIVINE PERSON. And he must be ALWAYS RECOGNIZED
and spoken of as a Person, or he is not truly recognized or spoken of at all...the Scriptures
make perfectly plain the truth that the Holy Spirit is, none other than a living, speaking,
divine, and eternal person. Exactly as Christ is a person and as God is a person..."
---A.T. Jones, Medical Missionary, March 27, 1907, pg. 98

The Person by whom God will judge the world is Jesus Christ, God-Man. The second Person
in THE *Trinity, that same Person of Whom we read in our Bibles...was born of the Virgin
Mary ---Present Truth, 1908, Vol. 24, No. 51-52, pg. 812

the enemy gladly leads to what appears to be a more rational, though not less erroneous
idea that there is no trinity, and that Christ is merely a created being. But Gods great plan
is clear and logical. There is a trinity, and in it there are three personalitiesWe have the
Father described in Dan. 7:9, 10a personality surelyIn Rev. 1:13-18 we have the Son
described. He is also a personality The Holy Spirit is spoken of throughout Scripture as a
personality. These divine persons are associated in the work of GodBut this union is not one
in which individuality is lostThere is indeed a divine trio, but the Christ of that Trinity is not
a created being as the angels- He was the only begotten of the Father
---Robert Hare, Union Conference Record, July 19, 1909

Thus the pre-1915 evidence of new Godhead-related sentiments and doctrinal changes in
Adventism is overwhelming!! And what then happened in 1913 was only the logical outcome.

7. In 1913 (WHEN LEROY FROOM JUST ENTERED ADULTHOOD), the Churchs leading editor of
its publications, F.M. Wilcox, (a man highly regarded by E.G. White herself; and asked by her,
among others, to guard her estate upon her death), he released in the Review and Herald
Seventh-day Adventisms first Statement of Belief recognizing the Trinity but as separate
beings. And that same F.M. Wilcox is on record later explaining (in a doctrinal book officially
published by the Review and Herald) that the Godhead of three persons/beings have
separate individuality but was to SDAs unitedly praised as one God; proving this was not
(as some like to falsely argue) a sentiment only established in Adventism in 1980, and only
after Leroy Froom so-called introduced it to and imposed it on Adventism after the 1920s.
Leroy Froom simply inherited all of these previously described realities in Adventism, when he
became active in the 1920s and thereafter!! This again is irrefutable!

And all along the way from 1892, doctrinal books for SDA colleges, bible readings for the SDA
home books, and the like, started from 1892, to insert the term the trinity, and deem the
divine group as being worthy of praise as "the trinity" (Uriah Smith himself endorsed this
before his 1903 death); a group of persons consisting of the Father, the Son and the *Holy
Spirit (a matter I have a mountain of evidence to prove...xeroxed pages and all). Click this link
to see the past evidence I already revealed. And the rest, as they say, is history!! Therefore as I
now reveal what has come to light since then let me pause to remind the dissidents acting as
accusers of the brethren, including accusers of LeRoy Froom:

"When someone who is genuinely mistaken learns the truth, he will either quit being
mistaken or will no longer remain genuine." Anonymous

I did promise new evidence to further acquit LeRoy Froom of the charge of introducing the
Trinity of three beings in Adentism, which will prove instead him INHERITING the worshipping
of the Trinity from the SDA pioneers themselves. I will simply lay out hereafter the actual
photocopied exhibits from actual SDA pioneering publications, and allow you to read for
yourself and form your own judgment, dear reader, and then I will close at the end with a few
closing comments. So here goes.



Photocopy of The Present Truth (England), January 7, 1897, Vol. 13, No.1,pg. 8
Photocopy of The Present Truth (England), October 24, 1895, Vol. 11. No. 43, pg. 680

Photocopy of The 1893 Hymns and Tunes Hymnal. In song # 105 Jesus was being praised by
all SDA pioneers as O Lord our God, the Lamb [the Son]
Photocopy of The Signs of the Times, May 28, 1885, pg. 326

The foregoing exhibits from the 1890s (WHILE LEROY FROOM WAS STILL JUST AN INFANT
CHILD) show the SDA pioneers already beginning to, first, deem Jesus as God the Son and
God the Lamb (see more details at this link), second, all three persons of the blessed Trinity
(yes, of the blessed Trinity) as our Comforter or the God that comforteth, and, thirdly, the
Holy Spirit as the co-equal of the Father and the Son as a divine person, i.e. much more
than a divine influence. No wonder in the same 1890s, E.J. Waggoner for the first time uttered
these words (expressing the co-equality of the three persons):

The Board have never intended their teachers to diverge from the presentation of the
Christian religion which is revealed in the Bible. While following the Syllabus which is
suggested to you yearly, you are at liberty to refer to other parts of the Bible by which the
principles of the Christian religion may be elucidated and enforced. But in the course of the
lessons as opportunity occurs you will impress upon the children the relation in which they
stand to God the Father as their Creator; to *God the Son (!!!) as their Redeemer; and to God
the Holy Ghost (!!!) as their Sanctifier."
---E.J. Waggoner, Present Truth (UK), February 15, 1894, p. 101

Clearly E.J. Waggoner had inspired pioneering support, since Mrs. White made plain for the
first time just two years earlier (in 1892) that Jesus is co-equal with the Father (and hence
the Spirit as his Representative could be nothing less):

"It was to save the transgressor from ruin that he who was *CO-EQUAL with God, offered up
his life on Calvary..."
--- E.G. White, Review and Herald, June 28, 1892

It was a sentiment certainly becoming commonplace among most SDA pioneers before even
the year 1900 arrived. Lets now see more exhibits as coming from the early 1900s.
Photocopy of The Adventist Review, October 16, 1900, pg. 664

Photocopy of The Review and Herald, January 16, 1900, Vol. 77, No. 3, pg. 35
*Here the SDA old timers are being appealed to that it is a mistake to refuse to worship the
Spirit as a person. See much more on this issue of worshipping the Spirit at this link
Photocopy of The Review and Herald, January 1, 1901, Vol. 78, No. 1, pg. 2

Photocopy of The Youth Instructor, February 26, 1901, Vol. 49, No. 8, pg. 62
*Here it is being made plain that the threefold worship of the dragon, the beast and the
image of the beast is the COUNTERFEIT of true worship of the three beings of the Godhead
Photocopy of The Signs of the Times (Australian), 1906, Vol, 21, No. 29, pg. 364

Photocopy of The Union Conference Record, December 31, 1906, Vol. 10, No. 26, pgs. 1-2
Photocopy of The Review and Herald, January 17, 1907, Vol. 84, No. 3, pg. 4

Photocopy of The Review and Herald, November 21, 1907, Vol. 84, No. 47.pg. 13

*Here it was being predicted by one of the SDA pioneers that one of the three
beings of the Godhead would thereafter be discounted and deemed as merely an
influence despite Mrs. Whites earlier 1906 testimony of there being three holiest beings
of heaven comprising the Godhead. Oh how that prediction has come true today among the
SDA dissidents!!
Photocopy of The Bible Training School, S.N. Haskell, November 1907, No. 6, pg. 94

Photocopy of The Bible Training School, S.N. Haskell, 1910, Vol. 9, No. 7, pg. 13
Photocopy of The Oriental Watchman, December, 1910, Vol. 13, No. 12, pg. 13

Photocopy of The Review and Herald, December 15, 1910, Vol. 87, No. 50, pg. 8

Photocopy of The Signs of the Times, June 12, 1911, Vol. 26, No. 24, pgs. 371-372
*Here in the forgoing exhibit (The Signs of the Times, June 12, 1911, Vol. 26, No. 24, pgs. 371-
372 ) it is being plainly stated in Adventisms official doctrinal paper that pure
Protestantism would proclaim the true version of the true God consisting of three persons
(or three [separate] beings), and so no wonder in October 1913 SDA pioneers started to go
on record in their Fundamentals to proclaim the same sentiment via the pen of pioneer F.M.

Photocopy of The Columbia Union Visitor, July 5, 1911, Vol. 16, No. 27, pg. 6

Photocopy of The Present Truth, Nov. 27. 1913, Vol. 29, No. 48, pg. 757
Photocopy of The Oriental Watchman, April 1912, Vol. 15, No. 4, pg. 114

Photocopy of The Oriental Watchman, August 1913, Vol. 16, No. 8, pg. 233
Photocopy of The Signs of the Times, January 13, 1914, pg. 8

Photocopy of The South African Missionary, May 19, 1914, Vol. 13, No. 21, pg. 3
There is hardly any comment needed at this time. Here we see that on every continent before
the year 1915 (when Mrs. White died) SDA pioneers as true Protestants (as expressed in the
Signs of the Times, June 12, 1911, Vol. 26, No. 24, pgs. 371-372), they were accepting,
worshipping, preaching and teaching one true God consisting of three persons (or three
beings), including the Holy Spirit as a separate individual or personality of THREE!!! These
three beings they themselves called THE Trinity, even while they were clearly opposed to
the Roman Catholic version of that Trinity!! And as one candid and honest anti-Trinitarian made
plain recently (in 2017):


... While it is true that Sister White never used the word trinity herself when
speaking of God it is also equally true that she never rebuked or repudiated the
SDA pioneers who used it during her lifetime and there were several of them.
It is unfathomable that she missed all of those references. The truth is that she
remained neutral and thus honest logicality compels the conclusion that there is
a trinity that one can hold to which is in no way a salvific danger. I know some
of my SDA anti-trinitarian brethren get upset when I say this but I don't serve them if there
wasn't an acceptable "trinity" view possible then surely the Spirit of Christ would have
warned us clearly through Mrs. Whites prophetic gift. This is not the case though"
--- Jason Smith, Facebook discussion, October 2, 2017

The above quote needs no further commentary, except for me to laud the honesty and
openness of this dear brother, Jason Smith, despite.
And, by the way, lets hear the 1884 testimony of J.H. Waggoner on the true definition of the
word trinity even before the SDA pioneers had begun to supportively use it, and even when
they were still rejecting both the word itself and the Roman Catholic faulty explanation of it:

A Trinity is three persons. To recognize [admit to] a trinity [the true type], the
distinction between the Father and Son must be preserved.

-J.H. Waggoner, 1884, The Atonement, pgs. 167-169

See then why they later started to teach the true definition of it; i.e. involving separate
beings? I think the testimony is clear for those who carefully and honestly assess the facts!
Now, dear reader, it should now become clear that it is very easy to return a NOT GUILTY
verdict concerning LeRoy Froom!! He (and his so-called accomplices) is (are) charged with
introducing to and imposing on SD Adventism after the 1920s the doctrine never taught by the
pioneers, i.e. that the Sprit is a person just like the Father and Son, that the three beings of the
Godhead are the Trinity, that they together comprise one Godhead or true God, and are to
be worshipped as such. The thing is though he was NOT YET ON THE SCENE when all these
doctrines were already being taught by the SDA pioneers on every inhabited continent (i.e. the
American, European, Asian, Australian, and African continentsas reflected in their pre-1915
missionary periodicals and doctrinal magazines). LeRoy Froom only came on the scene in the
1920s and was active until his retirement in the late 1950s!!


What is LeROY Froom charged with again? One dissident website accused, poster-labeled
and described him this way (see the following posters):
Dear reader, simply go back and read my earlier referenced booklet on LeRoy Froom and
what the pioneers testified to about the Trinity and the Holy Spirit from the 1890s up to
1915 BEFORE LeRoy Froom came on the scene after 1920, and form your own
judgment. The evidence is clear for all to see!!
What is plain is that, LeRoy Froom himself did not even begin to see at the
time that the post-1888 SDA pioneers had already said so much about the
Holy Spirit as a separate person or third personal being of the Godhead
that Frooms much hated 1928 book, The Coming of the Comforter
(presenting the separate personhood or personal being and divinity of the
Spirit), it was actually just a *re-affirmation of that sentiment already
resident within Adventism!
Today if he was alive and able to search the writings of the pioneers after
1890 and before 1915 via the Internet (using search engines available to us today; as seen at
the Adventist General Conference website) he would have seen that he would have had
much to go on to affirm his own biblical perspectives on the Holy Spirit. If only he knew then
(but of course he did his best as a historian then).

In addition, despite the dissidents in Adventism today try to label Froom as Roman
Catholic in introducing the Trinity to Adventism, yet the historical facts of history also prove
that the Trinity was NOT invented by the Roman Catholics, but they too INHERITED the basic
teaching from Christians of the first three centuries before them. (Click the link for proof).
The Papacy simply contaminated the basic truth they inherited after the fourth century and
passed on the *COUNTERFEIT to the world (since they are the great counterfeiter of Bible
religion)as the SDA pioneers gradually discovered!!

LeRoy Froom is also accused of misleading the SDA Church with the compiled
book Evangelism, by inserting Trinity headings and labels never used by Mrs.
White, and yet all the evidence proves that the SDA pioneers themselves
understood and used the word trio as interchangeable with the expression
trinity, and so the charge is non sequitur. Plus if inserting labels in her
writings was something not to be done, why do the dissidents read the Bible
daily with the word Bible on its cover, yet that very expression or label
(The Holy Bible) is nowhere found within its pages, and why do they accept
and use the sub-headings (for various Bible stories and accounts), as well as use chapters
and verses later inserted within the Bible itself (which were all not originally there)? Seems
to me they are simply making much ado about nothing. Finally, they often claim that LeRoy
Froom fabricated some of the E.G. White quotes found in the book Evangelism, and yet
as we read the pre-1915 pages of the SDA periodicals (as referenced throughout this
presentation) we see those same supposedly fabricated quotes being quoted and used by
Mrs. Whites own contemporaries to teach the Trinity of three beingslong BEFORE
LeRoy Froom compiled them many years later in the
book Evangelism!! Click link proof.

Bottomline? Whatever may be ones view of LeRoy

Frooms theology, his personal dealings with others,
his interaction with evangelicals in other churches,
his books written (like his 1971 Movement of Destiny
et al), his influence on the controversial 1957 book
Questions on Doctrine, or whether he was even a
Freemason or Jesuit, one thing is certain. He has to be
pronounced NOT GUILTY for so called introducing to
and imposing the Trinity doctrine on the SDA Church!!
I have presented enough evidence to render that theory as debunked. And if that major
charge is debunked, then it certainly raises questions about the validity of many of the other
charges against him, but those I will leave for another time!! As it concerns whats before us
at this time, all we can say is CASE DISMISSED!!

As I close, I cannot but point out to you, dear reader, the sad traits observed in many (not
all) of the SDA dissidents who daily act as accusers of the brethren. Many of the dissidents
sadly display the following traits (*quote from Lazarus Castang)

Lets pray for them that God will humble them and release them from the chains of self-
deception that they have allowed themselves to be in. I am certainly doing so myself (i.e.
praying for them and myself), even as I do what Isaiah 58:1 calls me to do, i.e. lift up my
voice like a trumpet, and, speaking fearlessly and frankly, but with the deepest love for all
concerned, show my people in Zion where they are going wrong.i.e. living in denial and
refusing to accept historical and biblical truth when it becomes evident!!!
I will close with one simple 1912 quote from the SDA pioneers themselves, coming long before
LeRoy Froom appeared on the scene, and its about the very Trinity they freely worshipped (as
seen expressed on page 6 of their 1908 pioneering hymnal Christ in Song), with no objection
from Mrs. White!! Feel free to read the entire article at the link seen below the quote:

The Trinity.
The language of Jesus, " If I depart, I will send him unto you," plainly shows the Holy Ghost to
be possessed of a divine personality. The same argument applied to the language, " Whom
the Father will send in " my name," indicates the same truth, and thus establishes the
conclusion that the Godhead is composed of three personal beings, and that these three are
one. The oneness of the Godhead must, then, consist not in personality, but in some other
kind of oneness. Let us apply the Bible idea of oneness of individuals to the Godhead, and see
if it will contradict the possibility of three or more individuals being called one.
We have two visible institutions in this world that are Bible illustrations of God's idea of
oneness, marriage and the church. Of marriage, Christ said, "For this cause shall a man leave
father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh." Matt. 19 :
5. Of the church, Christ said, through the mouth of his inspired apostle Paul, " So we, being -
many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." Rom. 12: 5. Christ
compares the unity Of the church to the oneness of the Godhead in his last recorded prayer.



----THE END----

Derrick Gillespie is a trained teacher in the Social Sciences, History, and Geography, and remains a
member of the SDA Church in Jamaica and a lay evangelist for SDAs.
(Contact Info: ddgillespie@live.com OR https://www.facebook.com/derrick.gillespie

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