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- process of social interaction through which people acquire personality and learn the way of life of their
- ital link between individual and society
- essential for the survival of individual and society
- lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture

Through socialization, individual learns the norms, values, language, skills, beliefs, and other patterns of thought
and action that are essential for social living. Individual acquires personality.

- Important outcome of socialization
- refers to the fairly stable patterns of thought, feeling and action that are typical of an individual
- includes affective (feelings), behavioural (skills and abilities), cognitive (intellectual capacities)

Socialization helps to explain both the general similarities in personality and social behaviour within a society
and the many differences that exist between one person and another (Robertson, 1981).

Aims of Socialization:
- impart the aspirations of society
- teach the fulfilment of roles
- impart skills important for society
- teach the fundamentals of life in society

Agents of socialization
- institutions or individuals tasked to carry out the goals of socialization:
o family
Goal: socializing children in the crucial early years of life
first reference of the interpretation of the world
gives social identity
has a primary influence on the following:
transmission of culture
Development of gender identity
Shaping of personality
provides a social position for the child which becomes part of the context of his/her
The children establish their first close emotional ties, learn language, and begin to internalize
cultural norms and values.
o school
Goal: socializing the young in particular knowledge, skills and values
reinforces the socialization that the individual receives at home
Values and norms of the community and society are taught (at times are formally) to children so
they may fit into the prescribed social roles.
Important tool of government in teaching values (e.g. citizenship or relationship of the individual
to the state
o peer groups
gives children the experience in egalitarian type of relationships (give and take)
centered on its own concerns and interests
offers individual the context in which autonomy is experienced
explores relationships and topics (sometimes tabooed in the family and the school)
o mass media
effective tool for teaching the people by capturing the attention and imagination of the viewer
(TV, internet)
Provide instant coverage of social events and social changes
Offer role models and glimpse of life-styles
Reflect changing social norms and values

Foundations of Behavioral Sciences

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