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Wash your hands. Start by washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap under running water.
Rinse your hands and dry them off with a paper towel. Turn off the faucet using a paper towel.

Place the medication into the nebulizer. Unscrew the top of the nebulizer cup and put the
prescribed medication into the nebulizer. Many types of respiratory medications for nebulizer
treatments come in pre-measured doses. If yours is not pre-measured, measure out the exact
amount prescribed for one dose. Secure the top tightly to prevent the medication from spilling
out. Don't forget to plug the air compressor into an electrical outlet if it is not battery operated.

Attach the mouthpiece. Secure it to the nebulizer cup. Although different

manufactures may have slightly different jet nebulizers, most mouthpieces will attach to the top
of the nebulizer cup. Most nebulizers have mouth pieces instead of face masks, since masks can
lead to facial deposits

Connect the tubing. Attach one end of the oxygen tubing to the nebulizer cup. On most types
of, the tubing will connect on the bottom of the cup. Connect the other end of the tubing to an air
compressor used for nebulizers.

Turn on the air compressor and use the nebulizer. Put the mouthpiece into your mouth, above
the tongue, and keep your lips sealed tightly around it. Inhale slowly and deeply in through your
mouth so that all the medicine goes into your lungs. Exhale either through your mouth or nose.
For adults, holding the nose closed can help ensure the medicine is inhaled through the mouth.
Continue to inhale the medication. Sit up and keep inhaling the medication until the mist stops.
This usually takes about 10-15 minutes. Once all liquid is gone, the mist stops coming out. The
nebulizer cup should be empty. Distract yourself by watching TV or listening to music

Disinfect the nebulizer once a week. To disinfect, always follow the manufacturer's
guidelines. Soak all parts, except for the tubing, in one part white distilled vinegar to three parts
hot water for one hour. Discard the solution. Rinse the parts, except for the tubing, in cold water
and air dry them on a clean towel. After the parts are dry, store them in a clean area in the case


Instruct the patient use diaphragmatic breathing
Position the patient in prescribed postural drainage positions. Spine should be straight to
promote rib cage expansion
Percuss or clap with cupped hands or chest wall for 5 minutes over each segment for 5
minutes for cystic fibrosis and 1-2 minutes for other conditions
Avoid clapping over spine, liver, spleen, breast, scapula, clavicle or sternum
Instruct the patient to inhale slowly and deeply. Vibrate the chest wall as the patient
exhales slowly through the pursed lips.
Place one hand on top of the other affected over area or place one hand place one and on
each side of the rib cage.
Tense the muscles of the hands and hands while applying moderate pressure downward
and vibrate arms and hands
Relieve pressure on the thorax as the patient inhales.
Encourage the patient cough, using abdominal muscles, after three or four vibrations.
Allow the patient rest several times
Listen with stethoscope for changes in breath sounds
Repeat the percussion and vibration cycle according to the patients tolerance and clinical
response: usually 15-30 minutes.

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