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Tentative Syllabus: Database Concepts

CISY 5403

Fall 2016
Instructor: Professor. J. Burke e-mail: BurkeJC@alfredstate.edu
Office: Eng. Tech 422
Office Hours: TBA

DESCRIPTION: Databases are an integral part of most organizations. Creating, Accessing,

Searching and Updating Databases are critical to any developer working in the IT industry today.
This course will focus on these key skills using WEB enabled tools, specifically C#, LINQ, SQL

1. Create a physical database design based on industry standards
2. Build and test a database for effective data distribution
3. Design and implement a database application using a DBMS
4. Test and debug a database application
5. Create an interface using industry standards
6. Configure and design a database to share enterprise data
7. Write a report to examine security and encryption of a DBMS
8. Use and apply the rules of design interface & languages


You are required to have the required textbooks


ISBN 9781119096689


ISBN 9781118794753

1) The courses overall grade will be a combination of, homework assignments, projects, lab
exercises, two tests and quizzes. The weighting will be a follows:

Item Purpose Weight

Class participation and Students are expected to act in a 10%
professionalism respectful and adult manner at all
times and to conduct themselves in a (100 points)
professional manner in keeping with
ASCs goals.
Homework & Labs & To give students programming 50%
Projects & Group Work. experience and practice using analysis
This will be mostly in-class and logic skills. (500 points)
Quizzes & Tests To judge students knowledge and 40%
comprehension of course material.
(400 points)

A students total score will be the sum of all points attained during the semester divided by 1,000
possible points. For example, if a student attains 860 points, their grade will be 860/1000 = 86%
or a B as put forth by the academic policies of Alfred State College.

There will on occasion be group based work. Students will be required to pull their weight in
group projects. If two or more members of a group complain that a student is not fully
participating, and the complaint is justified, the offending student will be removed from the
group and given ZERO points for the assignment. Missing meetings, showing up late for
meetings, not doing assigned work are all causes for being given a zero.

LATE WORK: Tests and Quizzes must be taken at the assigned date and time unless an excused
absence is given by ASC, e.g. for a death in the family. In some circumstances quizzes may be
either made up or excused at the instructors discretion as long as the student discusses the
absence in advance.

Homework, projects and labs will receive one full letter grade deduction for each day late, i.e. 1
hour to 24 hours late = 1 letter grade deduction, 25 hours to 48 hours late = 2 letter grades
deduction. Homework and projects are due at 11 PM on the due date, but I will allow a 1 hour
grace period and NO more. That is, if you deposit your homework 3 minutes late at 11:03 PM
you will receive no deduction. However, if you deposit your homework at 12:01 AM, you are 1
hour and 1 minute late and will receive a full letter grade deduction. This grace period is to
avoid excuses such as the system was slow.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: </b> The College requires that students attend all regularly
scheduled classes and laboratories for which the student is registered. The meeting times of
these classes are advertised in the master schedule and students should make the appropriate
arrangements to be available for all such classes. Students should consult the college catalog for
the policy governing religious observations and Academic Regulation 503 regarding the college
attendance policy. Excessive absences can result in the students failure or dismissal from the

STUDENT CONDUCT IN THE CLASSROOM: </b> Learning cannot occur in an

environment that tolerates physical or psychological intimidation. The college exercises zero
tolerance with regard to acts of violence and intimidation. Any such behavior will be
immediately followed by appropriate action to remove the offending individuals from the college
community. Acts of physical intimidation that occur in a classroom will result in the instructors
direction to the responsible parties that they leave the classroom immediately. Failure to comply
will result in the summoning of a University Police officer to enforce the directive.

Civilized discourse can support exchange of ideas and verbal disagreement without resort to
obscene, harassing or intimidating language. Tenets of academic freedom do not extend to acts
of intimidation or harassment. The gratuitous use of language constituting intimidation or
harassment in Alfred State College classrooms will not be tolerated.

Students cannot learn in an environment in which there is disruption. For that reason, students
who disrupt class, arrive late, or leave early, without the instructors prior consent or for reasons
other than illness, may be deemed as absent from class without excuse.

DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY: Electronic devices are prohibited in the classroom unless

specific permission is given by the instructor along with guidelines for their use.* While this
definition remains at the discretion of the instructor, electronic devices may include but are not
limited to the following: cell phones, digital media players, recording devices (video and audio),
laptops, and language translators.


request accommodations in academic coursework for their documented disabilities are advised
that this process begins by contacting the Office of Disability Services, Learning Assistance.

INTERNET/COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS: </b>Student can use computers in the

academic computing labs or their own, and those they can have access to, provided the required
software is installed on them.

EMAIL: </b>Students will be expected to access your college e-mail account and Blackboard
for this course. Students are expected to check both the class Blackboard site and their email for
announcements on a daily basis.

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