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Activitv Coe cients at J

Infinite Dilution
M. F. Gautreaux, Jr., and Jesse Coates
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Equations are derived for obtaining activity coefficients at infinite dilution in

binary systems by use of one of the following: (1) an isobaric temperature-liquid
composition diagram, ( 2 ) an isobaric temperature-vapor composition diagram,
(3) an isothermal pressure-liquid composition diagram, or ( 4 ) an isothermal
pressure-vapor composition diagram. The derived equations are thermodynamically
exact, and application involves no doubtful extrapolation of experimental data,
as has heretotore been the case.
Each equation involves the slope of one of the diagrams at the point correspond-
ing to the pure component. Attention is called to the fact that data o n the
compositions of both the vapor and liquid phases in equilibrium are not required.
Use of the equations is illustrated.

Vapor-liquid equilibrium data out this paper. Usually at the tem- dilution is of aid in the determina-
are frequently correlated in terms perature and pressure of t h e sys- tion of vapor-liquid equilibrium in
of activity coefficients. An activity tem the pure component will be these regions. Similarly the activ-
coefficient, y, is a thermodynamic either liquid or vapor, and one of ity coefficient a t infinite dilution is
quantity which is related t o the the standard states will be hypo- important because its logarithm
fugacity, f, of a component in thetical. generally appears a s a constant in
solution by an expression such as As the mole fraction of com- empirical equations which relate
Equation (1): ponent one approaches zero in solu- log y and % ( I ) . The coefficient is of
tion, its activity coefficient ap- interest to the scientist who is at-
flL proaches a definite limit. Tliis tempting to relate the structures
Yli. = --- (1) limiting value is frequently ter,ried of pure components and the non-
%I f I, the activity coefficient of rom- idealities of solutions. This rela-
Subscript 1 refers t o component ponent one at infinite diintion. tion is probably most easily made
one; subscript L refers to the The condition of infinite dilution a t infinite dilution where there is
liquid phase. [An equation anal- will be designated by the subscript absolutely no interaction among
ogous to Equation (1) could be z1= 0. Thus solute molecules in solution(l0).
written for component one in t h e Thus the partial molal excess free
vapor phase.] The subscript 0 energy a t infinite dilution is ob-
refers to the chosen standard state. tained ( 3 ) directly from Equation
It is convenient to choose pure (3) :
liquid and pure vapor a t the tem- This coefficient is of considerable
perature and pressure of the sys- practical and theoretical interest. (GE = K T l n y) (3)
tem for liquid- and vapor-phase I n extractive and azeotropic dis- 2=0

standard states, respectively. These tillations important components The partial molal excess enthalpy
standard states are used through- frequently appear in very low con- a t infinite dilution is obtained by
_ _ ~ ~ _ centrations in the liquid phase. determining the rate of change of
M. 17. Chutreaux, Jr., is at present with
E t h y l C ~ ~ r p w a t i o i il,i n t o n Kuuge, Louisiana. The activity coefficient a t infinite the coefficient with temperature :

Page 496 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

FOR (yIL/ylv) q = o

Type of diagram Applicable thermodynamically Applicable low-pressure

exact equation" equation*

(YIIJ," equals

I. Isobaric temperature-liquid
composition diagram?


111. Isothermal pressure-liquid

composition diagram v2v V2L )] 4PI 1

IV. Isothermal pressure-vapor

composition diagram 1
*All terms evaluated a t conditions corresponding t o x1 = 0.
' ? ! (LE'k
- --LT
- (Clapeyron equation)

The object of this paper is to

derive thermodynamically exact re-
lations for activity coefficient a t
infinite dilution in binary systems.
= I):&(
[KI flL "1 = ( I (8)

And the partial molal excess en- No assumptions will be made con- where K is the familiar equilib-
tropy can then be obtained from cerning the idealities of the vapors rium vaporization ratio.
or the vapor-phase solutions. Nor Equation (8) is an exact thermo-
will the assumptions be made of a
(eE=%"- TSE)
(5) negligible heat of mixing and of a
dynamic relation for (ylL/y lv)
xl=O. It is independent of the
negligible effect of temperature on number of components under con-
Activity coefficients a t infinite activity coefficients. Relations will sideration and applies to both con-
dilution have been calculated i n a be derived f o r utilization of vapor- stant temperature and constant
variety of ways, perhaps most fre- ljquid equilibrium data, isobaric pressure data. However, Equation
quently from van Laar or similar temperature-composition diagrams, (8) involves determinations of y
constants obtained after vapor- and isothermal pressure-composi- and x in equilibrium at low values
liquid equilibrium data were cor- tion diagrams. Usually i t is sim- of y and x. These determinations
related. For example, the van Laar pler experimentally to obtain the are experimentally difficult.
constant A is related to the activity two diagrams. Further derivations will be made
coefficient of component one ( 3 ) by t o obtain ( y I L I y I v ) x I = 0 in terms
the equation of information available from the
DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS more easily obtained isobaric tem-
At equilibrium, f l L= flv, Equa- perature-composition diagrams and
tion (7) results: isothermal pressure-composition di-
agrams. A binary system will be
If vapor-liquid equilibrium data considered.
a r e available in the region x1 = 0, When a n equation for component
graphical extrapolation by eye of two analogous to Equation (7) is
ylL to x1 = 0 is often used t o obtain utilized,
( y l L ) a l = 0. Carlson and Colburn As x1 approaches zero, the right-
( 1 ) suggest using an isothermal hand member (RHM) approaches
pressure-composition diagram or the form 010. Applying L'Hospi-
an isobaric temperature-composi- tal's rule yields
tion diagram and calculating a n
"apparent" activity coefficient
which may be extrapolated to x1 =
0 to obtain (ylr,)xI = 0.

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 497

miaz, AND ariayl AND a n m l AND an/ayl

Type of diagram Relation *

I. Isobaric temperature-composition diagram

1 1
---- - ---- - --- --- - ---
d In PZ
) =

11. Isothermal pressure-composition diagram

*All terms evaluated at conditions corresponding t o x1 = 0.

= a.i,,lax, = 0 (see Appendix 4) Equation (15) is a thermodynami-

gives Equation (10) : f;; = u a cally exact relation f o r obtaining
T (y1LIylP)x1 = 0 from t h e slope of
an isobaric temperature-liquid com-
position diagram at x1 = 0.
By mathematics paralleling that
above, equations can be derived
When (12) and (13) are utilized which utilize slopes at infinite di-
in Equation (11) a t x1 = 0, Equa- lution of an isobaric temperature-
tion (14) results: vapor composition diagram, an iso-
thermal pressure-liquid composi-
This equation is applicable to both tion diagram, and an isothermal
constant-pressure and constant- pressure-vapor composition di-
temperature data. agram. Table 1 summarizes these
At constant pressure one may equations.
write (__ _-_
aV2v ---_
RT =2)l.yl=o
As previously noted, there a r e
no assumptions involved in the
equations of Table 1. They apply
(14) even if the pure vapors a r e non-
ideal and if the vapors form a non-
Combining ( 1 4 ) , (10) and (8) ideal solution. Furthermore, the
axl a
yields the desired result : effect of temperature on liquid
phase activity coefficients has not
been neglected.
Redlich and Kister (8) have de-
where a T / a x l will be recognized as rived relations among a T l a x and
the slope of a n isobaric tempera- a T i a y , the relative volatility and
ture-liquid composition diagram. vapor pressures. Their derivations
As a result of the standard states were made for conditions of low
chosen, the following thermody- pressure, negligible effect of tem-
namically exact expressions apply : perature on activity coefficients and


Type of diagram Equation':'

I. Isobaric temperature-liquid composition diagram 1-

11. Isobaric temperature-vapor composition diagram


111. Isothermal pressure-liquid composition diagram 1 + --

(:Z)T( F;
--- - -V2L
IV. Isothermal pressure-vapor composition diagram -
2 I,

*All terms evaluated a t conditions corresponding to x1 = 0.

Page 498 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

negligible effect of pressure on above its critical point a t the con- Isobaric:
liquid-phase fugacities. Nord (7) dition corresponding to x1 = 0.
derived an equation in terms of The relations i n Tables 2 and 3
a T l a y which can be reduced to the serve as thermodynamic consistency
equation in terms of a T / a y in checks when vapor-liquid equilib-
Table 1. Nord's equation is thermo-
dynamically exact except f o r the
assumption t h a t the vapor phase
rium data a r e available. These re-
lations are exact. Indeed they are
the only exact relations which a r e
(--- -
is an ideal solution. Ibl and Dodge applicable when just vapor-liquid
( 4 ) have derived thermodynamical- equilibrium data and pure compo-
ly exact equations in terms of nent data a r e available. For ex-
a d a y and a T l a y which can be ample, the exact application of the
used to derive t h e equations in Gibbs-Duhem equation at other
Table 1 involving a'icldy and a T / d y . values of x requires knowledge of
Combination of the equations in the vapor-phase-solution nonideal-
Table 1 yields relations between ity and either the heat of mixing
a T i a x l and a T i a y , and aKiaxl (isobaric data) or volume change
Illustrative Example
Application of t h e derived equa-
ET'iAt&L = COWCNENT I 'IT = 763 mn HG
tions to experimental data is not
ETHANOL=COMPONENT I TEMP.. 50.5"s difficult. The isobaric and isother-
mal data of Jones, Schoenborn and
Colburn ( 5 ) f o r ethanol-water is
used here. Ethanol has been chosen
as component one.


0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 x 1 (%) DATA FOR ETHANOL-WATER"
XI (%I Fig. 3. Plot of log 'ic vs. x1 at 50.5"C. Isobaric a t 760 mm.Hg
for ethanol (component 1)-water.
Fig. 1. Plot of P , vs. xl at 760 mm. Dotted line is (a log 'iclaxl)T at Temp., "C. 31 y1
H g for ethanol (component 1)-water. = 0. 100 0 0
Dotted line is (a log P / a x , ) z
95.5 0.018 0.179
a t x1 = 0. 90.6 0.054 0.338
ETHANOL COMPONENT I m=760 mm HG Isothermal a t 50.5"C.
Press., mm.Hg x1 y1
ETHANOL = COMPONENT I m=760 m m HG 94.8 0 0
133 0.046 0.290
157 0.093 0.424
*Ethanol is component 1
PZ m m HG
Isobaric Data. T-x, data a r e in
0 20 $0
Table 4 for 760 mm.Hg total pres-
YI 0
sure. One has the option of plotting
'0 10 20 30 40
T vs. x1 and obtaining (aTIax,)'ic
Fig. 2. Plot of log P , vs. y, a t 760 x (%II
a t x1 = 0, or of obtaining P , f o r
nun. Hg. Dotted line is log P,/ (a Fig. 4. x-y diagram f o r ethanol (com- each value of x1 and plotting In Y 2
a y , ) ~a t x1 = 0. ponent 1)-water a t 760 mm. Hg. vs. x1 and obtaining 0 In P 2 / a x 1 ) z .
Dotted line is (ayl/3x,).x thermo- The latter route, which usually
dynamically consistent with (aT/ results in more accurate slope tak-
ax,) %.
ing, is used in Figure 1 with the
and a n i a y , which must be fulfilled
for thermodynamic consistency. vapor pressure of water from
These relations a r e summarized in upon mixing (isothermal data) (2, Keenan ( 6 ) .
Table 2. 4, and 7 ) . From Figure 1 (a In P,/ax,)x=
Combining equations such as Latent heats of vaporization may -14.34; and, with the appropriate
(15) and (8) makes i t possible to be rigorously introduced by t h e re- "low-pressure" equation and t h e
determine ( K , ) These rela- lation in a footnote to Table 1. vapor pressure of ethanol from
tions are summarized in Table 3. A t low pressures fol,,='ic,folL= Stull(S),
Thus the slope of the x-y diagram P,, VBL'icIRT<<1.0, V2V'icIRT ap-
is also rigorously determined at proaches unity, and ylv approaches
x1 = 0. It is important t o note t h a t unity. The exact equations in Table
it frequently happens t h a t at the 1 then reduce to the "low-pressure" (18)
temperature and pressure corre- equations tabulated in the last col-
sponding to pure component two, umn of Table 1. 760
component one will have a hypo- The equations for isobaric and (71~) 1,685
ZI=O = --- (15.34,) = 6.92

thetical standard state. This factor isothermal data may be put in

has no bearing on the relations in similar forms by simple rearrange- (18a>
Table 2 or 3. Indeed, the relations ment. As a n illustration for liquid [This value is a reasonable extra-
are valid even if component one is composition diagrams a t x1 = 0 : polation of the plot of log y l L vs.

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 499

z1 in the original reference(5) .] position and isobaric temperature- 4. Ibl, N. V., and B. F. Dodge, Chem.
I n Figure 2 (a In P,13yl) x has liquid composition diagrams. The de- E n g . Science, 2, 120-126 (1953).
been determined as -0.846. With rived equations strongly suggest 5. Jones, C. A., E. M. Schoenborn,
the appropriate low-pressure equa- more use of these a t least to obtain and A. P. Colburn, I n d . Eng.
activity coefficients at infinite dilu- Chem., 35, 666 (1943).
tion. tion. 6. Keenan, J. H., and F. G. Keyes,
Thermodynamic Properties of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Steam, 1 ed., John Wiley and
The authors wish to acknowledge Sons, Inc., New York (1936).
a critical review of this paper by 7. Nord, M., Chem. E n g . Progr. Sym.
L. C. Matsch and J. Wang of Linde Series No. 3, 48, 55 ( 1 9 5 2 ) .
Air Products. 8. Redlich, O., and A. T. Kister,
I n d . E n g . Chem., 40, 341 (1948).
NOTATION 9. Stull, D. R., Ind. E n g . Chem., 39,
A = dimensionless constant in t h e 514 and 536 (1947).
760 van Laar equation 10. Wood, S. E., .J. Chem. Phys., 15.
- ______
- -
- 2.93 358 (1947).
() z1 = o 1,685 (0.154) e = base of natural logarithms
f = fugacity, atm.
(19a) G E = excess free energy, B.t.u./lb.- APPENDIX
This brings out an important point. mole Proof That (ay,,/ax,)
r. Equals
The value 2.93 is not close to 6.92; H E = excess enthalpy, B.t.u./lb.- Zero a t x1 = 0
however, determination by means mole
K = equilibrium vaporization ratio y2L is a function of T , r., and xl.
of (3 In P , / a y l ) x is subject to Theref ore
considerable error because the d i f - =y/x
ference between unity and (-3 In P = vapor pressure of a pure com-
Pz/ay,)7c is involved. Thus, using
(3 In P , / a y , ) x is not a desirable
ponent, atm.
R = gas-law constant=1.987 B.t.u.
/ (1b.-mole) (OR.)
d InyzL =)-,-( a In YZL
route. This conclusion is valid for
all systems wherein ( 3 In P,/ay,) x S = excess entropy, B.t.u./ (1b.-
is negative (e.g., minimum boiling mole) (OR.)
azeotropes j . For systems where T = absolute temperature, OR.
(a In P,/ay,j 7c is positive, use of V = m o l a l volume of pure com-
(a In P 2 / 3 y l j x is preferred. Simi- ponent, cu.ft./lb.-mole
lar considerations apply when con- V = a n average molal volume of
stant-temperature data are used. the pure component over the F o r constant pressure
Isothermal Data. I n Figure 3 pressure range x to P, cu.ft./
(a 1nn/3zl) is determined f o r t h e 1b.-mole
50.5C. data. With the appropriate x = mole fraction in liquid phase
low-presure equation, ylL = 4.01. y = mole fraction in vapor phase
[This value is a reasonable extra- y = activity coefficient
polation of the plot of log ylL vs. A = latent heat of vaporization,
x1 in the original reference(5).] B.t.u./lb.-mole
Consistency Check. To illustrate v = fugacity coefficient = f i n
7c = total pressure of the system, But a t x1 = 0
a thermodynamic consistency check,
the value of ( 3 y l / 3 x l j n consistent atm.
with ( a T l a x l ) n is shown in Fig- Subscripts
ure 4 for the 760 mm.Hg data.
There is clearly no inconsistency. 1,2 refers to components one and
Other checks which can be made two
are (aT/ay,)n consistent with L refers to liquid phase
( a T / a x , ) n (and vice versa), by V refers to vapor phase
means of Table 3; (3yl/axl)7c con- x1 = 0 refers to conditions a t xl=O
R, T and
sistent with ( 3 T l a y l ) x ; and a
similar set of checks for the iso- P,, T refer to t h e temperatures
thermal data. and pressures a t which f u -
gacity coefficie?its a r e evalu-
Several additional points warrant Superscripts Thus,
comment. O refers to the stand::rd state
The meager data required to estab-
lish these slopes are emphasized. Only - denotes a partial molal quantity
two experimental points a r e required (e.g., i?>
f o r the mixtures, and the composi-
tion of only a single phase need be LITERATURE CITED
considered. 1. Carlson, H. C., and A. P. Colburn,
(-=-)P= 0 (5
The equations provide certain limits I n d . E n g . Chem., 34, 581 (1942).
for any particular system. For ex- 2. Gautreaux, M. F., M. S. thesis, A similar argument holds f o
ample, since (yILIylv) must be posi- Louisiana State University, Baton
tive, (3T/ax,)xs1,0 has a certain Rouge (1951). (3yzp/axl)x a t z1= 0. Also a simi.
maximum value above which it can- 3. Hougen, 0. A., and K. M. Wat- lar argument holds if temperaxu :
not go. son, Chemical Process Princi- rather than pressure is held 201 -
To dat, little use has been made ples, P a r t 11, p. 649, John Wiley stant.
of isothei ma1 pressure-liquid corn- and Sons, Inp-, New York (1947).

Page 500 A.I Ch.E. Journal December. 1955

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