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Pembahasan Quiz 2


This is supplementary angle which is

Angle A is called Sudut Pusat (in Bahasa)
and 300 is called Sudut Keliling. The
So, relationship between them is
( ) ( )


Look at this green triangle ABC


2. Find x!

AB = AC because they are radius of

circle as I mentioned before. So Triangle
ABC is Isosceles Triangle. It means that
Angle B and angle C are same.
Remember that sum of all angle in
Look at red lines. They are radius of triangle is 1800 so
circle. You should know the angle
between them, let say angle A.
3. Hitunglang luas permukaan bangun di Find surface area of cone without base
bawah ini : cover or lateral surface area:

24 cm

10 cm
To calculate lateral surface area, you
should get hs or length of slant from
phytagoras formula :

The picture is consists of one cylinder and

one cone. You are asked to calculate the
surface area. Note that there is no lid
cover of cylinder and base cover of cone.
Why? Because no gap in the joint
between cylinder and cone. So

Surface area = surface area of cylinder

without lid cover + surface area of cone
without bottom cover

Find Surface area of cylinder without lid

cover :

( )

( )

So total surface area is 198 + 550 = 748 cm2

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