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Daniel Higuera

Art Ed. 4200

Dr. Savage

Classroom Management.

For my class I wanted to create something that represented the spirit of what I am

doing. My final Unit plan is on family, and how people can be family without being related. My

students will truly have to push themselves in some of the relationships that will be made. So

my Management speaks to an energy that can calm that atmosphere. The acronym for my

classroom management is the word H.O.M.E.; It stands for being Honest, Open, Mindful and

Engaging. This will really create a positive atmosphere for the students, and it will help their

self-confidence a lot. When teachers set up a brave space like this, and consistently participate,

then the students are willing to be vulnerable and grow. Thats all I want for my students. Its a

simple way to manage but it definitely feels authentic, and relatable to the students.

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