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Infor Ming.

le User Guide
Copyright 2015 Infor

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Publication information
Release: Infor Ming.le 11.1.6

Publication Date: June 26, 2015



About this guide..............................................................................................................7

Contacting Infor.........................................................................................................................................7

Chapter 1: Infor Ming.le Overview.................................................................................9

Getting started with Infor Ming.le...............................................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Accessing Infor Ming.le.............................................................................11

Chapter 3: Becoming familiar with the Infor Ming.le home page.............................13

Chapter 4: Working with the top navigation panel....................................................15

Chapter 5: Working with User ID options...................................................................19

Changing the site default language.........................................................................................................19
Updating user information........................................................................................................................19
Changing the default regional settings....................................................................................................20
Changing the Browser Compatibility Mode.............................................................................................20
Signing out...............................................................................................................................................21

Chapter 6: Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header...............................................23

Using the My Feed link............................................................................................................................23
Using the My Profile link..........................................................................................................................24
Editing your profile...............................................................................................................................24
Maintaining contact information...........................................................................................................24
Maintaining personal information.........................................................................................................24
Editing your profile picture....................................................................................................................25
Editing out-of-office settings.................................................................................................................25
Editing prompt settings.........................................................................................................................26
Editing notification settings...................................................................................................................27
Understanding notifications.....................................................................................................................28
Using the notifications summary overlay.............................................................................................28
Using the notifications page.................................................................................................................28
Using Search...........................................................................................................................................29
Using the Home page..............................................................................................................................30
Using the Alerts page..............................................................................................................................31
Working with the alert overlay panel....................................................................................................31

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 3


Alerts page metrics..............................................................................................................................31

Using the Tasks page..............................................................................................................................32
Working with the task overlay panel....................................................................................................32
Task page metrics................................................................................................................................33
Using the Posts page...............................................................................................................................33
Working with the post overlay panel....................................................................................................33
Post page metrics................................................................................................................................33
Using the Activity Feed page...................................................................................................................34
Understanding connections.................................................................................................................34
Understanding groups..........................................................................................................................36
Viewing a user or group feed page......................................................................................................39
Posting content........................................................................................................................................39
Sharing content........................................................................................................................................40
Using the Streams icon............................................................................................................................40
Stream templates.................................................................................................................................41
Using the Social Objects icon..................................................................................................................48
Supported file types for attachments.......................................................................................................48

Chapter 7: Maintaining context applications..............................................................51

Configuring context applications that require keys..................................................................................51
Adding a context application....................................................................................................................52
Removing a context application...............................................................................................................52
Changing the order of the context applications.......................................................................................53
Minimizing a context application..............................................................................................................54
Restoring a context application...............................................................................................................54
Personalizing a context application.........................................................................................................54

Chapter 8: Using context applications........................................................................57

Sharing content from context applications...............................................................................................57
Using the Alerts context application........................................................................................................58
Using the Banner.....................................................................................................................................58
Editing the Banner title.........................................................................................................................58
Using the Claims Viewer..........................................................................................................................59
Using the Content Viewer........................................................................................................................59
Using the Content Viewer Search........................................................................................................59
Configuring the Content Viewer context application............................................................................59
Using the Context Viewer........................................................................................................................60
Configuring the Context Viewer to subscribe to a message type........................................................61
Using the Countdown..............................................................................................................................62
Configuring your events.......................................................................................................................62

4 | Infor Ming.le User Guide


Removing a countdown timer from an event.......................................................................................62

Using the Currency Converter.................................................................................................................63
Understanding the context awareness of the Currency Converter......................................................63
Sharing Currency Converter information.............................................................................................64
Setting up default base and target currencies.....................................................................................64
Using the Documentation context application.........................................................................................65
Configuring the Documentation context application.............................................................................65
Using the Generic context application.....................................................................................................65
Configuring the Generic context application........................................................................................66
Using In-Context BI..................................................................................................................................66
Configuring the In-Context BI context application................................................................................67
Sharing information from the In-Context BI context application...........................................................67
Using the In-Context URL Viewer............................................................................................................68
Editing the context application title.......................................................................................................68
Using the Infor LN Navigator context application....................................................................................69
Using the Language Translator...............................................................................................................69
Setting up default languages for translation.........................................................................................69
Understanding the context awareness of the Language Translator....................................................70
Sharing information from the Language Translator context application...............................................70
Using Maps..............................................................................................................................................71
Finding locations and getting driving directions...................................................................................71
Setting up a home location and the distance unit................................................................................71
Understanding the context awareness of the Maps context application..............................................72
Sharing information from the Maps context application.......................................................................72
Using the Package Tracker.....................................................................................................................73
Understanding context awareness of the Package Tracker................................................................73
Sharing information from the Package Tracker context application.....................................................74
Using the Paparazzi context application..................................................................................................74
Using the Posts context application.........................................................................................................74
Using the Sample context application.....................................................................................................75
Configuring the Sample context application.........................................................................................75
Using Shortcuts.......................................................................................................................................75
Creating a shortcut...............................................................................................................................76
Editing a shortcut.................................................................................................................................76
Deleting a shortcut...............................................................................................................................76
Sharing information from the Shortcuts context application.................................................................76
Using the Tasks context application........................................................................................................77
Using the Twitter Tracker.........................................................................................................................77
Configuring the Twitter Tracker context application.............................................................................78
Understanding the context awareness of Twitter Tracker....................................................................78
Sharing information from the Twitter Tracker context application........................................................79
Sending a tweet...................................................................................................................................79

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 5


Removing a search term or user..........................................................................................................80

Using the Unit of Measure Converter......................................................................................................80
Setting up default units.........................................................................................................................81
Using the Video Player............................................................................................................................81
Using World Clocks.................................................................................................................................81
Configuring a world clock.....................................................................................................................82
Removing a clock.................................................................................................................................82
Using Yelp...............................................................................................................................................83
Configuring the Yelp context application..............................................................................................83
Understanding the context awareness of the Yelp context application................................................84
Using the Share functionality with Infor Ming.le integration.................................................................84

6 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

About this guide

This guide provides information on how to use Infor Ming.le .

Intended audience
This guide is intended for use by all Infor Ming.le users.

Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to the Infor Xtreme Support portal.
If we update this document after the product release, we will post the new version on this website. We
recommend that you check this website periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact documentation@infor.com.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 7

About this guide

8 | About this guide

Infor Ming.le Overview

Infor Ming.le is an application framework that provides a common user interface for integrated Infor
ERP applications. Infor Ming.le resides within the Microsoft SharePoint framework. All of the integrated
Infor applications in Infor Ming.le use SharePoint functionality, navigational elements, and connectivity
to social media outlets, providing access for Infor partners and customers.
The Infor Ming.le interface includes a top navigation panel with icons that activate the display of Infor
ERP applications.
On the right side of the page is a collapsible panel that hosts a series of Infor Ming.le context applications
that are described in detail in "Using context applications" on page 57.
Infor Ming.le provides drill-back capability among Infor applications so that users can navigate from
one application to another to track transactions, the transfer of data, and report updates. Additionally,
Infor Ming.le, along with Microsoft SharePoint and .NET technologies, provides an infrastructure for
sharing content among the different context applications.

Getting started with Infor Ming.le

Infor Ming.le Enterprise is about collaborating and connecting with users and groups. From the Infor
Ming.le Enterprise page, you can set up your profile and begin to connect with other users and groups.
1 You first upload a profile picture. Your profile picture is shown to you and other users on posts,
notifications, and your profile. You can change your profile picture at any time by editing your profile.
See "Uploading a profile picture" on page 25 for information on uploading the profile picture.
2 Next, you select a user with whom to connect. Users are other Infor Ming.le users.
For more information about users, see "Understanding connections" on page 34.
After you establish a connection to a user, that is, a connection request is sent and accepted by the
user, you have access to post on the user's feed page. The user is also added to your connections
list displayed under the left connections panel on the Activity Feed page.
The Directory page displays a list of users who have already joined Infor Ming.le.
See "Connecting to a user" on page 36 for more information.
3 Lastly, join a group. Groups are Infor Ming.le users who have something in common.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 9

Infor Ming.le Overview

For more information on groups, see "Understanding groups" on page 36.

The Welcome page displays a list of groups that have been created in Infor Ming.le.

After you join a group or add a user (the connection request must be accepted by the receiving user),
you can view your Feed page. You can access your Feed page at any time by clicking the My Feed
Page link on the top navigation panel or by clicking the Activity Feed icon in the Infor Ming.le header.

10 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Accessing Infor Ming.le

You must always access Infor Ming.le by using the Infor suite URL. By accessing the system through
this URL, you ensure that the libraries required by Infor Ming.le are loaded during the page load;
otherwise, some of the features such as Shortcuts and Context Sharing, do not work properly. The
Infor suite URL is the combination of your site collection URL, for example: https://
sharepointserver.infor.com, with the context /SitePages/InforSuite.aspx added to it,
resulting in: https://sharepointserver.infor.com/SitePages/InforSuite.aspx.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 11

Accessing Infor Ming.le

12 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Becoming familiar with the Infor Ming.le
home page

The Infor Ming.le home page is made up of these areas:

Area Description
Top navigation panel The top navigation panel has these components:
Infor Logo
Authorized applications
Site actions
Navigate up icon
Your user ID
Share icon
Context Applications Manager icon
See "Working with the top navigation panel" on
page 15 for more information.
Infor Ming.le Enterprise header The Infor Ming.le Enterprise header is displayed
on most Infor Ming.le pages. Use the Infor
Ming.leheader for quick access to the most com-
monly used Infor Ming.le features. The Infor
Ming.le header always displays your profile picture,
your name and title, a link to your feed page, your
profile, your notifications, the Search box and icons
Activity Feed

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 13

Becoming familiar with the Infor Ming.le home page

Area Description
Social Objects
See "Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header"
on page 23 for more information.
Alerts, Tasks, and Posts activity panels The Alerts, Tasks, and Posts activity panels are
located in the middle pane of the Infor Ming.le En-
terprise home page. Each panel displays the most
recent activity for alerts, tasks, or posts.
Alerts, Tasks, and Infor Ming.le Contributors met- The Alerts, Tasks, and Infor Ming.le Contributors
rics panels metrics panels are located on the bottom pane of
the Infor Ming.le Enterprise home page. Each
metric panel displays a status distribution list or

14 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Working with the top navigation panel

This table describes the functions available on the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel.
Function Description
Authorized applications The Infor Ming.le top navigation panel displays a
series of icons, including icons for the applications
that you have authorization to view and use. The
icons for these applications are on the left side of
the top navigation panel:
The Infor logo is the first icon on the left side of
the top navigation panel.
To the right of the Infor logo, the name of the
application that you are actively using is dis-
The next icon is the Ming.le icon, which cannot
be relocated.
To the right of the Ming.le icon are up to six
additional application icons.
To the right of the last application icon is a down
arrow that you click to expand the list to display
all applications that you are authorized to view.
From this expanded mode, you can change the
selection of the application icons that are dis-
played on the top navigation panel and you can
rearrange the order in which icons are dis-
The application icon displayed between the Infor
logo and the Ming.le icon changes to the icon of
the last application page that you used when the
application is not among the six applications that
are displayed to the right of the Ming.le icon.
Any changes that you make to the top navigation
panel are by user only; the changes affect your
page only.
To change the icons or the order of the icons that
are displayed on the top navigation panel, in col-
lapsed mode:

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 15

Working with the top navigation panel

Function Description
1 Click the down arrow to the right of the applica-
tion list on the top navigation panel. The com-
plete application list is displayed in expanded
On the first row are the icons that are displayed
on the top navigation panel when in collapsed
mode. Additional application icons are displayed
below the first row.
2 Click the application icon that you want to move.
Hold down the mouse button, and drag and
drop the icon to the new location.
3 To display the icon on the top navigation panel
when the application list is in collapsed mode,
drag the icon to the first row.

Site actions The Site Actions link has options mostly available
to site administrators only. It provides multiple op-
tions for use in maintaining the site and viewing
site content.
Navigation up Located next to Site Actions, click this icon to
confirm your location within the Infor Ming.le site.
Navigation information is available only for applica-
tions that are actively running within Microsoft
Browse This is the default option that maximizes the appli-
cation workspace.
Page This option is available based on your user autho-
rization. Selecting this option results in the display
of a ribbon with multiple options that you can use
to customize your site.
Your user ID Click to access settings for your language prefer-
ence, user information, and regional settings and
to sign out of your Infor Ming.le session. This is
also where you specify API keys at the user level
for context applications that require API keys.
See "Working with User ID options" on page 19
for more information.
Share Click this icon to share a message in Infor Ming.le
Enterprise from the top navigation panel without
leaving the page or application you are using. The
Share icon is available only on pages that can be
shared. The Share overlay allows you to Add At-
tachment or Add Screenshot of the page you are
currently viewing.
You can also use the Share overlay to share into
a new stream or into a running stream.

16 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Working with the top navigation panel

Function Description
Manage Context Applications Use the Context Applications Manager to per-
sonalize how context applications are displayed
on the current page by adding and removing the
context applications and changing the order of the
context applications. The Manage Context Applica-
tions icon is available only on pages that can ac-
cept context applications. No context applications
can be added to the Infor Ming.le home page.
For more information on the Context Applications
Manager, see "Maintaining context applications"
on page 51.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 17

Working with the top navigation panel

18 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Working with User ID options

Use the tasks described in this section to learn how to use the User ID options for your language
preference, user information, and regional settings and to sign out of your Infor Ming.le session.

Changing the site default language

Infor Ming.le supports the display of multiple languages in its pages and context applications. To change
from one language to another supported language, previously installed on the server by your
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 Click your user ID on the right side of the top navigation panel.
3 Click Select Display Language, and then click a language.
The page is refreshed and all the site content that supports translation is displayed in the selected

Updating user information

To update your personal Infor Ming.le user information:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 Click your user ID on the right side of the top navigation panel.
3 Click My Settings.
4 Click Edit Item.
5 Update your personal information as required.
6 Click Save.
7 Click Close.
8 Click Home to return to the Infor Ming.le home page.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 19

Working with User ID options

Changing the default regional settings

To customize Infor Ming.le default regional settings to display numbers, dates, time and time zones
that are specific to your location:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 Click your user ID on the right side of the top navigation panel.
3 Click My Settings.
4 Click My Regional Settings.
5 In the Follow Web Settings section, clear the Always follow web settings check box. When this
box is selected, your settings reflect what the Infor Ming.le administrator has defined and not what
you specify in your regional settings. For your regional settings to take effect, the Always follow
web settings check box must be cleared.
6 On the Regional settings page, update these settings to meet your requirements:
Locale specify how the site displays numbers, dates, and time.
Time Zone specify the time zone to use for your site.
Calendar specify the calendar settings to use for your site.
Time Format specify whether to use a 12-hour or 24-hour format for your site.
Other values on this page are standard SharePoint settings that are out of scope of the Infor Ming.le
7 Click OK to apply your changes.
8 Click Home to return to the Infor Ming.le home page.

Changing the Browser Compatibility Mode

The Browser Compatibility Mode is set at the site collection level by the Infor Ming.le administrator.
You can override this setting in your personal settings.
To set the browser compatibility mode at the user level:
1 Log on to Infor Ming.le as the user for whom you want to set the Browser Compatibility Mode.
2 Click the user name and select My Settings.
3 In the Edit Personal Settings window:
a Click Edit Item.
b Find the Browser Compatibility Mode to use.
c Specify a value:
IE=8 The IE8 Compatibility mode is on by default for this user.
IE=9 The IE9 Compatibility mode is on by default for this user.
IE=Edge The most recent IE Compatibility mode is used for this user.

20 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Working with User ID options

Note: The Browser Compatibility Mode set at the user level takes precedence over the site collection
Browser Compatibility Mode for that user.

Signing out
To sign out of Infor Ming.le:
1 Click your user ID on the right side of the top navigation panel.
2 Click Sign Out.
3 Close your Internet browser session.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 21

Working with User ID options

22 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Note: This chapter applies only to Infor Ming.le Enterprise.

The Infor Ming.le header is displayed on most Infor Ming.le pages. Use the Infor Ming.le header for
quick access to the most commonly used Infor Ming.le features. The Infor Ming.le header always
displays your profile picture, your name and title, a link to your feed page, your profile, your notifications,
the Search box and icons for:
Activity Feed
Social Objects

Using the My Feed link

Click the My Feed link on the Infor Ming.le header to go to your Infor Ming.le Activity Feed page.
The Infor Ming.le Activity Feed page is the main page where posts, alerts, tasks, and notifications are
displayed. You can return to your feed page from most Infor Ming.le pages by clicking the My Feed
link or the Activity Feed icon. Examples of the content that is displayed on your feed page are:
Your own posts and comments about the posts
Content that you upload such as links, files, and comments about the content
Posts and content to groups of which you are a member
Posts and content by your connected users and groups of which you are a member
You can also view other Infor Ming.le user's feed pages. The content that you can see on another
user's feed page depends on your connected user relationship. If you are not a connected user, then
a link is displayed next to the user's profile picture. To send a connection request to the user, click the
Connect link.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 23

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Using the My Profile link

Click the My Profile link to view your profile. When you are viewing your profile, you can edit your
profile by clicking the Edit Profile icon.

Editing your profile

You can edit your profile at any time by clicking the Edit Profile icon on your profile page.
Your profile contains your picture and information about you. The information in your profile is categorized
into different sets of information such as contact information and personal information. There are also
personal settings for notifications and prompts.

Maintaining contact information

Depending on what information Infor Ming.le can obtain automatically, some or all of your contact
Information may not be editable. This information is retrieved from the user management system, such
as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
See your administrator for more information on how change your contact information so that it is updated
in Infor Ming.le.
To edit your contact information:
1 Click the My Profile link next to your profile picture.
2 Click the Edit Profile icon next to Contact Info.
3 Edit the information that you want to update.
4 Click Save to save your changes.
5 Click Done to stop editing your profile.

Maintaining personal information

Under Personal Info, you can add information such as a nickname, location, employment anniversary,
and your skills and expertise.
To edit your personal information.
1 Click the My Profile link next to your profile picture.
2 Click the Edit Profile icon next to Contact Info.
3 Edit the fields you want to update.
4 Click Save to save your changes.
5 Click Done to stop editing your profile.

24 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Editing your profile picture

Your profile picture identifies you in many areas in Infor Ming.le. Some of the locations where your
picture is shown are:
Search results when another user searches on your name, title, or other searchable information
Content that you share
Your feed page and your profile page
You can either upload a profile picture or use the default profile picture.

Uploading a profile picture

To upload a profile picture:
1 Click the My Profile link.
2 Click Edit Profile.
3 Locate the Profile Photo section and click Choose File.
4 Browse to the picture you want to use and click Open. The Profile Photo section displays the picture
you selected.
5 Click Save to save this picture as your profile picture.
6 Click Done to stop editing your profile.

Editing out-of-office settings

With Infor Ming.le, you can set up out-of-office settings to delegate tasks and alerts that are assigned
to you to be automatically reassigned to a specified delegate.

Turning on Out of office

To turn on your Out of office status and specify out-of-office delegation preferences:
1 Click the My Profile link next to your profile picture.
2 Click the edit profile icon next to Contact Info.
3 Locate the Out of office settings section.
4 Select the Enable Out of office check box.
5 Specify a start date to indicate when the Out of office setting must start. If you do not specify a
start date or you select a date in the past, then the out-of-office period starts immediately when you
click Save.
6 Specify an end date. The out-of-office period ends automatically at this time. If you do not specify
an end date, then your status remains Out of office until you reset it manually.
7 Optionally, to re-assign activities to your delegates, select the Unassign and delegate assigned
activities check box. Activities assigned to you are automatically marked as unassigned, and

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 25

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

delegation rules are applied at the moment you turn on the Out of office setting. If you do not select
this check box, then the assigned activities remain invisible to other users during your absence.
8 Ensure that at least one out-of-office delegation rule is created and active. To edit delegation rules:
a Click Add to create a new delegation rule. A new rule is created at the end of the list.
b To specify the details of the new rule, select alerts or tasks to create a more specific rule that
applies only to alerts or tasks.
c Optionally, specify a string for the Contains field. You can leave this field blank, indicating that
the rule applies to all activities of the type you selected. Only tasks or alerts that contain the string
specified in this field are delegated when this rule is applied.
d Start typing the name of your delegate in the Delegate to field. Select a user name from the list.
e Select the Activate this rule check box to indicate that this delegation rule must be used.
f The delegation rules are applied in the order they are defined. Select a rule and use the Up and
Down arrows to place the rule in another position in the list.
g To remove a delegation rule, select the rule and click Remove.
9 Click Save.

Turning off Out of office

To change out-of-office settings when the current Out of office status is set to on, you must turn off
the Out of office setting.
There are several ways to turn off your out-of-office setting:
If you specify an end time when you enable your out-of-office status, then the status is changed to
off automatically at the specified time.
If you log on to Infor Ming.le while your status is Out of office, then a dialog is displayed prompting
if you want to turn Out of office off. Click Yes to change your status. If you click No, then your status
remains Out of office; however, you can still work within Infor Ming.le.
To turn off your out-of-office status in your profile:
1 Click the My Profile link next to your profile picture.
2 Click the edit profile icon next to Contact Info.
3 Locate the Out of office settings section.
4 Clear the Enable Out of office check box to disable your out-of-office setting.
5 Click Save.

Editing prompt settings

In Infor Ming.le, you receive a confirmation message when you take different actions, for example,
when you accept or deny a user request or when you delete a post. A window is displayed confirming
that you want to perform the action. At the bottom of the window is a Do not show this message again
check box next to a message. Select this check box to stop receiving the confirmations when you
perform the action. You can elect to begin receiving the message again in your user profile.

26 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

To edit which actions for which to receive the confirmation message:

1 Click the My Profile link next to your profile picture.
2 Click the Edit Profile icon next to Contact Info.
3 Locate the Prompts section under Settings.
4 To receive a confirmation message when you perform the actions listed, select the check box. If
you do not want to receive the confirmation prompts, then clear the check box.
5 When you finish making your selections, click Save.
6 Click Done to stop editing your profile.

Editing notification settings

You can set preferences for how Infor Ming.le manages notifications in the Settings section of the user
profile. Notifications can be sent within the Infor Ming.le application or by email if your administrator
has enabled the email feature. In this section is a list of events for which you can receive notifications.
Events include receiving a user request or receiving comments from a user about information you share
with the user.
See "Understanding notifications" on page 28 for more information.
By default, you receive notifications for all event types. Changing the notification settings in the user
profile affects:
What notifications are displayed when you click the notifications icon, when you view the Notification
Summary list, and when you view the notifications page, and
What notification emails are sent to you.
You continue to receive all notifications on your feed page.
To change which events trigger notifications:
1 Click the My Profile link next to your profile picture.
2 Click the Edit Profile icon next to Contact Info.
3 Locate the Notifications section under Settings.
4 To select an action for which to receive a notification, select the check box next to the action. To
stop receiving notifications about an action, clear the check box. Separate check boxes are displayed
for the Infor Ming.le application and email.
5 When you finish making your selections, click Save.
6 Click Done to stop editing your profile.
You also have the option to receive an activity summary email that summarizes activity in alerts, tasks,
posts, and notifications. You can configure how often this summary is sent to you.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 27

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Understanding notifications
Notifications in Infor Ming.le are sent to you by the system to inform you of events that may be of interest
to you or which may require your attention.
You can receive notifications at these Infor Ming.le locations:
Your feed page, as determined by the Notifications settings in your profile
The View Notification icon; this is a number that displays to the right of your name with the number
of notifications that you have; click the icon to display a summarized list of recent notifications
Your email in-box, if your administrator has enabled the email feature, as determined by the
notifications settings in your profile.
If you are a group administrator, then you receive notifications for the group in addition topersonal
These are examples of events that cause a notification to be sent:
You receive a new message.
Someone comments on a post you made.
You have new connection requests, or, if you are a group administrator, then someone is requesting
membership to a group of which you are the owner.
Some notifications are informational, such as a notification that a user commented on content that you
shared. Other notifications require you to take action.
Examples of notifications that require action are:
User connection requests
Group membership requests, for group administrators
Invitations to join groups

Using the notifications summary overlay

The notification summary overlay and the notification page list the notifications and a description of the
notification. For example, "Jennifer Anderson has posted a message to the Marketing group," or "John
Smith has accepted your connection request." For notifications that require actions, such as connection
request, icons are displayed for you to take the required action.
For notifications that do not require action, such as a notification that a user posts on your feed page,
you can click View to view the thread for that content.
To view all notifications on the overlay, click View All Notifications.

Using the notifications page

You can view recent notifications by clicking the notification icon to access the notifications overlay.

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Viewing the notification overlay clears the number of notifications displayed in the notification icon. For
notifications that require actions, such as a connection request, icons are displayed for you to take the
required action. For notifications that do not require action, such as a notification that a user posts on
your feed page, you can click View to view the thread for that content. Also, you can access the
notifications page by clicking the View All Notifications link on the notifications overlay.
All notifications are displayed on the notifications page, and you have the same options to take actions
on notifications as on the notifications overlay.

Using Search
You can search for posts, users, groups, and objects by using the Search text box on the top navigation
panel. Clicking a hash (#) tagged word in the body of a post initiates a search for that word and displays
the search results page.
For posts, user-added tags are searched. The body of the post is searched, depending on if the
Infor Ming.le administrator has configured them to be searched.
For Infor Ming.le users, first and last name and department from the user profile are searched.
For Infor Ming.le groups, the group name, description, and skills from the group profile page are
For Infor Ming.le streams, the stream name, tags, steps, and description of public streams are
For Infor Ming.le templates, the template name, tags, steps and description of public templates are

To search:
1 Type text in the Search text box on the top navigation panel and click Go.
The displayed results are grouped by users, groups, posts, tasks, and alerts.
2 Hover over the item you want to view.
Clicking a user or group takes you to the user or group feed page.
Clicking the Expand icon to view more information on an overlay panel.
Clicking Add Comment to add a comment in an overlay panel.
Clicking a tag executes a search on the text contained in the tag.

3 You can filter the search results. Click the content type to filter in the left panel.
Next to the names of the users displayed in the search results are related actions:

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If you are not a connected user of the user listed in the search results, then a Not Connected
icon is displayed next to that user's name. When you hover on the Not Connected icon, an
option to Connect or Follow is available.
If you are a connected user of the listed user, then you can hover on the Connected icon to
display an option to Disconnect. These actions function in the same way as on the Directory
list page.
See "Using the Directory page" on page 35 for more information.

Also, next to the names of the groups displayed in the search results are related actions:
If you are not a member of a group, then a Not Connected icon is displayed. Hover on the Not
Connected icon to display the overlay with the option to Connect.
If you are a member of a group, then a Connected icon is displayed. Hover on the Connected
icon to display the overlay with the option to Disconnect. These actions function in the same
way as on the Directory list page.

4 Click the item you want to view.

Using the Home page

Click the Home icon to navigate to the Infor Ming.le home page.
The Infor Ming.le home page displays the alert, task, and post activity panels in the middle pane. Each
panel displays the most recent activity for alerts, tasks, or posts.
See "Using the Alerts page" on page 31, "Using the Tasks page" on page 32, and "Using the Posts
page" on page 33 for more information.
The Infor Ming.le home page displays a dashboard located on the bottom pane. Each metric panel
displays a status distribution list or chart. The metrics displayed are:
Alert distribution by status
This bar chart shows the weekly workload for the current user and how many alerts were opened,
escalated, and closed each week for the last quarter.
Task distribution by status
This bar chart shows the weekly workload for the current user and how many tasks were opened,
escalated, and closed each week for the last quarter.
Top Infor Ming.le contributors
This list shows the Infor Ming.le users with the highest post count and the users' profile picture,
name, and title. Also shown is the Connection status icon, which displays your relationship with
each Infor Ming.le user.

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Using the Alerts page

Click the Alerts icon to navigate to the Alerts page.
The Alerts page displays the most recent alerts in the middle pane. You can sort the alerts by clicking
the Sort by Date icon, ascending or descending. Clicking the Escalated icon filters the Alerts page
by those alerts that have been given an escalated priority. You can also filter by category by selecting
a category in the Category drop-down.
Each alert has multiple options that are displayed when you hover on the alert. Icons are available to
assign the alert to the current user, to complete the alert, or to share the alert. There is an icon to view
the details of the alert in an alert overlay panel.

Working with the alert overlay panel

The alert overlay panel displays the details of the alert including a description and a summary message.
You can assign the alert to yourself by clicking the Assign to me icon, or assign the alert to another
Infor Ming.le user by clicking the Assign icon and selecting the user from the drop-down.
An error message is displayed if you try to assign an alert from the alerts distribution list to a user who
has the out-of-office option activated and if the No Assignment if Out of Office ION setting is activated.
The alert overlay panel shows the attributes of the alert. You can click the Done icon to complete the
The alert overlay panel shows the attachments that are associated with the alert. Thumbnail images
are displayed for each attachment. You can add an attachment by clicking the Add Attachment icon
and selecting the file to attach.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
The alert overlay panel shows the notes that are associated with the alert. You can add a note by typing
your note in the text box and clicking the Save Note icon.

Alerts page metrics

The Alerts page has a dashboard in the bottom pane that contains metrics for:
Alert distribution by status
This bar chart shows the weekly workload for the current user and how many alerts were opened,
escalated, and closed each week for the last quarter.
Alerts distribution by monitor name
This graph chart shows alerts received by the current user, by monitor, each week for the last quarter.
Alerts distribution by monitor
This pie chart shows the total number alerts received by the current user from each monitor for the
last quarter.

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Using the Tasks page

Click the Tasks icon to navigate to the Tasks page.
The Tasks page displays the most recent tasks in the middle pane. You can sort the tasks by clicking
the Sort by Date icon, ascending or descending. Clicking the Escalated icon filters the Tasks page
by those tasks that have an escalated priority. You can also filter by category by selecting a category
in the Category drop-down.
Each task has multiple options that appear when you hover on the task. Icons are available to assign
the task to the current user or to share the task. There is an icon to view the details of the task in a
tasks overlay panel.
By default, the Activity Locator is displayed in the lower panel of the Tasks home page. Click a task to
display the Activity Locator associated with that task. Click Task Metrics to switch to the Task Metrics
view, and use the Activity Locator icon to return to the Activity Locator view.
If a search result or your Activity Feed shows a task, use the Activity Locator icon to open the Activity
Locator in an overlay.

Working with the task overlay panel

The task overlay panel displays the details of the task including a description and a summary message.
You can assign the task to yourself by clicking the Assign to me icon or assign the task to another
Infor Ming.le user by clicking the Assign icon and selecting the user from the drop-down.
An error message is displayed if you try to assign a task from the task distribution list to a user who
has the out-of-office option activated and if the No Assignment if Out of Office ION setting is activated.
The task overlay panel displays the parameters of the task. You can click the Approved icon to approve
the task. If the task needs to be reset, then click the Redo icon.
The task overlay panel shows the attachments that are associated with the task. Thumbnail images
are shown for each attachment. You can add an attachment by clicking the Add Attachment icon and
selecting a file to attach.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
The task overlay panel displays the workflow that the task follows. The workflow shows the progress
of the task, indicating what has been completed, and the current task. The workflow shows what user
completed each portion of the task, including the user's picture, a description of the task, and a task
completion date and time.
The task overlay panel shows the notes that are associated with the task. You can add a note by typing
a note in the text box and clicking the Save Note icon.

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Task page metrics

The Tasks page has a dashboard in the bottom pane that contains metrics for:
Task distribution by status
This bar chart shows weekly workload for the current user and how many tasks were opened,
escalated, and closed each week for the last quarter.
Task distribution by workflow
This pie chart shows tasks received by the current user from each workflow for the last quarter.
Average task execution time per workflow
This graph chart shows the weekly average of time elapsed between task assigned and task closed
by the current user from each workflow for the last quarter.

Using the Posts page

Click the Posts icon to navigate to the Posts page.
The Posts page displays the most recent posts in the middle pane. Each post has multiple options that
are displayed when you hover on the post. Icons are available to add a comment or to share the post.
There is an icon to view the details of the post in a post overlay panel.

Working with the post overlay panel

The post overlay panel displays the details of the post including the profile picture and name of the
originator of the post. The details of the post include any comments associated with the post. You can
hide any comments by clicking the Hide Comments link. You can indicate that you like a post by
clicking the Like link.
The post overlay panel shows any attachments associated with the post. Thumbnail images are
displayed for each attachment.
The post overlay panel includes any comments that are associated with the post. You can add a
comment by typing in the text box and clicking the Reply icon.

Post page metrics

The Posts page has a dashboard in the bottom pane that contains metrics for:
Trending social objects on Infor Ming.le
This list shows the top five active social objects for the last eight weeks. Each object has the object
ID, type, number of followers, and total number of conversations.

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Top contributors by functional area

This pie chart shows the top Infor Ming.le contributors by department as a percentage of the total
users for the last eight weeks.
Top contributors
This list shows the Infor Ming.le users with the highest post count, the users' profile picture, name,
and title. Also displayed is the Connection status icon, which displays the current user's relationship
with each Infor Ming.le user.

Using the Activity Feed page

Click the Activity Feed icon to navigate to the Activity Feed page.
The Infor Ming.le Activity Feed page is divided into these areas:
Left Connections and Following panels
Main My Ming.le Feed area
Right Recommended Groups and Recommended Users panels
Additionally, Infor Ming.le uses these key concepts:
Connected users

Understanding connections
In Infor Ming.le, users with whom you establish a connection are called connections.
To become a connection with another user, you send a notification to the user, and the user accepts
the notification. Your notification is called a connection request. When you send the connection request,
users can see it on their feed page and in their notifications, if they choose to receive connection request
notifications in their profile. Users can accept or decline the connection request from either of these
pages. When a user accepts the request, the user's name is displayed as a Connection on your
Connections panel.
After the connection request is sent and the user has accepted it, you are a connection of that Infor
Ming.le user. As a connected user, you have access to post on that user's feed page, and that user
has access to post on your feed page. You also have access to view posts on a user feed page that
has a privacy level set to Connections.
If the user declines the connection request, then you do not receive a notification of it. If the user accepts
your request, then you do receive a notification of the acceptance.
You can send a connection request to an Infor Ming.le user from these locations:

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From the Connect link on your Directory page

From the search results page when you search for a user
From a user profile or feed page of a user with whom you are not a connection
From the Connections section of another Infor Ming.le user's profile page.

Using the Directory page

Clicking the plus symbol (+) next to the Connections heading on the left connections panel displays
your Directory page. The Directory page is sorted by users, groups, and social objects. Click the Users,
Groups, or Social Objects heading to display users, groups, or social objects.
The Directory page is paginated alphabetically. Clicking a letter displays the users, groups, or social
objects that begin with that letter.
In the Users section, under each letter, the user names are sorted by first name and are listed
Your can use these options to sort by name:
First Name to sort by first name, followed by last name
Last Name to sort by last name, followed by first name
By default, the names are sorted by the First Name option, but you can change it to Last Name. If you
change the sort option, that option remains until you change it. If you refresh the page, the sort option
returns to the default First Name option.
The Sort by option is displayed only for users, not for groups or social objects, and has these options:

Sort by Description
First Name All user names are sorted alphabetically by first
name, then by last name.
Last Name All user names are sorted alphabetically by last
name, then by first name.

The Directory page displays Infor Ming.le users, groups, or social objects based on the selected filter.
These are the available filters:

Filter Description
Connected All users, groups, or objects with whom you have established a connection
by sending a connection request that has been accepted by the other
user, group, or object are displayed.
Following All users, groups, and objects that you are following are displayed.
Followed By All users, groups, and objects that are following you are displayed.
Request Pending All users, groups, and objects that you have sent a connection request
to and that have not yet been accepted are displayed.

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Filter Description
Not Connected All users, groups, and objects that you are not connected with are dis-

The Directory page is paginated alphabetically. Clicking a letter displays the users, groups, or objects
that begin with that letter.

Connecting to a user
You can send a connection request to any Infor Ming.le user by clicking the Connect link. Hover on
the Not Connected icon next to the name of the user. On the overlay, click the Connect link to send
a connection request.

Using the left connections panel

On the left Connections panel, you can see your connection's picture, name, and title. When you click
a connection, you can view your connection's profile. Under your connections are the objects you are
following. When you click a followed object, you can see more details about the object by viewing the
object's profile.

Removing a connection
You can end your user relationship on Infor Ming.le with a connected user. If you remove a user as a
connection, then the user no longer has access to post on your feed page, and the user no longer has
access to view posts that have a privacy level set for your connections. The user is no longer displayed
as a connected user on your Directory page.
You can remove a user as a connection from these locations:
From the search results page when you search for a user
From your Directory page
From the Connections section of another Infor Ming.le user's profile page.
If you are already connected to the user, then a Disconnect link is displayed in the overlay when you
hover on the Connected icon. If a user is disconnected, then no notification is sent. The user no longer
has access to view posts on your feed page that are not public or to a shared group. The user can no
longer post on your feed page, and you cannot post on that user's feed page or view content that is
not public or from a shared group.

Understanding groups
Groups are a collection of Infor Ming.le users who have something in common. Groups can be based
on such areas as skills, teams, or interests. These are types of Infor Ming.le groups and their properties:

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Shared content on the feed page is viewable by all Infor Ming.le users.
The group is displayed in the search results for any user.
Any user can request to be a member of the group,
Only a member may post on the group feed page.
Any user to whom the administrator has given Create Group permissions can create this type
of group.
The administrator has access to administrate the group.
Requests to join this group are accepted automatically.

Shared content on the feed page is viewable only by members of the group.
The group is displayed in the search results by any user.
Any user can request to be a member of the group.
Only members may post to the group feed page.
Any user to whom the administrator has given Create Group permissions can create this type
of group.
The administrator has access to administrate the group (activate, deactivate, and remove posts).
Requests to join the group must be approved by a group administrator.

For public and private groups, you can be invited to join the group by the group administrator or you
can request membership. You can request membership from the search results page, from the groups
list of another user, or by going to the group feed or group profile page.
To request to be member of a group on the search results page from the top navigation panel or from
a user's group list page, hover on Not Connected and click Connect under the You are not
connected to <Group Name> message. If the group is private, then a request is sent to the group
administrator. It must be accepted for you to have access to the group. If the group is public, then your
request is automatically accepted.
To request to be a member of a group from the group's profile or feed page, click Not Connected and
click Connect under the You are not connected to <Group Name> message. A request is
sent to the group administrator, if necessary.
After the request is accepted, you can see the group on your group Directory page when filtered by
Connected. You have access to view and post on the group feed page.

Creating a group
To create a group, the Infor Ming.le administrator must grant you Create Group permissions. By default,
all users are granted this access.
1 Click Create a Group. The Group Information page is displayed.
2 Provide the information requested:

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Related Skills

3 Select the Privacy Level.

4 Add a Description.
5 Select a group profile picture.
6 Click Save. The Group Profile page is displayed.
7 Click Edit Profile.
8 Invite members to your group by clicking Invite Members. The Invite Members overlay is displayed.
Typing a user's name allows you to invite users to become members of your group. Users must
accept your group invitation before they become members of your group.
9 Add Administrators, if desired. By default you are the only administrator of the group.
Typing a user's name allows you to add members to become administrators of your new group.
Users must be members of the group and accept the group administration invitation before they
become administrators of the group.
10 Click Save.

Joining a group
To join a group:
1 Click Add Connections. The Directory page is displayed.
2 Click Groups to sort the Directory page by group.
3 Use the Filter By options to sort the Groups Directory page by Connected, Pending Request, or
Not Connected.
4 Hover on the Not Connected icon and click Connect to request to join the group. If the group has
a privacy level of Public, then you are automatically added to the group. If the privacy level is
Private, then your request to join the group must be accepted by a group administrator.

Leaving a group
To leave a group:
1 Click Add Connections. The Directory page is displayed.
2 Click Groups to sort the Directory page by group.
3 Use the Filter By options to sort the Groups Directory page by Connected.
4 Hover on the Connected icon and click Disconnect to leave the group.

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Viewing a user or group feed page

When you are viewing the feed page of a user, the posts that are displayed on the feed page are those
that you have access to view. Clicking the user Connections heading displays that user's connections.
If you click the Personal Info heading, then you can see that user's information, depending on the
privacy settings.
When you are viewing the feed page of a group, the feed page displays posts and content that you
have access to view. Clicking the group's Members heading displays that group's connections. If you
click the Profile heading, then you can see the group's information, depending on the privacy settings.

Posting content
You can post content while on your own feed page, a connected user's feed page, or a group feed
page. The post is assigned a privacy level depending on where you are when you post it. If you are on
your own feed page, then you can set the privacy level of the post to any privacy level. The privacy
levels for the post on your feed page are:

Privacy level Description

Tagged users and groups Content is posted on your feed page and on the
feed page of any users and groups you tagged in
the post.
Connected users Content is posted on your feed page and on all of
your connected users' feed pages.
Public Content is posted only on your feed page but is
viewable by all Infor Ming.le users.
Groups Content is posted on the group feed page and on
the feed page of all group members.

When you are on a connected user's feed page, your post is displayed only on that user's feed page.
Anyone who has permission to view the user's page, including users with whom you are not connected,
can view the content when they are on your connected user's feed page.
When you are on a group feed page for a group of which you are a member, your post is displayed on
that group's feed page and on all group members' feed pages. The privacy level is read only and is set
to that group. All users with access to view the group feed page can view your post.
To post content:
1 Click in the Post Something text box on the central feed page. It is visible only on feed pages.
2 Type the text you want to post.
Add searchable terms to the body of the post. Any word prefaced with a hash sign (#) is a
searchable term, for example, #Infor.
Add tagged users or groups. A user name or group name that you are connected to can be
selected from a list when you type @ and two letters.

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To add a link, type the link text, beginning with http:// or https://. When you finish typing the link,
add a space by pressing the space bar. A preview of the link is displayed below the text area.
You can type additional information about the link or post in the text area at this point.

3 To add an attachment, click Add Attachment, select the file to upload, and click Open.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 If you are on your feed page, then select the privacy level. The privacy level is read only when you
share on a group page or on the feed page of a connection.
Note: If you are tagging a user or group by using the "@" and two-letter functionality, then the post
is visible to the user you tag and any user in the selected privacy level.

5 Click Post to post the content.

Sharing content
You can share content from most pages within Infor Ming.le. Use the share icon from the Infor Ming.le
header to display a Share overlay. Within the Share overlay, if your system administrator has enabled
the screenshot feature, then you can add attachments and add screenshots. Using the various share
options throughout Infor Ming.le, the Share overlay usually contains the content of what you are sharing
and allows you to add your own content to the current content. When you share content, you can select
the target by using the target drop-down list to restrict who may see the shared content on the Activity
Feed page.
You can also use the Share overlay to share into a new stream or into a running stream. While on the
Share overlay, using the target drop-down list to select streams, click either +Start Stream or select
one of the running streams.
When you share into a running stream, your shared content is added to the Infor Ming.le activity panel
on the left side of the stream details page. While sharing into a running stream, you are not redirected
to the stream, but you remain on the page from which you shared content.
When you share into a new stream, you are redirected to the +Start Stream page where you can select
a stream to be started. Your shared content is added to the Infor Ming.le activity panel on the left side
of the stream details page.

Using the Streams icon

Click the Streams icon to navigate to the Streams Activity page. Use the Streams Activity page to view
stream templates, streams, and workflows:
Stream templates are structured and defined business topics that are used to create streams.
Streams are organized and recurring conversations around a business topic.
Workflows are patterns of business activity as defined in the Infor ION Desk.

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Stream templates
Templates are structured, defined processes that are designed to fulfill a specific task or job. The
template includes users who are associated with the process at a given point in time or throughout the
Click the Templates tab to create or view templates.
A template always has at least one user: the template owner. A template can have many users at
different authorization levels. The user who creates a template becomes the default template owner
of that template.
A user can be associated with a template in these ways:
Template owner - Infor Ming.le users who can create, edit, and delete templates.
Stream owner - Infor Ming.le users who can start stream instances from templates.
Internal participants - Infor Ming.le users who can interact with the stream instance at the step level.
A template can be public or private, based on the privacy level of the template.
A public template can be viewed by any Infor Ming.le user.
A private template can be viewed only by the template owner or stream owner.
One or more steps can be added to a template. A step is a specific task or process.
See "Adding steps to a template or stream" on page 43.

Using the template home page

Click the Templates tab to navigate to the templates home page. Depending on your security
authorization, the Create New Stream Template option is displayed. By default, the list is filtered by
My Templates.
Click Show to filter the template list view:
My Templates - Lists templates that are public and private for which you are the template owner
or stream owner.
All Templates - Lists all public templates, regardless of the your association with those templates,
and includes private templates for which you are the template owner or stream owner.
Click Filter By to filter the templates by active or not-active status:
Active - When selected, templates with an active status are included in the list view. When not
selected, templates with an active status are removed from the list view.
Not Active - When selected, templates with an inactive status are included in the list view. When
not selected, templates with an inactive status are removed from the list view.

Creating a new template

Use the Create New Stream Template option to create a new public or private template. The template
details page is displayed where you can start building a template to meet your requirements.

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Use these template properties to define the template parameters:

Property Description
Name Specify the name of the template.
Description Specify the description of the template.
Privacy Specify the privacy level of the template.
Lock Stream Instances Select to lock the stream instance steps from being
modified from the template steps.
Status By default, the status is New until you save the
template. The status changes to Not Active when
you save the template. The status changes to Ac-
tive when you activate the template.
Template Owner When you create a template, you become the
template owner. If you need other Infor Ming.le
users to own the template, then you can add more
template owners to the template.
Stream Owner Specify Infor Ming.le users, Infor Ming.le groups,
and IFS distribution groups to own and start the
stream instances of this template.
Internal Participants Specify Infor Ming.le users, Infor Ming.le groups,
and IFS distribution groups only to participate in
the stream instance.
External Participants Specify only the email IDs of the users. This func-
tion requires the additionally licensed Infor Com-
munities feature.
Due In By default, 30 days. You can specify the Due In
time in Hours/Days/Weeks/Months or Years.
Tags Tags are single words to be indexed for searching.

Click Save to save the template. After saving, an Activate option is displayed so that you can activate
the template. An Add a step feature option is also displayed so that you can add one step at a time
to the template. To create a stream instance from this template, the template must have an active
status. After you activate the template, a Deactivate option is displayed so that you can deactivate the

Template details
Use this feature to view the details of a particular template.
Click a template on the Template Home page for which you want to view details and steps associated
with the template:
If you are the template owner, then you have authorization to edit and delete the template; otherwise,
you have a read-only view of the details.

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Before you can edit or delete a template, you must click Deactivate to deactivate the template.
You can click Cancel to cancel any changes that you make to the template.
Edit is displayed next to each step so that you can edit the step details or delete the step.
Any changes that you make to the template details or to the steps affect only the future stream
instances that are created from the template.
The template owner can reorder or rearrange the steps of the template by using the Reorder Steps
Stream owners of the template are displayed under the Stream Owners section on the left panel.
Internal participants of the template are displayed under the All Participants section on the left panel.
Attachments of the template are displayed under the Attachments section on the left panel.
All the steps of the template are displayed under the Steps section on the right panel.

Adding steps to a template or stream

When you click Edit from a current template or you select Add a Step while creating a new template
or while starting a new stream, an Add Step page is displayed. This step building and editing page
includes a step properties panel, a toolbox of widgets, a step building canvas, and a widget properties
panel. You use these tools to create a custom step.

Step properties
Use the Step Properties panel to set up the basic parameters of the step.

Property Description
Name Specify the name of this step.
Description Specify the description of this step.
Due in Specify the amount of time this step should take.
Inherit Stream Participants Select this check box if you want all stream partic-
ipants to be participants in this step.
Internal Participants Specify participants for this step. You can choose
only stream participants to become step partici-
Add Attachments Add any attachments you want to associate with
this step.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types
for attachments" on page 48.

Toolbox of widgets
Use the toolbox to select widgets and drag them to the step canvas. Users can use the widgets to enter
specific information when the stream instance is running.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 43

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Widget Description
Paragraph text Allows entry of a paragraph of text.
Section break Separates the widgets in a step.
Website link Displays a website link.
Label Allows for labeling of steps.
Single line text Allows entry of a single line of text.
Number Allows entry of a number.
Dropdown Allows for a selection from multiple options.
Date Allows entry of a date.
Date and time Allows entry of a date and time.
Check boxes Allows for a check box multiple selection list.
Radio buttons Allows for a radio button selection list.
Checkpoint Allows users to select an option and enter a com-
ment. A checkpoint also tracks the last action of
the current user and all actions for each user who
selects an option.

Step canvas
Use the step canvas to assemble your desired widgets. Widgets can be dragged from the toolbox and
placed vertically in the canvas. Move widgets up and down within the canvas by dragging and dropping.
Click a widget to select it and modify the widget properties.

Widget properties
Use the Widget properties panel to specify parameters for each widget. Click a widget within the
canvas to select the widget and display the properties for the widget.

Exporting templates
Use this feature to export templates from one system to another.
To export templates, select one or more templates to export and click Export. A message is displayed,
confirming whether you want to include template users and attachments in the export process. Make
your selections and click Export to create the export file. You can open or save the file.

Importing templates
Use this feature to import a template from one system to another. To import a template, you must have
permission to create new templates.

44 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Click Import to start the import process. A file browser is displayed from which you can select the file
to import. After you select the file, a message is displayed confirming whether you want to include any
template users and attachments in the import process. Click Import to finish the import process.
If a user who is assigned as the template owner in the import file does not exist in the target system,
then the current user who is importing becomes the template owner for that template. A dialog of your
import results is displayed, and the imported template is added to the templates list view.

Streams are instances of administrator-created templates that contain a series of steps that allow users
who are defined as "stream owners" or "participants" to interact and work collaboratively on processes
and projects. You use streams to organize your conversations and track your communications.

Stream participation roles

Each stream can have users assigned to different participation roles:
Stream owner - The user who starts a stream becomes the stream owner for that particular instance.
A default stream owner can also be assigned at time of the template definition. Stream owners can
start instances of the stream and modify the data within each stream.
Participant - Users added to a stream as a participant can interact and modify the data within the
steps of the stream. Default participants can also be assigned at the time of the template definition.

Stream privacy levels

Streams can be defined as public or private.
Public streams:
All users can view public streams.
All users can join a public stream to become a participant.
Public streams are indexed in the default Infor Ming.le search.
Private streams:
Private streams are viewable only by users defined as a "stream owner" or "participant" of that
particular stream.
Private streams are not indexed in the default Infor Ming.le search.
Stream owners can switch the privacy level of the stream between public and private at any time.

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Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Streams Activity page

The Streams Activity page is displayed when you click the Streams icon on the Infor Ming.le header.
The page includes tabs for Streams, Workflows, and Templates.

Views and filtering

The Streams Activity page has options that you can use to modify the view and filter the streams that
are displayed:
Use the Show: drop-down list to switch the display between My Streams and All Streams views:
My Streams - Includes all public and private streams assigned to you as "stream owner" or
"participant." This view is shown by default.
All Streams - Includes all public streams and the private streams assigned to you as "stream owner"
or "participant."
Change the layout of the Streams page by selecting the Tile View or List View option.
Tile View - Displays the streams in a grid of tiles.
List View - Displays the s streams in a table list.
Use the Filter By: icons to filter the streams by running, completed, or canceled status.
Running - Streams with a running status are ongoing conversations addressing a business topic.
Completed - Streams with completed status are concluded conversations addressing a business
Canceled - Streams with canceled status are conversations addressing a business topic that are
no longer applicable.
Type keywords in the keyword filter text box to filter the streams by keyword.

Starting a stream
If you are designated a "stream owner" of a template, then you have access to start a stream instance
from that template. Click the Start Stream option to display a list of active templates that you have
access to start. You can change the instance, add participants, and start the stream.
Each stream instance can be started from a template that is locked or unlocked:
Locked - When a stream instance is created from a template that is locked, the information within
each step of the stream cannot be modified. New steps cannot be added.
Unlocked - When a stream instance is created from a template that is unlocked, the information
within each step of the stream can be modified and reorganized. New steps can be added.

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Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Stream details
View the details of a stream by clicking the stream tile or by clicking a row in the streams list view. The
Stream Details page is displayed. Use the Stream Details page to filter the steps, view steps, complete
steps, and comment on steps. Stream owners have the option to edit or add steps.
See "Adding steps to a template or stream" on page 43.
Use these Show drop-down list options to change the view:

Sort by Description
All Steps All steps of a current stream are displayed.
My Steps Only the steps for which I am a participant are

View the details of each step by clicking the expand icon. Within each step are the fields and actions
that the template creator or the stream owner has defined as necessary for this step. As a participant
of the stream, you can add data to each requested input. If the stream owner has restricted the step
to be completed by a particular participant, then only the participants who are assigned to the step can
act on that specific step. To act on a step the participant must click Start for the step. After the participant
has finished acting on that specific step, you can click Save, Complete, or Cancel. If a step has been
completed, then you can click Restart if more changes are needed. When edits are completed, you
can click the collapse icon to hide the details of that step.

The definition and configuration of workflows occur in the Infor ION Desk application; however, workflows
are displayed in Infor Ming.le under the Workflows tab. Workflows that you have access to view are
displayed. Workflows can have one of these statuses:
You can filter the workflows displayed by clicking the Filter by icons. You can also change the view
by clicking either the tile view or list view icons.

Workflow details
View workflow details by selecting the workflow and clicking it. The details page loads with the description
of the workflow, any input parameters, and any attachments. Also included is the Activity Locator. You
can cancel a workflow by clicking Cancel. This cancellation affects only the current workflow instance.

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Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

Activity Locator
The Activity Locator allows you to view details about each task and step in the workflow. Each step is
represented by a node in the locator diagram. Each node has a color-coded status indicator, the title
of the task, a profile picture of the task assignee, and the date of completion.
By default, the Activity Locator is displayed in the lower panel of the Tasks home page. Click a task to
display the Activity Locator associated with that task. Click Task Metrics to switch to the Task Metrics
view, and use the Activity Locator icon to return to the Activity Locator view.
If a search result or your Activity Feed shows a task, use the Activity Locator icon to open the Activity
Locator in an overlay.

Using the Social Objects icon

Click the Social Objects icon to navigate to the Social Objects page. Use the Social Objects page to
search for objects and the related objects that are interconnected. Start by typing in the Document
Type text box and select the document type from the menu shown. Fill out any other information you
may have in the Doc ID, Accounting Entity, or Location text boxes and click Search. Select the
object from the results displayed. You can follow the object by clicking the Not Following icon. Clicking
the object displays the objects that are connected to the selected object.

Supported file types for attachments

These file types are supported for each option to add an attachment in the system:

File type File extension

Adobe PDF pdf
Image bmp
Microsoft Excel xls

48 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

File type File extension

Microsoft Outlook msg
Microsoft PowerPoint pot
Microsoft Project mpp
Microsoft Visio vdx
Microsoft Word doc
Miscellaneous htm
Text csv
WebEx wrf

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Using the Infor Ming.le Enterprise header

50 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Maintaining context applications

Use this section to learn how to maintain your Infor Ming.le context applications.
Note: You can add context applications only to application pages. For example, whenever the Infor
Ming.le Header is displayed, additional context applications are not accepted.

Configuring context applications that require keys

To function properly, some Infor Ming.le context applications require keys and other information. If you
have access to this information, then you can complete the task below to configure the context
For other context applications, your Infor Ming.le administrator must install a certificate for the context
application to function properly. For more information on these keys and certificates, consult your Infor
Ming.le administrator.
To add the context applications at the user level:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 Click your user ID on the right side of the top navigation panel.
3 Click My Settings.
4 Click Edit Item.
5 Specify the Bing Maps Key.
6 Specify the UPS Service API User ID.
7 Specify the UPS API Password.
8 Specify the UPS Service API Access Code.
9 Specify the Microsoft Primary Account Key, for the Language Translator context application.
10 Specify the Microsoft Customer Id, for the Language Translator context application.
11 Specify the Yelp API Access Code.
12 Click Save.
13 Click Close.
14 Click Home to return to the Infor Ming.le home page.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 51

Maintaining context applications

Adding a context application

To add a context application to an application page in Infor Ming.le:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application to which you want to
add the context application.
3 After the application page loads, click the Manage Context Applications icon on the right side of
the top navigation panel to open the Context Applications Manager window.
A message at the top of the window indicates when you are editing your personal version of the
page. If no message is displayed, then you are editing the shared version of the page. Only a site
collection administrator can edit the shared version.
4 Under Page Zones, select the zone to which you want to add the context application. Most context
applications are on the right panel zone.
On left side of the Context Applications Manager, in the Available to be added box are a series of
categories. Under each category, the available context applications are listed. Note that when you
click a context application, a description of the context application is displayed at the bottom of
Context Application Manager.
5 Click a context application that you want to add to the application page and then click the right-pointing
double arrow (>>) to move the selected context application to the Already added box.
6 Repeat the steps above to add more context applications, as necessary, to the Already added box.
7 To change the order of the context applications in the Already added box, click the context application
and then click the up or down arrow to move the context application up or down in the list. The order
of the context applications in the list is the order that the context applications are displayed on the
application page.
8 To move a context application to first or last in the list, click the up or down double arrow to the right
of the Already added box.
9 When you finish adding and ordering the context applications, click Save to add the selected context
applications to the application page.
10 If prompted, then refresh or resubmit the page.

Removing a context application

There are two ways to remove a context application from Infor Ming.le:
Close the context application
When you close a context application , it is listed in the Closed Context Applications category in
the list of Infor context applications, and it can be added back to the application page. When the
context application is added back to the application page, any previous configuration settings for
the context application settings remain configured.
Delete the context application
When you delete a context application, it is not displayed in the list of Infor context applications, and
depending on your access, you may not be able to add the context application back to an application

52 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Maintaining context applications

page after the context application is deleted. If you are editing your personal view of the page, then
you can delete only those context applications that you added. You cannot delete context applications
that are added by the Infor Ming.le administrator.

To close a context application:

1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application to close.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the context application to close.
4 Click Close from the menu.
The context application is removed from the right navigation panel.
Note: To add a closed context application back to the web page, click the arrow next to your user ID
and select Personalize This Page. Click Add a Context Application, click the Closed Context
Applications category, locate the closed context application from this list, and click Add.

Caution: If you remove a context application, then you may not have authorization to restore
it. If you do not have authorization, then consult your Infor Ming.le administrator to restore the
context application.

Changing the order of the context applications

To change the order of the context applications on the application page by using the Context Applications
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application whose context applications
you want to reorder.
3 After the application page loads, click the Manage Context Applications icon on the right side of
the top navigation panel to open the Context Applications Manager window.
A message at the top of the window indicates when you are editing your personal version of the of
the page. If no message is displayed, then you are editing the shared version of the page. Only a
site collection administrator can edit the shared version.
4 Under Page Zones, select the zone of the context applications you want to reorder. Most context
applications are on the right panel zone.
5 To change the order of the context applications in the Already added box, click the context application
and then click the up or down arrows to move the context application up or down in the list. The
order of the context applications in the list is the order that the context applications are displayed
on the application page.
6 To move a context application to first or last in the list, use the up or down double arrows to the right
of the Already added box.
7 Repeat the steps above to reorder additional context applications, as necessary.

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Maintaining context applications

8 When you finish arranging the context applications, click Save.

9 If prompted, then refresh or resubmit the page.

Minimizing a context application

To minimize the display of a context application for an Infor Ming.le application page:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application that you want to minimize.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary, click the arrow on
the title bar of the context application that you want to minimize, and click Minimize from the list.

Restoring a context application

To restore the display of a minimized context application for an Infor Ming.le application page:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application that you want to restore.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary, click the arrow on
the title bar of the context application that you want to restore, and click Restore from the list.

Personalizing a context application

Some context applications provide an option to personalize settings that are relevant for your own use.
For example, with a context application that uses addresses, you can define a preferred address, or
with a context application that accesses currencies, you can identify the currencies that you reference
most often.
To personalize a context application in an application page on Infor Ming.le:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application that you want to personalize.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the arrow
on the title bar of the context application to personalize. If you are viewing a personalized page,
then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then click
Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view.

54 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Maintaining context applications

The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.

4 Under the Custom Settings section, select the options for the settings that you want to personalize.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

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Maintaining context applications

56 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using context applications

Use the tasks described in this section to learn how to use the individual Infor Ming.le context
Note: You can add context applications only to application pages. For example, whenever the Infor
Ming.le header is displayed, additional context applications are not accepted.

Sharing content from context applications

If you are using Infor Ming.le, then the some context applications have the ability to send content to a
post on Infor Ming.le. The context applications that can share content are:
Content Viewer
Currency Converter
In-Context BI
Language Translator
Package Tracker
Twitter Tracker
These context applications have a Share icon on the context application toolbar. What content is shared
depends on the context application. For example, you can share a report in In-Context BI or directions
to a meeting from the Maps context application.
Additionally, you can share information sent in context from an application through these context
applications. For example, if you are viewing a purchase order and it has an address field, then the
application can send that address in context to the Maps context application. You can then use the

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 57

Using context applications

share or e-mail functionality from the Maps context application to send this information to other Infor
Ming.le users. For more information, see the specific section for each context application.

Using the Alerts context application

This context application displays the most recent alerts. You can sort the alerts by clicking the Sort by
Date icon, ascending or descending. Clicking the Escalated icon filters the Alerts context application
by those alerts that have been given an escalated priority. You can also filter by category by selecting
a category in the Category drop-down.
Each alert has multiple options that are displayed when you hover on the alert. Icons are available to
assign the alert to the current user, to complete the alert, or to share the alert. Also there is an icon to
view the details of the alert in an alert overlay panel.
See "Working with the alert overlay panel" on page 31 for more information.

Using the Banner

This context application displays information such as time-sensitive corporate, organizational, and
departmental notices as determined by the Infor Ming.le administrator.
The context application is configured by the Infor Ming.le administrator and displays revolving or static
list-based images and text that are industry or suite specific in a banner-type display.

Editing the Banner title

The title is the only information of the context application that is editable if you are not an Infor Ming.le
site collection administrator.
To edit the title:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
Banner context application.
3 Click Site Actions and select Edit Page.
4 Expand the right navigation panel if necessary, click the down-pointing arrow on the upper right side
of the Banner context application, and select Edit My Context Application.
5 Under the Appearance section, change the title.
6 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
7 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

58 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using context applications

Using the Claims Viewer

The Claims Viewer context application displays the security claim types and values that are sent to the
user account by the Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) server. An administrator can use
this information to diagnose security and user authorization issues. This context application should be
added to the left zone when you use the Context Applications Manager.

Using the Content Viewer

Note: The Content Viewer context application is available only if the Content Assistant context application
was previously installed in an Infor Workspace 10.3.x environment.
The Content Viewer provides you with the ability to view documents that have been associated with
different Infor application pages, based on the current context of the application.

Using the Content Viewer Search

The Content Viewer Search displays the results of your manually entered searches. To perform a
search, Specify a term or text string in the search bar and click the search icon.
You can use the syntax below to refine the search by file attribute:
To search by author, use the keyword author, for example, author:"John Smith".
To search by file type, use the keyword filetype, for example, filetype:docx.
To search by file name, use the keyword filename, for example, filename:budget.xlsx.
To search by title, use the keyword title, for example, title:"Budget".
To search by the last modified date, use the keyword LastModifiedTime, for example,
_LastModifiedTime<04\16\2012. You can use >, <, or =.
Use AND and OR to perform a search with multiple keywords.
Search results are displayed in a list format and include details such as author, title, the created-on
date, the updated-on date, and version.

Configuring the Content Viewer context application

To configure the Content Viewer context application:
1 Sign into Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application.

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Using context applications

3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Content Viewer context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

4 Under the Custom Settings section, select a Profile from the list.
5 Specify a number for the number of search results returned.
6 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.
7 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using the Context Viewer

The Context Viewer is a context application designed to help developers intercept and analyze the
context messages sent from the applications.
The Context Viewer displays the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) messages sent in context from
the application and displays them in two formats on tabs in the context application.
The first tab, JSON Object View, contains a version of the JSON string that is parsed, formatted, and
easy to read.
The second tab, JSON Text View, contains the JSON message in the format sent by the application.
At the bottom of the context application, the Status is displayed. If the status displays Not Subscribed
for any messages, then the context application is not receiving messages in context.
This table shows the currently supported message types:

Description of the message type Message type

Infor Business Context inforBusinessContext
Address address
Multiple Address for Directions and for Pinpoint multipleAddress
Contact (person, company, e-mail address) contactContext
Language Translator languageTranslator
Set Shortcut Context setShortcutContext
Add Favorite addFavoriteContext

60 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using context applications

Description of the message type Message type

Show Favorite (for internal use only) showFavoriteContext
Context Help contextHelp
Currency Conversion currencyExchange
Package Information packageInformation
Text Message textMessage
Search Request searchRequest
Business Search businessSearch
Contextual URL contextualURL

To begin receiving messages in context, complete the instructions in "Configuring the Context Viewer
to subscribe to a message type" on page 61 to subscribe to a message type.

Configuring the Context Viewer to subscribe to a message type

To configure the Context Viewer to subscribe to a message type:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application for which to configure the Context Viewer.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Context Viewer context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Custom Settings section, under Message Type, specify the message type.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under Message
Type in the Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not
attempt to change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings. JSON messages
will now be displayed in the tabs when sent by the application.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 61

Using context applications

Using the Countdown

Use this context application to show a countdown timer for selected events. The Countdown context
application displays a timer for each configured event and counts down to the start time of the event.
After the start time of the event passes, the event title changes color.
Adding the Countdown context application to one Infor application does not add it to all application
pages. You must add the Countdown context application to each application. However, if you add the
Countdown context application to multiple applications, then configuring the events for one application
changes the Countdown context application for all applications.

Configuring your events

To configure events to display in the Countdown context application:
1 Sign into Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application for which to configure events.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Countdown context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
The context application settings available for personalization are displayed. Under the Custom
Settings section is where you configure events.
4 Select the Title for your event.
5 Select the Date by clicking a calendar entry.
6 To set the time, click the hours list and select the hour. Then, click the minute list and select the
minute. Minutes are displayed in increments of 5 starting with 00 and ending with 55.
7 Confirm that the Show Countdown check box is selected for the countdown timer to display in the
context application.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

8 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
9 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Removing a countdown timer from an event

To remove a countdown timer from a configured event:

62 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using context applications

1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.

2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application for which you are removing the countdown timer.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Countdown context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
The context application settings available for personalization are displayed. Under the Custom
Settings section is where you configure events.
4 Clear the Show Countdown check box for the event whose countdown timer you want to remove.
5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using the Currency Converter

Use this context application for currency conversion. You can set up default base and target currencies
in the context application associated with the selected application.
To use the Currency Converter:
1 Specify the amount of the base currency to use for the conversion.
2 Specify the Base currency.
3 Specify the Target currency.
4 Click Convert. The converted amount is displayed below the target currency.

Understanding the context awareness of the Currency Converter

Some applications transfer selected monetary data, in context, directly to the Currency Converter
context application for conversion, without the need for manual entry. When information is transferred
automatically in context, the light bulb icon in the context application lights up. When the context
application is in collapsed mode, a red dot is displayed next to the application icon to indicate that
in-context information is available.
The date of the exchange rates used for the conversion is listed at the bottom of the Currency Converter
context application.

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Using context applications

Sharing Currency Converter information

The Currency Converter context application must have currency conversion data to share. When the
conversion data is available, the Share icon on the Currency Converter context application toolbar is
enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Currency Converter context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.
The Share window is displayed. Some information about the currency conversion along with tags
used for search, for example: #dollar, #euro, is included in the Share form text box. You can edit
this information and also type additional text if needed.
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Setting up default base and target currencies

When you set up default base and target currencies, the settings are specific to the Currency Converter
context application associated with the selected application. If you perform currency conversions for
multiple applications, then you must set up default Currency Converter context application settings
separately for each application.
To set up default base and target currencies:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application for which to set up the base and target currencies.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel as necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Currency Converter context application. If you are viewing
a personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a
shared view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the
shared view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Custom Settings section, select a default base currency and a default target currency.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

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Using context applications

Using the Documentation context application

The Documentation context application provides online documentation specific to the context application
associated with the selected application. The documentation available is displayed in the context
application. Click a document title or link to open the documentation in a separate window.
From the Infor Ming.le home page, you can use the Documentation context application to access
information on how to use Infor Ming.le. Click Online Help to access specific help topics, or click a
document title to open a PDF document.
To access information in PDF file format, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.

Configuring the Documentation context application

The title is the only information of the context application that is editable if you are not the Infor Ming.le
To configure the Documentation context application:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Documentation context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Custom Settings section, change the title.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using the Generic context application

Use the Generic context application to configure a specific view of the corresponding application. You
can add multiple application views to your personal view and configure them separately, for quick
access to the different application views. The administrator configures the Generic context application
for the shared view. You cannot edit this shared view. To configure your own view, add the Generic
context application to your personal view by using the Context Applications Manager.

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Using context applications

See "Adding a context application" on page 52.

After adding the context application, you can configure the context application for the specific application
view that you want to see in the context application.

Configuring the Generic context application

To configure the Generic context application for a specific view of an application:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application for which to configure
the context application.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Generic context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Custom Settings section, specify the Application Logical Id Prefix.
5 Specify the Application Logical Id.
6 Specify the Application View Id.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section.

7 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
8 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using In-Context BI
Use this context application to view Business Intelligence reports that are specific to the Infor application
page displayed. When the application supports In-Context BI, the context application receives in-context
messages from the application and displays reports based (filtered) on those messages.
To understand how to use the In-Context BI context application, review this information:
Reports are displayed in a drop-down box based on the application page. The first report in the list
is displayed and filtered based on the in-context messages. For example, a report may be filtered
on Customer or Item if the application is sending messages based on these entities.
To navigate quickly to the next report or the previous report available for the current application
page, click the arrow icons on either side of the report name.
The context application has a toolbar that contains Expand Report and Connect/Disconnect
actions and a refresh icon.

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Using context applications

To maximize the report and view it in a larger window, click Expand Report.
Reports are refreshed based on the application page and the records selected on the page. To
prevent the reports from being refreshed, click Connected/Disconnected. To reconnect, click
Connected/Disconnected once more.
If an in-context message is sent while the context application is disconnected, then the light bulb
icon lights up when the right navigation panel is in expanded mode. When the panel is in collapsed
mode, a red dot is displayed next to the icon for the context application. The red dot indicates
that in-context messages are available for the report. When the navigation panel is expanded,
the report is updated for the in-context messages even when in disconnected mode.
Click the refresh icon to refresh a report when in disconnected mode without reconnecting the
context application or at any time to refresh the context application.

Configuring the In-Context BI context application

You can update only the title unless you are the Infor Ming.le site collection administrator.
To configure the In-Context BI context application:
1 Sign into Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the In-Context BI context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My context application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
view. The Context Application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Custom Settings section, change the Title.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Sharing information from the In-Context BI context application

The In-Context BI context application must have an In-Context BI report to share information on an
Infor Ming.le feed page. When a report is available, the Share icon on the In-Context BI context
application toolbar is enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the In-Context BI context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:

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Using context applications

1 Click the Share icon.

The Share window is displayed. Some information about the In-Context BI report, along with a link
to view the report, is included in the Share form text box. Tags used for search in Infor Ming.le, for
example: #Item1199, #Customer9999, are also included. You can edit this information and also
type additional text if needed.
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Using the In-Context URL Viewer

The In-Context URL Viewer context application displays content based on a URL that is sent in context
as a context message. The In-Context URL Viewer context application receives a valid URL and displays
the web site content. The In-Context URL Viewer context application does not adjust the height and
width of the URL content. Infor Ming.le does not control the content but displays only what is shown in
the URL that is sent in context from the application.

Editing the context application title

The title is the only information of the In-Context URL Viewer context application that is editable.
To edit the title:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
In-Context URL Viewer context application.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the In-Context URL Viewer context application. If you are
viewing a personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing
a shared view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the
shared view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Custom Settings section, change the title.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.

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Using context applications

6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using the Infor LN Navigator context application

Use the Infor LN Navigator context application to configure a specific view of the Infor LN application.
The LN Navigator is described in the Infor Workspace-LN Plug-in User Guide (U9647 US). Refer to
this document for more information on the LN Navigator context application.

Using the Language Translator

Use this context application for language translation. You can set up default To and From languages
in the context application settings.
To function properly, the Language Translator context application requires user keys.
If you have access to these keys, then see "Configuring context applications that require keys" on page
51 for instructions on configuring the Microsoft translator keys for the Language Translator context
If you require assistance with obtaining or configuring these keys, then consult your Infor Ming.le
To use the Language Translator:
1 Specify the translate From language. If you do not recognize the language, then select Auto Detect.
2 Specify the translate To language.
3 Specify the text to translate.
4 Click Translate. The translation is displayed in the Translate field. If you selected Auto Detect in
From, then the Language Translator identifies the source language in From.
5 If applicable, click Copy Text to copy the translated text to your clipboard for reuse. If prompted,
then click Allow to allow the context application access to the clipboard.
6 To switch the From and To language fields, click the Swap icon to the right of the language fields.
Type the text to be translated in Enter Text and click Translate to view the translation.
7 Click Clear All to clear the text from the Enter Text and Translate fields. The From and To language
fields are also reset to the default values.

Setting up default languages for translation

When you set up default To and From languages for translation, the settings are specific to the Language
Translator context application associated with the selected application. To perform translations in

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Using context applications

multiple applications, you must set up default languages separately in each instance of the context
application in each application.
To set up default To and From languages for translation:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application for which to set up the
default languages.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Language Translator context application. If you are viewing
a personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a
shared view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the
shared view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Under the Default Languages section, select a default From language and a default To language.

Caution: When personalizing the context application, change only the settings under the
Default Languages section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Understanding the context awareness of the Language Translator

Some applications transfer text directly to the Language Translator context application, in context, for
translation without the need for manual entry. If text is transferred in context and the right navigation
panel is expanded, then the translate To and translate From languages are updated, and the text is
translated. If the right navigation panel is collapsed, then a red dot is displayed on the panel next to
the Language Translator context application icon. When expanded, the Language Translator context
application displays the translated text and shows the correct To and From languages.

Sharing information from the Language Translator context application

The Language Translator context application must have translated text to share information on an Infor
Ming.le feed page. When the translated text is available, the Share icon on the Language Translator
context application toolbar is enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Language Translator context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.
The Share window is displayed. Some information about the translation, along with tags used for
search, for example #English, is included in the Share form text box. You can edit this information
and also type additional text if needed.
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.

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Using context applications

3 Optionally, add any attachments.

For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Using Maps
Use this context application to find locations and get driving directions.

Finding locations and getting driving directions

To find locations and get driving directions:
1 Specify a business or an address to display a map of that location. Press Enter or click Pinpoint
Location. A map is displayed that shows the location.
2 To get directions, click the plus sign (+) and specify the next business or address. You can specify
multiple addresses by clicking the plus sign. If you press the Tab key on your keyboard, then the
cursor moves to the next map stop.
3 To change the order of the locations, use the up and down arrows.
4 To remove a location or address, click X.
5 After you specify all of the locations and addresses, click Get Directions. A map of the route is
displayed. Directions are displayed below the map in the Driving Directions section.
6 To reverse the directions, click Reverse.
7 Click Clear Route at any point to remove all locations and addresses.
8 Click the Copy Link to Clipboard icon on the context application toolbar to copy the URL with the
route on Bing Maps. You can then paste the link in a browser, e-mail, or document. If prompted,
click Allow to allow the context application access to the clipboard.
9 Click the Copy Directions to the Clipboard icon to copy the directions to your clipboard. You can
then paste the directions into an e-mail or document.
10 To print the directions, click the printer icon.
11 If you set up a Home location, then click Home to clear the route displayed and pinpoint the home
location on the map.

Setting up a home location and the distance unit

To set up a home location and distance unit:
1 Sign in to Infor Ming.le.

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Using context applications

2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application for which to set up the home location and distance unit.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Maps context application. If you are viewing a personalized
page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then
click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view. The
context application settings available for personalization are displayed.
4 Change the settings under the Custom Settings section, as appropriate. To set up a default home
location, specify an address in My Location. Specify a default distance unit to be used under Select
Distance Unit. You can change the distance unit without specifying a home location.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under Home
Location and Distance Unit in the Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance
section. Do not attempt to change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Understanding the context awareness of the Maps context

Some applications can send addresses in context automatically. When the right navigation panel is
collapsed and an address is sent in context to the Maps context application, a red dot is displayed next
to the Maps context application icon. When you expand the right navigation panel, the first location is
updated with the address from context.
When only one address is sent in context, the location is pinpointed on the map. When multiple
addresses are sent in context, the Maps context application either maps the locations, setting a route
for driving directions in the order that the addresses are sent, or sets pinpoints for all addresses. The
application determines whether the addresses are routed or pinpointed.

Sharing information from the Maps context application

The Maps context application must have location data to share information on an Infor Ming.le feed
page. When the location data is available, the Share icon on the Maps context application toolbar is
enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Maps context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.
The Share window is displayed. A link to the map on Bing Maps and some information about the
map along with tags used for search are included in the Share form text box. You can edit this
information and also type additional text if needed.

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Using context applications

2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Using the Package Tracker

Use this context application to view real-time tracking information for packages. When you add the
Package Tracker context application to multiple applications, the tracking information is cleared whenever
you go from one application to another. For this context application to function properly, you must
provide these keys:
UPS Service API User ID
UPS Service API Password
UPS Service API Access Code
See "Configuring context applications that require keys" on page 51 for instructions on adding the UPS
To use the Package Tracker:
1 Specify a Tracking Number.
2 Click Track.
Basic tracking information is displayed such as the pick-up and delivery dates. Additional information
can also be displayed.
3 To clear the tracking number, click Clear.
4 Click the icon on the right, above the tracking number, to copy a link to the carrier's website specific
to the tracking number that you enter. You can also copy the link into an e-mail or document.

Understanding context awareness of the Package Tracker

The Package Tracker accepts context from applications. If a tracking number is available in context
from an application and the context application is in expanded mode, then the context application
displays tracking information for the tracking number sent in context. If the Package Tracker context
application is in collapsed mode, then a red dot is displayed next to the Package Tracker context
application icon when the application has sent a tracking number. When the panel is expanded, the
tracking information is displayed.

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Using context applications

Sharing information from the Package Tracker context application

The Package Tracker context application must have tracking data to share information on an Infor
Ming.le feed page. When the tracking data is available, the Share icon on the Package Tracker context
application toolbar is enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Package Tracker context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.
The Share window is displayed. A link to the tracking information and some basic information about
the shipment are displayed on the Share form. Tags used for search, for example, the tracking
number and carrier, are in the Share form text box. You can edit this information and also type
additional text if needed.
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Using the Paparazzi context application

The Paparazzi context application displays social objects in context to what you are currently doing.
The Paparazzi context application also displays social objects that are associated with the social objects
displayed in context.
The Infor Ming.le administrator can turn on or off the option to follow objects. When the follow objects
option is turned off, the Paparazzi context application displays the message: This feature is
currently disabled. Please contact your System Administrator.

Using the Posts context application

The Posts context application displays the most recent posts. Each post has multiple options that are
displayed when you hover on the post. Icons are available to add a comment or to share the post.
There is an icon to view the details of the post in a post overlay panel.
See "Working with the post overlay panel" on page 33 for more information.

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Using context applications

Using the Sample context application

The Sample context application is provided to Infor partners and developers to demonstrate the
capabilities and functionality available to the context applications deployed in Infor Ming.le. Some
applications transfer selected "in-context" text that can be used in the Sample context application. The
Sample context application receives messages in context and displays the text in the Sample context
application. When the context application is in collapsed mode, a red dot is displayed next to the
application icon to indicate that in-context data is available. You can click the icon on the right, next to
the displayed text, and copy the text to the clipboard. You can also copy the link into an e-mail or

Configuring the Sample context application

Site administrators can edit the display text, font type, and font color of the Sample context application.
Non-site administrators can edit only the display text.
To configure the Sample context application:
1 Sign into Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Sample context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My context application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
view. The Context Application settings available for personalization are displayed.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

4 Under the Custom Settings section, specify the Title and provide any sample text in Display Text.
5 If you are the site administrator, to change the font type and color, specify the Font Type and Font
6 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save the changes.
7 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using Shortcuts
Use this context application to list and maintain shortcuts that provide links to qualifying Infor Ming.le
application pages. You can create shortcuts only for those application pages that display the shortcut

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 75

Using context applications

icon next to your user ID on the right side of the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel. The shortcuts that
you set up within the Shortcuts context application are shared by all Infor Ming.le applications.

Creating a shortcut
To create a shortcut:
1 Access the application page for which you want to create a shortcut.
2 Click the shortcut icon next to your user ID on the right side of the top navigation panel.
3 In the Add Shortcut window, add a shortcut name and description if they are not displayed by default.
4 Click OK.
The application page is added to the list of shortcuts within your Shortcuts context application. After
you create a shortcut, you can click Edit next to the shortcut name in the context application to
update the name. Click Refresh to update the name in the list.

Editing a shortcut
To edit a shortcut:
1 On the Shortcuts context application, locate the shortcut to be edited.
2 Click the Edit icon next to the shortcut.
3 Update the shortcut information.
4 Click the Save icon (green check mark) to save your changes.

Deleting a shortcut
To delete a shortcut:
1 On the Shortcuts context application, select the box next to one or more shortcuts to delete.
2 Click the X icon on the context application toolbar.

Sharing information from the Shortcuts context application

The Shortcuts context application must have shortcuts to share information on an Infor Ming.le feed
page. When the shortcuts are available, the Share icon on the Shortcuts context application toolbar is
enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Shortcuts context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.

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Using context applications

The Share window is displayed. The shortcut, along with tags used for search, for example #Syteline,
is included in the Share form text box. You can edit this information and also type additional text if
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Using the Tasks context application

The Tasks context application displays the most recent tasks. You can sort the tasks by clicking the
Sort by Date icon, Ascending or Descending. Clicking the Escalated icon filters the Tasks context
application by those tasks that have been given an escalated priority. You can also filter by category
by selecting a category in the Category drop-down.
Each Task has multiple options that appear when you hover on the task. Icons are available to assign
the task to the current user or to share the task. There is an icon to view the details of the task in a task
overlay panel.
See "Working with the task overlay panel" on page 32 for more information.

Using the Twitter Tracker

Use this context application to send tweets by using your own Twitter account and to display messages
from Twitter by using customized search terms. Specify customized search terms to personalize what
messages are displayed in the context application. You can set up searches that allow you to follow
keywords and users. The context application refreshes and displays the most recent messages based
on your searches.
To function properly, the Twitter Tracker requires the Infor Ming.le administrator to specify keys at the
site collection level. For more information, consult your Infor Ming.le administrator.
The Twitter Tracker context application has these tabs:
The Trackings tab displays messages that contain the search terms and users you are following
under My Trackings in the context application settings. This tab also displays messages that match
the search terms sent in context from the application.
The Tweet tab allows you to send Twitter messages or tweets, using your Twitter account. Messages
that you send are displayed on Twitter.
The Twitter Tracker Trackings tab displays tweets based on the search terms entered under My
Trackings in the context application settings and any search terms sent in context. If there are any

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Using context applications

search terms sent in context, then the terms are displayed under the In-Context Trackings heading
under the context application toolbar. You can click the arrow to the right of the heading to expand and
collapse the list of in-context search terms.
Below each tweet are these icons:
Untrack: If you are currently tracking the search terms in the body of the tweet, then an Untrack
icon is displayed. Click the Untrack icon to remove the search terms from the context application
Track: If the hash marked search terms are not in your My Trackings section of the context
application setting, then a Track icon is displayed. Click the Track icon and select the term that you
want to add to your My Trackings section.
Reply: Using the Twitter account that you are signed in with, click the Reply icon to reply to a tweet.
Retweet: Using the Twitter account that you are signed in with, click the Retweet icon to re-tweet
the selected tweet.

Configuring the Twitter Tracker context application

To configure the Twitter Tracker context application:
1 Sign into Infor Ming.le.
2 From the Infor Ming.le top navigation panel, click the icon of the application associated with the
context application for which you want to configure the Twitter Tracker context application.
3 After the application page loads, expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the
down-pointing arrow on the title bar of the Twitter Tracker context application. If you are viewing a
personalized page, then click Edit My Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared
view, then click Edit Context Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared
view. The context application settings available for personalization are displayed.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

4 Under the Custom Settings section, specify the number of seconds to refresh and update your
messages. This number must be 120 seconds or more. The default is 120 seconds.
5 Specify the number of messages for the context application to display. The default is 10 messages.
6 Specify the keywords and users that you want to follow above Add to My Trackings.
7 Click Add to My Trackings. Your search terms are displayed under My Trackings.

Understanding the context awareness of Twitter Tracker

Some applications transfer text directly to the Twitter Tracker context application, in context, for search
without the need for manual entry. If search terms are transferred in context and the right navigation

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Using context applications

panel is expanded, then the matching tweets are sent to the Trackings tab. The search term is added
under In-Context Trackings below the context application toolbar. When the right navigation panel is
collapsed, a red dot is displayed on the panel next to the Twitter context application icon when an
in-context message is received. A light bulb icon is displayed next to the tab to alert you when a new
in-context search message is received when the left panel is expanded. You can click a user name or
hash tag (#) to open the Twitter site for that user name or hash tag. When you click a hyperlink, a new
browser window opens.

Sharing information from the Twitter Tracker context application

The Twitter Tracker context application must have content to share information on an Infor Ming.le
feed page. When content is available, the Share icon on the Twitter Tracker context application toolbar
is enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Twitter Tracker context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.
The Share window is displayed. The text of the tweet and a link to Twitter for that tweet, along with
tags used for search, are included in the Share form text box. You can edit this information and also
type additional text if needed.
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

Sending a tweet
From the Tweet tab, you can send Twitter messages, or tweets, using your Twitter account. Messages
you send are displayed on Twitter. You must have a valid Twitter account to use this functionality.
To send a tweet:
1 Click the Tweet tab.
2 Click Authorize.
Another browser with the Twitter sign-in page is opened.
3 Specify your Twitter user name and password.
4 Click Authorize App to give the Twitter tracker authorization to access your Twitter account.
The Twitter browser window closes. You can now enter text on the Tweet tab.
5 In the text box, specify the name of the user to whom you want to send the tweet and type the
message. For example, @JoeSmith Hi sends a tweet "Hi" to the user @JoeSmith.
6 When finished, click Tweet to send the tweet.
After you tweet the message, a message is displayed on the tab indicating "Successfully tweeted."

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Using context applications

Removing a search term or user

To remove a search term or user:
1 Expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the down-pointing arrow on the title bar of
the Twitter Tracker context application. If you are viewing a personalized page, then click Edit My
Context Application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then click Edit Context
Application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view. The context application
settings available for personalization are displayed. Under the Custom Settings section are your
saved searches.
2 Highlight the search to remove under My Trackings, and click Remove From My Trackings.
3 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
4 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using the Unit of Measure Converter

Use this context application to convert a quantity from one unit of measurement (UOM) to another. You
can convert UOMs for:
You can also set up default conversion units, such as "from foot to meter" for length.
To use the UOM Converter:
1 Specify the Type of units to display.
2 Specify a value in Precision from 1 to 8 for the converted number.
3 Under From, in Value, type the number to convert.
4 Under From, from the Units drop-down list, select the base UOM.
5 Under To, from the Units drop-down list, select the UOM to which to convert. The converted number
is displayed.
6 To clear the numbers, click Clear. Clicking Clear does not change the selected units.
7 Use the double-arrow Swap icon to the right to reverse the To and From units. Clicking this icon
also clears the values.

80 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using context applications

Setting up default units

When you set up default UOM values for Type, To, and From, the settings are specific to the UOM
Converter context application associated with the selected application. To perform UOM conversions
in multiple applications, you must set up default settings separately for each application.
To set up default UOM values:
1 Expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the down-pointing arrow on the title bar of
the UOM Converter context application. If you are viewing a personalized page, then click Edit My
context application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then click Edit context
application. Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view. The context application
settings available for personalization are displayed.
2 Under the Custom Settings section, specify a default UOM type in Type.
3 Under From, specify the default base UOM from which to convert the unit.
4 Under To, specify the default UOM to which to convert the unit.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

5 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
6 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Using the Video Player

Use this context application to play videos provided by the Infor Ming.le administrator.
To play a video:
1 Click the arrow next to Media Listing and Other Information to display a list of videos available
for viewing.
2 Locate the video to view, and double-click the video title to play the video.
Use the Video Player controls to pause, fast-forward, reverse, or rewind the playback, or to enlarge
the display in a separate window.

Using World Clocks

Use this context application to view multiple world clocks, which display default locations and time
zones. You can configure the clocks to display locations and time zones of your choice.

Infor Ming.le User Guide | 81

Using context applications

A white clock face indicates that the current time in the time zone is between midnight and noon. A
black clock face indicates that the current time in the time zone is between noon and midnight.
Adding the World Clocks context application to one Infor application does not add it to all applications.
You must add the context application to each application. However, if you add the World Clock context
application to multiple applications, then configuring the location and time zones for one application
changes the World Clocks context application for all applications.

Configuring a world clock

To configure one or more world clocks:
1 Expand the right navigation panel if necessary and click the down-pointing arrow on the title bar of
the World Clock context application. If you are viewing a personalized page, click Edit My Context
Application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then click Edit Context Application.
Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view.
The context application settings available for personalization are displayed. Under the Custom
Settings section are multiple clock locations and a label associated with each location.
2 Select a new location for each clock that you want to configure. A default label is added to the Label
field. You can update the label to meet your requirements.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section and the Title under the Appearance section. Do not attempt to
change other settings.

3 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
4 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

Removing a clock
To remove a clock from the World Clocks context application:
1 Expand the right navigation panel, if necessary, and click the down-pointing arrow on the title bar
of the World Clock context application. If you are viewing a personalized page, click Edit My Context
Application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then click Edit Context Application.
Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view.
The context application settings available for personalization are displayed. Under the Custom
Settings section are multiple clock locations and a label associated with each location.
2 Click the location to remove, and select none.
3 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
4 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

82 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

Using context applications

Using Yelp
Use this context application to access Yelp city guides to search for places to eat, shop, drink, and so
on, based on the opinions of an active local community. You can add a default location to assist in
finding businesses near you.
To use Yelp to search information:
1 Specify a business name or category to search next to Search For.
2 Specify a location to search next to Near. Near contains a default location if you or the administrator
configures a default location. At least one business name, category, or location is required for a
3 Click the Sort drop-down list and specify how to sort the result.
4 Click Search. The search results are displayed.
5 To view a business page in Yelp, click the business name. A new browser window is opened with
the selected business in Yelp.
6 To pinpoint the location of a business in the Maps context application, click the Pinpoint in Map
icon next to the Sort drop-down list. The Maps context application is updated.
7 Click Clear All to clear the Search For and Near boxes to start a new search.

Configuring the Yelp context application

For this context application to function properly, you must provide a Yelp API access code.
If you have the API access code, then see "Configuring context applications that require keys" on page
51 for instructions on configuring the Yelp API access code.
If you require assistance to obtain the API access code, then consult your Infor Ming.le administrator.
To set up a default location and set the number of search results to be returned:
1 Expand the right navigation panel, if necessary, and click the down-pointing arrow on the title bar
of the Yelp context application. If you are viewing a personalized page, then click Edit My Context
Application from the list. If you are editing a shared view, then click Edit Context Application.
Only site collection administrators can edit the shared view. The context application settings available
for personalization are displayed.
2 Under the Custom Settings section, specify a preferred location under My Preferred Location.
3 Under Number of search results to be displayed, specify the number of total search results to
display from Yelp.

Caution: When personalizing a context application, change only the settings under the
Custom Settings section.

4 Click Apply at the bottom of the list of settings to save your changes.
5 Click OK at the bottom of the list of settings to close the context application settings.

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Using context applications

Understanding the context awareness of the Yelp context application

Some applications transfer text directly to the Yelp context application, in context, for a search without
the need for manual entry.
If search terms are transferred in context and the right navigation panel is expanded, then the Search
Results area is updated when the Yelp context application is in a Connected state. When the context
application is in a Disconnected state, a light bulb icon is illuminated on the Yelp context application
to alert that there are search terms in context. Click the Connect/Disconnect icon to reconnect the
context application and update the results with the search terms.
When the right navigation panel is in a collapsed state, a red dot is displayed next to the Yelp context
application icon. When the Yelp context application is in a connected state, expanding the right navigation
panel displays the Search Results for the search sent in context. When the context application is in
a disconnected state, expanding the right navigation panel shows the context search results only after
you click the Connect/Disconnect icon to reconnect the context application or you click the Refresh
icon to refresh the data without reconnecting the context application.

Using the Share functionality with Infor Ming.le integration

The Yelp context application toolbar contains an icon to share or post.

Sharing information from the Yelp context application

The Yelp context application must have search results to share information on an Infor Ming.le feed
page. When the search results are available, the Share icon on the Yelp context application toolbar is
enabled; otherwise, the icon is disabled.
To share information from the Yelp context application to the Infor Ming.le feed page:
1 Click the Share icon.
The Share window is displayed. A link to the result on Yelp is displayed. Tags used for the search,
for example #TacoBell, are included in the Share form text box. You can edit this information and
also type additional text if needed.
2 Click Privacy Level and set the privacy level of the post.
3 Optionally, add any attachments.
For supported file types, see "Supported file types for attachments" on page 48.
4 Click Post to share the content.
The content is displayed on your Infor Ming.le feed pages and is visible to other Infor Ming.le users
according to the privacy settings on the Share form.

84 | Infor Ming.le User Guide

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