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1.0 Introduction

People have different levels of understanding, which is why we all have different
opinions about such things. Many people believe what they see or hear first, but not all are like
this. Some look for evidence first before making a judgement, some simply believe, and some
are just existing. The truth is often covered and left out by lies and theories, which makes some
people look ignorant. Despite knowing this, people still continue to listen to untrue facts and
unbelievable theories, and choose to be ignorant of the truth. We must be careful in deciding
and keep in mind that our perception affects our reality. What we believe is based upon our
perceptions, Gary Zukav said. So, if our thoughts are being fed wrongly, then were probably
rooting for the wrong team and passing by the wrong road.

We all know that there are many religions nowadays with different gods and beliefs. But
we believe in Christianity, we believe that God created the heavens and the earth, and all that
is therein. Also, that He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and that He saved us from our sins. He is
loving, caring, understanding, and forgiving, but let us not forget that He is also a just God. We
must bear in mind that everything we do has either a reward or a punishment, it all depends on
our actions and intention. If you want to know more about God, you can read the Bible. If you
want to know what other people thinks about God, you can read articles online. So, upon
pondering this, I hope you make a decision and answer my question: HOW DO YOU PERCEIVE

2.0 Problem Statement

Wrong perception of people about Christianity is the problem that will be addressed in
this study. How we can reach out to them is the challenge. Specific questions to be answered
will include:

1) How can Christianity change your life?

2) How do MCAers perceive God?
3) How does believing in God change your whole being?
4) Is there any significant difference in the perception of MCAers about God in relation to
the variables of sex and marriage.

3.0 Study Objectives

Our aim in this study is to make people have a clear and positive perception about God
and to go deeper in understanding His Word.

1) To know how many MCAers know about God.

2) To assess the MCAers their understanding about God.
3) To encourage young people to come to the Lord and serve Him with gladness.
4) To clarify that we only have one God.
5) To make known to the world how great and graceful God is.

4.0 Methodology

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