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Prevalent Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in the Predialysis

Population: Identifying Opportunities for Intervention

Adeera Levin, MD, FRCP(C), Joel Singer, PhD, Christopher R. Thompson, MD, FRCP(C),
Heather Ross, MD, FRCP(C), and Mary Lewis, RN
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is present in over 70% of patients commencing dialysis. It is an independent
risk factor for cardiac death, which is the cause of death in approximately 45% of patients on dialysis. The
prevalence of LVH in patients earlier in the course of renal insufficiency is unknown. As part of a prospective
longitudinal study evaluating the progression of comorbid diseases in patients with progressive renal disease, we
evaluated LVH. In 175 consecutive patients attending a renal insufficiency clinic we obtained technically adequate
echocardiograms and estimated left ventricular mass index (LVMI) using two-dimensional targeted M-mode echo-
cardiography. We calculated LVMI using the American Society of Echocardiography cube formula method re-
gressed to anatomic validation. The population consisted of 115 men and 60 women ranging in age from 20 to
82 years (mean age, 51.5 years). The mean creatinine was 403 _+ 207 /~mol/L (_+SD), representing a creatinine
clearance (Ccr) of 25.5 _+ 17 mL/min. Left ventricular hypertrophy was defined as LVMI greater than 131 g/m 2 in
men and greater than 100 g/m 2 in women, and was present in 38.9% of the population studied. We demonstrate
that the prevalence of LVH increases with progressive renal decline: 26.7% of patients with Ccr greater than 50
mL/min had LVH, 30.8% of those with Ccr between 25 and 49 mL/min had LVH, and 45.2% of patients with severe
renal impairment (Ccr <25 mL/min) had LVH (P = 0.05). The mean LVMI was significantly different among the
three groups (97.5 g/m 2 v 100.8 g/m 2 v 114.4 g/m 2, respectively; P < 0.001). Univariate analyses revealed that age,
hemoglobin, systolic blood pressure, and Ccr were significantly different between the groups with and without
LVH. The logistic regression model confirmed the findings of the univariate analysis: an increase in age of 5 years
was associated with an increase of 3% in risk of LVH (P = 0.0094), as was an increase in systolic blood pressure
of 5 mm Hg (P -- 0.0018). For each 10 g/L decrease in hemoglobin, the risk of LVH increased by 6 % (P = 0,0062),
and for each 5 mL/min decline in Ccr the risk increased by 3% (P = 0.0168). We demonstrate the high prevalence
of LVH in patients with renal insufficiency prior to the need for dialysis, which is associated with severity of renal
impairment, and identify two modifiable factors (systolic blood pressure and anemia) as important predictors of
LVH. We suggest that future studies should focus on interventions aimed at attenuating the impact of these
1996 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.

INDEX WORDS: Progressive renal insufficiency; left ventricular hypertrophy; cardiovascular risk.


C leading cause of morbidity and mortality in
end-stage renal failure (ESRF) patients. Ischemic
All patients were referred to our nephrology division for
assessment and follow-up of renal insufficiency (serum creat-

heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and left

ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) all occur with From The Divisions of Nephrology and Cardiology, the
Departments of Medicine and Health Care and Epidemiol-
high frequency in the dialysis population. 1,2 Ca-
ogy, St Paul's Hospital and the University of British Colum-
nadian Organ Replacement Registry data demon- bia, Vancouver BC, Canada.
strate that 45% of all deaths in the ESRF popula- Received December 8, 1994; accepted in revised form No-
tion are due to cardiovascular causes. There has vember 14, 1995.
Supported by grants to Dr Levin from the BC Medical
been no change in these rates in the last decade. 2
Research/Vancouver Foundation, Vancouver, British Colum-
Left ventricular hypertrophy is an independent bia, Canada, and Ortho Biotech Canada, Toronto, Canada,
predictor of survival, present in approximately and to Dr Thompson from the Heart and Stroke Foundation
70% of patients at the initiation of dialysis) -5 It of British Columbia and the Yukon. Dr Levin is a St Paul's
is obvious that cardiovascular disease must be Hospital Foundation Scholar.
Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Col-
present in a significant proportion of patients
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Quebec City,
long before the initiation of dialysis. Despite this, Quebec, Canada, 1992, and at the Annual Meeting of the
little is known about the prevalence and progres- American Society of Echocardiography, San Francisco, CA,
sion of LVH in patients in the interval between May 1994.
Address reprint requests to Adeera Levin, MD, FRCP(C),
onset of renal insufficiency and the initiation of
Renal Insufficiency Clinic, #602--1160 Burrard St, Vancou-
dialysis. We describe the prevalence of LVH in ver BC, Canada V6Z 1Y6.
a group of patients with renal insufficiency prior 1996 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
to the onset of renal replacement therapy. 0272-6386/96/2 703-000753.00/0

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 27, No 3 (March), 1996: pp 347-354 347

inine > 150 #mol/L). As part of a prospective study evaluat- Males = Ccr(males) = (140 - age)
ing the prevalence and progression of comorbid conditions
associated with renal insufficiency, we collected demo- X weight (kg)/serum creatinine (#mol/L) x 0.81
graphic, clinical, and biochemical data and attempted to ob-
Females = Ccr(females) = Ccr(males) X 0.85
tain echocardiographic data in 197 consecutive patients eval-
uated in the renal insufficiency clinic between February 1990 The calculation of Ccr by this method correlates highly with
and March 1993. measured Ccr techniques.8 Renal insufficiency was classified
Of the 197 patients, 22 (11%) did not have evaluable echo- as mild (Ccr >50 mL/min), moderate (Ccr 25 to 49 mL/
cardiograms; three of the studies were technically inadequate min), or severe (Ccr <24 mL/min).
and 19 patients failed to keep their appointments. The results
of 175 consecutive patients who had echocardiograms techni- Statistical Methods
cally adequate for the determination of left ventricular mass
are presented. For normally distributed continuous variables, mean values
All patients had two-dimensional targeted M-mode echo- and standard deviations were calculated and the means com-
cardiograms recorded in the left lateral decubitus position pared using the two sample t-test or ANOVA. For variables
interpreted by an experienced echocardiographer. Measure- with skewed distribution, median values and ranges were
ments of the thickness of the ventricular septum (IVS), the determined and Wilcoxon rank sum test was used for com-
thickness of the posterior wall (PW), and the internal diameter parisons. Categorical variables were compared using the
of the left ventricle at end diastole (LVIDD) were taken using cbi-square test or Fisher's exact test. The Mantel-Haenszel
American Society of Echocardiography techniques. Left ven- chi-square statistic for linear trends was used to test for the
tricular mass was calculated using the American Society of association between Ccr categories (according to severity)
Ecbocardiography cube formula regressed to anatomic vali- and the presence or absence of LVH and other variables
dation6: described in categorical terms, including the use of specific
classes of antihypertensive medications (angiotensin-con-
LV mass = 0.8 {1.04 x [(LVIDD + IVS + P W ) 3 verting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, beta-
blockers, and others). All tests were two-tailed, with P
- LVIDD3]} + 0.6 g < 0.05 taken to indicate statistical significance.
Logistic regression was used to identify the associations
Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was calculated by divid-
between the presence of LVH and the following explanatory
ing the left ventricular mass by body surface area. Left ven-
variables: age, Ccr, blood pressure (systolic and diastolic),
tricular hypertrophy was defined as 2 SD above the mean
hemoglobin, and iPTH. From the logistic model the adjusted
LVMI found in the Framingham Study population as de-
odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated
scribed by Levy et al.v Left ventricular hypertrophy was de-
for each covariate. A second multivariate logistic regression
fined in absolute terms as more than 131 g/m2 in men and
model was also fitted, which included only those covariates
more than 100 g/m2 in women. Further characterization of
with P < 0.05 (age, Ccr, systolic blood pressure, and hemo-
LVH into concentric and eccentric hypertrophy was depen-
dent on measurements of relative wall thickness (RWT = [(2
A multivariate linear regression analysis with the same
x PW)/LVIDD]) according to American Society of Echocar-
variables was performed to determine correlations with
diography criteria. Concentric hypertrophy was present if the
LVMI; the partial r 2 value calculated for each variable was
RWT was greater than 0.45 in the presence of LVH and
the percentage of variance in the model explained indepen-
eccentric hypertrophy was present if the RWT was less than
dently of other variables. For both linear and logistic regres-
0.45 in the presence of LVH; concentric remodelling was
sion procedures variables were retained only if they met the
present if the RWT was more than 0.45 in the absence of
P < 0.05 significance levels. All data were analyzed using
SAS software (Cary, NC).
Blood pressure was measured in the supine position after
the patient had rested in the clinic for 5 minutes. The mean
of three blood pressure determinations obtained within 3 RESULTS
months of the echocardiogram is reported. Antihypertensive Demographics
medications were tabulated and medications were classified
by type into angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, cal- Table 1 describes the population studied. Age,
cium channel blockers, beta adrenergic blocking agents, and p r i m a r y r e n a l d i s e a s e , c r e a t i n i n e , a n d C c r are
other. Hypertension was defined as a mean arterial pressure
p r e s e n t e d . P a t i e n t s w e r e b e t w e e n 2 0 a n d 82 y e a r s
greater than 105 mm Hg or systolic or diastolic pressure
greater than 140 mm Hg or greater than 90 mm Hg, respec- old, a n d 6 6 % w e r e m a l e . T h e p r e d o m i n a n t c a u s e s
tively. of renal insufficiency were glomerulonephritis
Fasting laboratory determinations of hemoglobin, intact (29%), diabetic nephropathy (22%), and hyper-
parathyroid hormone (iPTH; normal range, <5 pmol/L), and tension (20%). Reflux nephropathy, polycystic
serum creatinine were obtained during the same time period.
kidney disease, and pyelonephritis were the other
Anemia was defined as hemoglobin less than 110 g/L, and
hyperparathyroidism was present if the iPTH was above 15 predominant causes of renal insufficiency. Creat-
pmol/L The Gault-Cockcroft formula was used to calculate i n i n e r a n g e d f r o m 169 to 850 # m o l / L ( m e a n ,
creatinine clearance (Ccr) as follows: 4 0 3 . 6 # m o l / L ) , c o r r e s p o n d i n g to c a l c u l a t e d C c r

Table 1. Demographics of the Population With The logistic regression model confirmed the
Evaluable Echocardiograms findings of the univariate analysis; the adjusted
Total Group odds ratios are presented in Table 5. An increase
(N = 175) in age of 5 years was associated with an increase
of 3% in risk of LVH (P = 0.0094), as was an
Age, yr (mean _+ SD) 51.6 _+ 15.3 increase in systolic blood pressure of 5 mm Hg
Range 20-82
Renal disease (P = 0.0018); for each 10 g/L decrease in hemo-
Glomerulonephritis (%) 51 (29.1) globin, the risk of LVH increased by 6% (P
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis (%) 35 (20.0) = 0.0062), and for each 5 mL/min decrease in
Diabetes mellitus (%) 39 (22.3) Ccr the risk increased by 3% (P = 0.0168). The
Creatinine, #mol/L (mean _+ SD) 403.6 _+ 207.0
second model was fitted using only variables that
Calculated CrCI, mL/min
Median (Q1-Q2) 19.6 (13.4-34.1) were significant; systolic blood pressure (beta
Mean +_ SD 25.5 _+ 17.0 = 0.0208, P = 0.0068) and hemoglobin (beta
= -0.0194, P = 0.023) emerged as predictors
of LVH in this predialysis population.
The multivariate linear regression was used to
levels between 5 and 90 mL/min (normal range, determine independent correlations of age, Ccr,
100 to 120 mL/min). Nine percent of the study systolic blood pressure, and hemoglobin with
population had mild renal insufficiency, 31% had LVMI. The portion of the total variation of
moderate renal insufficiency, and 60% had se- LVMI attributable to the effect was 10%:
vere renal insufficiency as determined by these
criteria. No patients had arteriovenous fistulas or L V M I = 4 4 . 5 0 + 0.38(age) + 0.37(systolic blood pressure [in mm Hg])
grafts at the time of echocardiographic study.
Thus, systolic blood pressure and age (r 2 = 7.2%
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Renal Function,
and 2.4%, respectively; P < 0.005 and P < 0.04,
and Predictive Variables
respectively) were the only variables indepen-
The prevalence of LVH in this predialysis popu- dently and significantly associated with increased
lation was 38.9% of patients. The prevalence of LVMI in this multivariate model.
LVH was higher at lower Ccr levels (P = 0.05;
Fig 1). Age, Ccr, systolic blood pressure, and he-
moglobin were significantly different between
those patients with and without LVH (Table 2). 50
Systolic hypertension, anemia, and hyperparathy- 45
roidism were more prevalent in patients with LVH. 40
Mean values of LVMI, age, hemoglobin, and 35
iPTH levels, but not blood pressure, were sig- 30
nificantly different at each level of renal function % 25
(P < 0.001). The prevalence of systolic hyper- 20
tension was not different between the groups
with mild, moderate, or severe renal impairment, p = .05
but the prevalence of anemia and hyperparathy-
roidism was significantly higher with declining CGR>50 CCR 25-49 CCR <25
renal function (P < 0.001) (Table 3). Categories of Renal Function
(Creatinine clearance in ml/rn]n}
We explored the relationship between these
clinical and laboratory values and the geometry Fig 1. Prevalence of LVH (>2 SD above the mean
of LVH (Table 4). Those with eccentric hypertro- in the Framingham study) in patients with mild (Ccr
> 5 0 mL/min; n -- 16), moderate (Ccr 25 to 49 mL/min;
phy were more likely to have hemoglobin levels n = 54), and severe (Ccr < 2 5 mL/min; n = 105) renal
lower than 110 g/L and iPTH levels higher than insufficiency. The prevalence of LVH increases as re-
15 pmol/L. More patients with LVH had eccen- nal function declines. There is a significant difference
between the prevalence of LVH in patients with mild
tric hypertrophy (79.6%) than concentric hyper- renal insufficiency compared with those with severe
trophy (29.4%) (P < 0.001). renal insufficiency (P = 0.05).

Table 2. Mean Values and Prevalence of Abnormalities of Variables in Those With and Without
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

No LVH LVH Present Probability Value

No. (%) 107 (61) 68 (38.9)

Age (yr) 49.2 +_ 14.5 55.4 _+ 15.9 0.0082
Males (%) 68.2 61.8 0.42
Creatinine clearance (mL/min) 22.5 ___15-36.7 17.3 _+ 12.3-27.9 0.017
SBP (mm Hg) 139.3 + 22.3 150.9 + 22.2 0.0012
DBP (mm Hg) 86.6 ___11.8 86.6 _+ 11.3 0.99
MAP (mm Hg) 104.0 13.7 108.0 _+ 12.5 0.07
Hgb (g/L) 119.0 19.7 110.1 + 20.7 0.0049
iPTH (pmol/L)* 13.3 ___6.4-29.1 20.9 _+ 9.6-39 0.13
SBP > 140 56.2% 71.2% 0.05
DBP > 90 41.9% 45.4% 0.75
MAP > 105 53.0% 60.4% 0.43
Hgb < 110 35.0% 60.0% 0.001
iPTH > 15" 44.0% 63.0% 0.04

NOTE. The upper portion of the table demonstrates the mean values _ SD for variables in those with and without LVH;
the lower portion demonstrates the proportion of patients with hypertension, anemia, and hyperaparathyroidism in those
with and without LVH. Note that patients with LVH have lower creatinine clearance, higher systolic blood pressure, and
lower hemoglobin than those without.
Abbreviations: SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; Hgb, hemoglo-
bin; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone.
* Missing data (29%).

Hypertension prior to enrollment in the study, but only 20%

The mean blood pressure of this group was of the total population had a renal diagnosis of
within the normal range (143/70 mm Hg). How- hypertensive nephrosclerosis. There was no dif-
ever, 56% of the population had hypertension, ference in the prevalence of hypertension be-
defined as a mean arterial pressure of greater than tween those with mild, moderate, or severe renal
105 mm Hg. Eighty percent of the patients had impairment (P = 0.87). The use of angiotensin-
documented hypertension for at least 3 years converting enzyme inhibitors, either alone or in

Table 3. Severity of Renal Dysfunction and Mean Values of Clinical and Laboratory Variables

Mild RD Moderate RD Severe RD

(Ccr > 50 mL/min) (Cor25-49 mL/min) (Ccr < 25 mL/min) Probability Value

No. (%) 16 (9.0) 54 (31.0) 105 (60.0)

Age (yr) 41.0 11.1 46.1 _+ 12.5 55.9 -4- 15.8 0.001
Males (%) 60.0 67.3 66.4 0.87
SBP (mm Hg) 141.9 20.8 140.6 _+ 23.3 146.1 _+ 22.7 0.36
DBP (mm Hg) 90.7 10.7 87.2 _+ 13.6 85.8 _ 10.6 0.28
MAP (mm Hg) 107.8 12.9 105.0 +_ 15.0 105.9 _+ 12.5 0.78
Hgb (g/L) 137.6 +__22.7 122.8 _+ 20.2 108.6 + 16.5 0.001
iPTH (pmol/L) 5.15 (3,45-6.45) 10.4 (6.2-9.5) 25.9 (12.7-39.2) 0.001
LVMI (g/m 2) 97.5 (84.6-113) 100.8 (88.8-130) 114.4 (97.6-139.8) 0.019

NOTE. The table demonstrates the mean values _+ SD, or the median values and ranges (as indicated), of each of the
variables examined by severity of renal dysfunction. Note that blood pressure is not different between the groups, but
that the mean values for hemoglobin decrease as a function of renal impairment and both the median and range of values
of LVMI are significantly different between the groups.
Abbreviations: RD, renal dysfunction; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial
pressure; Hgb, hemoglobin; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone; LVMI, left ventricular mass index.

Table 4. Characterization of Left Ventricular Geometry in Relation to Renal Function, Blood Pressure,
Parathyroid Hormone, and Hemoglobin

Mild RD Moderate RD Severe

Total Group (Cc, > 50 mL/min) (Ccr 25-49 mL/min) (Cot < 25 mL/min) Probability Value

LVMI (g/m 2) 107.8 97.5 100.8 114.4 0.019

Range 94.7-133,4 84.7-113 88.4-130 97.6-139.4
LVlDD (mm) 53.4 + 6.9 52.5 -+ 6.1 52.3 _+ 7.1 54.2 _+ 6.9 0.24
PWT (mm) 10.7 + 1.8 10.7 + 1.8 10.5 +_ 1.6 10.5 _+ 2.0 0.93
IVS (mm) 10.7 _+ 1.8 10.6 _+ 1.9 10.6 _+ 1.5 10.6 _+ 2.0 0.97
Eccentric 57.8% 40.0% 47.8% 63.0% 0.107
Concentric 24.0% 40.0% 21.7% 24.0%
C-Remodel 18.0% 20.0% 30.4% 13.0%

C-Remodel Concentric Eccentric

SBP > 140 mm Hg 16.1% 30.4% 53.6% 0.0194

PTH > 15 pmol/L 11.8% 29.4% 58.8% 0.046
Hgb < 110 g/L 7.0% 27.9% 65.1% 0.017

NOTE. In patients with severe renal insufficiency, eccentric hypertrophy is the most prevalent, and in patients with
anemia and hyperparathyroidism, eccentric hypertrophy is the most prevalent.
Abbreviations: RD, renal dysfunction; LVMI, left ventricular mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; PTH, parathyroid
hormone; Hgb, hemoglobin.

combination with other medication, was not dif- tion prior to the institution of dialysis. This popu-
ferent between those who did and did not have lation is representative of the ESRF population
LVH. Interestingly, calcium channel blocker use in Canada, as demonstrated by the demographics
either alone or in combination was significantly of the group when compared with Canadian Or-
greater in patients with LVH. There was no dif- gan Replacement Registry data. Furthermore, we
ference in the use of specific classes of antihyper- have described the relationship between the pres-
tensive agents (angiotensin-converting enzyme ence of LVH and impaired renal function, ane-
inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, or beta mia, and systolic blood pressure in this predial-
blockers) at each level of renal impairment. ysis population. Our findings are concordant with
those of similar, but smaller, studies in predial-
ysis patients, 9 as well as with those of studies
In this cross-sectional study, we have de- from the dialysis t-14 and general 6'15 populations.
scribed a high prevalence of LVH in the popula- The importance of LVH in both the general
and dialysis populations in predicting morbidity
and mortality has been previously described in de-
Table 5. Adjusted Odds Ratios of Covariates tail. 3-5'7'~1The presence of LVH in dialysis patients
Associated With Presence of Left leads to an independent relative risk of death of
Ventricular Hypertrophy 2.9 for mortality related to all causes and 2.7 for
Associations Odds Ratio Probability Value
cardiac-related mortality. 3-5 Furthermore, Parfrey
et al have demonstrated both the progression of
Age (1 yr) 1.03 .009 LVH over a 30-month period in a cohort of pa-
Creatinine clearance 0.97 .01 tients followed on dialysis 5'jl and that those pa-
(1 mlJmin)
tients with more severe LVH had more episodes
Systolic blood pressure 1.02 .0018
(1 mm Hg) of congestive heart failure and a lowersurvival
Diastolic blood pressure 1.00 .99 rate than those with mild LVH. In the Framing-
(1 mm Hg) ham study, the normal population prevalence of
Hemoglobin (1 g/L) 0.98 .0062 LVH was 17%, and higher LV mass predicted a
iPTH (1 pmol/L) 1.0 .31
higher incidence of clinical events, including

death attributable to cardiovascular disease. 7 Left did not demonstrate any difference in systolic,
ventricular hypertrophy is clearly an important diastolic, or mean arterial blood pressure as a
contributor to cardiovascular morbidity and mor- function of severity of renal impairment. These
tality in all populations, and in those with renal data serve to corroborate the notion that blood
failure, the institution of dialysis therapy does not pressure and renal impairment (or factors associ-
improve pre-existing LVH. ated with renal impairment) may be independent
We have demonstrated that the prevalence of contributors to LVH.
LVH is higher with worsening renal insuffi- Anemia has been consistently associated with
ciency, prior to dialysis. As Foley et al4 have cardiovascular morbidity and LVH in the ESRF
documented a prevalence of LVH in patients populations, 1'~3 and the results of this study are
starting dialysis that is almost double that which consistent with those in the literature. Anemia
we report in this population (74% v 38%), the leads to an increase in cardiac workload due to
information in the current study provides an op- relative tissue ischemia, which subsequently
portunity to identify the critical period during leads to the development of LVH. Interestingly,
which it is possible to prevent the development sustained anemia is often associated with eccen-
of or delay the progression of LVH. tric hypertrophy, whereas hypertension is associ-
Systolic blood pressure is consistently associ- ated with concentric hypertrophy. Our results
ated with LVH in studies in the general and dial- demonstrate a high prevalence of eccentric hy-
ysis populations. 4'6'~1'15 Interestingly, the level of pertrophy in those patients with LVH and an in-
blood pressure is often lower than one might ex- creased prevalence of anemia in those patients
pect to account for the dramatic increase in the with eccentric hypertrophy relative to concentric
prevalence of LVH; the differences in mean sys- hypertrophy. Thus, our data are consistent with
tolic blood pressure that predict severity of LVH known physiologic processes. Studies have dem-
are small (approximately 10 mm Hg), but consis- onstrated that the reversal of anemia using eryth-
tent with other reports in the literature. 6'7'14')5Our ropoietin therapy has led to partial regression of
study demonstrates similar small but statistically LVH j3'16'17 in the dialysis population. This study
significant differences in systolic blood pressure identifies an opportunity to study the impact of
between those with and without LVH. The multi- correction of anemia on LVH in the predialysis
variate analysis results are concordant with those population.
of other researchers ~ in that systolic hyperten- We were unable to consistently demonstrate
sion appears to be related to LVMI, but they do the importance of PTH as a predictor of LVH in
not explain a large amount of the variability in our model. The relationship between PTH and
LVMI. LVH has been inconsistently demonstrated in
The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme in- previous studies. 9'~'j8 We were able to demon-
hibitors alone and in combination with calcium strate a trend toward higher absolute PTH levels
channel blockers was not different between those in those patients with LVH, but it did not reach
with and without LVH; however, more patients statistical significance. It may be that with a
on calcium channel blockers alone had LVH. larger sample size and serial measurements over
This may be a function of severity of hyperten- time, the true nature of the relationship between
sion and clinical reluctance to use angiotensin- PTH and LVH can be demonstrated.
converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with The progressive increase in the prevalence of
severe renal dysfunction rather than truly a con- LVH as a function of declining renal function is
sequence of calcium channel blocker use. How- important information for planning the timing of
ever, there is ample evidence in the literature to interventions. We hypothesize that an opportu-
suggest that both angiotensin-converting enzyme nity to intervene prior to dialysis to limit the
inhibitors and calcium channel blockers can limit extent and prevalence of LVH in this population
LV growth or cause regression. 16The descriptive exists. Due to the sample size and heterogeneity
nature of this study does not allow us to deter- of the population, as well as the cross-sectional
mine the reasons for differential drug class use, nature of the data, we are unable to make firm
nor to infer that the use of calcium channel block- recommendations, but this is obviously an oppor-
ers causes LVH. Interestingly, in our study we tunity for further research. Solitary measure-

ments o f these variables do not accurately reflect our understanding o f this disease process. Ulti-
the dynamic impact that they m a y have on L V H mately, this understanding will improve our abil-
over time; thus, longitudinal data will be of tre- ity to identify strategies most likely to reduce the
mendous importance. Blood pressure control pre- burden of illness in this population.
viously has been thought to be a significant con-
tributor to LVH, but our data highlight the need ACKNOWLEDGMENT
for intensive exploration of alternative factors re- The authors gratefully acknowledge the willing collabora-
sponsible for the m y o c y t e growth in this popula- tion of the nephrologists at St Paul's Hospital, the patients
tion. The similarity in the pathogenesis of m y o - in the clinic, the excellent echocardiograms produced by Roz
Gillis and Kitty Perry, and the outstanding statistical assis-
cyte hypertrophy and glomerular hypertrophy
tance and collaboration of Ognjenka Djurdjev, from the
seen in progressive renal insufficiency suggests Health Research Centre at St Paul's Hospital.
a possible role for growth factors] 9-z~ Angioten-
sin II, catecholamines, epinephrine, insulin-de- REFERENCES
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