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Dear Reader,

This is the final portfolio I have made in my ENC 1101 course. Since becoming a part of

this discourse community, I have become familiar with techniques of writing studies scholars,

how to demonstrate those techniques in my own writing and how to be critical of written work.

This portfolio is full of writing assignments that were written while in class to demonstrate what

I have learned. Also, in order to show how I have grown as a writer, I have also written

reflections and revised my assignments to show that there is always room to grow.

The first assignment that I completed was an Autoethnography. In this assignment, I

analyzed my family and our writing techniques in order to apply the class concepts learned to

how we communicate. Some of the concepts analyzed were Discourse, community, literacy

sponsors, and rhetorical situations.

The second assignment that I completed is an analysis of my own writing process. This

paper shows how I plan/prewrite, write, edit and revise. This is important because this helped me

understand the aspects of my writing that needed improvement and how that was affecting my

work. In my revision I discuss how the discovery of bad processes has affected me and will

allow me to grow.

The third assignment that I completed was a group project on rhetoric. The whole class

was given different forms of rhetoric and did research on that form in a Discourse community.

My paper is focusing on the three rhetorical appeals in the Star Wars theories discourse

The fourth and final assignment that I completed was an analysis of a writing assignment

given by a professor of a non-writing class. I analyzed the writing studies concepts that were

within the assignment in order to get a clearer understanding of the assignment.

Thank you for talking the time for read my final portfolio. I hope it is enjoyable to read. It

was enjoyable for me to discover new things about myself through the processes of writing these

four papers. I hope you can reference that while reading my assignments.

Thank you,

Destiny Drees

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