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UEB Braille Maths Basic Signs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 200 1,548
#a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j #bjj #a1edh
Operators and comparison signs: Simple fractions: written with literary slash:
+ - x = 1 1
1 2/3
"6 "- "8 "/ "7 2 16
#a/b #a#a/af #b_/#c
3 + 6 = 9 Decimals: Thousands comma: Thousands space:
#c"6#f "7 #i 1.2 23,054 23 054
#a4b #bc1jed #bc"jed
45 - 20 = 25
#de"-#bj "7 #be Single letters: Numbers and letters
x Y 3a 4x
4 x 12 = 48 ;x ;,y #c;a #dx
#d"8#ab "7 #dh
Place Holders:
30 3 = 10 fill-in space or long dash
#cj"/#c "7 #aj ",- ;$#d ;$=
14 = 2
Time, Date:
10.30 6 a.m. #ad"/",- "7 #b
#aj4cj #f a4m4
5:30pm 17.3.87 4 m 12 kg 5.3 l (litres)
#e3#cjpm #ag4c4hg #d ;m #ab kg #e4c ;l
Superscript (to the power of): 60 km/h 5cm 8m
35 x2
#fj km_/h #e;cm #hm
#c9#e x;9#b
no ; because already grade 1 ; to show grade 1
Percent: Degrees:
Square root: % 7% (degrees) 19
16 = 4
.0 #g.0 ~j #ai~j
;%#af+ "7 #d
Roman Numerals:
Money: viii (8) v (5) MMCLIII (2153)
$45.90 50 viii ;v ,,mmclIIi
`s#de4ij #ej`c
Greek Symbols:
Greater than; less than
> < 7 > 2 (theta) (pi)
`> `< #g `> #b .? .p #j4h<#c>~4
comparison sign is spaced as with equals

Statewide Vision Resource Centre PO Box 201 Nunawading 3131 (03) 9841 0242 svrc@svrc.vic.edu.au www.svrc.vic.edu.au
UEB Braille Maths Layout examples

1. 13 1 __85 r1
+ 6 2. 47 3. 3)256
19 + 44
#a4 91
## (begin number passage) ##
"6 ac c _ bef
f "3333
"6 dg
"33 he r#a
ai #'
a (carried number)
#'(end number passage)
"33 fill-in space (long dash)
ia ",-
#' 3 + __ = 10 OR 3+ = 10
#c"6",- "7 #aj

3 45 452
57 ## - 13
## - 168
x5 "8 eg 32 "- de _ 1 1__ "- deb
285 e ac 284 afh
c "33 aa
"33 cb "333
bhe #' bhd
#' #'

$ 3842 34,257
$ 6320
"6 `s#ch4db 3,196
+ $ 421 #fc4bj + 260,974 "6 cd1beg
1 .
# d4ba 1 21 .
$ 10583 298,427
a bfj1igd
"33333333 a ba
`s#aje4hc "3333333

Compiled by Lea Nagel, 2011

Statewide Vision Resource Centre PO Box 201 Nunawading 3131 (03) 9841 0242 svrc@svrc.vic.edu.au www.svrc.vic.edu.au

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