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Three Through Eight Years Old Date Observed Date Observed

3 years

Walks up and down stairs unassisted, alternating feet going up but

one step at a time coming down

Balances on one foot for a few seconds

Kicks a large ball, catches a large bounced ball with both arms

Feeds self; needs minimal assistance

Jumps in place

Pedals a small tricycle or other wheeled toy

With crayon, uses vertical, horizontal and circular strokes

Holds crayon or marker between first two fingers thumb

Turns pages of a book one at a time

Builds a tower of eight or more blocks

Begins to show hand dominance

Carries a container of liquid, such as a cup of milk, without much

spilling, pours from pitcher into another container

Manipulates large buttons and zippers on clothing

Washes and dries hands, brushes own teeth but

not thoroughly

Achieves bladder control. (Write age here) ___

4 years

Walks a straight line (tape or chalk line on the floor)

Hops on one foot

Pedals and steers a wheeled toy, avoiding obstacles

Climbs ladders, trees, playground equipment

Jumps over objects 5 or 6 inches high; lands with both

feet together

Figure 42 Physical Development Checklist, Three Through Eight Years Old

Figure 42 Continued.

Three Through Eight Years Old Date Observed Date Observed

Runs, starts, stops, and moves around obstacles with ease

Throws a ball overhand

Builds a tower with ten or more blocks

Forms shapes out of clay cookies, snakes

Draws some shapes and letters

Holds crayon or marker between two fingers (not fist hold)

Prints name and other words

Paints and draws with a purpose; names drawings, but most are

Threads small wooden beads on a string

5 years

Walks backward, heel to toe

Walks unassisted up and down stairs, alternating feet

Can turn somersaults

Touches toes without flexing knees

Cuts on a designated line

Prints some letters

Dresses self with minimal assistance

6 years

Can ride a bicycle without training wheels

Walks across a balance beam

Skips with alternating feet

Body movements more precise but still some uncoordination

Figure 42 Continued.

Three Through Eight Years Old Date Observed Date Observed

Shows well-established right or left handedness

Writes numbers and letters with varying degrees of precision and


Folds and cuts paper into simple shapes

7 years

Balances on either foot

Bats balls, manipulates computer mouse, knits, paints with


Practices new motor skills until mastered

Uses eating utensils with ease

Holds pencil in tight grasp near tip

8 years

Can play social games like team sports, dancing

Improved agility, balance, speed, strength

Takes care of own personal hygiene without assistance

Copies words and numbers from blackboard with accuracy

Source: Adapted from Marotz & Allen (2016). Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth Through Twelve, Wadsworth Cengage Learning/Week
by Week, 6e, pp. 8283.

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