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Por: Rolando Rody Jara Huarancca

Treatment for oxidation advanced (reaction Fenton) of wastewater the

textile industry


The Advanced Processes of Oxidacin (AOX) are based on their capacity of generation
in-situ of radicals hidroxilo (OH), species with potential elevating of oxidation by means
of the combination of an oxidizing agent (H2O2) with a catalyst (Fe(II)). These radicals
OH are able to oxidize many organic compounds of nonselective form and with high
reaction rates. This property is taken advantage of to secure to the complete
mineralization (mineral CO2 and acids) of the polluting agents or its degradation in
substances more easily biodegradable. It is tried to develop an effective alternative for the
elimination of organic matter of residual effluents by means of the application of AOX,
more concretely processes of Fenton to the waste water of a textile after the chemical
physical treatment. With a content of COD=1700 mg/L and the tried conditions of pH=3,
[Fe2+] = 200 mg/L, [H2O2] = 3610 mg/L; 97% of the chemical demand oxygen (COD)
were diminished after 40 minutes.

Key words: Avanced Oxidation Processes, wastewater treatment.

Organic pollutant treatment by photo Fenton with artificial light


The main objective of the investigation that gives rise to this writing was to minimize the
polluting effect of soluble liquid wastes and moderately soluble, generated in the
laboratories of the Center of Laboratories of the University of Medelln (Medelln,
Antioch, Colombia), by means of the sensitized fotodegradacin (photo-fenton), using
artificial light like radiation source. The iron concentrations varied between 5 and 50
mg/L and those of hydrogen peroxide between 200 and 500 mg/L, finding an optimun
value for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal of 27,5 mg/L Fe and 300 mg/L H2O2,
which corresponds to 80% of mineralization reached in 150 minutes of irradiation.

Key words: Wastewater, photofenton, artificial light, organic matter, water treatment.
Treatment of mixed and industrial wastewater using Fenton's reagent


In this investigation it was developed, concerning laboratory, the simultaneous production

of two involved chemical species in the reagent of Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2), using electrolysis,
to apply it in the wastewater treatment. Two types were wastewaters (a mixture of
municipal and industrial effluents and originating wastewater of industrial laundry). A
cell was used electrochemistry of 1,8 L of capacity containing two electrodes
concentrates, one graphite and one iron. A compressed airflow was provided to the reactor
to assure the saturation the watery phase with the oxygen of the air. Several reaction times
(between 0-60 min) and different values from electrical current (of 0.2-1.0 A) for the
treatment of wastewaters were evaluated. Superior values of electric current did not apply
to 1 A to because iron deposition was detected in the surface of the graphite electrode.
The best operating conditions were 60 min and 1 A. Under these conditions, the
efficiencies of removal for the mixed water, measures like chemical oxygen demand,
COD, turbidity and color belonged to 80, 77 and 80 %, respectively. With the same
experimental mentioned before conditions, the efficiencies obtained for the wastewater
of the industrial laundry were, for 45 % COD; for turbidity of 100 % and for 100 % color.
A study of cost-reducing preliminary pre-feasibility was done and it was proven that, for
the types of studied sewage waters, the electrogeneration of the reagent of Fenton is a
procedure of technical and economically viable depuration.

Key words: Electrofenton, coagulation-flocculation, advanced oxidation, Fentons

reagent, wastewater treatment.
Tratamiento por oxidacin avanzada (reaccin Fenton) de aguas
residuales de la industria textil


Los Procesos Avanzados de Oxidacin (AOX) se basan en su capacidad de generacin

in-situ de radicales hidroxilo (OH), especies con un elevado potencial de oxidacin
mediante la combinacin de un agente oxidante (H2O2) con un catalizador (Fe(II)). Estos
radicales OH son capaces de oxidar muchos compuestos orgnicos de forma no selectiva
y con altas velocidades de reaccin. Esta propiedad es aprovechada para conseguir la
completa mineralizacin (CO2 y cidos minerales) de los contaminantes o su degradacin
en sustancias ms fcilmente biodegradables. Se pretende desarrollar una alternativa
eficaz para la eliminacin de materia orgnica de efluentes residuales mediante la
aplicacin de AOX, ms concretamente procesos de Fenton al agua residual de una textil
despus del tratamiento fsico qumico. Con un contenido de DQO = 1700 mg/L y las
condiciones ensayadas de pH = 3 [Fe2+] = 200 mg/L, [H2O2] = 3610 mg/L; se disminuy
al cabo de 40 minutos el 97% de la demanda qumica de oxigeno (DQO).

Palabras clave: Oxidacin avanzada, tratamiento de aguas residuales de textiles.

Tratamiento de contaminantes orgnicos por foto Fenton con luz



El objetivo principal de la investigacin que da lugar a este escrito fue minimizar el efecto
contaminante de los residuos lquidos orgnicos solubles y medianamente solubles
generados en los laboratorios del Centro de Laboratorios de la Universidad de Medelln
(Medelln, Antioquia, Colombia), por medio de la fotodegradacin sensibilizada (foto-
fenton), usando luz artificial como fuente de radiacin. Las concentraciones de hierro se
variaron entre 5 y 50 mg/L y las de perxido de hidrgeno entre 200 y 500 mg/L, y se
encontr un valor ptimo para la remocin del Carbono Orgnico Total (COT) de 27.5
mg/L de Fe y 300 mg/L de H2O2, que corresponde a un 80% de mineralizacin, alcanzado
en 150 minutos de irradiacin.

Palabras clave: agua residual, foto Fenton, luz artificial, materia orgnica, tratamiento
de aguas.
Tratamiento de aguas residuales mixtas e industriales utilizando el
reactivo de Fenton electrogenerado


En esta investigacin se desarroll, a nivel de laboratorio, la produccin simultanea de

dos especies qumicas involucradas en el reactivo de Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2), usando
electrolisis, para aplicarlo en el tratamiento de aguas residuales. Se trataron dos tipos de
aguas residuales (una mezcla de efluentes municipales e industriales y un agua residual
proveniente de una lavandera industrial). Se emple una celda electroqumica de 1.8 L
de capacidad conteniendo dos electrodos concentrados, uno de grafito y uno hierro. Se
suministr una corriente de aire comprimido al reactor para asegurar la saturacin de la
fase acuosa con el oxgeno del aire. Se evaluaron varios tiempos de reaccin (entre 0-60
min) y diferentes valores de corriente elctrica (de 0.2-1.0 A) para el tratamiento de las
aguas residuales. No se aplicaron valores de corriente elctrica superiores a 1 A debido a
que se detect deposicin de hierro en la superficie del electrodo de grafito. Las mejores
condiciones de operacin fueron 60 min y 1 A. En estas condiciones, las eficiencias de
remocin para el agua mixta, medidas como demanda qumica de oxgeno, DQO,
turbiedad y color fueron de 80, 77 y 80%, respectivamente. Con las mismas condiciones
experimentales mencionadas anteriormente, las eficiencias obtenidas para el agua
residual de la lavandera industrial fueron, para DQO de 45%; para turbiedad de 100% y
para el color de 100%. Se hizo un estudio de prefactibilidad econmica preliminar y se
demostr que, para los tipos de aguas residuales estudiadas, la electrogeneracin del
reactivo de Fenton es un procedimiento de depuracin tcnica y econmicamente viable.

Palabras clave: Electrogeneracin, coagulacin-floculacin, oxidacin avanzada,

reactivo de Fenton, tratamiento de aguas residuales.

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