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Team Rain Delay

Emergency Services Directory

Software Architecture Document

Version 1.2
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
1.0 Initial Version
19/May/08 1.1 Filled in All Missing Sections TJ Wasik
20/May/08 1.2 Added reference to the template for this TJ Wasik
Added comments on architecture section
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 References 4
1.4 Overview 4

2. Architectural Representation............................................................................................................................4

3. Architectural Goals and Constraints.................................................................................................................4

4. Logical View.....................................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Overview 5
4.2 Architecturally Significant Design Packages 5
4.2.1 Application Layer...........................................................................5
1.1.2 Data Layer......................................................................................6
4.2.2 Presentation Layer..........................................................................6

5. Deployment View.............................................................................................................................................6

6. Implementation View........................................................................................................................................7
6.1 Overview 7
6.2 Layers 7
1.1.3 Presentation Layer..........................................................................7
1.1.4 Web Services Layer........................................................................7
1.1.5 Data Layer......................................................................................8

7. Data View (optional).........................................................................................................................................8

8. Size and Performance.......................................................................................................................................9

9. Comments on Architecture...............................................................................................................................9
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

Software Architecture Document

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different
architectural views to depict different aspects of the system. It is intended to capture and convey the
significant architectural decisions which have been made on the system.
1.2 Scope
This document applies to the overall design of the system. It contains information relating to the
architectural design of the software, the Structure of the Database, and of the physical servers hosting the

1.3 References
The template for this document:

1.4 Overview
This Document provides the reader with a deeper understanding of the design of the Emergency Services
Directory Website. It is organized into several views of the system, the Logical view, which will give an
overview of the subsystems and components the system is comprised of, the Deployment view, which will
give go into how the system has been deployed and what it's being hosted on, the Implementation view,
which will show how the system has been implemented and go into more detail about the different parts of
the system, and the Data view which will show how the database is structured and organized.

2. Architectural Representation
This system was designed using a standard three tiered architecture, with a Presentation Tier, Application
Tier and Data tier. The Presentation Tier contains all of the visible web pages and handles all input from
and output to the user. The Application Tier handles all of the Business logic and provides an abstraction to
the database, the Data tier consists of the Database and stored procedures contained within, this provides
the persistence required for the system. The Logical View shows a quick overview of all of the basic
subsystems in the System and gives a basic overview of the System as a whole. The Deployment view tells
how the system is physically configured. The Implementation View gives a more in-depth view into how
the system has been implemented. The Data view shows how the Database is setup and structured.

3. Architectural Goals and Constraints

The previous two teams had done a considerable amount of the design work. As a result, we were required
to use the existing architecture. We didnt have much time for any re-factoring work and decided instead to
focus on the addition of new features, such as more accessible and easier to use searching and Google Maps
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

4. Logical View
4.1 Overview

SurveySystem AdvertisementSystem PrintDirectory AddressCorrectionSystem



BusinessObjects DataAcessObjects
* *

Database StoredProcedures

This Diagram shows the various high level packages that the system is broken down into. The packages can
be seen here separated into the various layers by color, the Presentation layer is the blue and yellow
packages, the Application layer is the green and red packages while the Data layer is the grey packages.

4.2 Architecturally Significant Design Packages

4.2.1 Application Layer

The Application Layer provides the business logic and connects the Presentation Layer to the Database.
The Application Layer is contained within the EMSWebServices package. All communication with the
Presentation layer is done through Web Services.
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08 Web Services

This Package contains all of the Web Services that are provided by the application layer and
consumed by the presentation layer Business Objects

This package contains all of the objects which provide the Business logic for the system. Data Access Objects(DAO)

This Package contains all of the objects which are used to communicate with the database. Each
object contained in this package has a table or tables representing it in the database.

4.2.2 Data Layer

The Data Layer consists of the MS SQL server 2000 database and the stored proceudres contained within.
The Data Layer provides persistence for the system and all communication is done through SQL queries,
stored procedures and views.

4.2.3 Presentation Layer

The Presentation Layer is composed of two basic packages, Registration and STEPEMS. All front end
components used Active Server Pages as the primary interface. STEPEMS
This package contains almost all of the visible pages and the logic to do basic parsing and
validation of data related to the pages directly. An example of some of the Subsystems contained
within STEPEMS are: Survey System

This subsystem is responsible for managing survey question and responses. Searching
This subsystem is responsible for search queries. Advertisement System

This subsystem is responsible for managing the advertisements in the system. Print Directory

This subsystem is responsible for generating the Indesign file for the printed directory. Address Correction System

This subsystem is responsible for the automatic correction of addresses. Registration
This subsystem contains the components for the registration of new accounts and organizations.

5. Deployment View
This system is deployed on a single server hosting the database, webserver, and webservices. Clients
connect using web browsers through the internet.
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

6. Implementation View
6.1 Overview
Active Server Pages

Registration Management /

Web Service

Web Methods Objects /



The system is implemented using a three tiered architecture. The first layer is the Presentation Layer
consisting of Active Server Pages, This layer contains all of the pages that the user sees, and some of the
basic logic to present them and validate input. The second layer is the Web Service layer, this layer
provides all Business Logic functions and connects the Presentation Layer and the Data Layer. The third
Layer is the Data Layer, this layer consists of the Database, and utilizes stored procedures to keep the logic
of maintaining the database closer to the data.

6.2 Layers

6.2.1 Presentation Layer

The presentation Layer Consists of the STEPEMS and Registration projects. These projects contain all of
the visible web pages, as well as some of the logic to deal with parsing and verifying user input. The
Registration project deals only with the registration of a new user, or organization, and duplicates a lot of
the functionality of the STEPEMS package. Both of these projects communicate with the Web Services
layer, and gain access to persistent data through that layer.

6.2.2 Web Services Layer

The Web Services Layer consists of the EMSWebServices project and provides all of the Business Logic of
the system. This layer also acts as an intermediary between the Data layer and the Presentation layer. This
layer provides Web services which the Presentation layer consumes, and uses SQL queries to communicate
with the data layer
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

6.2.3 Data Layer

The Data Layer consists of the MS SQL database and provides persistence for the system as well as the
logic directly related to the manipulation of that data through the means of stored procedures. This layer
communicates with the Web Services Layer by responding to SQL queries.

7. Data View (optional)

Hospital PhysicianHospital
Org a n iza tio n ID
P h y sicia n ID

S y ste m
Org a n iza tio n ID

Be d s

Org a ni za ti on ID Fire E DBe d s

Org a n iza tio n ID E DDire cto r

Ty p e

Pager E DP h o ne
Na m e

E DF a x
P hy sica lAd d re ss1

P h y sicia n ID
E DVisi ts

Acco un tID Region P hy sica lAd d re ss2

Ab b re v ia ti on
F irstNa m e

Re g i o n ID P hy sica lCi ty
Mid d le Na m e
E m a il
Co n tro l Ph o n e
Re g i o n Na m e Add re ss1
P a sswo rd L a stNa m e

Add re ss2 Resource P re sNa m e

F irstNa m e
Org a n iza tio n ID P re sEm a i l
L a stNa m e
Ca te g o ry Ho sp DirNa m e
Z ip
[L e v e l] Ho sp DirEm a i l

Cre a te d County Cou n ty ID

Co u n ty ID E m a il
De scrip ti on E DMe d Di r
L a stL o g in
Ad m in Na m e E DMe d Di rE m a il Ho sp ita lS e rv ice ID
Co u n ty Na m e We b site
Acce ss
Ad m in Title E DDire cto rE m a il Ho sp ita lS e rv ice Na m e
S ta te P ho n e
Re g io n ID
E le ctF irstNa m e Ho sp Me d Coo rdNa m e Ab b re v ia ti on
Re g io n ID F ax
E Ma ilUp d a te s
E le ctL a stNa m e Ho sp Me d Coo rdE m a i l
Note s
Ma n a g e Al lAcco u n ts
Acco u n tID
Ma n a g e P a rtn e rs

Da te Ad d e d
Ap p ro v e Org a ni za tio n
L a stUp d a te
Ap p ro v e Acco u n t

Ma n a g e L i nk s
AccountRequest L a stUp d a te Re q u e st
E m a il F ou n d e d Ambulance Hosp ita lS e rv i ce ID
Ge n e ra te P rin t
Org a ni za ti on ID
P a sswo rd Visi bl e
Org a ni za ti on ID
E xp o rtTo E xce l
F irstNa m e Alte rn a te Ad d re ss1

Are a
L a stNa m e Alte rn a te Ad d re ss2

Am b ul a nce Se rv ice
P ho n e Alte rn a te Ad d re ss11

Org a ni za ti o n Na m e Alte rn a te Ad d re ss22

S e rv ice Re q u e stID

Co u n ty ID Alte rn a te City 1
S e rv ice Re q u e stNa m e Am b ul a nce Se rv ice ID

Re q u e ste d Alte rn a te City 2

Org a n iza tio n Ty p e Org a ni za ti on ID

Alte rn a te Co u n ty ID1
Acco un tID

Alte rn a te Co u n ty ID2
Re q u e ste d
Org a n iza tio n ID
Alte rn a te Z ip 1

Alte rn a te Z ip 2

Alte rn a te P h o n e 1
Helicopter AmbulanceService
Org a n iza tio n ID Am b ul a nce Se rv ice ID

Alte rn a te P h o n e 2

MedicalCare Co n ta ct Am b ul a nce Se rv ice Na m e

Alte rn a te F a x1
Org a ni za ti on ID Are a Abb re v i a tio n

Alte rn a te F a x2
He li co p te rs
De scri p tio n

Hou rs

n um Ca l ls LawEnforcement
Org a n iza tio n ID
n um Ve h icle s

Co n ta ctTi tle
n um Me m b e rs

Co n ta ctNa m e
sp e cia l ty Ve h i cle s

TTY P h o n e

Org a ni za ti on ID

Be d s
Emergency Services Directory Version: 1.1
Software Architecture Document Date: 19/May/08

This Diagram shows the tables in the database of the system. As can be seen Organization is the primary
table for an entry, each organization also has a sub-type which corresponds with each of the sub-type tables
which are on the right side of the diagram. There are also tables which contain static data, such as counties.
Users are stored in the Account table and are associated with a region.

8. Size and Performance

This system currently has mostly listings for the finger lakes region, but the editors are attempting to grow
it first to the state level and then eventually to the national level, as such the system had to be designed to
allow it to scale up to significantly larger numbers of users and registered organizations.

9. Comments on Architecture.
While working with this system we discovered many areas of the architecture that could use improvement,
as such we are recommending that future teams consider a major refactor. The conceptual overview of the
design, as a three tiered architecture is sound, though the implementation of that could use some work. The
main area of focus for a refactor should be the presentation layer, consisting of the STEPEMS and
Registration packages. These packages should be combined into one single project, as it is currently these
packages have a lot of replicated functionality and create a large amount of complexity by being separate,
while bringing in minimal benefits of this separation. These packages should also be inspected for
updateability, as they currently are a simple, and likely to be performed update such as adding in a new type
of organization is a difficult and time consuming task, which involves changing code in many places, a
future team should consider finding a way to make this type of update simpler. There is also some
application logic in this presentation tier that should be moved to the application tier, and some logic is
actually split between the C# back-end and the ASP.net pages, the ASP pages should focus solely on
presenting the information, all logic should be moved to the C# codebehind pages, with it split as it is now
understanding how things work is difficult, and changing them is even worse.
The Application Layer, consisting of the EMSWebServices package is fairly solid. This package is well
designed and well implemented, in a refactor this package would require little attention, it will probably
require little re-implementation and just some rearranging of where some of the logic is located.
The Data Tier is solid and doesn't require any refactoring, the only changes that are likely to be required to
the database are changes that are required to match up with the refactoring of the rest of the system.

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