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How to Pray Effectively Against the Chemtrails

Video Transcript from http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org

The key to successfully defeating the chemtrails, demonic clouds, and the hum, is to rapidly
loose enough angels to counter however many demons are presently occupying your sky at
any given moment.

This is the most important piece of information in this video, so let's repeat.
The key to successfully defeating the chemtrails, demonic clouds, and the hum, is to rapidly
loose enough angels to counter however many demons are presently occupying your sky, at
any given moment.

Put another way, to stop the demons, you must loose at least one angel to counter every
demon present in the sky.

Success or failure hinges on you loosing enough angels into the sky to stop the demons from
taking up residence overhead.

All Christians can do this in Jesus' name, no special anointing or qualifications are necessary.
You must have faith that Christ has given you authority over the spiritual realm. When you
look at the chemtrails, demonic, clouds and hum, you need to understand the fact that they
represent the demonic presence.

The second heaven above the earth is the home of the demonic principalities, powers, rulers
of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

When we bind and loose using the Keys of the Kingdom, God's angels do their work and then
return to the third heaven. These warring angels are not permanently stationed here, because
the earth is not their home.

God has legions of angels waiting to be loosed into battle. This is why he is called the Lord of
hosts, or angelic armies. The occult world does not want you to know that you have the power
to call them into action at any time through binding and loosing in Jesus' name. A sad fact is
that these armies have been sitting idle, because few Christians have called upon the power
that Jesus gave them through the keys of the kingdom.

It is critical to understand that one single prayer will not work in binding up all the demons in
your sky.

For example, praying "I loose 500 angels to bind every demon in the sky" will not work. There
are no shortcuts.

We must put in time and effort to defeat them. In many cases, the occult world spends days
fasting, doing incantations, horrible rituals, and all sorts of wickedness to gain power from the
demonic realm. Christians praying a quick five second prayer will not counter this tremendous
effort on behalf of the dark powers. You must become a dedicated prayer warrior if you want
to win battles for the Lord.

Why doesn't God stop the demons for us? Jesus died and delegated power to Christians here
on earth through the gift to us of the keys of the kingdom, which is the gift of binding and
loosing here on earth. The problem is, most Christians have never heard of such a thing, and
don't understand how God wants to work with his people. God wants to work with us, and not
do everything for us. Christians are called to occupy here until Christ returns. That means
that God wants us to work with him to defeat this evil. It is a cooperative effort. He is waiting
for us to pray to go into action.

To pray effectively, we must engage in loosing God's angels to bind the demonic powers in the
second heavens and the spirit world, using the keys of the kingdom.

God has set up the rules for binding and loosing as follows. We must loose angels on a one by
one, individual basis when combating the demonic clouds and hum. This has become apparent
through experience and praying against demons in people.

That means that if there are 100 demons in the sky, we need to loose at least 100 angels to
stop them.

If there are 500 demons, we need to loose at least 500 angels to stop them.

If there are 5,000 demons, we need to loose at least 5,000 angels to stop them.

This would be no problem if every Christian started to bind the demons daily. They would not
have to exert so much effort. But it is likely you may be the only person in your community
praying against the demons, so it falls on, you to pick up their slack.

Does that mean that I need to stand outside and pray binding prayers 5,000 times? If there
are 5,000 demons, that is exactly what it means. You will not clear the sky of demons
completely until you have done so. Thankfully, the Lord honors shorthand prayers. It is
important to learn how to pray in shorthand, and pray without ceasing. So instead of praying a
long prayer 5,000 times, we reduce it down to the word "bind" and then reduce that down
further to the letter "b." Every time we pray the word "bind" and the letter "b," God honors this
and sends out an angel to bind one of the demons in the sky. This has been learned through
experience. God requires us to call the angel, but as long as we make the call, regardless of
how short the call may be, he honors it. This is how one person may make a huge dent in the
demonic presence. You may have noticed in the bible that God likes to do much with little to
show his great power.

Each binding prayer has a positive effect. Since we cannot count the number of demons
visually, praying rapidly for several minutes without ceasing at intervals has proven very
effective. When you become tired, take a break, and come back and pray again for another
session until things improve. Can you rapidly pray bind for one minute? What about five
minutes? Using shorthand prayers you can loose many, many angels into the sky in that
period of time. This has the effect of blanketing your area with God's warring angels, who in
turn bind up the demonic presence.

If there are many demons in the sky, multiple sessions of prayer may be necessary to stop the
demonic activity.

Thankfully, the Lord honors shorthand prayers, so we can rapidly loose 5,000 angels in a few
minutes. It doesn't take as long as it sounds. It does require faith, work, persistence, and
dedication, but is well worth the effort.

Are you willing to set aside a few five minute blocks throughout the day and pray without
ceasing using shorthand prayers? This is what it will take to see victory. Surely, the Lord will
reward those who are willing to do so, according to his word.

To reiterate, for every demon in the sky, you must loose an angel to bind them. You need to
loose a flood of angels to counter the flood of demons that is filling our world. Nothing else will

Let's look at several scenarios.

First, lets look at a clear sky with one chemtrail.

The chemtrail is a kind of demonic cloud delivery system, establishing and setting up a
demonic presence in your area.

When praying against the Chemtrails, it is important to remember that we are dealing with a
kind of particle flow, ie, a rate of particles per second.

The question is, how many demons per second are being emitted from the chemtrail plane as it
flies across your sky?

It is a question of: rate and volume.

This will determine how many angels you need to loose to stop them. Pray BBB BBB BBB
Bind continuously. Pray as fast as you can, rapidly loosing angels for as long as the
chemtrails are being distributed across your sky. If you can pray rapidly enough to keep up with
the demonic flow rate and volume emitted, no demonic clouds will be established in your area.

If you were not able to loose enough angels to completely stop the spray, do not worry, just
loose angels afterwards for a while to clean up whatever the first round of prayer did not catch.

If there are multiple chemtrails all spraying at the same time, you can alternate your prayers
between them. If you have friends available, you can all pray against them for
reinforcements. You will be amazed at the results.

In this particular example, there are no demonic clouds in the sky, so we only need to pray
against the demons that are being dropped out of the chem trail plane. When praying against
this case, if there is only one target, you can have very satisfying results by rapidly praying
against it until the trail completely disappears. In this case, you might pray bbb bbb bbb "bind,"
rapidly, for a few minutes, perhaps several hundred times, loosing several hundred angels, to
achieve success. In these single cases, success is often confirmed visually, their trail fails to
take up residence in the sky. It is a satisfying feeling to pray against these cases and visually
confirm that their efforts are thwarted through - God's power.

Next, let's look at a sky where there are only demonic clouds, but no chemtrails.
In this example, perhaps there are hypothetically 2,000 demons in these clouds. So we will
need to pray bind at least 2,000 times, which has the effect of loosing 2000 angels, to break
up this demonic cloud mass.

Now, lets look at a sky where there are both demonic clouds and chemtrails. In this example,
perhaps there are hypothetically 2,000 demons in your sky in the form of demonic clouds. But
now we have to contend with the addition of the chemtrails, which are adding demons to the
existing ones. You can think of the chemtrail as adding demonic reinforcements to the demons
already present in the demonic clouds. So not only do you need to loose 2,000 angels to
defeat the existing demonic clouds, but another group of angels to defeat the additional
reinforcements coming from the chemtrails. If there are multiple chemtrails being sprayed, then
you will need to pray against them as well. Much more prayer is needed when they are
aggressively spraying and the demonic clouds are already present. Are you willing to dedicate
the time to do so?

Finally, let's look at a case of the hum. If you are lying in bed at night and hear the hum, it
means that the demons are outside in your area. Start to bind and loose in the direction of the
hum rapidly until it is reduced. This means rapidly praying shorthand prayers without ceasing
to loose enough angels to counter the demons that are generating the hum sound. You don't
even have to get out of bed.

Here are some strategies that you can put into practice daily.

As you wake up in the night, or early morning, do you hear the hum? The hum is directional,
that is, you can hear the source either north, south, east, west, or maybe even directly over
you. If that is the case, you don't need to go outside to know the demons are there.

Begin to bind and loose with shorthand prayers until the hum goes away. Bind and loose in the
direction of the hum. Pray with shorthand prayers, loosing angels rapidly in the direction of the
hum. You can think of the angels going from you to the source of the hum in groups of three if
that helps. Pray in shorthand like this: BBB BBB BBB Bind.



In this example, You just loosed 30 angels. Not too difficult, right? Can you keep that up for a
few minutes straight? With this method, you can easily loose thousands of angels into the sky
to counter the flood of demons in your area.

Repeat for as long as necessary. With each repetition of the letter B and Bind, an angel is
dispatched to bind up the demon in Jesus name.

Now, when you wake up in the morning, look outside. Do you see a white haze in the
distance? Are the demonic clouds in your area? Are they trying to cover the sun? Or are
they spraying?

While you are preparing for your day, you can engage in spiritual warfare. Take note of the
location of the demonic presence, and then as you go about getting ready, taking a shower,
eating breakfast, getting dressed, you can pray against them.

Pray with shorthand prayers in the direction of the demonic presence, loosing angels rapidly in
the direction of the demons. You can think of the angels going from you to the source of the
demons in groups of three if that helps. Pray in shorthand like this: BBB BBB BBB Bind. BBB
BBB BBB Bind. BBB BBB BBB Bind. Repeat as necessary.

Next, when you get in your car to set about your commute to work, do you see the demons
overhead? Are there demonic clouds or chem trails adding demons to your area?

Pray with shorthand prayers, loosing angels rapidly in the direction of the demons. You can
think of the angels going from you to the demons in groups of three if that helps. Pray in
shorthand like this: BBB BBB BBB Bind. BBB BBB BBB Bind. BBB BBB BBB Bind Repeat as

As you arrive at work, take note of where the demonic clouds and chem trail spray is. While
you are indoors, you can continue to bind and loose against these entities.

Again, while indoors, Pray with shorthand prayers in the direction of the demonic presence,
loosing angels rapidly in the direction of the demons. You can think of the angels going from
you to the source of the demons in groups of three if that helps. Pray in shorthand like this:
BBB BBB BBB Bind. Repeat as necessary.

If you go outside for lunch, are things improved? Continue praying until the sky is clear.

Pray with shorthand prayers in the direction of the demonic presence, loosing angels rapidly in
the direction of the demons. You can think of the angels going from you to the source of the
demons in groups of three if that helps. Pray in shorthand like this: BBB BBB BBB Bind.
Repeat as necessary.

When you go out for a break, and for your drive home, you can repeat the process.

On heavy spray days, consider setting up a prayer schedule at intervals on your clock. Make
a commitment to loose, for example, 1,000 angels every 30 minutes, or every hour. You can
do this indoors without seeing the sky, it will make a huge difference.

If you are retired, or don't have full time employment, can you dedicate an hour or more every
day to praying against the demonic presence that is flooding our world?

The more people praying, the easier it will be to overcome the darkness.

The overall goal is to get to the point where you are a warrior of the Lord, calling down the
angels of God to earth daily, just as Elijah called down fire from heaven. Try to get to a place
where binding and loosing is instinctual. When driving, when walking, at any time, you can get
to a place where you can even carry on conversations, work, and do other tasks while silently
doing these prayers. You don't have to say them out loud for them to be effective. God knows
our thoughts, and honors these silent prayers.

This is an ongoing battle. You may wake up one morning with a few chemtrails. You may pray
them away. Throughout the day, they may try again, and maybe once more before nightfall. It
is up to you to keep the sky clear and fight off the demonic presence through binding and
loosing using the authority Jesus paid for you to have with his own blood. Don't become
discouraged in this fight. It is only through sustained, daily prayer that these things will be
pushed back. If you don't do it, who will?

Learn more at ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org.

Part 2 Understanding God's Creation

Video Transcript from http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org

Did you know that you can stop the demonic chemtrails as they spray the sky?

Did you know that when you see the demonic clouds, you can attack them and they will have
to leave?

Did you know that when you are lying in bed at night and you hear the hum, you can pray
without ceasing and it will depart?

There are some important lessons about the true nature of reality that we need to learn from
the Bible.

Genesis 1 1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

In this scripture, the hebrew word for "heavens" is plural.

From the very first verse, the Bible teaches us that God created more than one heaven.

The first heaven is where the natural clouds exist.

Ephesians 6:12 teaches us that the second heaven is where the demonic principalities,
powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places exist.

This is confirmed In Isaiah 14:14, when satan proclaimed, "I will ascend above the heights of
the clouds; I will be like the most High."

Satan is also referred to in the Bible as the prince of the power of the air.

The word of God teaches us that the second heaven is the domain of satan and the fallen

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

It stands to reason that the one third of the angels that left heaven with him also exist as
angels of light.

In greek, the word for light is phos, which means to shine, especially by rays; luminousness.

When you realize that the chemtrail planes are not real planes, but deceptions, we see
scripture fulfilled:

Satan and his fallen angels are here, with all power and signs and lying wonders.

Satan and the fallen angels are working overtime, because they know their time is short.

2 Corinthians 12 2 teaches us that the third heaven is where the paradise of God exists, and
where God's angels exist.

In total, the Bible teaches us of three distinct heavens.

When the chem trails begin to spray, and the demonic clouds and the hum are over your area,
these operate in the second heaven, above the natural clouds.

Maybe you have noticed that the first heaven cloud layer seems to move independantly of the
demonic second heaven cloud layer? Look overhead. Are the demons hanging out over your
home, neighborhood, and workplace?

It is important to understand that there is a spirit world that exists in parallel with our physical
world. Our world and the spirit world are linked in such a way that what happens in one, directly
affects what happens in the other. Normal people cannot see into this realm, but satanists,
witches and warlocks can.

The occult world understands this very well, but this fact has remained hidden from the modern
world. The secular world teaches us that what we see with our eyes is all there is, when that is
not the case at all. If you study the Bible carefully, you will learn this truth.

Hebrews 11 3 says "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of
God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

The key here is the word "worlds" plural. Just as there is more than one heaven, there is more
than one world. There is the natural world, and the spirit world. The spirit world is where the
true battle is, but few Christians even realize this, much less know how to engage in meaningful
spiritual warfare.

Just as Elisha prayed for the Lord to open the spiritual eyes of the young servant, so it is
today. There are mighty warring angels and chariots of fire ready to go into battle on our
behalf, if we know to call them. And just as in Elisha's day, there are more with us than with

We must learn to see into the spirit realm when we look at the sky. Our eyes need to be
re-trained. When you see the demonic chemtrails and clouds, think of an overlay of demonic
spirits on top of them. You will never look at the sky the same again, and then you will realize
how late the hour really is.

The chemtrails and the resulting demonic clouds are the physical manifestations of the

demonic presence in our world. We cannot see the demons, but when we see the demonic
clouds or hear the hum, know that they are overhead, and evil is afoot.

Do you want to have success in stopping the chemtrails, demonic clouds, and the hum? Will
you survive in these last days, or be a victim of evil?

Then it is critical to learn to pray without ceasing, and learn to pray shorthand prayers to both
attack and defend.

We need to learn the spiritual rules that God has established in order to be successful.

The time is far spent. Quickly, it seems, The night cometh, when no man can work.

The Bible teaches us that we don't war against flesh and blood, but against spiritual
The Bible also teaches us that God's people perish for lack of knowledge. It is this kind of
knowledge that the occult world wants to remain hidden.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of
strong holds.

Christians have all of God's angelic armies waiting to be called into action.
The Bible teaches us that When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD
shall lift up a standard against him.
Will you be the one to do so in your area?

Why We Pray Without Ceasing

Video Transcript from http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org

Why we pray without ceasing.

Jesus Christ gave us the keys to the kingdom, and told us that what we bind on earth is bound
in heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.

That means that we have the God given authority to directly affect the spirit realm through

What do we bind and loose? We bind demonic spirits, and loose God's angels, or spirits, to
attack, minister, and protect us as we work to accomplish God's will here on earth and occupy
until Christ returns.

In the first example, we pray in shorthand, "Bind." An angel is loosed to go out and bind up the

In the second example, again we pray "Bind." The problem is, there are a lot more demons in
this case, when we are dealing with demonic clouds or chemtrails or the hum. By praying
"bind," an angel is loosed to bind one of the demons, but there are still a lot more that need to
be dealt with.

I thought I could pray bind once and all the demons would immediately be bound? Through
experience, that has not proven to be the case. If it were that easy, one Christian could wake

up and bind up the entire demonic realm with one prayer and life on earth would be much

When it comes to praying against the chemtrails, demonic clouds, or the hum, we are dealing
with huge amounts of demonic entities in your area.

Christ gives us authority over them. Through prayer, you have the power to clear your area of
the demons.

In the last example, we pray without ceasing. Bind bind bind bind bind. Attack attack attack
attack. Bind bind bind bind bind. Continue Praying like this without ceasing until you see results

This is how to effectively pray against the chemtrails, demonic clouds, and hum.

Do you mean to say, we just stand there and repeat "bind" and "attack" while they are
spraying, or when the hum or demonic clouds are present?

The answer is yes, it is that simple. You have authority, but you must have faith to know that
when you pray bind, and angel is loosed into the spirit realm to bind up the demon. You must
have faith that the spray, the demonic clouds, and the hum, represent the presence of demonic
entities, and that the spirit realm is very real, and you have power to affect it. Will you clear the
land and take spiritual authority over the demons in your area?

Shorthand Prayers
Video Transcript from http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org

Shorthand Prayers.

The Apostle Paul told us to pray without ceasing. Through experience with praying against the
demonic realm, the Chemtrail planes, spray, demonic clouds and hum, a shorthand version of
praying has proven extremely effective, and it becomes possible to truly pray without ceasing.

We take the original prayer and reduce it down to keywords. The Lord is much more intelligent
than us, His creation, so He knows our intent when we pray the shorthand prayer.

Let's take a look at the original warfare prayer, then reduce it down, and then reduce that down
even further.

Father God, your word says that whosoevers sins we remit will be remitted, please forgive my
sins and the sins of the people in this community, world, and our ancestors in Jesus name, we
are very sorry for them.

This section can be reduced down to the shorthand "Remit."

Thank you for giving us the keys of the kingdom. Your word says that what we bind on earth is
bound in heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. In Jesus name, I loose
angels to blow up all walls of protection around every demon and human responsible for
sending and shielding the planes and spray, including the strong man, and bind them.

This section can be reduced to the shorthand Flamethrower (which is Win Worley's
terminology for attacking shield demonic spirits), and the shorthand "Bind".

I loose angels to cut every ungodly silver cord and astral projecting spirit at work here. I loose
angels to block them from ever returning to their hosts.

This section can be reduced to the shorthand, Silver Cord.

I break every hex, vex, curse, hoodoo, voodoo, witchcraft or demonic attack being sent to me
or anyone in my community or the world by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

This section can be reduced to the shorthand Curse Break.

Father, your word says that you restore our souls. I loose angels to go out and cut every
ungodly soul tie that has been formed openly or in secret to control and manipulate the people.
I loose angels to go out and restore the mind, will, and emotions of everyone in this community
that has been fragmented by sin and witchcraft and return the fragments that they shouldn't
have. I loose angels to fragment every demonic spirit at work so they cannot continue their

This section can be reduced to the shorthand Soul tie, and the shorthand Restore.

I loose legions of angels to attack every demonic spirit at work here, including Jezebel. I loose
spirits of judgment, burning, destruction, blindness, deafness and dumbness, confusion and
civil war on them. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you.

This section can be reduced to several shorthand components. Attack, Judgment Burning,
Destruction, Confusion, Civil War, Rebuke.

Now, let's see how these shorthand prayers can be used in the real world.

We started by praying the original, long form of the prayer when we see the planes spraying,
see the demonic clouds or hear the hum.

Now we can attack them more aggressively and persistently, and if you have the tenacity and
patience, almost continuously.

When you see the planes spraying, choose from the offensive shorthand prayer list. Bind is
the most essential, but others work well also.

For example, pray without ceasing: Bind bind bind, Bind bind bind, Bind bind bind, Attack attack
attack, Attack attack attack.

Now, let's reduce that one level further so we can bind and loose even more aggressively. We
will reduce the words down to their simplest form, using the first letter of each shorthand prayer
word as our new, super simple prayer.

Pray the full word first and last, with everything in between being the letter.

We pray with the shorthand word first and last to give the letters that will follow context,
because some shorthand prayers start with the same letter.

Bind. BBB BBB BBB Bind.

Attack. AAA AAA AAA. Attack.

Fragment. FFF FFF FFF. Fragment.

So every time we say "Bind," an angel goes out to bind up one of the demons in the demonic
cloud or hum. From there, every time we pray bee an angel does the same thing. It's faster and
you can loose more angels to attack by using this further form of reduction.

If this feels uncomfortable to you, you can always back one level up and just pray the full

words, however, this method has proven extremely effective.

Now when you are walking, in your car, outside, or lying in bed with the hum, you can pray
almost continuously and do much damage to the demonic kingdom. This is shorthand prayers,
and praying without ceasing.

The Anatomy of the Chemtrail Phenomenon

Video Transcript from http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org

The anatomy of the chemtrail phenomenon and what is really going on in the spirit realm when
we pray.

The demons exist in the second cloud layer. Think of this as their headquarters in the

The chemtrail spray and resulting clouds are demonic.

The white, stringy web-like clouds are the physical manifestation of demonic spirits in our

The short tail plane form is like a flying stargate portal for the demons to cross over.
They are a kind of demonic cloud distribution system.

These are not natural planes.

The long tail version of the planes is when the demons, in the form of demonic clouds, are
distributed over your area, almost like para-troopers jumping out of a plane. Or in this case,
demons jumping out of a stargate portal.

As we pray without ceasing, bind bind bind bind bind, the angels are loosed to go out and bind
up and stop the demons from being distributed and taking up residence in the local area.

Using shorthand prayers, every time we pray bind, an angel is loosed to go bind up the

This is why we must pray without ceasing, because they are distributing masses of demons
into the area, and they can be stopped only by prayer, and praying without ceasing.

After much praying without ceasing, the trail breaks up and doesnt take hold.

What has actually happened in the spirit realm is the angels have bound up and defeated the
demons which were about to take up residence in your area.

The short tail plane flies off again, its mission unsuccessful. Sometimes these disappear

Chemtrails are Satanic Demonic Witchcraft

Video Transcript from http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org

Chemtrails are satanic, demonic, witchcraft.

The goal of this video is to communicate several important truths

1) Chemtrails are demonic.
2) The clouds they spray are also demonic.
3) The hum, heard worldwide, is demonic.
4) They are all related and interconnected.
5) They are part of a satanic operation to control and ultimately destroy you.

Whether you believe this information or not, you and the people you love are currently, and will
be affected by it. Prayer and song to Jesus Christ can completely stop them. Will you be the
one to stand in the gap in your area?

Important things you need to know about chemtrails, or, demons.

The chemtrail phenomenon is a satanic operation. A huge, shadowy network of covens and
satanic groups exists in this world and they are responsible for these actions. They are not
natural planes. Humans in the dark kingdom take their orders from satan and his demons.

Chemtrails are the physical manifestation of strongman demonic spirits that are summoned and
sent by satanists. They are not planes, natural condensation, or geo-engineering.

There are three important steps to defeat them.

One, prayer. Two, sing songs to the Lord. Three, close demonic portals in your area. Repeat.

Step 1. Pray to the Lord.

The key to defeating the chemtrails through prayer can be found in Matthew 16:19,

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in

What does that mean? It means that Jesus Christ has given us the authority to directly affect
the spiritual realm through prayer.

What do we bind and loose? We bind satan's demons, and loose God's angels, to attack the
demonic realm and defend and minister to us here on earth.

Pray in the morning and evening, and whenever you see the demonic chemtrail planes

This is a model warfare prayer that you can pray with results.

It covers several important points, including remitting the sins of the people and our ancestors,
removing the legal rights the demons use to power their operation.

Blowing up walls of protection around occultists and demons, and anyone who may be sending
or sheilding them.

Binding demons.

Cutting ungodly silver cords of any astral projecting spirits at work.

Breaking curses.

Restoring fragmented souls and loosing angels to attack.

These formal prayers are effective, but in order to be successful against the demonic realm
when they are in all-out attack mode, which is the case when they are spraying us, we must do
what the apostle Paul taught, which is pray without ceasing.

We can do this using shorthand prayers, which are short, concise prayers that encapsulate
longer and larger concepts.

The Lord will honer these shortened prayers. When the demonic planes are distributing
masses of demons in the form of demonic clouds overhead, you must pray without ceasing
using shorthand prayers to rapidly loose enough angels to counter the flood of demons being
distributed overhead.

Step 2. Sing to the Lord.

Singing to the Lord disrupts and creates chaos in the demonic kingdom. Sing as much as
possible, but especially when they are spraying.
Leave these songs playing in you home, car, and workplace whenever possible.

Can I sing my favorite contemporary Christian song?

Much of the so called Christian music is actually demonic, so not only are you not hurting them,
but you are putting demonic influence into your life and the local area.
Win Worley was the only man known to be able to sing demons out of people. They would
scream, manifest, and leave.

The only songs we know that work are the following. You can obtain more Worleys song
sermons online.

Let's just praise the Lord.

In Moments Like These.

I'm a Child of the King.

Step 3. Find the portals the Satanists have set up in your area, then completely cover them
with paint.
They might look like this.
Now that you have found the portals and closed them, the number of chemtrails should drop
dramatically. If they are not greatly reduced, you missed some demonic portals. The satanists
will eventually, sometimes quickly, try to place more portals to replace the ones you closed.
Continue covering them.

Learn more at http://ChemtrailsAreDemonic.org.

Jesus Christ is Lord.


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