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Procedures and Classroom Management

Philosophy I believe that each student must be respected and

understand that each student is unique and requires modified
instruction based on their needs and abilities. I believe that
instruction should be aligned with the curriculum and
incorporate a variety of teaching strategies to meet the
needs of students. Without proper classroom management
and procedures it is very difficult to meet and teach the
standards expected to be taught.
Positive It is important for the teacher to know their students. The
Classroom teacher will make an effort to connect with at least 3 of the
Environment students per day on a rotation to reach every student. The
teacher will remain positive with the class and focus more on
the good things students are doing than the bad.
Building The teacher will work with students to build a team and
Community/ community. It is ultimately up to the teacher to make this
Team Building happen. The teacher will do this by knowing the students
individually and having the students work together to solve
Engaging In the classroom there will be a variety of instructional
Curriculum strategies used to meet the needs of all learners. The
teacher will provide opportunities for cooperative learning,
where students learn best. The teacher will provide whole
group, small group, and individual instruction.
Supportive The teach will provide opportunities for support to students.
Techniques These can include things such as proximity, or going close to
students who seem to be off task or need extra support.
Moving around the room to keep in everyones close proximity.
Giving students appropriate time to work on their task and
keeping positive body language while teaching.
Intervention Interventions are not a one-size-fits-all and a teacher must
Techniques use a variety of techniques when a problem arises. The
teacher can teach conflict resolution. If that doesnt work
the teacher can have a conversation with the student about
the consequences that will happen if the behavior continues
to happen. The teacher will implement the consequence if the
behavior continues. The teacher will then move to calls home
and contracts as needed. If the behavior is sever the teacher
should continue to work with the parents and other staff to
support the student.
Morning Students will enter the classroom, hang up their backpacks,
Routines and drag-drop that they are here. Students will then pick up
the bell ringer. Students can be talking as long as it is in
whisper voice. The teacher will take attendance and have two
students do the calendar in rotation. Each table will write 2-3
goals that they have for the day. Two students will be in
charge of breakfast. They will get breakfast, pass it out,
collect the trash, and take it back. The teacher will also go
over the daily schedule.

Hallway Students will be expected to have marshmallow mouths and

Behavior marshmallow toes. Students will keep their hands to
themselves and walk in a line. We will practice walking from
the classroom to the school. Students will walk in a straight
line without talking in tile number 2. Students will be given
the option to have their mouth closed, a marshmallow mouth,
or a smile on their face. They will also be given the option to
have their arms folded or to their sides.

Lining Up Students will be called to line up by table. The line leader will
be an assigned class job. The line leader will be in charge of
calling up tables. The table will only be called up if the
students are quiet. Students will be quite as they get in line.
The caboose will be in charge of shutting off the lights.

Class Jobs Line Leader

Teachers Assistant

Breakfast Officers

Lunch Officers

Clean Up Crew
Noise Officer

Line Leader and Caboose

Each job has a specific task or role. If the role is not being
met, the teacher will select someone else for the job. Also, if
a student does not have good behavior they can move to the
back in the rotation as necessary.

Bathroom Students will be allowed to use the restroom at certain times

of the day. Each student will be given 3 passes per week.
Students will be allowed to use the restroom before or after
recess and at lunch. Apart from these times the students can
use their passes. If they use all their passes.

Students will know not to use time in the bathroom,

unless it is an emergency
Students will have a signal/visual cue when they need
to use the restroom and bring me their coupon
Students will be expected to be in the restroom no
more than 5 minutes and they must go straight to the

Pencil Only allow students to sharpen pencils at the start of

Sharpener the day or the end of the day. Make sure they have to
sharpened pencils each day.
Have a jar labeled sharpened and dull
If a student breaks a pencil they can exchanged their
pencil during the day. This avoids hearing the pencil
sharpener running all day.
The pencil sharpener will be in charge of sharpening
pencils at the end of the day during clean up.

Class Rules LASSO

Listen to Learn
Act Responsibly
Show Respect
Share Kindness
On Task
Behavior Basic structure for a discipline plan:
Management Rules: What the expected behaviors are.
Consequences: What the student chooses to accept if
the rule is broken.
Rewards: What the student receives for appropriate
Make rules and consequences visible and easy to refer

Students are given 30 behavior minutes at the beginning of

each week. We will do a Fun Friday activity each Friday. The
students can lose minutes for inappropriate behaviors. For
example, if they are not following hallway expectations, they
may lose 2 minutes.

Tables will also be given rewards for following the

expectations. The table with the most points will keep a
trophy on their desk for the next week and chose a reward

There will also be a chart for students to pull cards for daily
behaviors. Green means they didnt have any issues
throughout the day. Yellow is a warning. Orange is a loss of
recess. Red is a call home.

Transitions Count down..if you want students to go back to their

desks quickly, say you have 10 secs to get back to your
Music may be played. Students can sing along while
getting to their transition, but no talking.

Tables who transition quickly will get a point.

Group Work When students are working at their desks, it is

expected that they are on task. I will use my classroom
consequences for students who are not.
They can ask group members for help (ask 3 before me
is my rule)
Communication Communication with parents and guardians is key. The teacher
should call the parents when something was done correctly in
the classroom. I am always open to communicating with
parents. I had one student this semester who said this is the
first year that their son did not cry at SEP conferences, and
they believe it is because of the open communication that we

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